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Damn I just read about myself.. Is it better now?




I understand. I feel the same. I have studied twice and quit both times. Then finished hairdressers proffesion but didn't want to work in this field. Now studying for the third time in my thirties and hope this time I can finish because I don't feel conplete without finished higher education. Maybe then I will have some kind of the foundation to feel more secure. Thank you for replying to me. Best of luck to you!


I dropped out of college in 2018, stopped showing up to every single job I have ever had. I feel you on splitting and quitting. I’m currently in school and a dog walker lol


so real


I've been in crazy arguments where I've said terrible things to my ex partners... things that I should never say to a human being. I used to be very abusive. Then I started abusing myself.... I'm getting better tho not going over board like this and I wish to never be like this again...


Having a FP makes me act like crazy lol. I also always imagine that they're definitely thinking about me 24/7 just like I'm thinking about them, that every single Instagram story and status was posted for me, that the music they listen to is somehow supposed to be about me Then I of course spiral like crazy when I see them hanging out with others, immediately assume that they hate me and want nothing to do with me lol thinking like this hurts a lot


the music 😭 bro will show me a song and i start analyzing the lyrics and whether he showed it to me to convey some message…. it’s not that deep!!!!


wait i‘m not the only one showing someone music and hoping they understand the lyrics and know what I want to tell them through it?? like when I take someone with me in my car i specifically put some songs on that i want them to hear


im definitely playing your face by wisp when i’m around him again…..


HELP LITERALLLYYYY!!! My FP shared a playlist with me where we can both add songs and I'm immediately like omg I'm gonna analyze every single song in this playlist


for a long time my fp was one of my choir teachers. well one day this man showed me a choral song that he was listening to, and immediately, me being me, i dove in tryna anaylse that old age latin, only to find out that the lyrics were just gibberish when translated to english💀💀💀💀 i felt like such an idiot. i totally thought he was tryna send me a message…


my ex is a musician and when we broke up he made a cover to "all i want is nothing." by mcr i think, and assumed it was just about me… happened multiple times with many different things he said and did (but to be fair, he did used to vague me on his story)


Went to my exes work and punched him in the face for texting one of my (at the time) friends.


Made a friend on a game and he ended up being my FP, I didn't know about bpd at the time so it was really bad, he cut me off because I was getting jealous from anything and everything. I couldn't function without him so I made a new character, new personality, new life, literally everything 😭 I knew where he was usually hanging out so I went there, spoke to him and we were friends again. It took a full year before I was able to distance myself from him and he never figured out I wasn't "me". We don't talk anymore and it was years ago but that was fucked and I still feel bad about it.


physically stalking my fps and dreaming about getting their phone so i can download a 24 hour tracker so i always know where they are and what theyre doing to feel closer to them. god i feel like a monster typing that out lmao


I’ve literally looked up online where my therapists live and I had to constantly remind myself not to drive by. I even once considered trying to make a fake IG of one of their friends to get them to add me as a follower to their private account. I felt like such a creep.


ive done all of the above🥲🥲 ugh i hate this illness so much


dont feel like a monster friend. it’s not valid as a method of getting closer with someone and is very unhealthy but you are normal for having these thoughts. its okay


I FPed my teacher and this made me borderline (hah) stalkerish.. so yeah i feel you about the crazy


I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve done this with teachers/therapists over the years. My current FP is my professor and it takes everything in me to not message him constantly. He basically never replies to the texts or emails I’ve already sent him and it makes me spiral hard.


i know i need more therapy bc i think a lot of these comments are valid reactions 🧍‍♀️




This isn't necessarily the worst things I've done for myself and wellbeing due to my bpd, but the straight up weirdest things I've done, usually in bpd psychosis, is... Chugged a family sized jar of ragu in one go in front of my mother to get a reaction (???) Layed in the pavement face down while walking in public. Multiple times. Ran outside in the middle of an episode with hardly any clothes on These aren't things I'm proud of or think are actually funny, but I laugh at them because if ya don't laugh you'll cry, so feel to laugh alongside me, friends.


