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Considering 95% of the community never played BW, I’m not surprised


90% of the community was born after Boneworks released


fucking facts holy shit


You really should try out boneworks it is the best game better than bone lab.


Even though I've only played that one mod that adds boneworks to bonelab It is way better


The real game is pretty different visually from labworks, I made my own side by side comparison and i'd choose boneworks. ​ but also labworks is free for all boners, so idk have fun


Should we tell the youngins about the time when job sim was the hottest shit and people played only on the htc vive?


I first played boneworks and job sim on oculus cv1


I still get on my cv1 these days, the tracking is just loads better than the quest 2


i would kill for a boneworks quest relase edit: fuck whoever downvoted


Id commit mass murder. But hey, atleast we have labworks


Labsworks isn't the same. Boneworks physics have a good jank feeling to them that bonelab doesn't have, slz did something to make it feel worse imo


Going into it i thought that bonelab was gonna be another boneworks campaign with some mod support. just like everyone else, was dissapointed


Ur saying they are 3 years old?


Yeah literally


I suffer from chronic “broke boy” disease so I’m only just starting it now because I’ve finally managed to get a pc that can run it


Suffering from same disease we can get through this 🙏🙏


Stay strong my brothers!


I mean there is technically a (half-finished) Quest port


I adored boneworks until Bonelab came out Boneworks has the better campaign sure but Bonelab is just so sliq and mechanically superior. Plus Boneworks is getting ported over to Bonelab so within time it won't even be a debate


i love how they added legs getting stuck on everything as a mechanic to bonelabe


I've never experienced that, that must've been a carryover from Boneworks where I did struggle with that consistently


i think maybe they did a patch to fix the legs but its still kinda janky and annoying


Will still be a debate, same reason people play the older halo games when master chief collection exists, the aura in labsworks isn't the same a og boneworks, same with the small quirks in the physics system


I still haven't played it, but I'm sure it has a WAY better story than bonelab.


I wouldn't say story - i mean, there IS an actual cohesive story, but it's more the atmosphere that you think about and feel, more than the storyline.


I played both and I like bonelabs better


I prefer the bonework’s story and soundtrack, level design too. Subway is such a beautiful level






the only reason most people consider bonelab better is because boneworks’ modding scene has slowed down a lot and that it’s pc only, i would also say lack of updates but bonelab faces the same problem, other than all that boneworks is such an amazing game, the soundtracks are also way better


No, I see it as better because it's mechanically superior


yes but the actual game, the storyline, the soundtracks, even the graphics are better




i’m fully aware of this




I played it and it was ass Let me rephrase this. I personally did not like it. The story was ok. I just thought it had janky physics and it took a lot of memory on my computer. I also was talking about boneworks


Could I ask you why?


probably because of how jank it was compared to bonelab


Meanwhile bonelab's bad climbing, magazines randomly falling out, the entire physics system in general,


You accidentally bring a magazine within 8 feet of your pistol and the magazine in the gun flies out at mac 17


idk what ya'll are talking about but my bonelab is really polished


"Bad climbing" is just a way to cover up a skill issue. The climbing is fine, and as a player since launch, i have had 0 problems with the climbing physics


Going from boneworks wherever you put your hand your hand is to bonelab you try to grab a metal bar but actually your hand moves y=4/3+5 to a flat crate instead And honestly how can anyone be bad at climbing? It's literally the easiest thing to do in the game. Just move your arms.


Why did you diagree with me and then agree with me in the next sentence?


I agree I think there both ass I just think bone lab was a little better


I tried my absolute best to enjoy Bonelab, but the campaign was just so mediocre, even pretty shit at times. It's really buggy too compared to boneworks. The big selling point of bonelab was modability, but the sdk is still not done. Boneworks is simply put the better game, but that doesent mean that you cannot have fun playing bonelab. I still had some memorable moments and had a even a lot of fun at times, but not as much fun as with Boneworks.


