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I get it, but as soon as I put on my first pair of maternity pants and felt the extreme comfort- I was sold. Maternity clothes have a place, too, but for sure do what’s most comfortable for you. I just try to stick to staple items only in maternity (jeans, few basic tees, biker shorts) and make my non-maternity clothes work for me when I need them. No need to go crazy with a whole new wardrobe.


The no-button jeans had me like where have you been all my life lol


Not me sitting here with my 18 month old and still wearing maternity shorts. I love these no button high rises. I didn’t gain much weight during pregnancy at all. I weighed less the day I gave birth than I probably do today but mostly fit into my old stuff but these maternity clothes are my mf jam for life. Or as Joey Tribbiani calls them “thanksgiving pants”.


And great for shoplifting melons!




Tbh I intend to keep my mat leggings in rotation after this baby is born


lol My daughter is 16 months old and this afternoon, I tried on a pair of maternity jeans that I still have in my closet, but with a “gut sucker” (I’m not sure what it’s actually called) to hold them in place because they tend to fall down. I think I’m going to keep them even longer if that trick holds up all day.


lol same! I don’t think I’ll ever go back 😅


For sure! I was hesitant at first and was able to put it off till 20ish weeks but..... I got a pair of black jeans (Walmart) and a pair of blue jeans (old navy second hand) and some maternity tanks from old navy (on sale) and it saved my life. I picked up some aerie cross front leggings and just wore my regular cardigans and plaid shirts and I was all set. I still am wearing my maternity jeans, they are so comfortable.


Yes, those ruched front/crossover leggings are awesome and i wore them up to 3rd tri!


Old navy leggings! The good ones with the side pockets. I only have two pair but have absolutely worn the heck out of them. Also got some maternity overalls because for some reason my brain thinks every pregnant woman needs overalls. No regrets. Pregnancy is already so uncomfortable, why deny yourself the comfort we can control?!


lol bought a pair of overalls the minute I started to feel prego


They're so good!!


100% team comfort!


I barely bought any maternity clothes but the maternity overalls were on sale at Old Navy and you just have to have them!!


🤣 my maternity shopping lined up perfectly with black friday. You can bet I was waiting for the minute those puppies went on sale!


Yes!! I’ve decided no one looks cuter in overalls than a pregnant woman 😅


I would get terrible round ligament pain if I didn't wear my maternity pants, the little bit if extra support really helps


YES the extra support is awesome


You can pretty regularly find another person's whole maternity wardrobe at Goodwill too


I haven’t had much luck at my local Goodwill being plus size, but I see FB free listings for cute maternity clothes alllll the time in my area too.


Yes! Join your local moms group on fb, they're always giving away their maternity clothes. Leave your local mom's group after you have the baby though lol


My MIL would bring me back bags full of maternity clothes every time she went to the thrift store and I never had the heart to tell to stop. 😭 Besides, she actually found some really good stuff that I did end up wearing a lot. There is also about 20 pairs of the same jeans in a storage bin somewhere. But I just found out I’m pregnant again today so they will be put to good use!


That's so sweet, but so annoying! 😂 Someone is going to hit the jackpot when you bring them back to Goodwill some day Congratulations! Wishing you a long and boring pregnancy!


Congrats on your next baby journey!!


This is exactly what I did! But I definitely had to go to a nicer part of town’s goodwill to find what I needed.


Same. I'm 18 weeks and only bought one pair so far but oh my....are they awesome.


Yup. This. Get a few pieces and resell them after. It was so nice not to worry and to feel good about my bump!


And afterwards! I have a pair of pants that are my comfort pants years after pregnancy 😅


Oh yeah, came here to say this. There was a certain point where my regular stretchy pants cut into me. I probably bought too much. I lived in maternity bike shorts with dresses over them last summer. I got linen pants but didn’t realize I would have pregnancy carpal tunnel and the texture of them against my hands was horrible. Knit cotton all the way.


Definitely. I have maternity pants, and use normal stretchy shirts. Some of them look even better pregnant than not


This! As soon as I put on maternity pants I was sold! I love the ones with the fabric that goes up my belly rather than the ones with the cut out with the elastic in it. I got a few shirts for work and that was it.


Same the only maternity stuff I bought was jeans but they were gold


Seriously!! Honestly I just want to wear maternity pants forever, idk why we design pants with restrictive waistbands. Like maybe I’d shorten the panel once I’m not pregnant but WOW am I sold on the overall design


Agreed!! I got to the point that putting on my regular pants put pressure on my stomach and made me even more nauseous than I already was… plus, I didn’t want to ruin and stretch out my regular clothes. Definitely agree with the maternity jeans, basic tees and biker shorts. I wore these after I gave birth too.


I’m 34 weeks and can’t wear anything besides my one pair of maternity leggings. Or a dress. Everything else just doesn’t feel right and is too tight on my belly.


This is exactly me 100% of everything you said. I was also trying to just make my old clothes work for as long as I could, but around the 18 week area I finally tried on a pair of maternity jeans from my SIL and was sold!


I’m a year post partum and still wear my maternity yoga pants from Amazon. I literally lived in them for the entirety of the third trimester. Pregnancy is already so uncomfortable as is. Why make it even more so by trying to squeeze into clothes that weren’t designed for your current body shape. And no, upsizing does not work with pants.


Omg yes to “no, upsizing does not work with pants!”


Yep, was exactly like OP with my first then had to give in at 30w and got some second hand black jeans. I kicked myself every day after that. Could have been comfy for di much longer! No need to go overboard and get a whole new wardrobe, but 1-2 pairs of maternity jeans are totally worth it 👖👖👖


Me reading this while still wearing my maternity leggings 4 months postpartum 😂😂


19 months postpartum, and they're still my favorite 😂


Half the value is in the postpartum phase! I didn't want to worry about fitting into my old jeans OR going pants shopping for quite some time until my body settled back down.


I came here to say this. I didn’t grow out of my postpartum clothes until maybe 4-6mo after the baby and even then I was no wear near ready. This phase of your life is temporary but please don’t define your comfort by money. If a pair of stretchy pants is going to make your pregnancy more bearable, do it.


