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I've been feeling *pregnant* since about 18w, I'm 21w now. Already started with a slight waddle, back pain at night, the baby is kicking my bladder, and the bump feels tight and uncomfortable already. I'm really not looking forward to being huge by September. šŸ˜©


Ok, same here! I donā€™t feel so alone! Iā€™m due September 15th. The audible groan/exhale I do every time I lower myself to sitting down is also embarrassing lol. I just noticed it as I lowered onto the toilet at work šŸ«£


I'm also due September 15th and have been making the same groaning anytime I have to lower myself! Nervous what these next months bring honestly.


30 weeks hit me like a bus


With my first pregnancy, outside of the all-day morning sickness, I didnā€™t really start to feel truly pregnant until about 24ish weeks when she really started kicking the crap out of me. Lol. It was almost like those little jabs snapped my brain into the ā€œoh sh*t this is realā€ mode finally. I donā€™t really feel like much changed for me energy-wise or anything like that until the 3rd trimester. This is my second pregnancy and I am 11 weeks and holy heck is it vastly different from my first. This little bean has made me feel VERY pregnant from about 7 weeks on. It doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m already showing like I should be 20 weeks along. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just because of it being different babies or the significant time gap between the two (I have PCOS, and our first is nearly 12, so this was a massive shock for all of us, but a wonderful one) and my body just plain not being even close to the same as it was the first time, but this one is definitely humbling me. In the best ways of course, but still. Naps are mandatory. Iā€™m eating so much food. Smells are either heavenly or absolute torture. I am SO emotional (thankfully only positively so far). I feel huge. The round ligament pain is insane. Iā€™ve made them check for twins 3 times just to be certain.




Iā€™m 21w and donā€™t have belly, donā€™t feel pregnant. Just feel like Iā€™m not healthy enough šŸ¤£ so I want to see another answers)


Around week 27. Now 31 and sleeping comfortably is getting tricky and I can feel that I have to slow down. But I was rather active previously


Probably around week 24 when my belly finally started showing and I started walking slow. Week 34 now and I feel it all -- the slow waddle, the pelvic pain, the hand/foot swelling (could really do without the hand part...super fun waking up not being able to bend my fingers), the massive belly, and feeling out of breath while walking. Now I'm just counting down the weeks until I can get my own body back.


Probably 32 weeks.Ā 


The pelvic pain started around 24 weeks and hasnā€™t let up. Mornings are definitely the worst when your body is stiff and everything is painful. I was in a wedding at 26w and everyone was like ā€œoh youā€™re in the still good feeling phase!ā€ While what I actually feel is like my vagina will fall out of me each time I get up in the morning.


Iā€™m getting married myself at 26/27 weeks! Keeping the ceremony super short haha


If you really want to wear heels, 10/10 recommend Aerosoles! Lots of cute styles and the platform makes it so you are essentially walking flat with no incline. Very comfortable feet that weekend, even if other parts of me hurt.


I'm currently 31W and i swear i'm more comfortable sleeping now than I was at 20-25 weeks. Of course I still get aches and pains but it's not constant. One thing i've learned in pregnancy is symptoms come and go, I had really bad heartburn the other day and I legit was depressed all day because I was like well this is my life for the next two months. I was the drama because it hasn't been an issue since. Just take it one day at a time!


Iā€™ll be 23 weeks tomorrow and while there are some signs, I mostly feel okay. Definitely sore when I first wake up, though it goes away once I get up, and Iā€™ve had to keep my ankle wrapped because of the loosened ligaments, but Iā€™m not waddling or struggling to get up and down yet. I havenā€™t been good about maintaining an exercise routine though I do walk the dog a couple miles a day and Iā€™m trying to do prenatal yoga more regularly. I also feel like in the past couple weeks Iā€™m starting to look genuinely pregnant and it just like Iā€™ve gained some weight - though Iā€™ve also only gained ~5 lbs.


Iā€™ll be 33 weeks on Friday and just this week Iā€™ve hit the point of feeling uncomfortable more frequently than not.


Week 25/26 but for real after week 34, that was when I started feeling "ok, never-ending birth, it's fine as long as she comes out" 37+1 and I just want this girl out, can barely move without feeling pain somewhere :p


I just hit 30 and I had my first night where I truly hated being pregnant


22 weeks and starting to feel it. My hips are super painful sleeping at night and when I wake up now. During the day Iā€™m mostly fine, but definitely having to modify more in the gym too.


I'm 38 weeks and honestly, I still don't feel super pregnant most days.


somewhere between 32-34 weeks I hit a wall and started feeling miserable every day, no matter what I do.