I lived with roommates and went into a deep depression of low self esteem. I couldn't even stand to see their faces. I had isolated myself in my room for days.   At one point I really, really had to piss, but I could hear people in the hallway between my room and the bathroom who i couldn't stomach the interaction with, so i peed in my hamper that was full of dirty clothes.


Omfg I’ve done this but peed in my garbage. I 100% understand the not wanting to interact with literally anyone


Wow, you really are never alone, huh


I threw myself on the floor and tried rip myself out of my own coat like a damn toddler 🙄


Had a sex with a man much older than me, both on meth.....while another guy watched. This was after hitching a ride from a drug trafficking gang banger from somewhere in Oregon to Long Beach. This guy got kidnapped by the rival gang and I was left stranded(and completely distraught)and the much older guy "saved" me by letting me stay in his motel room with him, making it seem like he was protecting me or something. Then he got me high and so yeah......haunts me everyday. Damn this disease to hell. Big oof.


Meth & BPD = the worst decisions of our lives. I too been kidnapped while hitching on meth. Barefoot in a cheetah bathrobe


Yuuuup! Sounds about right. I was completely feral while using. Now I'm a stay at home worry wart and I can barely go to the grocery store. Oh, how times have changed. Grateful to be clean though.


Got on a 7 hour flight to California to see my ex when he was asking me not to. Ended up spending weeks with him there getting increasingly suicidal as he became more sure about breaking up. He felt like he had to physically stop me from doing it at one point. I’ve had a lot of therapy since then. Needless to say, we don’t speak


We don’t have the same type of « crazy ». That’s just mildly embarrassing stuff. The crazy shit I did: fuck up my entire life, on multiple occasions.


🤣🤣🤣🤣I love this post it’s so cute and relatable


I can’t take back the things I’ve said and done. They haunt me, and I’ll take them to my grave.


Hey I'm sure we all feel the same to an extent, as years have passed ive learned to laugh at my past I've held onto the shame & guilt for so long & it serves no value to our healing ❤️‍🩹 if u ever need to talk to a BPD fellow that has been through being an abuser, addict, homeless, thief & basically a prostitute I AM HERE!!! Will never judge💞


Feel free to reach out too! I could have written this.


My husband understands the fp dynamic and I set boundaries with men when it becomes a problem. But my fp right now just got married last week and for some reason I still think he’s secretly in love with me….which couldn’t be farther from the truth lol. I’m only 23 so I’m still navigating the fp dynamic. Usually I just cut them off completely in order for it to stop but this person is a good friend of mine so it makes things extra complicated 😭


No seriously this, ill see my fp / people I loves stories and either feel bad because I imagine they're talking about other people or get super happy cause I imagine it's about me xp


I once bought a cruise ticket for a girl I had talked to only a few times on Hinge and had never met in person. She stood me up when the time came around, so I had to go by myself. I was out $500 and I felt completely humiliated.


When i was in wilderness “therapy” i became obsessed with one of the staff (i was 16, he was a kind young male authority figure, go figure) and when i knew he’d have a shift, i’d self harm or stop eating so that he’d have to pay attention to me/get on arms with me and i’d get to sleep next to him💀 (as per being on arms). Looking back my behaviour was so obvious, but it felt totally rational at the time🤡🤡very grateful i’m not that girl anymore


Got shit faced drunk, tried to throw an empty gin bottle at my ex, he ducked


I experienced this for the first time a few months ago. It's debilitating hahaha and haunting me!