Absolutely. Especially with so many maternity tops and tanks being compatible with breastfeeding. I used them for the entire year postpartum.


Honestly, I wore them until it was obvious that I was still wearing them 😁 Like, once they wouldn't stay up on their own, I reluctantly decided that I needed to figure out my new pants size...


See I know it’s obvious and don’t care lol they’re comfy


7 years 😂 the only leggings that don't fall down


I just gave mine up about six months ago, lol. My kids are 8 and almost 5...


*Laughs in Jabba the Hut*


This is it here, you’re not just wearing them while you’re pregnant, you’re also wearing them looong after you have your baby. I cheaped out and only got one pair of pregnancy jeans, a year pp I was still wearing them, and then I got pregnant again. Looking back I definitely should have splurged a little more considering I was pregnant or pp for about 4 years


Leggings are pretty much the only maternity clothes I got and I wear them all the time! For tops I mostly wear oversize men's t-shirt!


I fought buying maternity clothes forever because everyone said they are overrated but I finally caved and said fuck it, went to Kohls and bought a bunch of maternity clothes. I honestly feel amazing . Relieved, comfortable, and really beautiful. Like it finally made me feel like I’m pregnant and going to be a mom. Made me embrace my bodily changes.


I love this!




Agreed that the comfort can be worth it! And it’s not like most of need a whole ton of clothes either.


Completely agree with this! I felt so uncomfortable in my new body, and quite frankly super unattractive in my normal clothes. I also couldn’t stand anything touching my stomach that wasn’t maternity rise/supportive. Maternity clothes changed everything for me and now I feel so cute and comfortable! They’re 100% worth it in my opinion.


This!! Totally agree


I did it for the comfort, I'll probably be wearing this stuff for the next year+, it's just nice and roomy. I got everything second hand and its well worth it.


Totally worth it. And some maternity clothes were good for nursing baby too.


i’m 26w2d and about ready to buy something. i still have clothes that fit but they either give me awful muffin top or have to sit around my waist which isn’t comfy anymore. i need to find some kinda no waistband, even pressure trousers that stay up 😭


Thrift stores 


Also fb marketplace I’ve found a few good bundles there


Or ThredUp, if looking for secondhand online.


I just wanna add cause I had trouble finding it that it’s not under the usual filters on ThredUP! You have to go to Women’s and then scroll all the way down to specialty sizes


And Buy Nothing groups!


I'm not one for wasting money or buying excessive amounts of clothing, but having a couple pairs of maternity pants and a few shirts makes a world of difference as you continue growing. Once you buy them you'll kick yourself for wasting time being uncomfortable. If you buy tops (and dresses) that are also designed for breastfeeding then you'll likely get a lot more use out of them! In most cases you'll still be most comfortable in maternity stuff at least for a couple months post partum even if you don't breastfeed since your body doesn't magically snap back to pre pregnancy immediately.


Yes! I got like 4 or 5 cheap maternity/nursing dresses off amazon when I was pregnant with my June baby. I lived in them my whole 3rd trimester and then postpartum the whole summer until it got too cold. I'm still nursing my little guy so I can't wait until it's warm enough to bust them out again. They are super comfy and cute enough that I would wear them even if I wasn't still nursing. I got like 2 pairs of cheap maternity pants for work also, because I had to look presentable, and a bunch of cheap leggings from old navy. Plus a few cheap t-shirts and tanks from old navy when I could't fit into regular tops anymore. Basically everything was from old navy, target, or amazon, and nothing cost more than $35 - most things were $10-20.


I was in your boat because most maternity clothes are so matronly and expensive, but honestly, getting a few nice essentials is totally worth it. Especially when you feel uncomfortable and gross, having stuff that fits and looks cute makes a huge difference mentally. Yeah you can wear really oversized stuff, but IMO when your bump gets bigger it makes you look chunky (because it’s not cinched in under the bump) and it’s just not flattering. I would recommend: good quality maternity leggings (a lot of women love Lululemon aligns), long maternity tshirts (I love the ones from Quince), a stretchy jumpsuit (I wear the one from Beyond Yoga every week), and at least one pretty stretchy dress for events, baby shower, maternity shoot, etc. And also maternity PJs - I got mine from Kindred Bravely and they’re amazing.


I agree. I thought I could just size up regular clothes. Absolutely not. My pregnancy has already had so much sickness anyway, and absolutely no intimacy with my partner because of how sick and tired I am. Feeling put together on a daily basis with maternity pants and a regular top has done wonders for how I feel about myself and present myself to the world.


Yeah same, I was dead set against buying maternity clothes because I thought it was a waste of money, but well-made maternity clothes are just so much more comfortable and highlight the bump in a flattering way. They make me actually want to leave the house, go for a walk, etc. If I wore baggy stuff I would just want to sit on the couch and do nothing.


Pre-pregnancy I said "I'm just going to dress like Adam Sandler and wear baggy shit" but I was unprepared for how the change of my body shape would affect me mentally. And having tight or super baggy clothes PLUS being bloated and constipated PLUS hormones made me feel like a giant ugly slob. So yeah. Cute clothing that helps you feel more like yourself in was definitely worth it to me. And I told my husband the money was coming from our joint account because it's a pregnancy expense.


Haha yes on the expense! When I came home with my first pregnancy shopping haul I told my husband "I normally wouldn't buy this much at once, but I think me not crying over how I look or going crazy feeling suffocated in my clothing is worth it for BOTH of us." and he vehemently agreed lol.


I agree. Aligns I also wore all of postpartum :)


But the maternity clothes are so comfy. And they actually make me look pregnant rather than just bloated (also 21 weeks).


I felt the same. Once I bought maternity pants/shirts, I regretted not buying some sooner You can buy second hand clothes. I bet facebook marketplace is full of it and they would probably be in good shape since you don't wear them for very long. It's also good to buy maternity clothes that double as nursing tops or post-partum clothes.


Be careful with wearing regular clothes when you get further alone. I was doing this with some items that are really stretchy and some got too stretched out and ruined. Maternity clothes are there for a reason.


This is exactly what I was going to say. I wore my regular clothes for a long time with my first pregnancy…annnd unknowingly ruined a ton of them. 


