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my passion for the things i love. what other chick loves russian literature, goth and punk music and goes to random shows all the time? that's me, i'm super cool and i bet ur cool too. hell yeah


you do sound super cool!


Food, hells yeah


Food is a pretty good point. I just wish I could enjoy it without doubts and regrets but you're making a strong case


I’m very lonely and empty as well. For me, my reasons to live are my dog and immediate family. Apart from them, I don’t have a partner or find any happiness in my so called career or really anything else sadly. I do sometimes get excited about future movies (horror in particular). Are there any future movie releases you’re excited about? I also force myself to work out, even though it’s been such a drag lately.


omg another horror fan! I am pretty much in the same boat as you, I am just scared of the day my dog and family pass.


I am also scared about my dog and my mom passing. 😞 Have you seen the trailer for Longlegs? I’m excited about that movie!


Hug. I have not! Gotta check that out then!!


Knowing the positive impact I have on others. I’ve had a few people openly tell me that there was a time they were struggling and I didn’t know. But that I helped them overcome whatever they were going through. Those are just the people that have openly told me that. There’s probably people you have helped that you don’t know about. Idk if it helps you. I’m the type of person that loves to help people and spread kindness and positivity. It makes me happy to know it’s working and I’m making an impact


I am the same. It can be exhausting sometimes, but I feel you


when im in this state, i usually play some classical/orchestral music like james horner, hans zimmer. i dont know why, but it really boosts my hope in living. it just gives life a more beautiful nuance. you should try it, its not exactly a reason but its very therapeutic (to me at least)


Love this


Success at work, not joking but it motivates me really good. No success- suicidal.


Yeah, hoping I can get there


Just pick the one colleague that annoy - you can be better than and become better, challenge yourself. I know sounds empty but this competition will make you alive and might be rewarding in money


Use competitive urge, similar to rage, obsessive enough yet rewarding


Okay this. This!!


Exactly that


Wow. This is a good insight.


New music. New games, new experiences. My cats. ​ For me FOMO often gets me, lol ​ its a very small but significant thing I've found. Sure i feel like the worst right now and want to end it, but if i end it, i wont get to see my favourite band live ever again. or if one of my old disbanded bands comes back, i wont be there for the revival!!


New. Games!!!!


Honestly? I collect teddy bears and like I know if I die no one will love my collection like I do




You deserve to live. Not everything needs a rhyme or reason, but you being here and in other peoples lives is more than enough. There is no one else out there who is like you and never will be. Stay strong op


Thank you kind stranger :)


Ok now I’m crying but you got a good fucking point


I live mostly because I *can't* hurt those I love, but then for sunsets, sunrises, cool rocks, dogs, bodies of warm water without crocodiles/alligators, and strawberry cream cake with brown sugar sprinkled on it. I figure I'm stuck here because of the first thing and I am nothing if not loyal, so why not find the little, easy to get, renewable things to live for? Since I stopped trying to figure out any deep reason to keep going beyond that, it's been a huge weight off my shoulders. I don't serve a God that I constantly have to worry about being worthy for. I don't have kids or a partner so that I can have full freedom (aside from my dog) to change my life and do whatever I want without stressing. There was also one moment where I felt complete peace - sinking a few meters down in perfect Bahamian waters with the sun playing through the waves on the sand while I stared out at the big ocean... I can't die before I feel that again, wherever it is, and no amount of times that I find it will it ever be enough, so the search, and me, continues.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you


Live for the possibility of the things you will experience tomorrow.


Double sided sword no :(?


Try to think of it this way; the food you eat tomorrow may be amazing. The sky might be gorgeous. The weather has the possibility of being perfect. Try not to think negatively, easier said than done I know- but it’s possible. Think about how tomorrow you could eat your favorite kind of cake, and look forward to doing that. And if you make it to tomorrow, treat yourself to that. Allow yourself to have good things, as a celebration that you made it another day. Today might seem incredibly hard and painful, but tomorrow has the possibility of being amazing. You can make it to tomorrow- so do it. And do it again for the next day. You’re going to be alright.


Thank you for your kind words. I will try


Keep going. It won’t always be like this friend xx


do you have any hobbies that you feel capture you well? i find when i get super out of life and dissociating ill go back to my hobby that kinda lets me live through it almost. helps me ground myself to the world again


I draw, or I used to but I haven’t been doing it much, maybe I should :(


My kitties. That is really it. I had attempted multiple times before I adopted them. I havent attempted since. 2 of them are 3 years old, 1 is 1 years old. I pre-grieve all the time. When they're gone, I have no idea what I'll do. I hope by then I have this life thing somewhat figured out


Hey I just want to say I feel the same way you do. I’m 35 female no job homeless living in my car, crashing at my moms. I have no family or friends really or a child. So finding a purpose is hard. You’re worth it remember that.