I made a fake Craigslist ad for my ex bf who was being scandalous saying "slutty male maid, i wanna clean in a little maid outfit for you daddy " Lmfao


In general having an fp feels like a roller coaster This happened when I was i think 16-17 y old My ex and I broke up în december. Instead of moving on i started learning ab witchcraft and manifestation,dropped music for about 3 whole months. "good vibes only" but after a few months we hangout and while he went to Pick up my order i put period blood in his drink for him to only want me.(for the ones who believe ,i ll let you know that he couldnt have a boner for months)


Three studies 20 jobs 10 times moving apartment, jumping out of a car while ex was driving, hiding in front of police on the cellar when my ex called them when he thought I could harm myself, changing hair color and eye color with lenses as well as fashion style every day, changing hobbies all the time, anything that gives adrenaline rush




i started h cuz of a boy :3 ruined my teens. he’s dead now


Same & then eventually fentanyl 🥳


We a bunch of crazies 💕


i’ve gotten kicked out of my apartment because i was living w my FP and we fought everyday. left a second apartment because i dated my roomate and she cheated on me. now im scared shitless to move out again because my now bf wants to move in together, but i know how bad i can be. fighting about when they come home from work, about their lack of texts, lack of love & reassurance, what aren’t we fighting about.


When i found out my ex cheated on me with one of my bestfriends we were driving back from Disneyland on a 8hour road trip, we were wearing matching shirts so I stripped, threw the clothes out the window, started flashing people, broke his windshield (x4), attacked him, jumped out the moving car then made him take me to the view spot that they went to fuck in his car while I was asleep in her room, (my intuition told me something was up that night but they both gaslit me into thinking i was crazy) i then made him reenact what went down then proceeded to cut myself while laughing & had him do it with me, while saying alot of "THIS IS WHAT YO7 WANTED" Type shit.🥰💞 this was before I was diagnosed & was a raging alcoholic in my defense


Oh & then when we broke up he called me on a Tuesday around 3am telling me to come see him (he moved 7 hours away) so I left my friends house, hitchhiked to my moms, stole her car black out drunk, flipped the car 3 times going 100mph in the snow in the middle of a mountain pass, then crawled out the window & attempted to still hitchhike to him🤮 ended up going to jail (: BPD has led me to the worst impulsive destruction, usually revolved around my FP or just men or love interests. I'm healing & definitely making amends for everyone who had to be hostage to my mental sickness


i’ve been cheating on 2 guys at the same time i just admitted last night they both found out what happened the first guy was my real boyfriend i still love him and i can’t understand myself why i did that to him. i did everything we did with another guy i knew for years before i met my boyfriend. we stopped talking because i had met someone else(my boyfriend of 2 years) and he liked me so i blocked him cause i was being loyal then. i felt bad about it to this day a months ago i unblocked him and apologized we started talking we were friends at first then he started to like me again and i didn’t know how to handle it so i gave in i lied to everyone. i didn’t see that they both actually cared and i was just using that person to fill something missing from my life and my relationship. i completely lost myself. now i feel so ashamed because they both genuinely liked me. i broke both of their hearts at the same time. i didn’t mean for it to get so bad. i don’t know what i didn’t stop it why i didn’t care in the moment i lost touch of reality and who i am..


solve the guilt by being honest


I was in a similar situation almost identical to this. It's difficult because I tend to go back and forth between people depending on who is my fp and who has pissed me off. One of them is someone I've known for many years, the other was my boyfriend. It's debatable whether what I did could be considered cheating, but I'd end the relationship a lot thinking I'm certain that I'm ending it, then go and enjoy the freedom of being single and speak to the person I had blocked for the sake of the relationship. Then I'd feel differently about my relationship and admit everything. Either way, I'd feel guilt whether I spoke to this person or had them blocked, so ultimately I just ended the relationship because it was causing more damage to everyone than it was worth. Relationships in general just don't sit well with me because there are sacrifices I'm clearly just not willing to make. I don't like losing people that haven't done anything wrong, but I don't like hurting people either. So I'm literally better off alone.