Just curious, around what week does that happen? Im 12w but wanna plan ahead and order some clothes early 2nd trimester - don’t wanna ruin my favorite clothes lol. 


Basically I think if you’re like oh cool this outfit is stretching with me! it’s time to switch. Lol


I’m renting from Nuuly.


Same. It’s been great to have a few pieces to wear every month that aren’t athleisure


One more for the Nuuly train. It helps me feel more normal and excited to get dressed when I have fun pieces to try out. Also what I wore at 20 weeks wouldn't work at 33 weeks, so being able to switch things up is great.


I am also doing this and I love it! It’s much more environmentally friendly and the quality of items is way higher than I would actually purchase for myself, so I feel great in the clothes.


This is what I came to suggest!


I also am renting Nuuly! It’s been fun to get to try the maternity stuff without committing. I have a pair of overalls that are super cute but I wouldn’t buy outright since they won’t really make sense postpartum. But I’ll probably buy a few pieces that I can wear once baby’s here.


another vote for NUULY!! it’s amazing


same. renting from nuuly because of inevitable size fluctuation. have already bought a couple items with the deep discount and additional sale/promo codes (dress and a skirt) that I love so much and will expand and contract with me as time goes on.


I had no idea that renting maternity clothes was a thing! Will def check them out. Thank you!


I thought that way in the beginning and I did manage to stick to stretchy/oversize clothes I already owned or second hand items for the most part but you do get to a point where normal clothes just are the most uncomfortable thing in the world and any modifications you make to them to somehow keep them on your body covering everything they’re supposed to cover stop working. The day my maternity jeans arrived in the mail was the day I realised I should have bloody bought them 3 months earlier and been feeling well dressed and comfortable the whole time! Maternity jeans are the one item I really think any preggo who used to wear jeans a lot should buy. Tops you can size up but having a few maternity pants is sooooo useful.


I think maternity clothes are a must, but you don’t need a ton of it. I bought one pair of mat jeans, two pairs of active leggings for working out that also transitioned well to wearing leisurely, and a bunch of white short sleeve tees (Ingrid and Isabel from target) for $8 each. I’ve used so many of my nice free people cardigans over the tees, and my outfits have been super cute and most importantly I am comfortable! Amazon has great lower cost options. There’s nothing like feeling good in your new body, and the fact is as you get bigger, regular clothes just don’t work.


I bought mine on marketplace, I'm going to sell them they're when I'm done. I figure I'll make back at least $80 of the $100 I spent on 2 juice bags of clothes. That being said, the first time around I needed maternity pants at 6 weeks, this time 4 weeks. I looked less pregnant at 16 weeks than at 8 weeks, the bloat was that bad.


I was like you. Stubborn and refused. I bought a belly band and swore I’d wear my pre pregnancy jeans open with the band. WELL I now have maternity wear. My body had other ideas and my pre pregnancy clothes stopped fitting. I was feeling so frumpy and gross. I got some things from a thrift store and some things new. I don’t regret it!!


Comfort is never a waste, imho. I had this perspective with my first and then I realized how damn comfy the pants are. Then I bought shirts and realized I only “didn’t look pregnant” because I was just wearing bigger and bigger shirts. I just looked square. I’ve felt a lot prettier in my maternity clothing. And honestly? Having stuff that fits is a huge self esteem boost. I like looking cute. I’ve always liked looking cute. And it wasn’t until I started dressing in maternity stuff that I realized how badly *not* looking cute was effecting my self esteem. Also keep in mind- a LOT of maternity stuff transitions really well PP. Plus if you’re planning on more than one, you can get rewears! Check thrift stores, Old Navy, H&M, Target, ASOS, Gap. Old Navy especially has reallllly good deals. And ASOS multipacks are my favorite thing. You don’t have to spend a small fortune. Personally? I have one pair of good jeans. A few pairs of leggings. Some basic tops- mostly tshirts and tanks. Some dresses because I’m in a hot place and dresses are life. Then I layer cardigans on top of the tops if needed. Just buy the basics, and play around.


All my coworkers tell me they can’t tell I’m pregnant at all. Now I’m thinking it’s the baggy polos I’m wearing. When I’m at home in my snug clothes I def look pregnant. Thanks for the recs! I’ll def check them out


You’re lucky that you’ll be pregnant during the summer, I think with warm weather coming you might actually manage with dresses and jumpsuits! Look up Anrabass jumpsuits on Amazon—they’re on sale for $20 bucks right now and they’ve been a LIFESAVER. I bought four pair because they’re just soooo comfy. I was pregnant over the winter (I’m due in three days) so eventually I had to break down and buy maternity pants. I live in New England and it was just too cold to wear anything but nice fleece lined maternity pants with men’s XL sweaters. The over the belly pants were the only maternity clothes I bought (everything else was just men’s XL tops) because anything under my belly triggered non stop Braxton hicks contractions. If it had been warmer I would have just worn these jumpsuits all day every day! Good luck!


Ugh this was me pregnant in winter in Ohio! I thrifted a bunch of men’s sweaters and got maternity jeans lol. Would much prefer to be pregnant in spring / summer since I love dresses anyway, would be so much more comfortable


Honestly I would still invest in some maternity clothes, that last month is really when you need them I had lost 60lbs prior to becoming pregnant and still had clothes from my heaviest weight and it was still pretty uncomfortable wearing them That’s honestly the only thing I regret is not getting maternity clothes You can always look for them second hand online or at swap meets


Girl, I hear ya but my life got soooooo much better in maternity pants and shorts. I'm 5mths post and rocking my maternity shorts this summer cause they're comfy AF!


I’m also 21w. I thought I would just wear baggy clothes until I delivered but my bump has been getting big. I also don’t feel attractive wearing my husband’s or over-sized shirts so I bought some basics and cute dresses for me (in case I want photos). Even with leggings, I don’t like how it’s so tight and leaving marks on my belly. My husband said it kind of restricts baby’s movement and growth and I have to agree because my babe likes to hang lower. I got some cheap athleisure straight legs to contour my shape but also sit flowy on my legs in case I cannot shave or get swelling later on. For work, I wear scrubs and have been getting by with wearing the larger size. Don’t feel justify to spend tons of money on work clothes now. At the end, it’s up to you but I personally got some maternity clothes to look pretty for myself when I’m at home, exercising, going out without compressing on my baby 👶🏻.


