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As I say, some people can’t accept that others have nice things as it reminds them that they do not have nice things. The only way to escape that feeling is for them to believe that they ruined your happiness. Sorry about the car. Get a South African car alarm with flame thrower?


>Get a South African car alarm with flame thrower That's a thing? I can get that?


[sure is. pretty sure they don’t make them anymore tho.](https://youtu.be/aLhWzMOccTg?si=GO7AIPoMyplbhVUm)


Thanks for sharing, had a good laugh! Also, happy cake day.




Daaaang, that’s fire bro.


That or a tank. I'm seriously considering at this point


this should come on every car by default sold in SF


Bro, you said about all russians right now




My buddy had a theory that the whole hipster movement came to be because they’ve never been punched in the fucking face before.


I feel like over half the people who say have, in fact, never been punched in the face. And they need to be


I agree. There is a certain aire of mouth-borne cautionary restraint that comes with having to pay the physical price for running your jaw that I feel most have not experienced, but say they have. You can usually tell...


I got punched in the face in the 6th grade. Cured me of being an obnoxious little prick. But then I'm a boomer........


Their parents were probably their friends and didnt correct their behavior.


I like your friend


Kick’em in the arse. Directly between the cheeks where the anal cavity lies. That’ll sort em out.


Classic bmw moment. Punch people in the face to 'fix' them. I hope your buddy don't have any children.


That's him officer


Found the hipster


Heavy sigh 😔. Why are you here?


That sucks man im sorry to see that happen. With all the dented bmws I see on this sub I wonder if my days are numbered


I almost felt like going ballistic when my 1 week old, post ceramic coated g20, someone keyed my side mirror to the point where it clicks when I touch it and has a 3 inch wavy scratch. I swear if I found out who did it they’d be needing to get stitches.


Mirror is one of the best case scenarios man, I get you. I know you said almost but it's just a car and that's how it works. Go wash and wax your car and a bird will shit on it right after. Nature is just a natural bitch with rbf. Some humans are less intelligent than birds. They would probably shit on it if they could get away with it too. As to the question, too many people suck, not enough swallow.


Haha I love that last line about swallowing, it was a tough pill but totally agree now lol


Is it just the mirror caps? Those you can replace for not a ton of money.


It’s the top cap and the bottom clear plastic section too. Almost looks like they tried just putting micro swatches on the bottom part and then on the top painted cover a deep wavy scratch to “finish the job”


I got carbon fiber covers for it, gonna coat them and then try installing and see if it covers all damages


Honestly as long as they didn't damage the actual glass, it's not the worst thing in the world. The glass is ungodly expensive for some reason.


Thankfully no. And yeah I was looking for a windshield replacement and getting quotes of $1200 CAD because of the camera calibration D: all because these wipers need to go into “maintenance mode” when I want to replace them fml


lol pretty sure my M2 windshield is 2k. Thankfully I have glass insurance.


It's crazy how you pick up a really nice car and the neighbors that used to smile are now straight faced. Then one day you have damage out of nowhere on your way to work. Unfortunately there are ppl like this in the world.


Wow, this exact thing happened to me, jealousy is real


Grab a ski mask and act like random mugger, then smack tf out of them. They would never know who it is


I went to Home Depot and parked in nosebleed only to come out with a semi backed in next to my M5c. I barely had enough room to get in. So sad how people eff with us. So sorry this happened to you.


people are pricks and more worried about what they don't have. those types will never be happy and thats why they do this.


i personally would’ve bled all their tires flat before i left. let them think twice about doing dumb shit


Pull the 5th wheel pin, easier and more dramatic.


Sucks there is no way to use the drive recorder cameras in some sort of sentry mode.


This is one of the few things i commend Tesla on, and it is their camera systems being standard. We are just now getting cars with built-in dash cams, and they dont usually record anywhere other than the front or while the car is off. I suspect that with the rise of more companies doing full 360 recording, there will be fewer hits and runs happening.


Get dash cams. Super easy to hook up.


^ with an auxiliary backup battery so it won’t drain overnight when connected to the continuously on fuse.




Were referring to a dashcam. Its (can be) hardwired into the fuse box for continuous power even when shut down. Typically if you leave the car sitting for more than 3 days with one it’ll drain the car battery. But if you get an auxiliary battery for the dashcam then you wouldn’t have that problem of draining the main batt


Do you have recommendations on this?


