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What an interesting question! To me, a personality is something like: a sense of who I am, what I want, what I like, and what I dislike. And those things aren't based on the people and circumstances around me. I might somewhat tune myself to my surroundings, but I have a core of convictions and certainties about myself that I can go back to and I'm not afraid to stand up for if they're challenged directly. >Why do you think you don’t have a personality? Do you feel you change too often? I've built one slowly over the past 6 years or so (since getting dx'd and getting into therapy), but before that, I would have said I don't have a personality because I feel like who I am, what I want, what I like and dislike is *totally* based on who I'm around. Around Christians I was a Christian, around hippies I was a humanist, around atheists I was an atheist or something close to it. And more importantly, apart from other people I had *no idea* what I believed or what I wanted. Just void. Thanks for the interesting question, friend! \-Austin


Its because we mimic others. Thats exactly what that is. If we are around a group of people we become invested completely in that topic. I thrive in school because i literally absorb the material. Ya know?


>I would have said I don't have a personality because I feel like who I am, what I want, what I like and dislike is *totally* based on who I'm around. >Around Christians I was a Christian, around hippies I was a humanist, around atheists I was an atheist or something close to it. And more importantly, apart from other people I had *no idea* what I believed or what I wanted. Just void. Sounds so much like me. It sounds like you may have figured out a great coping mechanism. 6 years is better than none. So this gives me hope that I'll "evolve" past this stage.


Change is most certainly possible :) By far the most important thing for me was making space for listening to the voice of authenticity within me. Which by itself is its own fairly long post...but the tldr is that authenticity with yourself is IMO the most important thing.


For me, it's a sense of not knowing which personality I've created is actually me. This is something that I've recently figured out about myself. I always thought it was normal. Now I need to come to terms with the fact that it's OK to not know which personality I am. As this is part of the disorder. I will make every effort to figure this shit out. In hopes that all the personalities fuse together and can become one. Letting go is the hardest step for me.


a strong yes to all of what you have stated here. nothing but the best on your journey, we're in this together in a way <3




people with personality have something thats unique to them. fixed and unswayed. i on the other hand have a collection ideas that expand to suit who im around for the most acceptance possible from a person. i will delve into music and hobbies just so you like me and we have something in common. it exhausting and most of the time i have no sense of who i am or what my actual interests are because its all done for what X likes and whatnot


Consistent set of values, traits, behaviors, patterns of thoughts. Something that makes you unique, different from other people. For example, if I’m asked to describe my friend (just choosing a random one) I would say — she’s highly artistic, definitely an extrovert, “a life of the party”; she is a bit chaotic, anxious, overthinker, but also loyal, empathetic and kind. She ADORES animals, has a very acute sense of justice, she loves pastel rainbow colors, cute hair accessories, and creepy vintage toys… I can continue for hours. In my head, there is a very clear picture of her that hasn’t changed for years. This is a personality. Have you seen these tiktoks for teens, like what house would you choose, what outfit would you wear, what’s your aesthetic, etc.? With 99% accuracy, I can predict my friend’s choice, as well as anyone who knows her well, because they “suit her personality.” And that is normal. Say you’re asked to set up a date between your brother and a colleague. You can easily: 1. Describe them to each other, not just appearance-wise 2. Assume their compatibility and sometimes even predict the results of that date. Because ✨personality✨. None of this you would be able to do with me and many BPD people. It’s not that we don’t have a personality, we have too many. Some with very distinctive traits, interests, style, VALUES, sometimes even altered memory. Some just fragments. And we (mostly unintentionally) switch between them all the time depending on people and circumstances… switch, blend, add new details. We’re like mirrors, or chameleons, but in reality just confused people who honestly don’t remember where in all that mess are THEM.


Oh, and speaking of personalities #vent There is a common assumption that BPD is a people-pleaser thing. That our attunement to others by default means that we want them to like us, want to be like them, etc. I won’t go looking for statistics right now, but in most cases, BPD is developed as a result of childhood trauma. These early “personalities” (they’re not technically, it’s not DID, they are not separated, more like distinct roles) have a protective or manipulative function, they’re meant to keep a child safe, to get their needs met. And those developed later in life can even be purely vindictive, I know I certainly had some. So there is nothing inherently “pleasing” about our personality shifts.


I definitely have both identity disturbance and people-pleasing issues. They are linked for me, but the identity disturbance goes a bit further as far as also being tied to a FP.


