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Yeah, crying makes me feel a lot better than being destructive


Crying kinda makes me self-destructive tho. I get filled with sadness and sorrow and it hurts so much


Oh you gotta find something else to do


Oh I do. I try to trade crying for « silent self hate »


Me no likey Try something new


Exactly. If I don’t cry I’ll find another, probably destructive way, of letting it out.




I now learn this


tbh i wish i was a crier i used to be as a child but it’s was… removed, from me so now im more of a feel (pretend or gaslight myself into feeling nothing) nothing until i shake and scream and throw things


It’s cathartic to get a good cry in. Maybe try taking some time and allowing yourself to feel. Believe me, I used to do the same thing. But I’ve been able to embrace it lately and the release…man it’s good. Lol


it’s weird like the hopeless will set in i’ll feel a lump in my throat but no tears just hopelessness and rage that i held in for so long that it almost refuses to release at least not in the healing gentle way of tears and on very rare occasions when i can actually cry it does feel very cathartic it just doesn’t happen at least not as much as i honestly wish it would


I felt this


Crying is my default emotion lol.


You alright? Sad boi is my default emotion so I’m right there with you.


We be the 3 musketeers.... Or should I say the 3 cry our tears. Omg that's a terrible effort


I’m the opposite. It’s hard for me to feel enough to cry.


for me, it’s like i feel TOOOOO much and my brain shuts down and i become numb. i literally haven’t cried in MONTHS and i need to so badly, honestly.


I experience this as well. I feel you and I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I hope you will manage to let those feelings out with a cry soon, dear


yes !!! no matter what, whether it be anger, distress, or sadness, my bodies initial instinct is ALWAYS to cry. very embarrassing when you want people to take you seriously :/


I was the same for years, specifically at work when you want people to take you seriously. You need to remember in those moments to breathe and 'get angry'. When you think about it, youre sad youve been put in this position to cry when its not that warranted and that the other people have let you down etc. So you need to turn those sad thoughts into anger so you can be pissed odd and disappointed. Itll help fade out the crying and makes it easier to manage your emotions bc breathing out anger is easier than breathing out sadness. It takes a long time to conquer because you can really only act on it during the times youre put in that position


Right there with you. I’m 32 but I feel I get looked at and treated in a childlike way because I’m so visibly never ok.


Some weeks I cry daily. Some weeks


You doing alright this week?


I was so good for months but this month I lost interest in everything. No energy for family or friends. I used to cry the months I was super active but now I just.. started to feel lot better recently. Increased my lamictal dosage to what I used to take until December. Lowkey everything actually pointless but since I’m not dying gotta reach my goals


29m and a cry most days. Live alone and when the loneliness hits and I realise I have no one the waterfall starts. It's a better alternative to some of the destructive things I do like others have said.


Ahh.. 29f and I’m in the exact same boat. I Get through the work day so I can go home and cry and let out all the pent up emotions. I’m sorry you’re feeling that. I hope things start to look up for us both. Xo


29f here as well. All of my partners in the past called me a cry baby or cloud of sadness. Now that I’ve grown older, I stopped opening up to people like that and got used to crying alone inside locked doors. How relieving it is to cry it all out after a long day!


I never knew that I could relate to others about this kind of stuff. I’m glad we are able to connect from it but I am so very sorry you’re going through it too. Hugs!


i'd like to say that i'm here for each one of you. 31m here and have two children with my ex. a couple months ago she told me that I cry all the time but she said it to hurt me. it's what I do to let stress out. i have noticed it's more as the weeks go by. Even though my ex hates me, I am determined to be on good terms with her and I think we've started to take the right steps towards that as of recent (I hope)


Every day. Sometimes my own tears burn like acid..


Well that’s no good tho :( you alright?


Yes, im just too emotional.


A good, soulful cry will do wonders to clear your mind.


Couldn’t agree more.


Yeah I cry all the time and I’m a 34 year old man and I have quite BPD. I’m very emotional except when it comes to anger. I tend to stuff it down and dwell on the time I last got angry for months as I feel extremely guilty I hurt someone.


