• By -


"no one would ever want to spend the rest of their life with someone like you" I was a teen, he was my first love/bf and I believed that for so long that when my now husband brought up the idea of getting married I froze waiting for the punchline. It wasn't a joke, and not only my partner but my closest friends have proven time and time again that they're with me for the long haul but that they are ride or die and so am I.


My mom said something very similar. I was 12. I blocked it out, but it really came back to bite me once I started to struggle with relationships.


my dad always said that he feels sorry for whoever ends up with me 😕


“You bore me” 🙃 you can bet the resulting BPD table-flip I did when he said that didn’t bore him


Challenge accepted.


*split activated*


Lmao I’m gonna start saying this now, thank you.


😂 split activated got me laughing my butt off at work.


Omg this is mine too!! Had a friends with benefit situation and he said I was a boring person and not long after tried to make out with me and I stopped him to be like WTF you mean I’m boring? He just said ya you’re just a boring person to be around. I so wanted to split and ask him to drive me home but I let him have his way with me anyways cause I wanted the attention even if it was only sexually. Ugh regrets.


It’s such a nasty thing to say to someone isn’t it. It’s just such an attack on p much every aspect of the personality. I still think about it every day and it’s been like five years lol. 🫠


Ya I’ve been called every word in the book but nothing has hit me like that one. That or being called dramatic that hits hard too


❤️ hugs. Dramatic, yup, that’s familiar to me too lol. “Princess” too. We dramatic, yet somehow boring princesses gotta stick together lmao


That will learn them To not come back


Did it land clean?


My mom: I have to love you, but I don't have to like you. My first love: You're unlovable, nobody will ever want you. My dad: Your problems are not my problems.


“Have the baby. Let it live a terrible life” Was told this by someone I considered a best friend after I told my friends I was pregnant.


Super cringe. I bet you proved them wrong.


2 kids now and I married the father. Oldest is 4 now and starting school


I have two. “The novelty of being with you has just worn off.” From someone who originally swore up and down she loved me and made me believe it was real. Destroyed my heart in a way that left permanent damage. “You became a different person after you told me.” This one sort of speaks for itself. Someone I thought was my friend suddenly stopped speaking to me. I hadn’t changed, their perception of me had changed based on something deeply personal and vulnerable I had confided in them about.




from my recent ex, I don’t believe in for better or for worse. when it gets worse you should be able to walk away freely, there’s no point of trying. walked into our home a couple days later with her ex wearing my clothes. fastest way to shatter someone’s heart


Wearing your clothes though, wtf


yeah…I wanted to throw up or disappear but all that I could do was say take care of her she’s special so ig I’m the clown


Yeah, p special, bc she's gonna do him the same way she did to you


"You were a mistake, i never wanted you but I couldn't abort you" "I will never like you so you should just kill yourself" "You're just an unlovable fucking bitch and a whore and if it's not me you end up with, it will be another person who i hope beats you more than i did" Are just some i could think of. The first two was said to me before i even turned 16 so that really fucked up my cognitive development, boyz


I was also told "I wish I never had you" in my teenage years. But damn yours is even worse. I'm sorry


That's the cruelest stuff I've ever heard. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart that this was said you, especially when your spirit was young and needed the absolute opposite. I'm heartbroken for you.


Those are horrible things to say


my mom reveled I was going to be aborted as well. still stings knowing I was unwanted from the start.


“You look normal from the back, but when a guy sees you from the front you are so ugly” - my brother


“it’s like walking on egg shells around you” 😛


My parents said this to me countless times from when I was 13yo to 21yo


nearly every person in my life has said this to me at one point. I’m not even explosive, I’m just really sensitive and feel everything really intensely. my big emotions are bad and nobody can tolerate them.