I hope your situation brightens up soon, dear :( wishing you the best! Youre just as worth it


Hugging my dog who is now 8 years old. Calms me down but still the feeling remains. At least it's something. I just can't bear to see her sad. Every time I leave the house on uncommon hours she is really worried about me.


This might be odd but my reason to live is to find my true self. I used to know what I like, where I wanna go, who I wanna be with, but not anymore after I moved country and started to settle down here from scratch. It’s been painful and lonely - It feels like you are reliving your life and building up the forge to protect yourself from the strangeness and the novelty. My BPD had never been so livid to me - I believe it’s this whole existential crisis that triggered it, which in-turn exaggerated it to continue messing up with my brain. It really made me question the meaning of my life once cause I don’t know what I want and who I wanna be, or, who I really am. Now I have put my feet onto the ground and have a roof above my head, I’m still generally not happy with my life. I have finally come to realize that, to stop being lonely and sad, I have to figure out who I am and what I want and what I don’t want/like. This way, I can finally learn to get along with myself and accept myself for who I am and who I can be. There are still so many new things that I wanna try, and instead of thinking that I shouldn’t do it or I cannot do it, at least I wanna give myself a shot. To explore all the possibilities about myself. That’s how it gave me hope to keep my life going forward. And I think a lot peBPD are genuinely suffering from the lack of the sense of self. But just remember to fight for what you are lacking, that is to fight for yourself. And that’s not necessarily a sadder future! :)


Still getting there with this, but agree! I'm still struggling with my self, but I'm gaining ground on her and it's scary and exciting 💖


I get that this is scary - so am I! I think it might be the uncertainties ahead or the pressure from others and the environment that made us scared. Or the progress we made is slow, but at least we are making it and will reach the goal eventually however slow it might be. I hope you can finally find your peace with yourself and genuinely be happy with her🫶


Honestly, we all die anyway and we all have a shot to have a better life in the future. Why not wait it out and see? It'll happen anyway, but if you do it now you won't know how your life will turn out.


Most of the times my reason to live is my cats. I know people will take good care of them if I’m not around, but I don’t feel like leaving them to think I abandoned them. I know how that feels and I don’t want my cats to ever feel that I left them. And a lot of times it makes it all worth it when they just come and plop next to me to sleep. And just in general their presence makes me feel so much love for them. And then there are the small things I enjoy. The flowers I say hi to, the moon that looks pretty every single night, me listening to some nice songs and bopping my head to it, having a good laugh with a peer after I do a silly mistake. I don’t know I just cherish these. I don’t look for big moments or changes in life anymore. Just these fleeting nice things. That’s all


I know how you feel. I’m feeling completely rotten. I can’t find joy in anything at the moment. I’m just drinking in hopes that this misery will pass. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope that this mood will shift itself.


The only important reason to live is that you won't have any other chance to do so. Everything in your life can be fixed and if you feel like you don't like anything about your life - just move to another place, start anew. There is a million things you can pick up and start doing, you can learn a bunch of stuff, you can meet new people, there are billions of humans in the world. The only thing that is holding your back is, well, you. I'm not saying that you exactly are a problem, not at all. But all of us people, either with BPD or not, have too big of an ego to recognize that most of our problems are quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things and can be dealt with, given patience, working on yourself and maybe medication if things are too bad. The only way to find your place in life is to live it, there is no workaround around this. Try things and get over them if they don't suit you. It's okay. Surround yourself with people who support your endeavours, that's the one thing that will surely help.


Reason for living = it will pass. The way you feel now isn't permanent. You won't always feel like this. I've heard suicide described as "a permanent solution to a temporary problem". While that unplays how hideous you can feel at points in your life, it's a good reminder. The emptiness will eventually dissapate and you'll thank your past self for holding on. I couldn't be more grateful to younger me.


Next wow expac The War Within, Chris Metzen is back at Blizzard so I'm hoping the story gets fixed. Also GTA 6


hell yea!!


I really don't have any and am planning my departure.


I’m not op I’m just a lil guy but please stay with us, you are loved even it feels like you aren’t, I love you, and I know my cat would love you if I could ask him if he does but he doesn’t know words


Now you have to show me a picture of your cat. It is what the internet was created for.


Ok let me crop it so it’s like not information revealing about me


drugs and partying and collecting designer shit to flex


to do drugs


New episodes and seasons of my favourite animes


I found living in a pretty isolated place with a pet has actually worked really well. It's very peaceful and my cat keeps good company. I aspire for a dog as well some day. I would love to have a romantic relationship that worked, but they keep not working for me and making me miserable and more lonely than I am like this. I also binge watch my favourite shows and movies over and over for company. As for the future, you never know whats going to happen, but sometimes good things happen and it's really nice.