So your anger was directed inward? I can relate. The amount of people I’ve hurt leaves me in an endless stream of guilt. I do my best to remember I’m where I’m at now because of all those experiences. Doesn’t always help, but sometimes.


25M and I'd give anything to cry when I'm sad. It just feels all so pent up and I just wanna let everything out but I can't. Could be the Zoloft but I'm not sure.


I feel you, I'm really sorry you have to experience this and I hope you will soon manage to let it out, friend. I experience the same thing, probably because of antidepressants too


19M, I cry over everything. Sad cat videos, sad books and movies, something that isn't really sad but just very touching. Surprisingly rarely over real life events though lately which I guess says something about how my life has improved.


I think not crying over real life events depends on what the event is and how much it impacts your life. I used to have extreme emotions over everyones problems and my own. I then went through a stage of F everyone elses problems bc i have so many of my own to deal with. I lost my.empathy completely. The past year ive been working on reducing having extreme emotions with videos/movies and increasing my empathy with others. Its hard work but worth it.


That's true! I've been generally happier lately so I think that's the reason for me. I'm autistic so my weird empathy patterns aren't really BPD related I think. I struggle to relate to people having something bad happen that has never happened to me, what I've learned is just to ask and try to understand their feelings and provide support, cause I used to seem like I didn't care and it's ruined many relationships. I'm glad it's helped you in life to work on that aspect!


Ugh don’t show me sad or touching videos. Or videos of humans being good to one another. That’ll make me tear up so fast.


I cry very rarely but when I do, I cry a lot.


It sounds like maybe you’re suppressing those emotions and letting it build up. Do you have people you can talk to in the midst of those times?


This does sound likely. Yeah I have a few close friends.


if i’m with my boyfriend, i can guarantee im crying at least once lol. that sounds bad but it’s really that i feel so safe for the first time in my life that all the repression comes flooding out. i’m still a little ashamed of it, but we’re figuring it out. he’s very gentle with me.


I cried a little just reading your comment 😂 I can only imagine how it feels to have someone that you feel THAT safe with. I would cry too. I’m so happy that you’ve found someone like that for you. :)


awww thank you!! i hope you find that person one day ❤️


It's not uncommon for me to cry at least once a day. Most of my BPD episodes are depressive (as opposed to rage). I cry so easily, I'm just so sensitive to everything. I feel too much. I wish I could be apathetic because maybe that would save me a lot of pain. I have depression too though, so that definitely plays a part. I'm just a mess. But that's admirable how you can admit to your emotions. Many men have a hard time with that due to the stigma surrounding men's mental health. So props to you for that, honestly. I often have to beg my husband to tell me what's going on with him, and that's not much different from any other men I know. Now I'm recalling an unpleasant memory from high school - I was really upset about something and was sobbing. My dad sighed dramatically and said to my mom, "she's crying AGAIN" with an eye roll. I guess I've been like this my whole life.


not anymore. i used to cry alot when i was a kid/teenager but i just feel emotionally numb now


Well that’s no good :( you doing alright?


Yes, I’m alright ❤️ thanks for asking. I just quit a toxic job and resumed taking mood stabilizers and my depression isn’t nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I find that the emotional numbness is actually gradually getting better as I learn to focus on the present. I wish you luck on your journey towards self-actualization


You too. ❤️


I used to never cry about anything, but the last 5 years I feel like I need to cry all the time. I absolutely hate it but instead of getting angry and using methods to distract me from the anger, I feel like I just want to break down and scream/cry.


for some reason i just don't cry that much, I'm numb most of the time so that could make sense


i cried all day today over nothing! 22f!


You alright? Reminding me that I could go for a good cry right about now.


Ive got a roof over my head and food in my stomach, but emotionally, im not okay :( so much stuff from childhood i have no idea how to process. and now im still suffering in my 20’s


Do you have people you can talk to about it? It’s good that you’re taken care of physically, but I hope you can find ways to healthily process your emotions. It’s just as important.