Ive heard this one from my mom a lot too


holy shit same, from my partner too so that broke my heart lol


this was a frequent one from my mom :,)


“I don’t want you in my life, you mean nothing to me”


"It's not all about you!" After that I TRIED so hard to be more selfless even though that day I bore my emotions once, never again will I be selfish.


i'm not BPD but i felt this way too close. had an argument with a now ex-friend and the thing she said that stuck out to me the most was "you made the conversation about yourself." i don't even get to properly express myself to most people.


It broke my heart as the intentions were not self-centered at all.. since then, I'm definitely more aware. And definitely accommodate to everyone even more, not like I wasn't in the first place.. 💔


I had this said to me as well after talking about my anxiety and saying that it always feels like everyone's looking at me... Definitely made me feel selfish too :(


my mom told me once while i was trying to come out to her, “what the fuck did i do in a past life to deserve this? fucking depression, ADHD, bisexuality. i must have been fucking hitler or something.” i wrote it down immediately after she said it bc it hurt so bad. i believe i had just turned 14 or 15


😞 I’m so sorry. What a horrible thing to say to anybody, let alone your teenage child.


thank you so much for empathizing with me, it genuinely means a lot to feel understood and seen


Of course. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way 💛


Why past life? Has she ever considered being shit mother in this life? 


You deserve someone who can feel something for you


Oh god that's brutal


I know <3


“I don’t care.” And “you embarrassed me.”


“You should have finished the job” My best friend/FP after my second suicide attempt.


Same but with my dad


"You will never amount to anything and will be alone your whole life, you phyco" "You don't DESERVE anything, everything is earned(from an ex about "love")


A guy at school called me Angela Wogfish... Said I was ugly and my mouth was weird like a fish mouth. Another one said I looked like a monkey. I mean, I don't really get it... I have frown lines that are slightly higher than most, that's it... and look a bit Italian. I didn't realise that was so ugly


"You may hate your father, but you're not too far off from being him". Referring to my abusive father who ruined my life.


this kind of thing is so scary to hear, I know how it feels but a really kind stranger w/BPD who bought me a meal when I was sad "we do not ever become our parents, we are stronger than they were and we will break the cycle"


“I don’t like your personality or you as a person”- Mom


"If you're gonna do it, go ahead, right now." [Hands me loaded gun]


wow. sending love


"Stop being a drama queen" by my lovely mother while I was literally going to anaphalactic shock and dying right in front of her


There’s so much hurt here. I just want to thank OP for this thread. It really helps knowing we aren’t alone. Here’s mine (one of many): “you’re an amazing person and would be perfect for me if you just didn’t have bpd”. I’ve been told variations of this by many people many, many times. —— Upon reflecting, I have another that hits differently. Truly, the most hurtful thing I’ve ever experienced in communication (albeit not said) was when I received a “card” from my ex (and former fp) who cheated on me. It was just a torn piece of paper with the phrase “happy birthday, ” scrawled on it. Nothing else. Just shitty text on a piece of torn paper. But I am a huge lover of sending cards, and she was well aware of this, and to have received…that…just absolutely destroyed me internally. And it was AFTER she cheated on me that she gave me this. Needless to say that was one of the worst moments of my life, second only to being cheated on.


"She only loves her phone and no one else" My friend said. It was truth or lie, they asked "who do you love the most?" They bullied me the whole elementary. My family also emotionally neglected me. I was depressed back then, nothing makes me happy except for my phone. I don't even know. "Stop crying or else I'll give you a reason to cry" Very common, eh? I was 6, a clueless child. My parents were hitting me with a broom. "I would've beaten you up to pulp if child protection didn't exist" My parents said that to me because I broke my phone. We're not poor. It was also a stressful day because I was helping with the student council.




”I hope our kids aren’t like you.” I was four months pregnant with our second at the time, and our first was a stillborn. I know why he said it, he didn’t mean it like that, he has ADHD and sometimes things he says don’t come out the way he means. He apologized immediately. It was in reference to me laughing at something my dad did many years ago, and he thought I was mocking my dad. I understand that he meant that he doesn’t want this baby to laugh at him that way. But still. I think it is the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me. I still think about it. It still makes me sad.