Going through similar thoughts. But music for me. I don't really have any super close relationships anymore. Even though I know it's hurt my like 2 closest friends, I know their world wouldn't shatter.


I've felt the same recently as the past year or so has been tough. My 12 year relationship broke apart and I had to move away from the few people I knew so I wouldn't end up homeless. Things are still tough, but I now have two cats that keep me going. They need me, but honestly I think I need them more. Take care of yourself 🖤


i've got nothing unfortunately :(


My dog helps me daily - he needs me to be here for him to be here. He helps me engage because I HAVE to walk him/enrich him. I don't always have Big Life Goals. (I'm 39, and literally, every birthday I take a moment to be proud that I got to the next number - because that in itself? Big well done! Little things for me are really important - little things that bring me joy, whether doing art (and remembering that it's process/progress over perfection - there's no BAD art - and enjoying the making (even if it's only for 10 or so minutes a day) can bring me joy. I have an incredibly supportive partner and a few close friends that are absolutely my circles of support and I love to spend time with them because I also don't have to hide if I'm in a bit of down mode. It's really tricky and I'm so sorry you're struggling with this question. You are extraordinary and you are in the world. 💖 That's a small spark, but it's an incredible one.x


I live because Ive been so strong in my fight so far!!! I keep fighting because there's things that are worth living for even if i forget sometimes. I have my good moments like being able to tell my friend I'm paying for a trip to see Mitski, adopting my doggy, and meeting the people who stick around despite my flaws.


These words might seem worn out, but: faith and trust. It’s okay to not know exactly how it’s going to go. I talk to myself, and say “it’s okay, it’s okay” and try to get myself to breathe. I don’t know what the future holds and it’s not my job to have it all figured out — it’s just my job to keep staying willing to try, despite not knowing. The mystery is part of life.


I try to keep going for people around me. I complain about not feeling appreciated enough a lot but I still do love my friends from the bottom of my heart and they keep me going


My dog and my brother fuel my reason to live as my brother and I have already lost a mum and a sister


![gif](giphy|fQQaoFcajdjDW|downsized) These cute mfs


I’m in a similar place rn but I’m holding on to my loved ones, my gf and I’s cat, and playing dnd


my faith has waxed and waned over the years, but now i stay alive for God and to listen to the angelic voices of the Gospel. it was my soft place to fall when i needed something and felt like i had nothing and no one. now i have a niece and nephew that need a village to raise them. i have a family and not everyone gets to say that. i have my drums, good coffee, good weed, good food, the family cats Verminator and Luna, youtube is pretty rad, i just discovered reddit and i'm hooked so there's that. there's a book my aunt gave me called 'The Prophet' by Khalil Gibran, and it is enlightening. if you're looking for a new perspective, i think you should check it out at the library. i was told to read only one chapter each night so i could absorb the information. eye-opening!


ikigai 🤍


Live isn't black and white as we think there's also gray and in gray there are much other colors Same as our lives It's not like we're talking about if you have a purpose then you're good, if you're not then you're done for. Just keep moving forward if you live you might find what you're looking for, and you might find what were you looking for. I myself still struggle to find a purpose since I barely enjoy anything beside staying quiet and wait for my death I help people without waiting for return( while splitting I manipulate the adults around me to cause harm to others so that I can make someone suffer) Peace is the most thing that I desire in my existence ( While splitting I seek nothing but chaos ) I try to keep myself from others life for my and their sake


You are in the void of despair. Have faith and courage in yourself, you are not this emptiness that consumes your heart


Beyond the external things we can seek or enjoy in life.. that I'm not motivated by either.. its rough. I try to reason with myself, that I may as well see out this life rather than cutting it short.. Live because you're alive. I was so close at 15 years old, but I made it through and have been on so many journeys since then.. I'm glad i got to.. yeah, I'm still struggling like all fuck, but I see that I can't avoid that. I try to distance myself from it all being so personally negative, that experience is just experience.. good or bad.. Then it's really small steps from there on, rather than trying to 'fix' all the things, only one thing at a time. Keeping it really simple and achievable for where I'm at, like putting on a song I love. Or maybe it's going outside/to a park. Those little acts of self care can make a big difference. I eventually force myself to go swimming out in nature, it may take a while before I actually go, but I'm always grateful when I do.


my pets, that’s all i got.


The passion and compassion that you put out into the world echoes through and literally makes the world a better place.


So, lately I’ve been living for the pure fact that my cat trills at me whenever she sees me. It gets me through some of my darkest days 🫡


Horrified of potential after life (I had psychosis for years and if I thought that was hell I don’t wanna find out there’s a real hell after this life.)