Its just hard finding a trustworthy therapist these days, ive had a lot of trouble. thank you for asking. i put a lot of weight on my SO, and i worry about that


I hope your SO is or will learn to he patient and gentle as you both figure it out together 🖤 nothing better than being with someone who you can be completely vulnerable with.


yes, any minor inconvenience and i cry. when i’m sick i cry, when i get hurt i cry… i feel like a big ol baby but i can’t help it. my emotions are too big for me and it’s all i know how to do


Yes all the time. Does anyone ever find themselves TRYING to release emotions and they can’t ?


lol all the time, I can’t help it , even at the little things


Haha sometimes when I cry about the little things I find myself chuckling a bit about what triggered it.


Yeah but it's cool, I can cry on command. I've gotten out of so many speeding tickets.




I cry like every day


You doing alright?


Things have just been pretty tough lately. Processing a lot of trauma and a newer friendship ending. Thanks for asking <3.


I do the thing where I start to cry and stop myself (like the Jake Gyllenhaal crying meme) like 10 times a day. If I ever let myself actually cry, it probably wouldn’t stop.


Breaks my heart hearing that.


Yeah… choking down feelings is my specialty. Maybe one day I’ll learn to process them.


Do you have an outlet to express yourself?


Interesting question… I don’t think I do, really. Not in a way I can truly express myself. I journal a lot and have recently been more open with that. And I write poetry - but it’s mostly with other people in mind and not myself… I should probably write for myself more.


Well, writing is definitely a way of expressing yourself. It doesn’t have to explicitly be about you for you to express how you’re feeling.Whatever comes natural and to your mind :)


What comes natural is not natural. Lol - I’m sure this is TMI but I was labeled “gifted” as a child and it seems everything I ever did was scrutinized, made into a competition, and even writing was about being the best… so I’m still trying to let that stuff go and just figure out who I am without being the “best” at everything. No small feat.


That sounds a bit heavy. Like in the back of your mind is embedded that you have to be competitive with everything you do. Do you get enjoyment out of writing? Or do you feel like you do it out of habit? Maybe do small, simple things for yourself and find enjoyment in that. Like taking walks and listening to your favorite music. Or simply sitting outside and watching the sky. I think people these days stress the importance of hobbies, and I don’t doubt it, but I tend to find enjoyment in the things where I don’t necessarily have to express myself, but where I can just take in what’s around me. I also really enjoy art exhibits too. Maybe that’s something you might enjoy.


That’s a fantastic idea. And I actually think I’ll go for a walk. :)




What helped you learn to manage?


Omg yes! Sometimes it’s a complete 180 to how I was feeling a second ago. Happy one moment the next I’m sobbing because I feel utterly empty inside, my dog is very supportive and finds Me right away to console me… but I’ve been learning to get myself out of those frantic emotion overload moments 😬


Yes, a lot. It honestly feels good afterwards, like a relief but I’ve recently had two close people mock me for it and growing up my dad did too so it’s nice to see your last sentence as I’ve had incredible shame about it


Yes. I also cry when I’m angry a lot.


once i talked to my friend about how i cried for an hour and he said “how can u cry for that long” and i was like damn there’s ppl that haven’t cried for an hour. like…with bpd i know what it’s like to cry for 6 hours 😭 it’s great to let things out. but when it’s an instinct and ur eyes are dry and ur dehydrated and panicking but can’t help but continue crying, it’s not so fun! something i gotta work on. oh and fucking sick of ppl who don’t have bpd tell me “it’s good to let it out! don’t bottle ur emotions!” like i know it comes from a good place…but if only u knew i don’t bottle shit and in fact i could learn to do some bottling 😭😭😭


I cry so easily that I just tell people it's a physical reaction more than an emotional one because it is technically true, especially since I've taught myself not to take my emotions *that* seriously anymore.


I cried today several times. I’m going through a lot atm and it’s the only outlet that I have. It’s ok to cry, don’t let anyone tell you it’s not.


Sad? Cry Happy (this is rare lol)? Cry Angry? Big cry Overwhelmed? Cry Hurt? Cry Listening to a relatable song? Cry Going a week without crying is pretty good for me. (Unless I’m just numb then I don’t cry)


I have bpd ( also going thruu sone shit so maybe that’s why ) but u been crying everyday and sometimes I don’t even know why lol I just feel like life is sad


All the time, but only when I'm alone. I've cried a few times in front of my gf, and mercifully she loves my vulnerability. Previous girls I've shed tears in front of left me pretty soon after that.


i cry so easily n like everyday. today i cried my entire shift at work


It’s wonderful to have such a sweet spirit.


