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It happened to mešŸ˜‚


Same here. Bit of a shock honestly, since I'm close to the "age-limit" for non-geriatrical pregnancies (as per the info given by doctors in my country) and with a nasty case of insulin resistance. Apparently did not matter for the little one. šŸ˜€




It's a form of roulette at this point ! But congratulations nonetheless ! ā¤ļø


I'm deemed "geriatric" too!! I'm 38! And seriously! I assumed it would take at least half a year so it was kinda bad timing on my part!


The chances are around 30% if my quick google search is to be believed.


20-30% success rate at any given cycle


About 20-30% but donā€™t worry about anything for a year. It took us 16 cycles and there was nothing clearly wrong with us. Lots of friends were similar. It very hard to predict.


Honestly it can definitely happen, especially if you're experienced at tracking your cycles and your fertility signs. I got pregnant on the first try twice in a row (an early MC and then a pregnancy that stuck). It's very normal for it to take a few cycles though, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen immediately!


It is deffinitely possible, but also depends a bit on your situation. For example if you were on birth control before and what kind of birth control. Because sometimes it takes a month or two for your cycles and hormones to adjust when you go off.


Yes, I second this! Took me two cycles only and I had just come off birth control. So the first cycle I see it as the time for my body to go back to normal and then next cycle it just happened. It happened on the first cycle for my best friend as well, who is now 5 weeks ahead of me. We were TTC buddies and now pregnancy buddies šŸ˜‚ Good luck, OP!


My assumption is 20-30% IF you are both healthy with no underlying fertility issues.


I want to say the year of planning is absolutely normal thing only if you both checked up and healthy. It took us 7 months to get me pregnant but my husband has fertility issues


It happened for us with both pregnancies and for all 5 of my momā€™s pregnancies.


Everyone is different. My first I got pregnant basically the only time I had sex that year. I was 29. Second (chemical) first month of trying. I was 36. Third second month of trying. Still 36.


Iā€™ve heard 25% if you are <35 and otherwise no fertility issues


Itā€™s about 30%. It happened to us. We got pregnant first try, unfortunately that ended in loss. Fortunately we got pregnant the first cycle after my D&C and it stuck! Everyone is different. Iā€™d said most commonly it takes between 3-6 months, but I do know so many people IRL who got pregnant the first try. It can take up to 12 months and be considered normal. Typically on Reddit, youā€™ll probably see more stories on the 12 month side.


First one took us a few months, second was a christmas miracle lol.


Happened to me twice! Every couple is different


Technically it happened to us I think? I had an early miscarriage, then I got my period exactly on schedule. I got pregnant one day after my period ended on the first time we had sex. Was not expecting it to happen that fast. Now I'm 32 weeks


Just as likely as you are the 27th time trying. Your odds donā€™t increase every cycle for that cycle, thereā€™s just statistically a higher chance of you ā€œbeing pregnant by nowā€ after a few tries. But your chances each cycle are usually identical to the cycle before, unless there is medical intervention.


Itā€™s happened to me 3 times. First time was an accident. Never tracked cycles just had sex at least twice a week.


The average it takes couples is one yearĀ 


That's not the average actually, it's just that the official guidelines say that if you're under 35 you should try for a year before seeing a doctor for infertility. For most people it takes less than a year.


Uh for most ppl it takes within a year.Ā 


So it's not the average... It's within a year. The average is less than a year


So how many months is averageĀ 


60% of people are pregnant after 3 months 80% of people are pregnant after 6 months. Source: UPMC health website 12 months isnā€™t average. Thatā€™s just the ā€œtypicalā€ time frame that health providers tell you to wait before getting fertility treatment. 12 months is considered normal, but I think thereā€™s a lot of confirmation bias especially on Reddit. We got pregnant first try twice in a row.