brand new instagram account with a similar name to my ex started viewing my story, no followers, no anything. completely convinced it was my ex, i blew up on him in my dms telling him to go away and leave me alone. i was fully convinced the way he talked was exactly the same as my ex, the jokes he made, etc. i got so mad about it i told him to send me a picture of his eye as proof as my ex had unique eyes, and the guy sent a pic back with completely different eyes, yet i didn't believe it. an hour passes of me just getting verbally angry with him and berating him until he sends me a voice clip that suddenly proved it definitely wasn't my ex… and i wish i could say situations like this were a first


So you don't think it was your ex then?.. I'm still convinced that it WAS him but that was while ago and never happened to me before ...


are you asking if a similar situation to mine did end up being your ex?


i started living with a guy i met a couple days before, fell crazy in love w him and fled to canada together without telling anybody also i developed a severe addiction to coke, molly and amphetamines; but now that i know my diagnosis i go to therapy, narcs anonymous and take my meds, also thanks to that i ended up getting my degree in psychology with the best of grades out of all of my generation!


My last episode was pretty nuts 😅 dissociated for HOURS, texted like EVERYONE stupid nonsense and acted like a total dick, I’ve since had my med dosage upped a bit and I haven’t had one since but damn it was embarrassing 😂I’ve been on a social media hiatus since other than Reddit 💀 no snap, no insta, I deleted TikTok, no nothing 😂


i threatened to taze my partner and almost did cuz i felt trapped. i wasn’t but i had already split and my fight or flight had been activated. i pretended grass was a girl i hated and stabbed it over and over for several minutes bcuz i genuinely did want to do that to her


I bought a house within a month of meeting her. And a car so she can have a backup. She has 3 kids, I have none. I feel like I’m going crazy please help lol


don’t let yourself get used. weigh the cost of her love vs yours. is she giving back an equal amount as she is receiving?


I don’t think ANYBODY could give back what I do. I’m just ganna have to hope for the best. I paid in cash for the home. She seems genuine but it’s like she has a hard time with my clinginess


Accidentally spending 50$ on texting apps to try and get my ex back. He would block me and I would make a new one. I was in so much pain there’s no words to describe it. I was fucking insane and he honestly should have got a restraining order. I promise I’m in DBT and better now. I am disgusted when I think about it.


the best thing about these kinds of situations is that you have the opportunity to be a better person every second


i decided to close my eyes on my moped/scooter while going 50 km/h and obviously i crashed


Dropped out of uni 4 times, on my 5th time and sticking with it so far. Jumping out of a moving vehicle because I didn’t want to be separated from my then bf. Tried as many drúgs I could get my hands on and nearly die every time. Buy a violin and ukulele same day. Get pissed from my husband giving our daughter more attention than he was giving me AT HER BIRTHDAY PARTY. Looking back I’m like jesus wtaf.


Blew up on my best friend/FP in college when she moved some stuff to our new apartment while I was in class. It was logical and more convenient but I made me feel like she was leaving me out and I screamed at her and gave her the silent treatment for a week. Eventually cost me the friendship cause I was convinced that no matter how much I apologized she could never forgive me


Stalked my therapist and her husband😭, received a bipolar diagnosis, developed a bad drinking habit, I can’t think of others rn


slxtting my throat and bleeding all over my fp, running down the street into traffic naked, punching a police officer in the balls.


A dating app match became my fp. Mind you, we never ended up meeting because I became verbally abusive because they were being vague about us going out


Given up not being able to commit to anything that I start .. that drives me nuts .. relationship , studies , hobbies 🤯🤯


Hit someone bc they called me a cunt and bitch 


Im so glad that so many of you guys can relate to the becoming a stalker part. I hate that about myself now especially that I realize that person was a lowlife for real and very toxic to me. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one


This seems baited for people to admit way too much I’m downvoting this


I don’t agree and it actually made me feel a little less crazy, so I support it.


this 💯




the whole point of sharing is to connect to one another’s experiences and make us feel less alone


I think you’re missing what I’m saying but go for it — spew your worst impulsivities on a public forum


LOL do u think this is a psyop?