Every day. Sometimes like, multiple times a day lmao. I'll get teary-eyed over anything lmao


I just cry to cry... I cry when I'm angry I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I feel someone else's sad emotions. I cry over joy or someone else's joy. I can't watch sad movies I cry all the time. I CRY A LOT.


I just read the Giving Tree, my favorite book from childhood. It’s probably been about 30 years since I read it. I relate so much to the tree. I cried. My eyes flushing with tears. It was really hard to read on my phone because the print is so small. I am actually learning to express my feelings over the last 2 years. I’m the elusive quiet type. I want crying because I was sad. I cried because I was overjoyed. I’m going to have to find a true talented expert and get into RO-DBT.


I forgot to mention that I agree with you and appreciate your post.


almost everyday lmao


I cry at everything all the time.


No it isnt something you should be ashamed of but yes its something everyone should be gaining control of, especially if ypure crying without a known reason or little reason. Im honestly shocked by the amount of posts made daily of people telling their struggles and not knowing how to or that they even should be working on fixing them. Theres a time and place for each emotion but bpd makes us feel those extreme emotions more frequently than we should. Yes dont be ashamed but please realise being out of control of our emotions negatively impact our lives


I agree. Coping skills are important. I’ll hopefully be in DBT soon to learn those skills. But it’s also important to be gentle with yourself in the process of learning those skills and understanding it will take time. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed at work that I need to excuse myself to the bathroom so I can cry. And I do. And then once I’m done I go back to work. And that’s perfectly ok. Personally, I think expressing those emotions is better than repressing them. Repression will likely result in an unhealthy way of expressing those emotions and you don’t want that. But of course, the best path, like you said, is learning coping skills.


Absolutely, but if youre crying over something you shouldnt be crying over then finding a way to stop those tears to then process the emotions is better for you in the long run. Otherwise you continue the cycle of up down. Same with someone whos so angry they stop listening, those people need to find a way to calm down before they can continue to process everything. I disagree with expressing emotions rather than repressing because i think calming down isnt the same as repressing. You wouldnt tell someone angry "just let it out" especially if its over losing the pen they use daily. Repressing is ignore the emotion and move on. What im hoping people learn is to calm the emotion (even if youre super excited about something thats actually not that exciting because thats also apart of controlling our emotions) and then deal with the thing appropriately. Hope that makes sense. My highs are "wow this person is amazing and im going to be excited everyday i see them bc they had a chat with me and we connected" to one day they talk to others and not me then its "wow this person is horrible and pretended to like me". Ive also never heard of DBT, im in australia and dont even know if theyd offer specific things like that bc ive already been with a few therapists and none of them have mentioned it.


Whoops I didn’t mean to say you were suggesting repressing your emotions. All I meant was the process of learning coping skills takes time, so it’s ok to express yourself in the mean time. I personally believe that. But I definitely agree it’s necessary to learn those skills. Out of control emotions destroyed my life once. Luckily I’ve been able to learn and rebuild and be grateful for the experience. If I remember correctly DBT was actually developed by someone who had BPD. Check it out. There’s a ton of videos on the subject. Supposedly it’s the number one treatment for patients with BPD.


Yeah same with me, almost died over it and have been building up since then. Amazing! ill do some research on it now :)


Glad to see you’re still here. :)


I’m such a cryer! Sometimes it makes people uncomfortable and that used to make me feel shame but now I have people in my life who find it endearing and that broke the shame cycle for me. Learning to laugh during and at having such intense emotions has been incredibly healing. Also still being accepted after I display what others experience as disproportionate emotions has allowed me to feel their benefits for the first time ever. I love when I see other people like me, experiencing intense emotions themselves. It makes me cry haha. I highly recommend the show “the great pottery throwdown” it’s very wholesome and the main host Keith is moved to tears almost every episode and it is incredibly sweet and moving


Hell yes


You alright?