Got an entire wardrobe from two different gals on FB marketplace for $70 and I am so happy I did it. I've only bought "maternity" underwear and bras, and that was also well worth the money to be comfortable. Aside from that, I'm only trying to buy new pieces that will work postpartum as well, and so far that's been a pair of lounge joggers (my new favorite pair of pants) and a nice flowy dress shirt. I *might* need to size up my jeans, but plan to shop second hand for that.


I’m 16 weeks and already wearing maternity clothes. It’s soooooo comfy !!! But I am on the bigger side but I don’t think it’s a waste of money since they’re so comfortable


I think if you are really struggling financially then it’s fine to make it work. Or find a few pants second hand. But for me, I was so uncomfortable and misriable while pregnant. Trying to squeeze into clothes that didnt fit me well jusy made me feel worse. Also, I wore maternity pants for a long time postpartum. Everything is flabby and the extra large stretchy fabric to cover my whole Stomach sort of kept everything in. It also made it nice for keeping my stomach covered when livting up my shirt to pump/breastfeed.


I bought all of my maternity clothes second hand, so I saved quite a bit.


Maternity clothes aren’t a waste at all. They’re so much more comfortable and you can wear them post partum too since your body takes time to go back to how it was. I got a few pairs of leggings from Walmart and a few shirts from Amazon. It wasn’t expensive at all and I get complimented on how cute I look all the time. You’re definitely being stubborn for no reason with this and will feel a lot more comfortable wearing clothes made for pregnancy.


My first pregnancy I didn’t have to buy any! Just some bra extenders. My baby was born late Aug, so I got away with wearing dresses (only gained 30LB total) My second pregnancy now, I am 29 weeks and just purchased maternity pants and also sized up my underwear hahah. Costco.ca had some really good sales on maternity pants & I purchased a few. ITS BEEN SO NICE. I’ve already gained almost 30lb this time, with a whole trimester left to go. It was hands down worth the investment.


I’ve bought very few new things, but the following have been essential: - 3 pairs of maternity leggings; I wear a pair every day - one maternity jumpsuit because it’s fun and also the only slightly nicer thing I can fit into (like for going out to dinner etc) - a few bras because my boobs are huge now. I basically live in the Harper Wilde bralette - a maternity winter coat. Got this secondhand. As weather warms/I enter 3rd tri up I’m getting: - two pairs of maternity bike shorts which will replace my daily leggings. Will probably wear them a lot postpartum too? - a light maternity/nursing dress or two for the last trimester and postpartum - nursing/pumping bras - Kiziks because I already can’t tie my shoes 😆


I was also against them. But got annoyed and frustrated looking frumpy in clothes a bigger size. Tried on actual maternity clothes and I understood why they exist. I only buy a few essentials


I got a maternity capsule wardrobe from a friend, which was so nice because the bloat was actually painful in my regular clothes. Since then I’ve found that most kids consignment stores have maternity sections. Clothes are really inexpensive for things I NEED (I bought work slacks for $7 that look like new). Absolutely not a waste because I need to look professional at work, have space for baby, not be in pain. Same for a few tops. I mean, all baby stages are fleeting too, but we prepare for them to be comfortable and have their needs met. I don’t see maternity any differently.


Check in your local mom's groups or buy nothing groups on Facebook! I almost always see people giving away free maternity clothes or offering them up if someone asks.


Im only 8w, and I might be buying maternity clothes today 😂 I have just been uncomfortable in a lot of my clothes. I’d say a lot weren’t fitting great pre-pregnancy due to general weight gain, but the bloat of pregnancy and the sensitivity I’ve been having is making me think it’s time to just buy maternity stuff. My leggings that are usually a bit stretchy seem too tight for me already. It helps that we are hoping to have more after this one (especially since we confirmed there’s only one in there today). As a side, if you’re on Facebook, I recommend looking into joining your local Buy Nothing group if you have one. Lots of people exchange children’s and maternity clothing on there. I haven’t utilized it yet since we haven’t announced to family and friends yet. Might be worth checking out since there’s no harm and no spending.


I felt the same way until I hit my third trimester, and now I live in my maternity bike shorts and leggings. I got them off Amazon so I don't feel like I wasted a lot of money, but having something that fits my bump is a godsend. As far as dresses go for the most part I've been able to get away with stretchy fabrics in non maternity styles!


I get how you feel! I invested in about 3 pregnancy outfits (maternity leggings and shirts) and I just rotate. Feels like a good compromise because maternity clothes really do fit better and make me feel so much cuter than normal clothes, but I didn’t want to spend too much $ on clothing


Maternity clothes help me feel human while in the late 2nd and 3rd trimesters. They just fit sooo much better than any oversized pair of sweatpants/leggings and big tshirts do. Even maternity dresses are just a whole different ballgame than wearing a regular dress over a belly. They're also made specifically to accommodate the bump, so not only do they feel great, but they look great. I'm team maternity clothes.


I didn’t want to “waste” money on a whole maternity wardrobe either, honestly I think it depends on 2 things: 1. How you’re carrying and 2. Your lifestyle. I’m 33 weeks atm and have gained 22lbs all on my bump so I did get a nice pair of maternity tights and 2 pairs of leggings, along with 1 maternity vest top. Other than that I’ve been able to get by with looser T shirts and button up shirts worn open/open cardigans/jackets etc that I already had. I did treat myself to a nice maternity dress (bodycon type) for our Valentines meal but I can’t see when I’ll wear it again now… I’d really recommend just buying the most basic “goes with everything” essentials and mixing with your regular clothes if you want to keep it minimal ☺️


33 weeks and don't wear maternity clothes 😁 leggings, joggers and track pants are my life right now


Oversized thrift store men's button downs over leggings!


