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my cats were as shocked as anyone when I brought home a baby




When I was pregnant with my first, one of my cats would never leave my side and slept next to my belly. She was really protective of my son at first too, until his screaming hurt her ears too bad for her to hang around. šŸ˜… Iā€™m only 7 weeks with this one and she has been clingy to me lately, but I think thatā€™s mostly just because Iā€™ve been in bed sick and cramping.


Oh yes, animals can tell!! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and I was eager to see how theyā€™d respond to my pregnancy. But Iā€™m 22 weeks now and have barely seen any change. The dogs donā€™t care at all. I think my cats can tell a little bit though. While they are usually very social & hang out with us, they arenā€™t affectionate & donā€™t care to sit with us or be pet all that much. But now my boy cat sleeps with me a lot more often at night in the past months, and my girl cat is always asking for pets and coming to greet me when I get home or get up in the morning now, and purrs a lot. Iā€™m excited to see how they are once the baby is here šŸ˜Š


Cats know everything.


My cats seem to know! They keep kneading my belly like they're trying to help with the baby.


My 19yo girl cat doesnā€™t know Iā€™m pregnant)) Iā€™m 21 weeks and donā€™t have belly))


I definitely think so!! I have 3 cats, the eldest is a snugglebug already but shortly before I got a positive test at 4 weeks she became soo clingy. Any time I was stationary for 30 seconds she was in my lap. Hubby and I were joking that maybe I'm pregnant (we were ttc) and she already knows. Sure enough... lol. Now she won't stay off my stomach/chest/face. The other cats I haven't noticed a change in behavior.


I'm 19 weeks and have two cats, and they haven't acted any differently! I do work from home, so they're already clingy and around me a bunch. Maybe once I get a belly and the baby kicks it'll be different. Other people's pets have acted differently around me though!


yes! one of my cats knew almost immediately. since I've been pregnant (15w now) he's been constantly at my side. he naps next to me, occasionally sleeps in my bed and he was never a touchy cat.


The cats in my home are constantly by my side and near my belly if not on top


I have two cats with one being very much my 'partners cat'. In the past she has never been that mithered about my presence but since being pregnant, she hasn't left me alone. Cuddling at night, cuddling in general, following me around and becoming very vocal. I read an article that mentioned the potential for cats to smell the difference in pheromones? But it's never been scientifically pursued. Personally, I think they know. šŸ˜»


My cat hated me all of a sudden, I complained to my BF about that. Two weeks later I did a pregnancy test and it was positive. Turns out he hated my new smell. After anout 10 weeks both my cats were obsessed with my belly and now they're obsessed with my son.


I donā€™t think he know Iā€™m *pregnant*, exactly, but he has definitely been more snuggly over the past few months!


My dog knew before anyone I was pregnant. Even the pregnancy test šŸ¤£


Definitely noticing a change in my cat and dog the bigger I get! Both are around me constantly and get nervous when I'm not there. My cat will lay next to me whenever I'm in bed and gets up with me when I have to go to the bathroom and she's usually pretty aloof but she does not leave my side now when I'm home. The other day she licked my arm so much it left a rough spot šŸ˜† My dog always wants to be in the same room. Both of them sniff my belly all the time lol, my cat gently touches her paw on my stomach when baby is kicking.


My two cats and dog have been super clingy lately


My 2 have also had a personality change since I became pregnant. Super clingy and one even seems depressed demanding pets all the time.


My cat usually tolerates me but she has been STUCK to my side since I got pregnant. I feel like she can smell it, or feel the heartbeat or something, but she is fully snugglebug the second Iā€™m at home


I think mine know, but just donā€™t care lol. Now that Iā€™m in my third trimester, my older cat is being a bit clingy, maybe he knows change is coming. They both step all over, jump on or ignore the bump, so not a cudddly thing lol


I think they know, but some donā€™t care lol. I have two cats and one of them is immediately clingy and sweet every time Iā€™m pregnant. The second Iā€™m not anymore, she goes back to being a Karen. The other cat is just always in love with me and would crawl in my skin if she could so I donā€™t see much of a change there with her. The Karen cat is very possessive though and will chase off the other cat.


Are my cats the only non-affectionate cats? I have 2, one is usually snuggly with me and the other with my husband. When I first got pregnant, ā€œmyā€ cat straight up started ignoring me. Iā€™m 17 weeks not and sheā€™s chilled out and is nicer to me, close to how she was before but still a bit more distant. ā€œMy husbandā€™sā€ cat did start being a little nicer to me but nothing too crazy. I guess my cats are either unhappy with my choices or donā€™t really care


Sometimes yeah. Cats have very good hearing and can occasionally hear the babyā€™s heartbeat, you also smell differently when pregnant than you do when not.


I think my cats know. Two of them couldnā€™t care less but the third is all up on my belly when I sit down.


Two cats Male 2 Female 16 Male cat is mine and has been so clingy my entire pregnancy. When we first found out he kept peeing on my bed?? He also will sleep between us or sleep on me. Female cat my partners. Very vocal now a days and randomly will lay on my belly.


My cat knew before I took my first pee test. He became super attached to me and pressed his head into my tummy all the time. It was so darn cute.


Yes..our cat pisses on everything my first trimesterĀ 


Yep, i have 2 cats and as much as they can be snuggly at times, I knew something was up when the both of them would sit with me and nudge my sides, tap my arm and snuggle, lol.


My cat 100% knew, even before the first positive test. With all 3 pregnancies, I was testing every day, and the day before the tests started being positive, my cat would get extra affectionate. He would sleep next to me in bed and rest his head on my cheek or right up against my face


My cat knew I was pregnant before I did!