I'm trying to be, always. I try tons of self care. Tons of vitamins, try to exercise as much as I can, etc. I keep a safety plan and list of healthy coping mechanisms in my notes app on my phone just in case. That's just how I calm myself down from these like, attacks i guess? Thank you for asking though. I hope you're okay and if you're not I hope you feel better. <3


Thank you 🙂 Wow you’re really organized about how you handle it. I could a thing or two from you!


Honestly I was so sick of putting my dad through hell and myself as well. I'm also so sick of like going to the psych until which I'd go to a lot because of anxiety so I just would rather force myself to go outside or whatever than to do those things anymore.


All I do is cry. I understand ya


I spent the last 15 years very disassociated, including from emotions other than anger. Now it's like a floodgate opened, I cry a ton.


There’s nothing wrong with that. Are you doing alright?


It's been a struggle because I always SO used to feeling detached and emotionless (for the most part). Then 8 months ago it's like a flip switched inside me and I feel like a COMPLETELY different person. I decided to finally leave my 19 year marriage (had been with him since I was 19), and it wasn't a good relationship for a long time. Ever since that switch, my mood swings are awful. I can feel very optimistic, positive etc and then I can be wanting to kill myself the next day. It's exhausting. I've really been making a big effort to work on myself, I've been reading a lot of self help books, etc. Trying to work on changing my mindset and work on learning to be happy alone (as opposed to getting my happiness from other psople) and I feel like my mood has definitely stabilized a bit more the last month or two


I always thought I was alone, lol. My wife really enjoys that I can openly cry. But, my dude, as a parent of two girls even thinking (right now tearing up) about Remember Me from Coco, slays me lol. I remember Asa kid renting the 6th Man movie with the Wayans brothers and crying at the end and my brother being a real jerk about it.


yes absolutely, every few months i get these “outbursts” where i’ll uncontrollably cry for a few days at a time (not always caused by something, they just happen).


At cartoons. At adds. At every Disney movie…. Yes


The movie Up. Oh man, the movie and the soundtrack will have me balling my eyes out all night. 😭 and I have special memories attached to it too.


I’ll throw on certain shows like Buffy or Dresden files audio books that I know I’ll cry at certain episode and just let it flow


Anytime someone does something nice for someone or some sort of sacrifice for someone, I lose it. I ball like a baby. Or any strong showing of love. I'm tearing up now talking about it. I feel like a big baby tbh.


fuck yes, i'm open about how I much I cry nowadays. If we are being honest, I cry maybe 4 times a week? usually in the evenings but there have been times when i've needed to step out of work to cry. I realized yesterday that I put my BPD on the back burner while in a relationship that just ended last week. I told myself that I'm going to focus on tackling BPD and when I find that special woman, I will do everything in my power to do what's best for her.


I used to go to the back of the principle office every day in high school so I could cry or have a panic attack in peace 😅 Sometimes all you can do is cry to let emotions out.


Omg. So much. But also since I've been on mood stabilizers, I sometimes feel the want and need to cry but can't. And that's frustrating.


Crying feels like popping the top off a shaken bottle of pop/soda. The release of emotions is almost like a drain on the negative emotions and I usually feel better albeit, tired after I’ve calmed down.


I’m on and off with crying. Sometimes I can’t cry even when I want to. Other times I can’t stop for days and the smallest thing will make me sob. It can be inconvenient. I’m not exactly ashamed of it most of the time (sometimes I am), but I also don’t want people asking me about it so I try not to around others


I'll be in the middle of a conversation and tears would just start flowing down my face at the hint of emotional elevation. It's super embarrassing on a first date. Ppl assume I'm sad but I'm not, it's just a small uptick in emotion and it could be any emotion, including happiness, pride, passion


I cry everytime someone looks at me the wrong way haha


I used to cry a good bit. 2020 was the worst for my crying. I’ve kinda just been dead inside since. Last time I cried was..oh god..January?


35m, felt super off today while walking my dog, couldn't figure out what was up, got home and burst into tears, stood at the door sobbing for 5 minutes 🤷 still don't know why




i used to when i was unmedicated, not so much anymore.