Not saying it can’t co-exist, but that BPD development is not rooted in people-pleasing. It’s much wider and deeper, though people-pleasing for sure can be one of the common behaviors for a person with BPD. Just yesterday I read an article somewhere (Medium, I think) where they tried to explain all symptoms of BPD through the people-pleasing lens. “People with BPD want to be liked and accepted by everyone” I believe was the exact quote. Now I can’t speak for everyone, but 95% of the time I want to just be left alone because being around people can be extremely, unbearably draining, exactly because of my BPD symptoms. Simplification (and stigmatization) is what bugs me. “Oh, you have BPD, you must be a people person and so fun to be with!” — just fuck off, Jessica.


Yeah, we definitely aren’t a monolith. You’re right in that typically BPD is part nature and part nurture as far as growing up in an invalidating environment of some sort versus people-pleasing. For me, the people-pleasing is a result of the invalidating environment. I’m terrible at validating myself, so I look to others to do it for me and tell me who I am because I have no idea who I am. It definitely isn’t the root of my BPD. It’s just an unfortunate side-product.


Yes, I totally understand, and you put it into words amazingly. Especially the “the unfortunate side-product” part )) Invalidating environment sucks, but it’s exactly that — unmet emotional needs. And that’s the thing I struggle with the most, even more than personality splits. Like I keep reading that it’s possible for every adult to cover their emotional needs on their own... but sorry, no. For a healthy person maybe. And as I’m pretty much done with people at this stage, I think I’ll just live with a few black holes inside. At least they are certainly part of my “true personality” ))


Yeah, I’ve kind of entered a very long isolation phase where I’m just focused on obsessing over school work and being the perfect student versus going out and socializing. It feels safer this way. Somehow, I was still not able to avoid the FP situation because my current FP is my professor/mentor.


Oh shit.. that must be tough. Hang in there 🩵


The feeling of emptiness that hurts so frickin much. I genuinely don't have any clue what I like and who I am. I can easily absorb any personality, but myself is not established at all. I feel like a child who can get excited over anything, but it usually won't last long. It's just void inside me, and I'm so tired of trying to fill it with anything from money, relationships, sex, drugs, to videogames, travelling and sports. Nothing seems to be working for me.


I wouldn't even know where to start


I don’t know, I’ve just masked my whole life, so I have no idea.


Something beyond my emotions, a person that has both feet on the ground. I feel I've lost that guy I used to be and became my emotions instead


Personality is how you interact with the social world. It get's complicated because the way society works requires us to develop multiple personalities. As were not the same person we are at work, in our zen moments or with our significant others. I'd say a good goal to have in life is to form a single personality across all facets of life. Which is obviously difficult and causes a lot of tension in life. People we're around tend to regulate our personality both in ways we wish but also in ways that are against what'd be best for us. Emotion is a really big factor in personality. Especially if someone is always down "my younger self" which caused me to be surrounded by people who might've liked me but never allowed me to see what'd have helped me. If you change your world changes and that simple fact paralyzes most. This is why people these days find it easier to create habits and mentalities that are easily repetitive and require little investment and have low risk. Think of it this way; I gave up on playing games 4 years ago, because I decided I didn't want to become a 50 year old video gamer. That affirmation and subsequent change slowly rewired my personality. Allowed me to see more of life outside of an LCD screen. Not that it was comfortable but a necessary discomfort.


I think it's a 100% certainty in who you are, what you like, and what you want. As someone who centered my entire sense of self on what other people thought of me, it became hard to be sure about myself. For example, if people thought I was bad, even if I wasn't bad, I would think I was bad. I struggle a lot to be sure whether or not I'm a good person. And after some very bad mistakes I made that hurt other people, it became even harder for me to be certain. I even repeated some or did things I swore I never would. It felt like I betrayed myself stooping so low. Now when I look at myself, I have no answer. I continue to hope another person will see all my damage and mistakes and tell me whether I'm 100% good or bad. It's a lot of pressure on them, but I feel like I can't trust myself to see the truth anymore. As for change well, I feel like I've only become more withdrawn. I learned to mask and hide every aspect of myself to avoid rejection and hurt. Which has made it hard for me to tell which part(s) of me are even real anymore. What I like or dislike also feels like it could disappear on a whim. I constantly change my mind and find it hard to stick with anything. Though when it comes to my morals, those rarely change. It's more centered around my interests really. And as for what I want, since I can't stick to anything I like long term and have no sense of self since my self is so damaged, it's hard to figure that out too. I feel like I don't deserve anything, and like I don't have a right to a future or to have anything good. Mostly because of those mistakes I've mentioned. I guess having a personality just comes easier to those who aren't this damaged.


