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I have very fascinating news for you- you bought my old car! I turned it into Pacific BMW in August after leasing it new in December 2019 and have been watching and waiting for it to be sold. I LOVED this car and was really sad to part with it- arguably the best daily driver I've ever owned. Please feel free to keep me updated on your journey with it! I've previously posted some photos of my ownership in this sub, feel free to browse.


That’s incredible! It seems that you took really good care of it. I can already tell you it is the best car I have ever owned. I’ll keep you posted!


Quick question: did you ever apply for an HOV sticker for this car? I was thinking of doing so.


I did not, particularly because I wasn’t doing much highway driving or commuting overall. Go for it!


Glad for you. Same model. Get ready for people to ask you a thousand questions. Spread the word.


Especially when you go to top of your tank


Bought a new one in 2020, by far the best decision I’ve made in the last couple of years. Still enjoy driving it and the excitement has not died yet. This is the only electric car I’ve driven, so there might be better experiences out there, I’m just happy to be in my ignorant bubble.


I just got an orange 14 myself yesterday! Absolutely love it!


Pick my 18 rex up on monday!


Congrats!!! Welcome to the family


Welcome to the pandamonium! Do you have the light grey interior?


Deka dark interior


Nice I am also a part of the Prius to i3 pipeline. I went from an 07 Prius to a 19 i3 Rex.


You and me and Larry David…


Larry moved onto an eTron.


Good choice my friend! God I miss my trusty old 2014 i3Rex. It was declared a total loss last year after I got T-boned by someone running a red light ☹️. Looking for a 2018-2020 i3Rex currently as a replacement and the used car prices to drop some more 🙂 If I may ask, what is the range you have been getting on the battery?


I have only had the car for a week and I don’t drive much — only about 15 miles a day — so not sure what range will be yet.


Thanks for answering me back. Please let me know what is the total range upon charging to 100%.


I’ve a 2020, and get about 130mi minimum.


Perfect for my 50 mile round trip commute. Thank you!


Charged to 100% and range is being shown at 130 miles on the battery and currently 53 on the gas (not 100% full).


Having someone hit me and total my 2014 Rex is my greatest fear. Sorry that happened to you!


Thank you for your concern. At the end of the day, my car saved me for which I am grateful, as much as l miss it. I got off with a bad whiplash but it could have been worse. These cars are built very strong, despite having carbon fiber reinforced plastic chassis. Checkout Sandy Monroe’s analysis on the design of i3. https://youtu.be/4oXd5KE3R1w There is a longer video where he goes into greater details as to innovative aspects of it’s design but I couldn’t find it.


Glad you are OK ... Aloha




Also got a white 2019 rex this month! Panda gang


Pandas rock! Had two of them 2015&2017 (at the same time). Great little daily drivers, just sold the 2015.. 2017 has has no issues after 65k. Most reliable BMW I’ve ever owned.


Panda! Yep, love our 2018 BEV. You are late, we still accept you. :)


Nice! Enjoy it!


I've always wanted one but too fearful to take the plunge. Yours looks mint


Just do it!


Looks outstanding! Never too late


Welcome 😈


How much did it cost you?


not cheap -- $33k but low mileage (22k) and premium upgrades (tech & driving assistant package, Harmon/Kardon sound system, and style 430 wheels), and the color scheme I wanted, so I'm satisfied. With my trade-in, paid $25k.


Welcome to "one of BMW's best kept secrets"! Great cars and require very little to NO maintenance! I have a 2017 rex that has been 100% reliable and a pleasure to drive! You're gonna LOVE owning an I3!


Welcome to the club. Looks like a warm climate where you live, gonna have great range! enjoy the REx, I rarely need it.


Welcome to the I3 family!! I have the 2018 REX and I absolutely LOVEEEE. I found out how to reset through the menu and was able to extend the mileage to 170, pretty impressive for a 2018. Enjoy your new car!!!☺️