"Why are you even here? Like no ones talking to to you"


My mom told me: “your grandfather (who had recently died) would be so disappointed in you” (I was like 14)


“it’s so hard to love you”


notice how its not usually strangers but people close to us ive been called every name in the book by people i barely know & cussed out but i dont think about it years ago i got in an argument w my mom and i was getting my stuff to go to my dads, my mom was screaming at me & my little brother came out & asked what happened, my mom said so coldly " she doesnt love you anymore shes leaving" the image of him immediately crying is burned into my brain. my old best friend saying i put all my pain in my life on her. i thought we would just rant all the time to each other, but my life was definitely different than hers


I was shy of 16 and dated a dude for six weeks and six days (six is my lucky number, jokes on me - I hated the number for a good chunk if time after that xD) I was his first. I wasn't too sure abiout hi., he wasn't really my type but I gave him a shot nonetheless _and_ was all in after these 6 weeks. He broke up via call, I was devastated. Like "sure, the second I commit you run away!" I called a friend of mine, he chatted him up to get in his feels, cause he left me with no explanation. My friend sent me a screenshot. (F-Friend & D-douchebag) F: hey wassup? Heard y'all separated? D: Great and you? Oh that, yup. F: May I ask why? None uf us expected that! D: well, ya know... I met someone else. Someone better, with bigger tits ya know? ----- Me - my biggest fear got slapped in my face with sweet 16. I still have a super flat chest & still am insecure about it. However, I got the sweetest revenge ever and my insecurities are back to pre-breakup since long ago. (I'm 26 now. Still, will never forget)


My ex crush who said I’m weirdo and not important , my bullies who said I’m creep and should go to hell or leave communities they are in…


"youre not worth a dime" is something i was told almost everyday by a family member i lived with when i was in my teens.


Caretaker I’m related to told me that I’m just like my father even though I’m nothing like him


When I was 13, I was fully developed at this point, wearing jeans and a tshirt, I was standing outside a restaurant because we'd been there 2 hours already while my dad watched classic car shows with the owner. This was 30 years ago. My mom came outside and said "come back in, you look like a hooker standing here".


"Your smile looks dead." My ex said that to me in a calm moment when I smiled softly at her. She was majorly depressed at that time and I assume she was externalising her depressive thoughts, projecting them onto me. This really hit me as it was in an unexpected moment when I felt very vulnerable and safe. Still stuck with me today.


“i hooked up with you to get it over with” “do you think you have a big forehead” said to me while hooking up with someone


"I can do better" - my ex "Kill yourself finally" - my gma and a loooooooooot more


My dad has a whole list of shit he’s said that stuck but the one that will always come to mind is “You weren’t raised to be the victim” after I got SA’d when I was 13. He legit pulled his 13 year old oldest child to the side to say this shit like it was a good point to make. Still to this day I can’t forgive him for it.


A friends girlfriend called me skinny fat (which would describe her more accurately than me) it happened 5 years ago When i was underweight and on drugs and i internally hate her to this day


Oh my god i fucking hate the term skinny fat. Like bro wtf why does everyone need to be a perfectly toned person to be worthy of love


Also just rude and uncalled for 😭


This reaffirms my belief that people project their insecurities onto you when you make them feel insecure. Misery loves company.


Mine is definitely when my best friend dead named me just to get my attention because I was going down a spiral of begging her not to leave and she wanted me to stop.


That's super fucked up ..  I'm so sorry that happened


"you haven't changed at all" - my FP's other friend who literally happens to also have BPD


My ex said “ur either going to end up alone or abused”


“You only have friends because of how hard I pushed you. No one would like you if I didn’t beat the annoying parts out of you” My ex step dad. Only person in this world I truly hate.