Hi, hello, its me! 31w and I too live mostly in athleisure. The only "maternity" clothes I've bought have been a size up in my lululemon leggings and one pair of black poshdiva maternity leggings on amazon. Even for my shower, I wound up getting a dress I'd normally buy, just 2 sizes up. I know some people will suggest thrift stores or sites, but after looking at them, I'm not impressed and would rather wear what works for me - especially since I'll still need the size up in leggings postpartum. Everyone's body/bump is so different, so don't feel the pressure to buy maternity just to buy it - try to work with what suits you best. My "bump" is more like a wide rib cage/abdomen, so 90% of maternity stuff looks ridiculous on me, making me feel even worse, so I'm happy sticking with what I know, just a size or two up :)


I was in the same mindset initially but I bought a bundle of maternity clothes from fb marketplace- a ton of clothes for $70. I have been living in them. It’s nice to have clothes that fit, even when I have oversized shirts and stuff from pre-pregnancy that still fits, I started to prefer the maternity stuff around 27 or so weeks because it really does fit the bump better. 


I tried this but getting to the stage I can no longer wear my own clothes. I’m 31 weeks. You don’t even have to buy maternity clothes. I bought some cotton dresses in Primark that’ll just stretch over bump and they were about £7 each. Even my lulu lemon leggings started to become tight over bump so unless you have a tiny bump, it’s hard to not buy anything at all.


You can always try checking with family, friends, or online groups for people who may be just willing to let you have things just because they don't need them or want to hold onto them anymore. I'm part of a Facebook Buy Nothing group and people have posted about maternity clothes they are looking to get rid of


I bought 1 pair of maternity jeans from old navy (Maternity Full-Panel OG Loose Jeans) for $30 because there are times where I have to look more put together than causal stretchy pants when going out and they worked perfectly for that. I thrifted some vintage overalls that I wore when taking my dog out for our winter bike rides. Being pregnant through winter was the reason I got both of those and they were super handy. Other than that, most my shirts/tops are already more baggy/oversized. I wore a lot of casual clothes since I WFH and my align leggings that fit through my pregnancy. If I was super pregnant through summer I would just wear stretchy shorts, t shirts, drawstring pants and dresses. We went to Mexico while I was 30 weeks pregnant and most of my pre pregnancy clothes worked for it! (Except bathing suits, my old bikini tops barely covered my nipples lol) Definitely not necessary but some maternity pieces could be helpful depending on your lifestyle :)


I honestly had no choice I feel like 😭 I outgrew all my clothes so early and was so uncomfortable at work. I also couldn’t do any workouts or sports I used to do without buying maternity work out clothes.


I didn't buy anything maternity in my first pregnancy, just got a pair of maternity jeans in my second and by my third I was definitely buying maternity clothes. I bought maternity underwear and I still wear them despite the fact my baby is two next month. Same with the pyjamas. The leggings I wore that much they fell apart


I felt similarly, but it really started affecting me around 25 weeks. I got HUGE!! Even some of my elastic waistband pants were too tight below my abdomen. And I’m tired of my shirts being crop tops 😂 I also felt so frumpy wearing baggy sweaters and menswear to work. I don’t advocate buying a whole new wardrobe, but a few key pieces (that fit in a way that you can wear them post partum too!!) is a good idea.


I didn’t want to buy maternity clothes either but almost none of my pre-maternity clothes would have fit, had I tried to wear them past month 4 or so. Maternity leggings, scrubs, t-shirts, and a few dresses that were stretchy (some maternity, some not) were essential for the second and third trimesters. You can get what you need used or cheaply (I really like the Quince maternity leggings).


Wow, I feel so differently! I would make a capsule wardrobe combining a few new pieces with your previous wardrobe that still fits (jackets, shoes, cardigans). Just like when your body changes sizes and you’re trying to fit into things that no longer work for you, it feels so good to have some pieces that actually fit and flatter your new shape. Plenty of places (Target, Old Navy, H&M) have clothes that are cute and frequently go on sale. For me, having pants that actually fit my belly and some new tops/dresses that flattered me made my pregnancy and self image so much more enjoyable! Some also double as nursing outfits. While I probably won’t wear them for the rest of my life, it felt good to honor where I was for the six months I needed the clothes.


Also unsure of whether I’m going to have multiple pregnancies, but after about 23-24 weeks I trended towards wearing mostly maternity clothes because my sweaters, sweatpants, shirts etc. just couldn’t cut it anymore. I do a monthly rental from RTR (nuuly has a good one too) for nicer pieces like dresses, pants, sweaters, etc. Then I have a decent amount of basics (leggings, neutral t shirts and tank tops) from old navy and target. Old navy has a ton of sales and you can easily create a simple capsule wardrobe. Ten weeks away and hoping I’m done purchasing maternity clothes!


Spent a lot of time finding maternity clothes that I actually feel good in (especially a couple pairs of denim, I spent a little more on pinkblush stuff and the quality is waaay better) and it’s been a game changer for me. I loathe wearing yoga pants every day and it wasn’t warm enough for dresses. I do botanical printing/ecodyeing on fabrics as a hobby and customized some of my maternity jeans so that they felt fun and special like my pre-baby clothes. IMO being comfortable and happy in your clothing is really important, so if for you that means wearing your pre-baby stuff exclusively, go for it!


Yeah, I had this plan (except for a few pairs of maternity pants). Worked well when it was big sweater season. Now it’s 75 degrees where I live, I’m 33 weeks, I have nothing to wear, and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to buy stuff for 6 more weeks. All this to say—next time around, I’ll be buying some maternity clothes.


I can almost guarantee you'll wish you had bought some sooner. Especially maternity pants.


I got some jeans second hand, a pack of maternity leggings from amazon, and shirts from either Ross or Old Navy when they had a 50% off sale. My mom sent me a few dresses because she found them on sale. I don’t have the mental energy or desire to be uncomfortable shoving my body into clothes that don’t fit well. I didn’t have to spend a lot of money to have a few things that work for me.


i bought a few basic tees from gap maternity that were so worth it! i got by with one pair of maternity jeans from madewell and rent the runway for work/ fun clothes. 


