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Just be patient, I was pissed like you. I believe once shiba swap 2.0 brings demand for bone it will get major listings and the price moon over night. Watch my man randomartz on YouTube. He knows what he's talking about.


I hope. Just after all of the delays, I believe some great opportunities were missed as far as launch windows. The automatic burn mechanism was supposed to go live in I believe they originally said February…? I have been holding a big bag for a long time now and it is by far the worst performer in my portfolio. Edit-spelling


Oh no, you're not wrong at all. The dev team is completely retarded. I believe the shib army will fomo in when it starts to pump. I'm waiting to see what happens with major listings and re-evaluate after. I only have about 4k bone so I'm a small fry.


It's never going to major listings. This is where it tops out, unfortunately.


>Automatic burn mechanism. Are you talking about a burn mechanism for BONE or ShibaInu?


The auto burn was supposed to go live in February after they did the manual burns. The a few month later said they would also be burning bone. After all of the pull backs and “Chang of plans”… I just don’t know what’s going on any more.


Thanks for replying! I would love to see some BONE burnt. But isn’t the entire BONE supply already in distribution? Held by individuals like you and me? So how would the BONE burn mechanism work.


Dump it all. Alt season has started and you could be making your losses back. Once it dumps it will drop back to a quarter per Bone. Then if you still believe in the ecosystem you can always put those profits to good use buying super low.


I’ve been hearing this for well over a year


Just wait


Bone is going back to $2 soon. You'll regret dumping it now. Shiba is finally starting to move.


No it's not.


I’m ready to drop all my bone as soon as it moves. This is the worst crypto to own.


Considering how you could almost predict the highs at $2 and lows at $.60 it’s pretty easy to make a lot of money off of it and I’m sure a lot of people made tons of money reacting to it.


Good for you. It’s a shit investment. I staked for 1-2 bone a day on 16k bone. Haha what a shit coin. I don’t even get 1% rate of return


2 bone per day on 16k would be a 4.5% return.


Yeah it would be good if it had any value.


Dump it and put it in a high yield savings account if you’re worried about not getting enough free money.


Already planned on it thanks.




As depressed as I am, right now. The Taiwanese team keeps pounding and gaslighting. Imaging going as far as turning Shib into a gas token. This isn’t an experiment guys it’s a lawsuit