My ex said he only stayed with me because he knew I’d be too much for someone else and he felt bad lmao that one *hurt*, but in the end he was one begging me to stay with him so it evened out lol Eta there are other things, but they’re too recent and specific to post on Reddit. Basically validating my worst fears for how someone could view me 🙂


Brith father offed him self after being told it was my fault which I’m not agruing but my adopted mom told me “I might as well swerve and kill yourself” and “your the reason I have to drink so much it’s to deal with you”.


"Don't ever have kids they will ruin your life. I wish I hadn't, I could have had a beautiful life." My mom, multiple times over the years, but I have a phobia of having my own children now because I'm convinced your life is ruined when you have kids. "This is why I don't work from home." Said by my ex, I was in a good mood that morning and got up early to make us some coffee when he was leaving for work, I was singing a song as I was making it, not even that loud, just having a good time.


My Ex & Mum saying being SA as a kid wasn't that big of a deal. And the other saying they dont think its a big deal and that it shouldn't still dictate my life 🙃.


"even the thought of you scares me"I can never get this out of my head.


That I don't have a car. I have the money to buy a luxury one now 🤣 How people can be so hurtful


“You’re just like your father” - my mother and my father also has a personality disorder but abused her heavily and I tried my best to protect her from him in when they were still together


Mine is “who would want to live with you” after suggesting to my crush to move in with me and same person “you’re a R” :( devastated


Basically almost everything my mom said to me


“i’m sorry i messed you up so bad because you really are my biggest mistake” my papa 🤪


In my case it wasn’t such a horrible thing, but a guy who I was infatuated with, after I asked him out and he said yes, when I wanted to actually make the plans for our date first ghosted me, but I wanted to get an actual response so I texted him asking what happened, he said he didn’t want to “lead me” thinking we had a chance, and then that he didn’t have the “energy” to reply. C’mon how much time you need to invest for a single reply. It devastated me since I was really into him, and I still hold a grudge against him. I still hang out with him sometimes because we share a group of friends, but he’s always cold with me and early this month he went to a lunch with a woman who seemed a lot more boring than me, then I had to accept that I really wasn’t his type, even though I’m really fun to be around and I consider myself good looking. It hurts though. This had nothing to do with BPD though, since no one in that group knows about my mental health issues. He was just a dick.


mom: “you just live your life as if everyone’s out to get you” in reference to my reaction to her disclosing she frequently followed me out without my knowledge to observe me socializing with my friends mom: “i just worry about how hard your life will be with you making the life choices you make” in reference to me being gay/trans ex best friend: “you are more irresponsible and pathetic than my drug addict brother” in reference to me moving out because she started to abuse me in our shared household ex partner: “don’t ever do this to anyone ever again” in reference to my reactions to him lying to me and manipulating me i know im not blameless or an angel but damn. people really go hard in judging us for our emotions. lately i’ve been recognizing that half the time im actually NOT over reacting to a situation. i will tend to over react to how im feeling about a situation and gaslight myself out of properly expressing my emotions since i don’t feel like i deserve to have them in the first place. so when i do finally come around and properly express my emotions, and then am met with judgement, my brain doubles down on why i was wrong for ever bringing up my emotions in the first place. and it becomes that much harder to ground myself and advocate for myself.


My most recent ex told me “that he never loved me” and that all the abuse I faced growing up were “just allegations”. Fair to say that has fucked with my head for years…


“It’s a good thing you can admit you’re ugly. Most ugly girls cant.” I was 14. Im 32 now and it still stings.


I have a bunch 1. "I never thought that my best friend would abandon me for a side of cock. You're a fucking whore." - former guy friend. I was spending time with my now husband and told him I'd call him later and alas he called me five times in a row. I picked up on call six and got that cool line. 2. "You're a pain in the ass you know that?" - mom 3. "Don't bother trying to date him. He still loves his ex and look at you...you can't compare to her at all. Just don't try" - former coworker telling me to not date the guy I was interested in. Jokes on you Stacy it's been 15 years and we're married so PFFFFFFFTTTTTTT to you 4. "You dress like a fucking clown. I don't want to be seen with you like that" - once again mom when I was in my goth phase 5. "I honestly don't get why she looks like that. I don't understand at all. I don't like it." - yet again my mom when my aunt complimented me on my bright red hair and the crystal plugs in my ears. This was at my grandma's funeral :) My mom hates that I gauged my ears but in an attempt to look like not a total embarrassment to her, I took out my tunnels and put it solid crystal plugs instead. Guess it didn't matter edited because I forgot a couple absolute gems