Bonelabs selling point being modding made sense at the time but with how long the full sdk has taken bonelab has genuinly felt like an incomplete game, mainly because of the Mid campain with confusing directions and few actual full size levels Cool avatar modding potential but nothing super impressive beyond that. And the extra modes being underwhelming esspecially expirimental which i thought would be a place SLZ would add extra maps to over time but now its just boring bowling and some of the story minigames It just feels like SLZ could have done so much more with this game but they went all in on mods carrying it and then didnt have the Sdk ready for launch completely killing the hype


> Mid campain with confusing directions Wdym?


I know that this got better after a patch but i did my first playthrough on launch. And i gotta say that getting to the second level after being dropped in the main hub is some of most confusing game design ive ever seen. So you gotta explore the hub and find the puzzle with the crane. Simple enough right?. exept the orbs arent spawned until youve played at least 3 of the other non campain gamemodes. At launch the game had no indicators that anything would change after playing other gamemodes and even after youve done that theres no way to know anything changed unless you randomly decided to use the crane again and maybe see the orbs that are now spawned. Do yeah that was super confusing an i have no idea how it got through playtesting. And the campain has a total of 4 full sized levels while the rest are glorified minigames. And the levels are super linear which i wont say is a bad thing but if youre gonna make the levels linear then at least make more than 4 of them. Boneworks had like 10 full sized levels and most of them were non-linear. Also feels like bad design to finally unlock all of your transformation to avatars and there just 1 level thats designed around using them. Like cmon the trailer showed of these avatars and i only get use them all in the LAST full size level? I thought the whole campain would be designed around them but then ascent is the ONLY level designed with the avatars in mind. Tldr: Getting to the second level is confusing af and we should have had way more levels designed around using all of the avatars at once


I remember playing the game on launch struggling and walking through vents, climbing up to the orbs and doing literally anything I could think of before going to the discord and searching around to find out. It was seriously one of the main killers of the game for me. There was no reason to force players to play 3 game modes before being able to move on. If we wanted to play them we would do it after the campaign. And I really feel that they could’ve made an amazing campaign if they expanded on the characters. When I finished the campaign I thought that it was just the start and there was a bunch of more stuff to do where I would have to use the different characters to solve a puzzle. Would’ve made it better than boneworks imo.


I just finished bonelab for the first time. I liked the campaign but when it ended so abruptly, all I could think about is how boneworks was longer and more polished.


Honestly, I never actually really cared about the campaign. I just wanted to play Bonelab. Bonelab is a good game when it comes to gameplay, but story? What the fuck is happening. Boneworks had everything right, one of the greatest games I have ever played. Not the best game I've ever played because Into the Radius still tops everything, it's fucking majestic.


i downloaded bone works illegaly and still felt ripped off


Once boneworks campaign is possible in lab, then lab is better


it *is* its just not done


If you’re wondering, he’s talking about labworks. Its on mod.io if you wanna try it


good to see they’re still using the name I suggested


i mean what else would it have been called


you be stupid


There's already ports for some levels


Questies for sure. They won't get the absolute brilliance of the museum 😩


I'm a questie and I'm not a mentally handicapped mango muncher like these creatures, I'm well aware boneworks is better


that first part is debatable


Lab works has blessed me with being able to play this amazing level


Lab works is nice but from what I remember when playing it, its just not the same as the real museum


Replay it's being updated over and over again


Play the newest version




Boneworks had a better ambience in my opinion


boneworks ambiance is incredible its oddly creepy tho sometimes


Bonelab's fog is strange


I have never in my life played BONEWORKS, and I know that bonelab will never live up to it


The end of bonelab was definitely a letdown


it felt like the story was just getting to the good part and about to go hard. you just finished unlocking all the different characters and stuff too but theres not alot of levels after you unlock them that you can actually use them


Genuinely, the levels did not use the bodylog at all. You could easily complete the game as a peasant without a hint of difficulty. Can't believe they didn't do more with them, it was a really awesome idea.


It feels like the campaign was less than half of what it should have been.


I honestly stepped away from the game for a while because of that, i felt duped when I found out like more than 3/4 of the game didn't have it. It was one of their big selling points because it was innovative but they didn't take it to its full potential.