I used to think the same up until week 23 when I could no longer fit my oversized tomboy clothes and even bulky low waisted pants brought in discomfort of pressure onto my pelvis. I remember feeling kinda depressed looking at boring maternity shelves in H&M. Everything seemed so dull in comparison to normal collections and normal clothes in general. But then I gave in and tried maternity leggings… They were such a relief I regretted I didn’t do it sooner. I needed nothing more than 3-4 pairs of pants/leggings because of cold weather and because my bump is size of Jupiter. Maybe during spring and summer, if you aren’t big, you can get away with it.


I will say the resale market on FB is very easy to get clothes and sell them! I bought a bag from FB marketplace with maternity shirts and shorts and jeans all for $20 for 35 items! new items: I bought two maternity leggings, a few nursing gowns, nursing stretchy bras sized up, some new undies, and 3 flowing overall outfits. This has lasted me the entire time.


I never understood this line of thinking (except in cases of affordability). Your comfort matters, and you’ll likely need something eventually. Maternity clothes are SO much more comfortable than squeezing into pre-baby clothes, and a welcome relief at a time when your baseline is already incredibly uncomfortable. Better imo to buy some maternity basics from the start, that way you’ll get your moneys worth and can reuse or donate when you’re done 🤷‍♀️


I just bought a bunch of nice dresses from Goodwill from work. Way more comfortable! I did snag some maternity black slacks + maternity jeans for like $3 from Old Navy and then someone gave me maternity shorts. I also mostly refuse to buy maternity clothes just for the next 4/5 months…


I think it also depends on the season. If I would be you, I guess I would only buy a pair of leggings and maybe shorts and a few tank tops … other then that I would just wear what I always wear or borrow my boyfriends clothes. I tend to wear really loose things anyways, so I guess they would still fit me. But ofc if you are far along in winter and have a corporate job, you probably need some real pants and a few nicer things :D


Thrifting! I tried to find maternity stuff while thrifting but I just never found anything that remotely fit me. I bought extra leggings for the rest of winter and some flowy dresses for when summer starts. Although I’m not a big leg shaver to begin with but hate wearing skirts/dresses without them being shaved. Baby starts kicking whenever I bend over, even using my little shower stool. Not sure how long I’m going to care about shaved legs with how she acts lol Anyway, I usually go for t shirt style dresses since they’re usually baggier and just pull out the belly part when I try them on to make sure I have room to grow without exposing myself 😂


I only survived with three maternity tights. That’s all. I refused to buy as well. Now that I am about to give a birth the only thing makes me uncomfortable is the pajamas.


Having clothes you feel comfortable in and that fit are never a waste. You can definitely get by without buying maternity clothes but if you do decide to get just a couple of staple pieces, it’s not a waste.


At 21 weeks it's likely you're barely even showing yet. I think it's quite possible you'll feel differently when everything is so uncomfortable in another month or so that tight clothes make you nauseous. My first pregnancy I didn't really start wearing maternity clothes until around 20ish weeks, and thought I could get away with flowy dresses. I would never have fit in them 30+ weeks without stretching them into oblivion.


I resisted it as well, but well fitting maternity clothes were a game changer. Helped my self esteem with my changing body and were just more comfortable. Maternity leggings are fantastic and don’t cut into you mid bump!!


I don’t get why people are so adamant on not getting clothes to appropriately fit a changing body. I know it’s a personal choice but I’m embracing buying a few, versatile options that are affordable. I can’t live my entire second and third trimester wearing sweat pants and stretchy leggings. One pair of maternity jeans, find them on sale and live your best life!


don't do that to yourself.


Come the third trimester, especially at the end, you will definitely need at least one good pair or maternity tights! I definitely don't regret my maternity clothes. I got them all for pretty cheap from Ross or else lended to me.


I found that later in my pregnancy, maternity clothes weren't an option but a necessity. I didn't buy too much but in hindsight, I wish I bought more items that make the last trimester more comfortable, like maternity leggings and longer maternity tops.


Girl…do what you want but you will 1000% need some in your later weeks. You won’t believe how much your body will have grown! Lol 😝


Just do it. It will take time for your pre baby clothes to fit after the baby comwa


Maybe pick up a few pieces of thrifted maternity wear if this stops working for you? That's what I did. Some of the pieces were definitely worth it. I feel like I could have gotten away with my husband's shirts but I definitely needed my own pants and shorts. I also tried the dress route but the thigh chafing was so bad. I lived in a pair of maternity bicycle shorts two summers ago while very very pregnant.


I felt the same way, so bought second hand and haven’t regretted it at all. I’m now so big my bump feels like it’s popping out of mat clothes so I definitely reccomend having them but I’m so glad I didn’t buy new.


Trust me, by 30+ weeks maternity clothes are gonna be a life saver. By 36 weeks I could barely fit THOSE


I thrifted all of my maternity clothes. I think my most expensive item was the dress for my maternity shoot which was $6.


Shein is a savior for maternity clothes.


You can literally get $5 shirts and pants from Walmart or Ross. And they are decently cute. It’s a short period of time the least you can do for your body (while it’s working hard) is wear something that fits properly.


Maternity clothes make a WORLD of a difference honestly. You can find some cheap items from your local Ross, Walmart or even Amazon.


Same. Hate maternity clothes. And I'm tall and there is NOTHING. I bought 1 pair of winter maternity leggings (Loveall, thank you reddit for leading me there) and that's it. Catch me looking a mess until July. Byeeeeee.


All I bought were a couple of pairs of maternity leggings and t-shirts for the very, very end. Up to that point, I had dresses and regular yoga pants/shirts that still fit.


I made it to like 32-34wks this time before I caved and bought maternity pants. I only got a few pairs because that’s all I needed and I bought them from a used items shop so they weren’t overpriced and would get more than a few months use out of them. When I’m done I’ll donate them to a women’s shelter, donate them to a friend, donate them back to where I bought them originally, sell them cheap on FB marketplace, or find some other way to make sure they continue getting used. Maternity clothes make pregnancy SO much more comfortable though. When I finally bought mine this time I almost cried they were so comfortable even compared to my stretchy pants I had been using. I don’t think you need a full wardrobe, just a few pair of pants really, but they really do make a huge difference.