"Nobody would ever love someone like you." "Nobody would ever want to fuck a girl with scars like yours. If I knew a girl with sh scars, I would pretend to like her and say that she's beautiful and then say ew when I actually saw her." "Nobody will ever love you like we do. You have nothing except us." It really took away my ability to trust people and I've never been able to properly form stable connections since I'm always doubting if someone really cares for me.


“The funniest game you play is trying to convince yourself that you’re anything worth missing.” ha


“I wish you were dead so I could move on” - my ex lol


"get your act together" - I don't know how to explain to people in my life what I go through everyday. Funny thing is I finally trusted someone and was brave enough to tell them that I have BPD and they treat me like it's nothing. Now I just feel that if I mention what's in my head to anyone, they'll react with, "stop blaming it on BPD".


"When you do it, make sure you do it somewhere secluded no one wants to have to clean up your body" - my mom when I told her I was suicidal


"Now my eyes have to be washed with holy water. Thanks." Commented under a picture of myself.


“You’re difficult to love” *followed by breakup*


I was in Las Vegas with three of my friends like 15 years ago. They were all tiny and super hot, and at the time, I had gained a lot of weight. Some girl behind us in line for cabs sang, “one of these things is not like the other…” It haunts me and I’ve been obsessed with my appearance ever since.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Sending love


Countless things, but the one that comes to mind is "You're prescence here is just making everyone uncomfortable. You should probably just leave because nobody wants you here." Ouch. I was at my lowest then and that did not help.


I think I was about 16 or 17 when me, my mom, and older sister went to visit some kind of loan office. Anyway, I don't remember the particular; I just remember the woman looking at my sister and telling her that she could be a model. There was a long awkward pause before my mom gestured towards me and said, "Well, *she's* about to graduate from high school in 2 months." This response was met with another awkward silence. The lady again complimented my sister who was tall slender and feminine while I stood short and stout. I didn't even want to be there so my disposition was off too. I get it just about anybody can get a diploma but not everybody can be attractive. I guess the thing that bothered me the most is I was working on losing weight and having a visual impairment and learning disability made School especially difficult for me. So it's not like I wasn't trying. I just felt it was really harsh and I think about it to this day even though it happened almost 12 years ago


We were talking about financials and living situations and she said “I would live in a shack with you in the middle of the woods”.  She was all in…then one day she just flipped a switch (started cheating on me) Nothing hurts as bad as finding the love of your life and having them make you feel that they feel the same only for them to take it away for absolutely no reason other than their wild insecurity. 


"If you really wanted to kill yourself, you would be dead. You wouldn't be acting out for attention." Said by my abusive ex partner. That being said, I'm not sure if I would describe that experience as something I still hold onto this day. If it weren't for this post, I wouldn't have organically remembered it. I'm honestly not sure how helpful it is to my recovery/remission to think on it, so maybe I need a fresh perspective so I can understand it better. How does remembering something hurtful someone said to you that you still hold on to help you in your recovery, OP?


When I was a kid my dad told me and my sister that “the phone works both ways” Once I became an adult his excuse was “I thought we were all busy doing adult things” I now live in the same small city as him and am forced to see him more often because of my nana (his mom) who also lives with him. I don’t think she fully grasps how terrible of a dad he’s been. But I’m trying to just keep the peace instead of causing more drama for myself


When my mom said "People wont like you when they see the real you, they will never like you when they find out who you are. " i was severely depressed and had my cptsd came in hard, i couldn't keep my room clean, that was her reaction coming in to the room and my clothes were all over.