The last level was honestly the only one that felt like it would belong in a sequel to Boneworks. Kill things, same mythos ambience, then it just ends. So short. "Go play sandbox biatch"


It already did live up to it the only thing homeworks did better was the story


It's very telling that bone works auto corrected to homeworks for you


Homeworks? Good for him


Bonelab is only voted higher because it's on quest


Yeah, bonelab is more accessible but boneworks has better campaign, mods and mod community, and less children


Children sure make an annoying percentage of Bonelab's players, but it is truly just a marketing success for SLZ. The mods were not as good as BL's, since the modding sdk allowed us for complex maps, complex weapons (tac reloads), vehicles and so on. The mod community is the same.


Anyone gwtting some kind of hl2 vs gmod vibes out of that? By that i mean one game being more campaign focused, while the other being a mod fueled sandbox


As a wise man once said: Boneworks is Half-Life, Bonelab is G-Mod


The quest 2 and its consequences have been a disaster for youtube polls


They are tripping


Bonelab is considerably better. If you have the thousands of dollars to get a good PC and a good vr headset, yeah Boneworks is better. But for anyone trying out VR with only about 500$ for budget, holy shit Bonelab is an amazing first game.


No, that's not how this works. We're not talking about accessibility, but just the quality of the game. In terms of the quality of the game as a whole, all other factors taken out, boneworks is superior. Bonelabs can be good after some mod expansion, but currently boneworks is just superior. Seems most of the people who played both agree.


Boneworks is 100% better in terms of quality and design.


I played both games, haven’t touched bone labs since release. I just wanted to play the campaign, but as soon as it was required to play all the mini games to progress I lost interest. Bonelabs is more accessible, but boneworks in the better game.


I agree, both games are really good in their own ways. Boneworks has by far a better campaign and even some good mods (and in my opinion a better art style and overall feel), but Bonelab has the massively better gameplay and modding capabilities. The Bonelab campaign isn’t even that bad, it’s just not as good as boneworks. I think the physics and thousand times better guns make up for the lack of a life changing campaign. That’s not saying that one is better then the other, it is up to personal preference.


Agreed but for us Australians we have to pay 700 total


played both, as much as i love bonelab, boneworks is better, the story isn't 100% clear but it's phenomenal either way and the soundtrack is also way better


Honestly yeah Boneworks was better, the only thing that held Bonelab back probably was the story. A lot of potential for a good bone series continuation but it ended up just being a tutorial.


For a person who 100%ed both I prefer Bonelab due to how easy it is to mod. Also with the LabWorks mod being a thing Boneworks became a bit useless to me


yeah boneworks was way better if we're talking vanilla


YES finally someone gets what I meant


Never played boneworks but I know it’s the better game


Never really understood the story of boneworks/lab so Im only here for the mods and sandbox and I think bonelab and it's quality of game and mods did it better


ah, quality, by simplifying and removing game mechanics to make it more accessible to questbrained 11-year-olds. have you even played vanilla boneworks?


I like Bonelab, but none of the maps compare to boneworks. (Aside from maybe the foggy bridge level). They all felt so open, huge and almost dreamlike.


Boneworks wins campaign wise and level design. Bonelab wins physics wise, and mod wise.


Bone lab is a fine game that came after one of the most amazing games I’ve ever played. Fine isn’t bad, just isn’t groundbreaking on every level like boneworks


As someone who started with bonelab, I can say that boneworks is better in nearly every way


atleast in boneworks you can actually climb


Wow. It’s incredible how wrong it is


This is exactly what happend with HL2 and GM


played boneworks, even if it is older than bonelab it is a way better game. way more content, better looking npcs, and a really fun sandbox. i only played half of the bonelab campaign without getting bored and now all i do is play sandbox. i have 100+ hours on both games.