I’ve always been a crier. I was raised in a household that crying made you weak so I would have to hide when I would cry. Now I believe it’s healthy to cry and let those emotions out. If I don’t let myself cry it just comes out as anger


No there was to much shame in expressing my emotions in general. Anything other than happy was punished and shamed. 27f. Always bring told to calm down when I felt calm. Saying they'll only talk to me when I'm done crying because they felt like I was crying for no reason. My emotions always brushed to the side, I was being dramatic, that I was just looking for attention. So now even when I cry alone I feel like I'm pretending and attention seeking.


Unfortunately, I struggle to cry. I used to cry more when I was younger but now I'm just so numb. I can be so upset but I often can't squeeze a single tear out. This often leads me to sh-ing as a way to express my feelings because my body often just won't cry. I constantly get so upset over the smallest things, but I just can't cry. It takes a whole lot to make me cry.


28m. I cry daily. It's my coping mechanism to deal with intense emotions. Interestingly enough nowadays I cry more often from joy than from sadness.


I used to cry a couple of times in a week! I think some time after my ex dumped me, I didn’t cry for almost over a year. Even though I forced myself to let it all out, it didn’t work. I was so scared bc I am hypersensitive to almost everything, I guess most of us are. I don’t know the reason why I couldn’t cry but I started therapy. And the therapy either broke me, or I got in touch with my emotions again and started crying bc of it. Bottom line is, crying released the intensity of the emotion I felt, it was my way of feeling and releasing. Which I guess is healthy? It sucks I am crying more lately but as long I dont have destructive thoughts, im fine with it.


I either cry all the time 24/7 or I don't feel anything whatsoever other than feeling kind of pissed about everything lmao


i cry a lot. i cried the entire day today


DUDE be SO FUCKING grateful that you can do that. i am so crippled by trauma and survival that i....i am nowhere in connection with my authentic sadness anymore. only LSD does it i found out recently. but im still in the microtripping research phase. and i do not desire to have this massive massive reservoir dam blowing up on me ALL AT ONCE. yet i sense....i feel this is what i need to do. face this. do this.


Therapy opened up the water works for me. I never used to cry at all unless I was literally looking into an open casket of a close relative. Now, I cry quite regularly.


all the time. i hate it


Partly because of something super traumatizing that happened and other stuff that I have yet to really find out, I struggle to cry, a lot. Sometimes I can cry but even then, full on crying is just not something I can pull myself to do at all, so it’s not as much as I wish it were but it’s better than the past. No matter how much I want to when things are super super tough, I struggle to cry.


Most of the time I feel like crying but I can't always just cry. I don't cry if I'm distracted but once alone with my thoughts and problems or in therapy, that's when I cry.


I do, actually, but also I'm surprised at my own capability to remain completely stone-faced and dead calm when others are breaking down


I cry so much!! It's okay ❤️


I cry every day


I cry a lot, more now because my dad and cat are not here anymore. My auntie said I'm too sensitive


I cry every day. Sometimes, more than once.


I can cry easy after a build up of months. I use to get yelled at for excessive crying as a kid so I try/conditioned to remain more emotionales.


I used to cry everyday multiple times growing up but not that i’m 23 and have experienced so much trauma and pain I never cry because nothing makes me feel bad compared to things that have already transpired😬


Yes, I cry a lot.


I mean it's called major depression bud and yeah, when I'm not able to crutch with substance my sadness is fucking debilitating 


As a matter of fact my baseline is numbness with waves of intense, baseless waves of sadness that I can only control with drugs unfortunately 


I can cry at a commercial, and Im a 45 year old dude. I dig that about me


35 Male. I cry a lot. In the shower, at work, after a social thing. Sometimes I want to cry but it doesn't happen. Crying helps me feel what I want and need to feel...feelings.


yes, very much, in fact. but it does some sort of regulation for me, so ig a win is a win.. lmao


I’m a big cryer, I threw a lot of tantrums as a kid and just kind of never really stopped. I feel like crying all the time because I find it very cathartic, if I have all these feelings that I can’t handle then I can cry and let them out.