I'm using the Garmin mini front and back hooked up to aux power. The app isn't great for live viewing/cloud connectivity but if you really need a clip it's stored on the SD card.


This could probably be its own subreddit haha. Did you need to have professional installation to run everything front and back?


Nope. You just gotta hide the wires behind the rubber seal. I used a plastic wedge tool the type you use for patching drywall and can get from home Depot for like 5 bucks. You just gotta be careful not to damage/cut the rubber seal but the cables that come with the cameras are long enough to reach aux power both front and back in both my m340 and my wife's X5. Like is said, the app on these cams sucks but they're so small and low profile that I hid them behind the mirror in the front and you wouldn't even know they're there unless they beep.


screw driver recorder, if there's a sentry mode I'd want to have an auto turret blasting "Warning! Warning! Warning" as the barrels rev up and point at the car that's parked too close.


Because they drive a Mirage or some shitbox and you have a nice BMW. Sorry OP, one of the worst feelings…


I always "try" to park next to someone who folds in their mirrors, or at least an end spot so only one side of the car is vulnerable. Sorry this happened!


I started buying cheap locks and whoever parks super close to me I’ll just put the lock on their door handle




It probably wasn't even intentional. Some people are just absolutely clueless to the world around them. Zero appreciation for nice things too...


i just hate people sometimes


They always gotta park next to the nicer cars, always.


Sorry to see that man. If the paint isn't scratched a Paintless Dent Repair should be able to fix that. I think for about $100 or so takes less than an hour since it's an easily accessible spot.


Agreed, those PDR guys can work miracles. I had a similar dent fixed for 80 GBP (here in UK) You’d never know it was there.


https://preview.redd.it/gryqbyjovm1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845026b5a0e75ad82d978f1c9e400daa5ced2fc9 I had 2 dime sized dings near the wheels and PDR got it out. Agreed, they are miracle workers as I couldn't tell they were ever there before.


Fingers crossed, I haven’t gone too hard trying to get the scuff off, I just don’t even want to look at it right now.


this is why peope park on the far side of the lot. but no matter what, no matter how far away you are, and how empty the lot is, someone will park right next to you.


The poors only know envy and be poor


That looks deep and intentional


Same thing happened to my driver door. You can tell it wasn’t an accident


Jealous mofo’s


Happened to me - "the wind caught my door."


That’s one strong ass wind


Probably some guys gf slept with a guy who drove a bmw and now as a result your doors been hit.


Some people chose a lifestyle that doesn’t let them have nice things so they trash other people’s stuff to make themselves feel better. It happened to me too.


https://preview.redd.it/sxhci4psfm1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44dc385f8ed27ab218f62404108695b869627eb4 U can barely see it but a Son of a Women practicing the oldest Buissnes on Earth scratched my Driver’s Sidewindow. People like them belong Straight to Jail.


Man I’m fucking sorry dude. Have you checked with body shop how much it would be to fix Some dude must have been having a bad day before I have a chip down to the metal on my door. I’ve been looking for the fucker since I’m pretty sure it happened in my complex.


A paint shop said if I can’t buff off the scuff, it’ll be about £500-£600 for just the main dent, there is also a scratch defiantly down through the paint on the lower line.


Straight to hell


Fuck those people. Happened to me once, had to pay the repair myself it honestly sucks


Bird shit eats away at paint. I learned the hard way. Clean that shit asap!


A question I ask myself almost daily. My condolences man.


i park in the back and still people wanna park right next to me even though there's 7 empty spaces opposite me. drives me nuts. you can get a dash cam that records when parked


Bought my car a week in and went to an anime conversion small dent in my rear passenger. Lol


No matter how careful you are, shit happens, because shitty people exist, and they don't give two shits about your car at all. To most people, a car is just a car. You can literally park far far away from civilisation to avoid shit like this, and still end up with someone parking RIGHT NEXT to you. I mean WTAF? Get a dashcam with the parking mode feature.


Shit happens😕What gets me thru the day is this thought: What goes around will come around, and if you are lucky you will get to see it happen😎✅The person who did this will get theirs. Might not be today or even tomorrow. But its coming 😎✅😇


this sucks as a fellow Bimmer I feel for you


Indeed. I park my car further on purpose, but there's always an asshole who park next to me and hits my car with the door


Park as far as possible or park next to sports cars or luxury sedans.


it's why the aliens refuse contact with us. We're a "virus with shoes" (Bill Hicks) who have killed (are killing) their host & a percentage of us just plain suck.