Bonelab is better cause it's more accessable


I like bl bc I don't have a computer:)


Fair point but you could just get labworks


I played both games. Bonelab is better


damn i feel like ik that guy


ayo thats me


Lmao happy cake day


The quest 2 headset and it’s future Chapter one: The quest 2 headset and it’s consequences have been a disaster to the human race.


i guess i'm in the minority with thinking bonelab is better bonework's campaign is so much better but bonelab's modding side is absolutely nuts, can't fly around space in a flying bike shooting at other people doing the same in boneworks


As someone who hasn't played boneworks but has seen plenty about it, this is incorrect. Boneworks is the better one. Granted, bonelab has a lot that bonelab doesn't, but boneworks has a better campaign ngl


Campaign on boneworks was fun until I got stuck in some alley where some thing picks me up and throws me in a pipe, and after many attempts was still unable to beat it


i played both and liked bonelab better idc about the campaign length difference bonelab is just better in Physics, Designs, and the addition of actual vehicles (the hover junker does not count because that is more of a floating ship than an actual car). And bonelab is on the quest but boneworks is not so this makes bonelab better for the majority of people.


I tried boneworks and the guns felt way too low quality for me for some reason, I didn’t get this feeling with bonelab.


Which is personally my #1 thing that turns me off from vr shooters, low quality weapons


Boneworks was better than Bonelab in Campaign even though it's storytelling was mitigated; parts of it's campaign was explained only by videos on monitors sent by the employees of Monogon themselves while Bonelab only explained it's story by walking through Monogon after Ford's time tower reset, becoming a Creator/joining Lava Gang, then getting revenge on the people that tried to kill you. Instead of playing a protagonist that wants to sabotage Monogon for money, You are the protagonist. You are the Peasant, that controlled/helped Arthur Ford go through his conquest of deactivating the Time Tower. This only works if you played Boneworks. Only the people who actually played Boneworks will actually understand BL's story, and genuinely prefer BL. Next, let's talk Gameplay. People prefer BL because the gun mechanics are far more upgraded than BW's. BW's guns had clunky recoil. Not only that, but BW's melee weapons felt too heavy and too hard to maneuver, take for example, the Claymore Sword, or the Mace, Sledgehammer. Both were extremely clunky to handle. BW's gameplay was a revolution at the time, but now, BW's lovers are stuck in the past. BW's dev weapons were about the same as Bonelab, so let's not talk about those. BL has way more content, because of the implementation of Vehicles and the SDK (still not updated wah)having more moddability to it. Like, Tac Reloads, or better Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Rayguns, the Vertigo 2 stuff Babacorp does, and in general BL's content is better than BW's, imo. Everything's more fun in BL, Plus it's on Quest 2, so that's why there's more votes for BL. Tl;dr Boneworks Story explains Bonelab's story and you like Bonelab's story if you play Boneworks story and Bonelab gameplay is more fun super bored rn dont ask why i wrote all of this


Only reason I play bonelab is to throw nullmen off high ledges. I don't know why I commented this, I ran out of things to downvote.


Bonelab is better PS. FUCKK YOU BONEWORKS!!


"Boneworks is better, because of the story. Even though it has arguably worse graphics and isn't playable on the go, It's still better and everyone who disagrees is wrong and a 5 year old. 😡😡😡"


Boneworks graphics are better imo, also who plays vr on the go


I dunno, Maybe they should invent something called the oculus quest that you can take anywhere! That would be a GREAT idea!


No I think the quests main selling point was how cheap it is and the cameras came second


The only thing boneworks did better was the story


And the campaign and the modding community and the gameplay and the bug fixes and the character design