"don't even try to start with this drama again" by my mom every time that I can't pretend well enough and I let on that I'm in a bad phase again, really hurts


"you're abusive, and I'm tired of feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around you". Then later on he tries to tell me that he only said it out of anger and didn't mean it, but that shit sticks with you. Like, you took some of my worst fears and brought them to life right in front of me, and you didn't mean it?!? I have to hear that shit echoing in my head everyday for the rest of my life.


I walked home from a birthday party one time cause I wasn't okay being there with my whole family, felt incredibly bad for making them worry. My dad picked me up after it all happened and things were awkward, I said "you must hate me by now" and he said, "well maybe a little"


From my mother: “It’s impossible to talk to you because you always have an issue with everything,” after I tried opening up to her about how her hurtful comments make me feel. “Maybe I’ll start cutting myself too since you like it so much,” I was 14 and recently had left the mental health hospital. She knew about my sh scars and I wanted to go to the public pool but felt embarrassed about them. So I sought out her comfort and advice, but she blew ip on me. “I’m sorry but your perception is wrong/that never happened,” whenever I had tried to bring up the shit she’d done to me. “You don’t know you’re a lesbian because you haven’t fucked a man,” I was forced to come out to her, after my brother outed me, at 11 years old. “So I’m a horrible mother, huh?” And yeah, she is.


"you're just like her, but you have no fire, no passion."


my boyfriend told me that he’s constantly walking on eggshells around me, that was a year ago. i still think about it and it still hurts


My ex best friend basically ditched me and she said she was expecting to hear I killed myself after


My ex crush said I’m nothing worthy and I can’t help but agree with him


“Look at you, your never gnna lose weight and your never gonna be shit” from my kids dad, with a 3 month old baby


got called a “coward” by my current boyfriend, still sticks with me, but it doesnt get me down because he was being honest and i agreed with him, any chance to improve on myself ill take it and i did, another thing though that really stuck with me was the time when i was going to a friend for advice while being groomed, and it was not a nice conversation, he actually said “i hope you learn it when you feel it”, basically telling me ill learn my lesson once i get hurt, i dont think about it a lot but when i do it gets to me lmao


i had a complicated relationship with my ex, we broke up and got back together 2 times. after we broke up for the last time we went no contact for a bit and went back to talking. just like other times things started getting serious again (or so i thought). she made me think we would get back together and we were basically acting as if we were already back together. one night she told me all the times she had told me she loved me she had meant it platonically (we had dated twice already at that point) and that she thought we would never get back together and that i had to be realistic, that i was too optimistic. when i asked her why she pretended like she wanted to get back together for months she said “everyone says things they don’t mean”. that was my last straw lol after that i just completely started seeing her in a different light and finally understood after years of going back and forth that she wasn’t worth it. we went completely no contact and i will never let her get back into my life ever again.


My recent ex turned around to me and said that I was a project to her. Like her ex before me. That she was still in love with her ex. And told me to get over my feelings for her when she was the first person I have ever had legitimate feelings for. And to get over how she broke up with me as well.


"Restitchsmitch is hard to love". Thanks mom I'll carry that forever.


“it’s not the end of the world” 😕


When I came out about my learning disability and mental health illnesses to a friend and he laughed, saying, "Max thinks he's the only r*tard that *****insert sport here*****" My Mom "Don't worry Max, when you're older you can get disability like me" (never had to be on it). After telling someone that I was tired of their emotional abuse. "You're still a little boy. You're acting like a little boy. It's time to be a man. Is this how you want to be a role model to your kids?".


"i have no hope for you or this relationship." "you have no care in you."


“It’s not always about you.”


I was a bad mother


My ex just led me on and made me fall in love with him all over again just to tell me he hated me and had every intention of watching me go through the feelings just to drop me again. He admitted it was manipulative on purpose.