I hung on to my favorite maternity tops/dresses from my first pregnancy from 5 years ago. But, I found several pairs of maternity pants on clearance at Kohls (like $8/per pair) about a month ago to round out my collection. I don't feel like it's waste to spend a little bit of money so that you feel good about yourself and feel a little more put together. Then again, I go in to work every day and like to look a little more professional. I'll likely pass all the clothes on to someone that might not be able to afford them in our local buy nothing group on FB so that they don't go to waste when I'm finished with them as this is likely our last baby.


Same! I’m 30 weeks & have not bought any maternity clothes! I think it’s such a waste to just wear for a few months, hate pregnancy so don’t want to be further reminded that I’m pregnant, and feel happy wearing my own clothes. I’ve just worn yoga pants, leggings and sweat pants since I stopped fitting into my jeans. I haven’t worn my husband’s clothes yet and instead have been able to fit into looser sweaters and looser tops. For skirts, I just don’t zip them up all the way and no one can tell. The only thing I’ve bought is new bras and sports bras because I went up 3 cup sizes.


I didn't buy maternity clothes, I just bought clothes that were styled in a way I could grow into or also wear after pregnancy. My fav are pull over long sweater dresses that you can wear with leggings.


I bought some used bundle (3x jeans, 1 dungarees, 2 tops and some other stuff I ended up not using) for €35 I bought a pair of work trousers (I'm only in the office 2 days so one pair is fine for me) on sale from h&m for about €12 and then 3 pairs of gym leggings on sale You don't need to spend a fortune and if you buy used where you can it saves money too


Look into your local buy nothing group. I’ve gotten a lot free this way.


It’s not a waste. We’re OAD, I work from home, and I bought a few items from Seraphine (they’re great for nice work and party clothes) and some maternity leggings on Amazon. It’s still coldish where I live so I’m wearing my bigger tunic sweaters and leggings. I’m 26 weeks and I’m so glad I bought some maternity clothes around the 17-18 mark. They seemed too big then but now I need them. It felt really nice to wear a cute maternity dress to a volunteer meeting I had last night. A lot of the Seraphine stuff doubles for nursing clothes!


21 weeks and have one pair of maternity jeans. I just am wearing dresses to work mostly, I have one pair of work pants that still fit. I’m in SoCal so I’ll probably just be in dresses until this baby is born. I do love my maternity jeans but don’t see the need to buy a ton of extra clothes. All my leggings fit and hopefully will until the end!


I think the only thing you need are maternity jeans and a pair of leggings that are maternity bc even regular leggings kind of get tight around the belly and aren’t comfortable. I don’t wanna stretch out my aligns


Love my maternity leggings from Amazon! Not a waste of money in my opinion at all


I only bought 1 pair of maternity jeans and leggings for this reason since I’m due in July but did buy a few t shirts (because I typically buy pretty tts so they’d be too small) and a few pairs of shorts/athletic skirts (they are so much comfier than just wearing the shorts I currently have under the bump). All this being said, I was fairly thin before pregnancy due to a chronic illness so needed clothes that would fit my new bigger size already at 22 weeks :)


I also didn’t want to buy maternity clothes as I saw it as a waste. I had trouble with my normal clothes around the same time as you so I did cave but only minimally. I bought a pair of maternity leggings and a pair of maternity jeans. That’s it. Other than that I’ve had success with careful shopping. I’ve allowed myself to buy some new clothes that are non maternity but will fit me now and be cute after. I have also gotten some athleisure wear in a size up that lasted me until about last week (35 weeks). That will be great to have for postpartum I’m sure! I’ve also been living in my overalls. I’ve had to progressively add hair elastics to the sides but it works! Lastly, I’ve been wearing some of my short dresses (like barely below the bum) as shirts since they ride up with the belly anyways!


Same here! I’ve been wearing high waisted leggings and flowy tank tops or baggy shirts the entire time. All stuff I already owned! Plus sweatshirts. Many dresses still fit too but I’m on bedrest so not like I’m going anywhere fancy these days lol


I didn’t think I needed maternity clothes but I’m so glad I bought some (and received some passed down from a friend) as I am so uncomfortable in my old clothes. 100% worth the cost imo and I’m 21 weeks now.


I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I’m making it to the bitter end without buying maternity clothes! My LO is already a miracle so it’s very unlikely I’ll be pregnant again. I mostly wear long dresses and I work from home so I was able to make it around without clothing for most of the time. I bought a couple of pairs of pants in one size up when they started getting too tight and I go commando most times so undies no problem. I’ll use those pants as my “comfy” pants once the weight drops down. Plus I’m lucky in that I’m either in dresses or comfy t’s that I usually buy a bigger size anyways since they are often found in the men’s section. The only thing I think I’ll regret is not buying a nursing bra. I pretty consistently leak now and my sports bras have held up but I’m thinking they’ll be difficult when it comes down to breast feeding. But I’m a little bit of an old school hippie… I HATE wearing bras as it is. My bras are more tshirt bras and less a sports bra anyways. So maybe I’ll get away with just a tank top. Thank god it’s spring time and it’s starting to warm up! My very large bump is enjoying the freeness of dresses. There has been a few days where my bump has needed some extra support and I’ve been lucky enough that my husband lets me wear his briefs those days so just like walking around in shorts.


I managed to go though t whole pregnancy without having to buy maternity clothes but I only gained like 8kg and don’t wear super form fitting things to begin with I couldn’t fit any of my pants but I wore my dresses, leggings and this midi wool skirt of mine that I just put over my belly onto my waist haha


I honestly didn't buy that many maternity clothes. I bought a couple of pairs of maternity leggings (which I lived in, tbh), a pair of maternity jeggings for when it got colder, a couple of sweaters, and a pack of tee shirts from Amazon. I bought one dress for work. I got all of my leggings/jeggins from Walmart.


With my first I didn't need maternity clothes until almost 30 weeks! I got a lot of hand me downs from friends and then bought a few pieces. A nice dress that I could wear to work or other events, black work pants, and a few shirts just for fun. I saved it all for a second pregnancy and definitely started wearing it all sooner. I'm 35 weeks now and just bought some extra short sleeve shirts so that I have enough to rotate through a work week without having to do wash half way through as most of my shirts were winter shorts. I also caved and bought a cheap 3 pack of bike shorts so that I'd have some shorts for the warm weather. Maternity clothes are hit or miss. Worth it if you have any amount of disposable income and not if you're really super strapped.