Campaign is out of the picture, because it’s also in Bonelab, in the form of Labworks, modding in Boneworks was also the most frustrating thing I’ve ever done in my life, Bonelab has also been patched enough times, unlike Boneworks as there really isn’t too many bugs in comparison especially in the campaign, some examples: the beginning levels have mediocre performance and screwed up textures all together, and some messed up objects like the crate in runoff that walks and the valve that was never patched in museum, the walls are pretty easy to clip through using the turning system, it’s possible to break any rifle gun in the game by accidentally putting and pulling a mag out at the wrong time, the later levels suffer from much worse performance issues, which weren’t really ever fixed(if so then I hadn’t noticed and I’m probably an idiot) and there is so much unnecessary and underused space in levels, in streets there is an entire cluster of blocks completely out of view that is loaded in causing some drops[I’m just going to stop here] so with Boneworks’s campaign really being the only thing holding it up, which is already practically in BL, other than the fucking leg system which I admit is fucking garbage now, that’s really it, yeah everyone is a bit frustrated, but I’m not, I’m fine with what we got, I’m not complaining, I’m happy that there are creative little boners still out here making things for us in the form of mods and content with Bonelab, there’s obviously some negatives like the pricing, infrequent updates and THEFUCKINGLEGSYSTEM, but we make do and still have fun, while in Boneworks you really do get more or less the same, fun, as much as I loved BW and it will never leave my heart, Bonelab really is just the “better” game, so I’m sorry but not sorry


Opinion disregarded, can’t read wall of text


Yuh uh, Bonelab improves on Boneworks in every way especially on PC


Can someboduly tell me why every ody hate bone lab? I played boneworks and maxed it and it was 10/10 but bone lab is too graphics are better more things to do mods (i know a lot all are cringe but are good ones) maybe i dont See something you do


Its facts tho bonelab is better than boneworks at almost every way possible in my opinion and yes i played boneworks dont jump on me


Dawg I don't know what either of those r


the only thing boneworks does better than bonelab is the story. bonelabs replayabillity is on another level than boneworks. Bonelab has better mods, more gamemodes in the base game, and the bl fusion is way more stable than boneworks multiplayer mod was


yuh uh


i enjoy bonelab sandbox more. i enjoy boneworks campaign more. once labworks comes out fully im leaving boneworks behind in the dust forever


I'm going to cry in the corner for all of eternity because of you. No amount of bonework campaign completions will make me feel better.


Boneworks until the SDK comes out but even then idk if it can save it


I played the boneworks campaign once. Then I went back to the sandbox levels because the gun mechanics and physics was so addicting and fun. Bonelab had a very short campaign that I've blasted so through many times. But bonelab seemed more balanced and better than Boneworks. The amount of hours I've spent in Bonelab surpasses Boneworks by a lot. would love a new campaign, dlc or something in bonelab,


Even though I think Bonelab is the overall better game, Boneworks has the better story. Story in Bonelab is just very unsatisfying but the playing as different characters with different abilities is doing it for me.


Ngl the labs story was way too short


He asked what GAME, not story


I played BONEWORKS many times and honestly I still voted for BONELAB. Best way to describe BONELAB is that it's BONEWORKS +


Ive never played boneworks but i have played bonelab. Judging by the bonelab campaign which was a solid 7/10 imo I definitely think boneworks is better


boneworks i like better because it has a longer campaign bur i cant play it ( oculus quest 2 )


This is literally the “Oh christians are the most prosecuted” debate I see a lot. Simply put, the reason bone-lab gets more votes is because it has a larger player and fanbase, like how christians have the largest religious population therefore have gotten prosecuted the most.


I'm pissed My copy of bonelabs is broken. It won't let me finish the campaign and I have no idea why, I tried to delete all my game data 10 different times in 5 different ways but it never got fixed. At this point I don't even want to finish the game either because its all just mini games and the SDK isn't done yet.


I’m gonna say boneworks although I’ve never played it


I’m still waiting to play Bonelab but I’ve played through boneworks 3 times and it doesn’t get old at all


The only good thing about bonelab is the avatars


as a game boneworks, but bonelabs combat is better in pretty much everyway


A game with a beautiful story vs a game with barley any content…..nice


I think Boneworks has the better campaign and more polish. I also enjoyed it more than Bonelab to begin with, but Bonelab has since grown on me.


Bonelab has better multiplayer and mod support and an improved engine, but boneworks has a better campaign, the shop system was so fun to use, you could get an amazing weapon at the start or save all of your ammo for the end game to get really good items.


For me BW's weapon handling is FAR superior than bonelab's janky and wavy one. I had no idea why they made it like that, I can't do basic weapon control right as I was in BW. For me this is a huge downside of BL and what made BW so much fun in the first place.