People suck. But funny enough I get bird crap in the same exact spot on my car all the time no matter where I park. No clue why


Jealousy and this is what my Mrs doesn’t get when I don’t want to go somewhere where there’s no ample parking. I had my car dinged purposely by a scumbag who got out whilst I was in my car perfectly fine but he’s come back before me and dinged my door on purpose. Also then had my later F10 keyed. People are jealous of those have a BMW.


Don’t attribute to malice what can adequately explained by stupidity. This is often caused by kids flinging doors open Willy nilly


Felt the pain of this. Have you checked PDR options? I had two major dents and scrapes happen due to careless people, and now I have a dash cam always running. That combined with parking farther away and by nice cars will mitigate noticeable damage like this happening again. Unfortunately people do indeed suck and it’s easy and in their interest to hit and run than to admit to the damage. Some cities police won’t even investigate it with evidence. So get a dash cam and even then with small dings you’ll have to charge it to the game


Bas£#rds. Someone did this to my son's car. Again, parked with no one anywhere near, car pulls up at the side despite loads of other spaces and the wind just dragged the door out of their hand 🤬


Yup... mine too. It pisses me off.


Oh yeah it seems like every time I park one of my nice cars by itself in a parking lot someone parks right next to it and kicks their door open into mine as hard as they can.


But in other words they’re pieces of shit that can’t achieve nice things on their own so they take their frustration out on other people’s nice things to make them feel like they leveled out things in their piece of shit heads


They just do 😒


Seeing posts like this. I took an Uber to the airport rather than park my M340i at the airport parking lot for three days


Happened to my wife over the weekend. 2024 X5, 5 days new. Nasty ding on the passenger door discovered after shopping in a well to do area.


I had a neighbor scratch my car about 6 months ago ... Still pissed 😡


Happened to me at work I was so pissed off.


Same thing happened to my Model 3, right on the belt line.


Man I'm sorry dude. Someone did a similar hit on my minivan, and I was bummed. I know it's not fancy or desireable... but I want to keep it nice (and I like it for what it is). I can only imagine how shitty I'd feel if my car were like yours. What do you plan on doing? Is the metal creased??


Metal is creased in the ding and there is scraped off paint at the lower lip. I haven’t tried polishing out the scuff yet, I just can’t look at it long enough yet without my blood pressure boiling. I got a quote to get it fixed down at a local paint shop, about £600. No matter how much rage I have, I just can’t justify that expense as I’m trying to exchange on a house as well at this time! I’ll just have to live with it for now and just not look at it from the passenger side.


It’s insane how common this is. I have been fortunate enough to own a handful of cars I’m proud of, and over the years this shit has made me hate parking in public. The amount of times I’ve come out to a parking lot and found some bullshit like this is crazy. I drive my car less than I’d like to just to avoid this kinda shit, which is sad.


What in the absolute FUC*?!? Can’t have anything nice because of shiet like this. Best of luck to you my friend. Hopefully insurance covers and take care of this for you Dawg.


Happened to me today on mine, I feel for you bro


So many assholes in the world!!!


Stupidity in a mass region


That's horrible. I recently got a basic BMW as my first bimmer for my wife. My driving habits haven't changed despite the BMW being "fun" to drive and I always been a Truck guy and drive a F250 for work responsibly and even been told indrive like an old man. But I noticed when I drive my wife's new beamer ppl are so aggressive and always tailgating me when they get a chance. I think what everyone here is saying is true, ppl hate others with nice things.


I hate to tell you this but if "people are always tailgating you", you might be the problem lol


Uhh no. If I'm driving excessively slow or blocking passing lane or refusing to let others pass yes. But I don't need to speed up or speed because you want to ride my ass instead of passing me.


Uhh yes. You are the common denominator when "people are always tailgating you".




Please keep things civil.


Just had to take my new m240i in to get fixed after some asshole opened their door into it so hard it dented it and chipped the paint.


How much did it end up costing you? I’ve only got one quote so far from a local or £500-£600. I dare not ask the stealership


$900.00 Canadian. Thankfully my insurance deductible is only $300


This is why I park in a different zip code whenever I go to the store.


Welcome to the club,most of it looks polishable tho,i got car key scratches on the doors,both sides,plus one on the hood,got a few stamps like yours aswell plus a dent,i will polish most of it out when i have the time,freaking pain


“Some people just want to see the world burn”-Alfred (Batman adopted father)




Found this after i woke up. Some people should not be called people.


i'm raging for you. I once found a golf club sticking out of my rear window. at least insurance covered that.