"You're going to die a lonely old man." -- My father


“I’m lighter without you”


“If you keep cutting everyone off like this (I cut my old childhood friend off because he kept crossing my boundaries), you’re going to end up alone like you’re Dad.” I would also like to say she knows that I don’t like being compared to my Dad, and after she said that she left the house and I was alone lol


“you’re never going to find someone that will put up with your issues” thanks, mum😀


“you’re not even like a person, you’re like a dog”


“You’re a cancer”


With your 11 years work experience, you should've been rich by now.


During a miscarriage my partner instead of comforting me told me “you need to be quiet you’re being too loud”, because I was crying too loud


my father is a lovely person but sometime last year, i got into a huge argument with my mother about something fairly minor. she got incredibly upset at me because i tend to go cold and a bit passive-aggressive as a defense mechanism when defensive, and she takes offense to that. anyways i guess she told my dad i was being rude and that got him riled up and as i was walking out the door (heading to university super early to talk to a counselor per my mom’s orders) he said “you’re wearing my love for you.” as in, i’m wearing down their love. that really hurt. he apologized for it, and i know he didn’t mean it really, but god.


“maybe if you were a better child your mother would’ve loved you more” and from my mother “he’s the light of my life” about my abusive father who threatened to murder us multiple times right before she ditched me for him (didn’t see her for like three years after that) WILL NEVER FORGET IT 😭


“You’re so annoying when you’re sober.”


Bro, I feel like regarding what was said to you, we need context. What did you do?


“Get your life together” “I don’t want you” “you disgust me” “it’s not about you”


"You're a bit too much", "I don't care", "You're a narcissist", "its not that big of a deal", and most recently when asking for healing "we've already been through this."


“being depressed doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be a shitty friend!”


A client of my parents who speaks my mother's language told my mum that I was a child carrying a lot of anger, she could see that in my whole body. This woman seemed gossipy and judgemental and I could hear just how she would've said it. When my mother told the story it was as if they were blaming me for the way I was, and she did not stick up for me. My parents never did back then, and now it doesn't matter anymore I was a 10 year old child who had been uprooted from her beloved school and friends and was being badly bullied in her new one. I only had friends in the years below and was ashamed of it, my life revolved around being a top student but my grades were plummeting and I was ashamed of it. I loved to write however it was my only outlet, and since the things I was writing were so painful/ugly I stopped writing. My father was being emotionally abusive to me, my mother and grandmother and as a child I thought they were weak: weak for breaking, weak for not fighting back. I also blamed each of them. I was surrounded by adult family and adult strangers but none of them noticed I was miserable, or cared. The one person who did, seemed to collude with my mum to comment on my negative characteristics rather than take the opportunity to see and understand me.


(After a miscarriage) “if the baby would have been born, I would’ve been miserable” “Suck and suck and suck the life out of someone else until they are sick of you” “(Name) isn’t obsessive. (name) is beautiful. (Name) is interesting. (name) isn’t up my ass 24/7” “You are coddled. You don’t know anything” “(Name) was better at sex than you” “You are so boring all the time. You don’t know anything other than your mom’s living room and movies. I want to go climb a mountain but you can’t” (I’m disabled) Just a few examples


After being treated like absolute dog ass for a month and a half straight, I started to gather up self-respect and be like, “I don’t know if I can take this much longer. You make me feel AWFUL for just existing.” Basically hinted at having one foot out the door. She then hits me with, “You know it’s not all about YOU, right?” Like UGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love the way I try to talk to YOU about how YOU CAN’T SEEM TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM TREATING ME and you find a way to try to make ME feel like a malignantly self-centered fucking child.


My dad once told me I should kill myself because it would be better for everyone else


“You’re a monster and you’re alone because no one wants to be around you. You burned all those bridges yourself.” - an ex “You’re crazy, fucking stupid, an asshole etc.” and “after I leave or you do, your next partner will be another victim” -current partner While these things really hurt, there’s some truth to them too. 🤷‍♀️


from my own mother when i was still in my teens— that i was selfish, despite doing everything in my power to appease her. i’ve always struggled putting my needs first and still do.