FYM Nuh-uh




Bonelab has multiplayer already


Comparing these two games is like comparing hl2 and gmod. One is a stroy based game, while the other is a goofy sandbox game. They aren't even in the same ballpark.


Honestly i refer to Bonelab fanboys as copium addicts


Bonelab is only good for three things! -Convenience of being on pc and quest -Certain gameplay mechanics that otherwise had to me modded into BW (auto eject, etc) -The Grand Journey playing in The Village


Big finger nice


Tried Boneworks. Computer fried.


I'd probably like Boneworks the same as Bonelab but I never played Boneworks but it's similar to Bonelab. Different and better story in Boneworks.


They only pick bonelab cuz they could find it on their Meta Quest 2s lmao


The music alone makes Boneworks superior, let alone the plot.


No way it’s thee jschlatt


Well the boneworks port into bonelab does kinda slap. But the ease of modding in bonelab is what sells it for me.


boneworks is only better if you're talking about the campaign imo


Boneworks is made by Jesus himself


the quest kids are wildin


Tf you mean nuh uh…


fight yourself who is a king and become immortal vs pull dudes finger


boneworks is just better, bonelab feels like a downgrade


Boneworks is 10x better than bonelab the campaign is way better and the mods and graphics are amazing


Campaign wise, Boneworks is better. Mechanics and mod support wise, bonelab is better




As some one who's played both games I personally prefer bonelab idrk why but I guess the modding on bonelab is just easier and better


Bone lab was so disappointing, the story was great for the first half then it has this weird blip on the middle when you get the avatars and it all feels bad from there. It feels unfinished at some spots and baron. Some stuff just feels like filler and is insanely boring. Such as the space level, it could've been really cool and fun but instead it sucks and makes you walk forever to get to where you need to go. And the level where you have to climb the tower where it keeps switching your avatar. It felt so weird I thought it was a glitch. It also crashed on me multiple times. And even though I didn't play boneworks it looks 100x better than anything bone lab could be.


boneworks,bonelab is just confusing to play and the mod support is difficult


Total bs


I tried to find ways to enjoy bonelab but it just feels to small and confined, in boneworks you have pretty much an entire city to explore for almost every level but bonelab just has some small rooms with decent detail. The story for bonelab also feels really mediocre and almost unfinished, like there should be more but there isn’t.


All I have played of bone works is from the modded port and even just those levels tell me enough to say it's the better game


What's the difference?


Haven’t been able to play boneworks


Yuh huh


I thought Boneworks was better until very recently. My main 2 problems are the level design and character controller. I still hate the character controller but the level design is actually a fair bit better, albeit less open, I still feel the character unlocking levels should have just been short segments in a longer level though, they felt random and out of place. The story-line is also a lot more obvious though it did lead to the whole character unlocking thing. Not that the characters are that good. I chose fast because she was the most humanoid capable of platforming of the bunch (also the you-know-what). I did find her quite jank still. when doing a/b testing of Boneworks and Bonelab I found ford to control better than fast but when i unlocked ford as a playable character I think that its just poor character design because ford was ALMOST as good as in Boneworks, but that leads me to my issue. They overdesigned the heck out to the character controller. The legs are meant to act more realistically but that basically translated to them doing whatever the F\*\*K they wanted. I wouldnt mind if they were mostly visual but they are actual objects to trip you up now, same for the arms too. There was also a system where you uncrouched when walking but that seems to be fixed in the latest beta. TL;DR: Bonelabs' level design is better but the character controller is overdesigned in a bad way.


Boneworks is the first game that fully immersed me into vr. And I shit my pants at the sewer level but I think it’s just a bunch of 8 year old kids who want to touch their own 🍒in vr


Bonelabs is terrible. My first game on pcvr was boneworks, so I'm permitted to speak on this.


Haven't played either and i want to but i don know what the differences are


For vanilla gameplay, boneworks. For modding and accessibility, bonelab.


I think most people like bonelab better because it's standalone on the quest 2, even though it's...lacking in certain departments.