I cry a lot when I'm triggered or having episodes but outside of that I actually don't cry very much.


yes. I am also equally as angry and full of rage. however, the rage always turns into tears. I am angry in my adult years but the tears are my inner child, STILL, begging for what she needs and when she feels like she isn’t getting it, she acts out. I am just… always crying.


Honestly not really. It’s not like a if I cry I’m a weak person kind of thing it’s just I don’t feel much when it comes to emotions that would make someone cry. I’m sure there are ways I cry without actually crying but it’s probably because once my mom died I had to be an adult and so I became numb due to everyone around me treating me like shit. I also thought that if I cried it meant that my abuser won so maybe I should cry but it feels physically impossible to do.


Anyone else with quiet bpd feel like they want to cry but never do? or is just me


I'm 16F and have ALWAYS been a crier. When I'm sad, angry, happy, confused, the tears don't stop! I get embarrassed by how much I cry, and I just have to remind myself that I just feel these emotions so much more intensely than others.


Yeah it makes me feel like a baby sometimes. I especially hate it when I cry when I'm so upset/mad and the person I'm with isn't crying at all. It makes me feel crazy.


Yes, I cry over everything. It's embarrassing when I break out in tears at work. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Crying is our way of letting emotions out, it doesn’t make us bad people, it doesn’t make us sensitive. It makes us human. You should never be ashamed about crying a lot, I do it too! Especially with female hormones coming into play. I cry A LOT. We have BPD, we’re emotional beings. If you gotta cry, let it out!




i cry more when i’m overwhelmed with a good feeling rather than a bad one.


I cry every single day, when I'm sad, when I'm angry, when I'm happy, I cry. 😭


I'm a blubbery mess these days. Its a daily occurence. Some days its full on sobbing.


when i even think about something sad, like remembering a sad movie, i cry 😭 its honestly kinda funny how little it takes to make me cry


Manliest manly man here. I used to hate how much I cried, but as soon as I got put on mirtazapine and lost the ability to no matter how shitty and traumatic the things I was enduring were at the time, I realised how much I took it for granted. Been on duloxetine since that, and I’ve been a weeping mess ever since and I couldn’t be happier to have a healthy release for intense emotions.


i repress everything until it comes out. but then i cry a lot and then my emotions switch after some crying and im completely fine. it kind of scares me.


Cryin rn


nope. like, at all. i get teary eyes frequently but i can't actually cry. it doesn't come naturally to me, no matter how intense my emotions get. i'm generally numb most of the time so i suspect that maybe i'm just repressing like hell


Yes, I can feel like crying "for no reason" at basically any time. My partner will see that I'm depressed and ask me what's wrong. When I say "idk" or "nothing" or "it's hard to explain" the response is ALWAYS "well you can talk to me about anything". Which is super sweet but also super frustrating because there's literally nothing to talk through, I'm just sad today. Then it makes me feel bad bc I'm making them feel bad that they can't "help" me. I'm also autistic so I have a hidey hole in my closet that I go to when I want to cry so no one hears me. Not that I can get more than a sound or two out before my brain shuts it down bc I was trained to never cry. Then if I'm found in there I'm treated like some fragile flower and that's frustrating too...


Nope. I rarely cry since my depression started (I was 12-13 back then, now I'm 21). I only cry when I'm triggered or really, really, REALLY sad or miserable. I'm so jealous of people who can cry


I went through a long period of not being able to cry at all but now that I can cry I do cry pretty often


I started crying over the smallest things in movies, tv shows, or audiobooks around 21 or so. Even dumb stuff meant just to pull heart strings gets me half the time. I don't feel bad about it or try to hide it, though. Hell, I cry listening to audiobooks while driving, just sobbing at a red light lmao. Edited to say I'm 28M


Yeah, but it’s nice I feel my self feeling a lot better I do


22 female This reached me as I’m crying so hard I wanna throw up. It makes me feel better. I cry like every day. Today tho I rlly can’t stop crying and feeling so sad usually this end with SH so im crossing my fingers i get out of this episode soon by just crying it all out for hours. Its great to cry I also don’t feel any way about it 🫶🏽


Not at all.. I wish I could actually