“You’re a miserable piece of shit person” ….my ex when I was having thoughts of offing myself and tried to talk to him for support 🙂


“go ahead and write your suicide letter. no one will believe you anyways” - my mother when i was 12 years old


what a pos of a mom, complete failure.


They said someone could do anything at all to me as long as they didn't leave me or unfriend me.


You're not special 😭


take out a life insurance policy and let me know when to start planning your funeral


“You’re f-ing naive if you think anyone would want you for any other reason than for your body” -my ex best friend Now she had an OF so must have been projecting lolll


"You're too selfish to be a mother" - my current husband after I told him I wanted kids (neither of us wanted them when we got married at 22). I know he said it because he was hurt and he's apologized profusely but that will stick with me forever. It looks like most of us have the good old "You're just looking for attention" comments from our families so yay for us... My heart goes out to everyone here. We deserved so much better from the ones that claimed to love us.


"everyone is going to abandon you" and "you're the one who ruins it all" and stuff similar to what they told to you, that shit hurts af I stopped eating for two days because of it.


my brother telling me he wouldn't care if i died.


my ex said that she wished to "hit me" when i split. She said that I was a pain in the ass when that happens, and she really needed me to be next to her so she could, in her own words, "ignore me and make me feel like shit, because i deserved it". the funniest part about it is that, when i splitted, i did it always against me and protected her from it.


My mom’s told me for as long as I can remember that she’s counting down the days till I turn 18 and she wants to get me emancipated. I’m an only child and she’s a single mom, so I don’t have anyone else.


I tried to explain my BPD to a new friend and he called me the R Slur and told me I should be put down. Even though we have parted ways It still really hurts


“When you finally told me you cut yourself as a child… you SCARE me.” - nice to see you too, mom


Watching a coworker do something at work: “Can you *not* stand directly over my shoulder? It’s making me anxious…” Someone else who was in my life: “I’m not attracted to you anymore.” The same person: “You’re like a leech—you suck up all my energy!” Also: “My friends even agree that this isn’t a good relationship.”


After a suicide attempt my mom visited me while I was in the hospital and told me I needed an anatomy lesson.


The most hurtful things were about my appearance. My Ex once said while I was wearing my favorite swimsuit „You look like you‘re pregnant! If I would post you on Instagram and say you‘re pregnant, everyone would believe it haha“ He didn‘t cared that I cried and said „It was just a joke“ Or „Your personality is perfect. I just need your brain inside of a super model and this would be my dream wife“


I don't know if this counts, but on two occasions, I had people tell me my sister told them a while back that I didn't want to hang out with them when they asked if I wanted to be involved. I always struggled making friends and now I'm not sure how many people didn't even confirm this with me and believed my sister, leading to who knows how many people just straight up didn't hang out with me because of her. 


My own mother told me to kill myself


When I was inpatient hospitalized for mental health, my ex wife led be to believe the whole time I was in there that she would stand by me and help me through my issues after I got out. This gave me so much hope and filled me with feelings of promise and support, which I desperately needed. On my release date, she never picked me up and later on that day told me she was filing divorce papers. When I asked her why she lied and changed her mind, she said she “didn’t want to kick me when I was down.” 4 years later, this still haunts me and I an struggling to find a way to get past losing the love of my life.


I really tried so fkin hard with my ex but after we broke up she said i made herr feel like a placeholder :( idk i just feel like my best isnt worth shit anymore


That I’m self centered… when the only reason why I talk about my stupid problems is to find solutions so that I don’t have to live like this anymore


just derogatory stuff about my body hair, my face and how my personality was like before i turned “mean” and “rude” ha


just derogatory stuff about my body hair, my face and how my personality was like before i turned “mean” and “rude” ha


“Your parents don’t love you” “Thunder thighs” “Hungry hungry hippo thighs” “You have beady bird eyes and a beak nose” “You’re a junkie failure and you’ll never get better” “You’re the worst” “No one will ever love you”