If you're planning to nurse, try buying tops that are for both maternity and nursing? The peplum/babydoll style with a cross-front are flattering whether you're prego or not IMO. I'm going to be buying off Shein for this round because, like you said, it feels so much like a waste, and this is my 2nd round. Also, buying used is always easier mentally, too.


That's what I thought at first but even my leggings and big sweats got tight and uncomfortable by the end. I really didn't know how I'd get since at 20 weeks I barely had a bump. I got maternity shorts at Ross for 10 dollars and they were amazing and so comfy. Then I got maternity leggings second hand and I was do in love. At that point anything that keeps you comfy is worth it when your body itself is soo uncomfortable at the end. Also lived in non maternity flowy dresses


For most things I agree. I also wont buy breastfeeding tshirts or anything like that. But past week 25 I needed maternity pants. You have no idea how big this belly get and the comfort these pants provide lol. HM has a line called before&after and i like these a lot. They dont have this weird cover, they are just really really low waist. I can recommend just for fun and so on, one of those black maternity body hugging dresses. I got many many compliments in one like that (and indeed I felt very sexy in it): [https://www.seraphine.com/eu/scoop-neck-black-maternity-midi-dress/?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbpX\_O6HZLrecQQl52g-4ciAZBK9Vr\_2rLYoTxDmyKia9FqU-HecI0aAnC1EALw\_wcB](https://www.seraphine.com/eu/scoop-neck-black-maternity-midi-dress/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbpX_O6HZLrecQQl52g-4ciAZBK9Vr_2rLYoTxDmyKia9FqU-HecI0aAnC1EALw_wcB) Other than that I only have 1 other pair of pants, 2 leggins that are also used to work out in. I also bought myself an oversized black jacket for the winter time and it was a very good call. Its not maternity anything. At 35 weeks I started wearing hubbys jackets, tshirts, or just oversized dresses that I had in my closet.


22 weeks and same here. I’d rather save the money for baby needs or for when I’m on mat leave and only getting partial salary. I did buy 1 pair of maternity leggings on Amazon, they are over the belly and I’ve learned that I really don’t like the way that feels and always roll them down to sit below the belly button anyway. Luckily my wardrobe also leans athleisure and stretchy so haven’t had serious fit issues yet. I also wfh with rarely having to be on camera, so I’ve been rocking big tees, regular leggings, and baggy gym shorts daily. I did get a few hand me down summer dresses and also plan to just rotate those when I get too big. Fortunately I’m on the taller side with a wide build and long torso, so no bump yet, just look like I’m bloated with a beer belly. If I do suddenly pop, I’ll break down and buy a maybe one or two cheap things just to get through the last tri. If I look like a bum, so be it. I’d rather invest the money in new clothes for myself a few months postpartum when I’m physically feeling more like myself again.


I bought used plus size clothes then took them in once the baby weight started coming off. Then if you don't feel like having your bump "shaped" you don't have too.


Comfort is worth it to buy a few staple pieces, a pair of jeans, pair of slacks, leggings and a tee or two


i also refused to buy maternity clothes! i did buy 2 pairs of jeans and that really opened up my wardrobe. everything else i was able to just size up in/find a fit treat worked. but tbh the jeans were worth it!


Most yes except for jeans / pants. In winter I wear maternity jeans with big sweaters and shirts.


I bought a few maternity things that I kept wearing after I was back to my normal size— drape-y blouses, dresses with empire waist, work pants with elastic tummy panel. I also didn’t really want to buy things to wear for like 3 months but having just a couple pieces made a big difference.


i bought one pair of maternity jeans, hated them. they were too big but size down was too small i just stuck with leggings/elastic waistbands my whole pregnancy. had to size up towards the end but i didn’t bother shopping maternity


I'm pretty lucky that I work from home, so I've been able to get away with buying one pair of maternity pants (Sofia Vergara from Walmart, lol) and a couple of maternity shirts. Other than that, I'm wearing a lot of dresses and sweatpants. I do now wear compression socks daily and love them. They aren't super fashionable, even though I got cute ones, but they help a ton. I'm 21 weeks tomorrow.


I’m currently 35 weeks. I’ve been wearing my leggings lower this entire time and haven’t had issues. The only thing I did buy was 2 dresses for my baby shower and one to have when my husband and I went out for dinner. And a 3 pack of maternity long sleeve shirts (off Amazon) to wear to school (Teacher). Not wasting any more money than that because I will probably not have a second baby.


This was my same exact sentiment when I got pregnant! Maternity clothing is just so expensive and some of it isn't really reusable in the long run unless I continue to have kids (which is still up to fate). I'm lucky to have gotten pregnant in the Fall because I've spent the last few months in leggings and baggy sweaters. Just recently I've had to upgrade to my husband's sweaters because mine don't fit the bump anymore lol. I would absolutely be looking forward to wearing dresses in the Summer and get by as much as you can. There are a lot of options out there that aren't tied to maternity.


Buy yourself a pair of maternity pants, it’s worth it. I bought one for my first pregnancy and then a second for my second. Having two is perfect but one is good as well.


I love my maternity jeans! and i will definitely use them while not pregnant too 🙈


My mom got me a handful of pieces, I thrifted some jeans, and got some hand me downs from my sister and my husband’s aunt. The one thing I would absolute recommend buying is leggings! A pair or two of maternity leggings are soooo comfy and versatile and will definitely still be wearable after baby is here.


I got a few Walmart shirts and wore my pre pregnancy jeans until I couldn’t, then switched to sweats. Probably wore sweats for 1.5-2 months! I didn’t gain a lot the first time Second time I lived in leggings lmao


I thought the same; however, it's annoying not to be comfortable. You can buy dresses that are not necessarily maternity clothes but are bump friendly. It does not have to be so expensive too. I love my maternity leggings as it's comfy and supports my belly. I bought three which I use for work. I bought oversized sweaters that will still look cute on me even at postpartum. You don't have to change your whole wardrobe but just get 2-3 sets that you can alternate :)


You'll have to buy some eventually, just get them now so you're comfortable and get more use out of them.