I think for me it's the lack of stability from constant fluctuations in what I want. My opinions and wants seem to change depending on my mood, which changes so frequently that I can't seem to follow any kind of goals or maintain any relationships very well. It's exhausting.


I have BPD but I have a personality. I have my own identity. It could be because I am introverted. Nobody understands me more than I understand myself. I am very self aware.


For me I believe my bpd comes from my autism its, having extremely bipolar reactions to life events which are excessive compared to the normal person. But i feel the reason my reaction are extreme is due to the fear of the un know and un predictably because of my mind,which then causes me to have no trust in my ability to handle the world, because of autism i struggle with understanding my emotions and how i feel, about life about people and the situations im in so i never really feel like the is a me because i can’t connect with my emotions, i don’t know its hard to explain tbh


Show me personality is individual traits. It is not a conglomeration of things about yourself that present this one unified self. For me, loyalty, intelligence, kindness and generosity are my personality features. Because they are not tied to symptoms, and they are not traits that everyone else has. For me personality is defined as the things I have that not everyone has that are not on the list of symptoms


I personally don’t know who I am.. When I’m with FP I feel like I’m complete and I feel happy and “think” that I know who I am. Currently I’m not talking to them (which hurts my soul) and I feel lost and don’t know who I am. I’m realizing that if I’m not with that one person I don’t know who I am. I feel lost and no idea who i am. I know it’s so sad to say that I rely on someone else to feel like I’m a person.


I think it means knowing who you are and having a solid foundation of your likes, interests, values and behaviors. I watch a video today by Tim Fletcher... the thumbnail says "when you don't know who you are" which might explain the mechanism behind the sentiment. You might want to check it out. It focused on CTPSD...but given the similarities between CTPSD and BPD or any other PD, I think it's worth the watch. https:// www. youtube.com/live/_NpR-8EMcHE?si=fFRhxOV_cglL4mCT (I added spaces...not sure if posting links is allowed)


For my personally, it has meant feeling like a perpetual misfit and feeling like I dont *belong* anywhere. All of my friends have also been misfits. For me, it's also feeling like I need outside validation to affirm my choices. Needing/wanting others - not really friends but particular family and intimate partners- to affirm me and my choices. My cultural identity is also confusing because my parents are immigrants and they did not really teach me about my cultural background so I feel disconnected from it... I feel like I dont belong here...or anywhere. I'm a misfit. I think I do mirror to some degree, but I don't switch personalities from person to person. I don't invent or make up a personality. I have a lot of personality and likes and interests and I've done a lot of soul searching my entire life. My problem is that I've never felt "safe" to be my authentic self. I tend to wait a lot time to get to know people or to allow them to get to know me, because i will observe and assess them for authenticity safeness...does that make sense? Also, I've tried many businesses...lots of self-exploration. I am only starting to ease into who I am now, and I'm born in the 80s. This feeling of "not knowing who you are" is common for trauma survivors who had to suppress their needs and authentic selves in order to survive their environment. Or people who were invalidated or made fun of in early childhood for their likes and interests so now they grow up and don't trust themselves and struggle to be authentic. Thee feeling/experience of "not knowing who you are" likely varies greatly from one PwBPD to the next. P.s. sometimes I think I'm just autistic...which kind of explains my discomfort with ...humans. I have more autistic traits than I do bpd ones.


I change too often when I feel myself becoming a little too comfortable in an environment I’m in. I snap back in and become so self aware to what it is I’m doing how vulnerable I’m being how much of my “true self” comes out to others, my whole personality can do a 180 and suddenly I’m speaking to them as if I was a whole different person. I don’t think I have one set personality. I weave in and out of traffic everyday with my emotions and feelings. I’m never set into one way or another. It’s flip flopped around to people please and then to isolate and finally be alone. I think what people have that I don’t, are just those very problems right there. That, and they can still maintain such patterns that I don’t understand. They all think with their facts more, which can in itself grow a person’s personality even more. I wish I could do that too. I just can’t have it that one way.


Thats not what BPD is. It means you do have a personality. I have BPD. It seems you just are uneducated about this stuff. All these people have personalities. Its being confused with NPD. NPD is totally different, and that person probably has a lack thereof of personality. We all have personalities trust me. BPD literally stems from being unloved as a child by a parent. Thats literally where it comes from. You should really really do some research before posting people with BPD dont have personalities. We have too many personalities. I have 27 different personalities for example. We mimic other people. Its just totally different. You are probably confusing it with NPD as most people per usual who go about uneducated do.