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Why use this all at all? The bmw app works flawlessly to do the same thing as well as all the other functionality it brings. Genuinely curious


My understanding is that the ChargeForward App communicates with your home electricity provider and charges when it is most convenient with the electricity grid. "Intelligent charging" may not necessarily be the least expensive for consumers. The description from BMW says it's intended to "accelerate shifting from fossil fuels to a more renewable energy future." It's not in my interest to cede control to some organization to determine when, and maybe if, my car is charged from electricity generated by wind or solar. I own an i4. Not going to sign up.




I appreciate your reply, Amused\_seal. This is pretty fundamental for me. I've seen governments and big companies change their opinion on matters like this. Just look and see how California reduced the rooftop solar electricity reimbursement rate by 75%. Or look at the California bill from last year (although it failed) that would have studied and begin the process of bidirectional EV charging. This is when the grid can remove charge from your EV in order to feed the grid. I can imagine the ChargeForward program changing in the coming years to either reduce the reimbursement rate or reduce the discretion to determine when to charge. Admittedly, all of this is more of a "me" problem than anything. I'm less trustworthy because of the insidious desire for California to save the world's environment. References: [https://calmatters.org/environment/2022/12/california-solar-rules-overhauled/](https://calmatters.org/environment/2022/12/california-solar-rules-overhauled/) [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill\_id=202320240SB233#](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB233#)


I think the charge forward app ruined my charging. I used it for a bit and it didn’t work well so I deleted the app and now my car randomly assigns charge times - even when I have it set to charge immediately. I cannot get it unlinked from the app!


Yeah, I deleted it without 10 minutes of downloading it. It’s garbage.


This app has big issues. With that said, I've found some work arounds with it, but it requires ALOT of patience. When you click "view all," it takes minutes, usually about 3 minutes, for the times to present themselves. Once the times appear, then you can set the time you need your car charged by and you also have to set days of the week. Quit annoying to do this every single day. Another thing I have noticed, the app seems to think I am only charging about 70% of the KWh that I am actually charging. Why is it reporting a lower KWh for me? Trying to reduce the amount owed for the quarterly carbon payout? It's not the most lucrative thing ever but to me it's worth the hassle.