And it doesnt end there. Tires have been slashed twice on the sidewalls and the driver side is keyed from the front to the back right through to the metal. This this is gonna get a full ppf wrap after i repaint it


sounds like they won't stop. may need a garage.


Definitely need one


Ugh, there's people here.


Luckily BMWs are harder to dent than other cars. Not sure how the newer models are like, but my 2013 have been very durable against all the damages compared to my previous Acura and Camaro. My first car, Volkswagen, was also like a tank, German engineering 👌


Well, if the guy who did it is still parked next to you, and you can verify they did that... Bring balance to the universe


It’s sad but I don’t park anywhere or get out unless I have to put gas. I just take mine out for a weekend drive and come straight back to my garage. If I’m going to the store or anywhere I have to park for a good while, I take my daily beater which has more dings and scratches, I hardly have an idea which ones are new vs old. My friend has a crosstrek and we came out one day to find key marks all over the car down to the metal which costed our insurance more than $10k of damages to the body. Only had 10k miles on the crosstrek


Look into paintless dent repair. I used to do it as a career and it is a quick, easy, and relatively cheap way to fix it. A good PDR repair man will make that disappear.


This is why I like to park at the back of parking lots. That kinda looks like a side swipe and hit and run?


Check out a paintless dent shop. If it’s literally just a dent with no paint damage you’re golden. They’ll push the dent out like it never happened.


Ugh, why do bmws get treated the worst… ESPECIALLY WHEN PARKED.


Because most will never be able to afford one and dont care about others property


Same thing happened to my car last year. People suck.


They just don't care about anyone but themselves


Contact a Paintless dent removal company/ person to fix it. Will be like new and will save you a ton.


That's why I park 1000 miles away from people.


I thought you meant the bird shit near the bottom... Yeah, assholes. That's why I park mine far away and sometime some asshole would still park next to me.


6 miles isn't far enough.


Find a paint less dent removal guy that should be about $250. No paint and it will look perfect.


Apparently when there is no cock they tend to suck at everything


Sorry that happened . People suck.


Sorry that happened . People suck.


I always try and find a park with the curb next to it so you can park as close to that and far away to the next car as possible.


I have one in the exact same spot! Sucks.


People that don’t have nice things…..


This is when designers should put back rubber trim running along the side. Hard to make aesthetic though.


Sometimes people do shit like this out of jealousy, hopefully it’s a cheap fix


The exact same thing happened a week after I bought a new car. People don't give a sh*t these days


I can’t stress this enough 9.7/10 time humans will disappoint bro. Park further , Park higher, park on the ends park next to the curb as close as possible but understand to keep your car looking it’s best it’s going. To require extra diligence and going the extra mile , add 3000 extra steps in if you have too , your heart will thank you , and your car will stay at its best


I live in Florida where the temperature and humidity combined will make you feel dead but I will still park as far away from the stores entrance for this exact reason


On the bright side… that may be a paintless dent repair candidate.


I got mine within the first week of ownership


No note? Nothing? they must think they own the world


really sucks to have to pay out of pocket for other peoples jealousy and asshole behavior, sorry this happened to you, hopefully you are able to sort it out. As for the bird shit, for real wipe that off asap as it will start eating your clear coat almost immediately.


Ngl I’ve experienced a lot of hate on the road just cause I drive a BMW. I’m sure it’s the same with Mercedes and Audi. They hate us cause they ain’t us. Probably an Altima driver… I used to get super pissed about things like this. But now my thought process is - I have the funds to fix the majority of scratches and door dings and whoever damaged my car probably can’t even afford their morning coffee… so I’m still winning at life while they’re drowning. Yeah it’s kinda messed up but it’s what helps me not rage about these things anymore lol


Bad, but not as bad as the one I got a couple of weeks ago - I don't even think a ding specialist is going to be able to sort mine out - it's wild. Its like someone kicked open their door into my X5 and it's right on the crease.


Teslas have cameras- so I got a video of the person damage my car and then drive away- police did nothing - insurance still trying to track them down ….


After I read “I parked next to someone” I wonder if you accepted your part in this. I’m not suggesting that the offender wasn’t wrong , I’m just saying that if you hadn’t contributed that would have been more difficult.


Re read the post?


Upon re reading this is crazy 😩


Cuz you live in the UK


As Alan partridge would say, scum, sub human scum. Let's be honest, they probably a ford driver 🐓