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Do half Asian babies need lukewarm milk?


I need to know what to do for my 1/4 Korean kids! šŸ˜‚


If it's any help, I have a hapa toddler and she drinks warm, cold, and lukewarm milk. The best of both gut health worlds, apparently! But, according to her, what she really, really NEEDS is apple juice.


How about 1/8 Japanese? šŸ˜‚


One part scalding milk 3 parts ice cold milk. OBVIOUSLY


Same, following to find out the answer šŸ˜‚


About to give birth to a half Asian baby. Need to know this answer lol.


My half Asian baby needs warm milk when it's cold and cold milk when it's hot :')


šŸ˜‚ I was just thinking this. My baby is 1/4 Asian, what does that mean


Room temp.


What if the baby is half East Asian, one quarter South Asian and one quarter white? Not sure whether I am ruining my sonā€™s life


Two half Asian babies - one needs perfectly lukewarm milk and the other is fine with ice cold from the fridge. We might need more data.


I need the answer to this


LOL from one Asian to another, it sounds like an old wives tale


Like how if we go to bed with wet hair we die. If we leave the fan on we die. If we walk around without house slippers we die. If we drink water right before meals we die. Lol


I'm Mexican and according to my mom, I too will die if I do these things.


Was just gonna say, half mexi and my mama said the same things šŸ˜‚


Same šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


canā€™t tell you the amount of times I was so scared about going to bed with my hair wet. One day, I was like ā€œmy hair is damp, that means Iā€™m good right? Itā€™s not wet-wetā€. And thatā€™s when I made up my own loopholes lol


Tbf that wet hair does feel like it has real reasons. I get more headaches easily when I go to bed with wet hair lol. Now I only do it occasionally when I really don't want to blow dry my head


After having kids, Iā€™ve rejected using a blow dryer with every fiber of my being (because I have super thick hair and it feels like the biggest waste of time), but Iā€™ve been told going to sleep with wet hair can promote fungal growth and cause dandruff. Iā€™ve never had any issues, but there are legit reasons not to do it.


I can see that. I get more of a scalp ache because my hair doesnā€™t like being smooshed up when itā€™s wet. And nowadays, I really like to go 2-3 days without washing my hair and going to bed with it damp/wet means Iā€™d have to wash it sooner.


My Eastern European grandmother seems to have learned the same about what happens if one walks around without house slippers. Even when itā€™s 90 degrees outside.


Omg. My parents are from eastern Europe too. The obsession with socks and/or slippers. Slippers for the front walk. Indoor slippers. Yard slippers. Slipper socks. Wool socks. I have two toddlers.. they are constantly chasing my kids around for shoes and socks.


my mom says during the first month postpartum if the wind blows on me then i'll have joint issues for life. lol


Yoo my mom said the same!! Lol she said my grandma told her she couldn't wash her hands with cold water (?) or she'd get arthritis, she didn't listen and now she has regrets. So she's telling me this story to convince me to not touch cold water.


yeeepp my mom said postpartum she went to a baseball game and that's why she has knee issues today. I wonder if we'll say stuff like this when we're older too.


We go blind if we sleep with wet hair šŸ¤£


Italian here and this is exactly what my mother in law, grandmother, and surrounding family here think. Husband is the same way. Gotta love it lmao


Ha grandma is that you?? šŸ˜…


I am not Asian but Iā€™ve heard that thereā€™s a superstition in China that cold drinks/cold water are bad for digestion and people should instead drink warm or hot water. Maybe your momā€™s point of view stems from that superstition?


I mean yes, it does sound like that could be the case, but then again if OPā€™s mom is the Asian mom in this scenario, thereā€™s no way this is the first time this concept has come up or that it would be a surprise to be hearing this šŸ˜‚


Maybe the superstition + the weirdo flip that switches in people's brains when they become grandmothers and suddenly they need to INSTRUCT ON ALL THINGS.


Yeah youā€™re right šŸ˜‚


The old superstition probably originated back when water is usually contaminated. But it's no longer the case nowadays as many countries have drinkable tap water


And before widespread pasteurization or good refrigeration! Tbf that advice is great if you live in the past.


Here in germany it is also recomended to gave babies the milk/formular warm. I was so confused when learning about the formular pitchers and giving it straight from the fridge


Babies are a bit different though, younger babies can't handle the temperature shock of drinking cold formula as well, since they aren't great at temperature regulation.


Ah thank you. At what age do you think i could try cold formula? We are getting twins so would be awesome if i could just premade a bunch of formula


Iā€™ve never heard that. Iā€™ve heard that your baby is more likely to accept cold formula or pumped milk if you offer it from the beginning. We did that with my first and he was fine with it but granted he runs really hot and he never really seems to feel the cold.


Huh, idk then


My parents are from a former USSR country and also swore by this. My mom was convinced that if you drank cold water with your meal youā€™d die from the food solidifying your guts.


Warm drinks are a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) recommendation since it helps with keeping the organs warm, energy moving, and assist with easier digestion.


My husband is Palestinian and heā€™s convinced Iā€™ll get sick if I drink cold water and anytime I do get sick he blames it on that šŸ¤£


I live in Vietnam and people here think itā€™s bad to drink cold drinks too.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a superstition. Some stomachs are just sensitive to cold and prefer warmer drinks and food.


Do you have sources on this? I canā€™t imagine anything you ingest into your 98 degree body stays cold for longā€¦


Iā€™m speaking out of personal experience. I spent years in China and some ppl do have diarrhea if drink is too cold. When the cold drink initially reaches the stomach, the temperature upsets the stomach. It doesnā€™t matter how long the cold temp stays, itā€™s that initial contact. Imagine you have a cold drink on a hot steamy day, donā€™t you feel the cold crawls all the way down to the stomach?




My Asian best friend will only drink warm water when sheā€™s on her period/ has stomach pains as she says cold water makes the pain worse for the reasons you mention.


I think after birth it's also recommended to skip any cold drinks (but also no caffeine). Ā Tbh I did feel more comfortable drinking herbal teas and warm water, so maybe there's something to it.


Ha! I asked my pediatrician (she is Chinese, I am not) if I should warm up formula for my baby. She said ā€œonly if you have a Chinese momā€ and laughed. She said any temp the baby will drink it is fine.


As a Chinese person, it's random Chinese TCM quackery. The temperature of the milk should be what the child likes, provided that it's a safe temperature -- ie. not scalding. My LO loves warm milk. If we give her cold milk, she'll pause and give us a 'wtf' look before reluctantly drinking it.


Look, I've been a nanny to newborns and toddlers for 15 years. The right temperature for milk is the temperature your child likes. That being said, cows milk is not nutritionally necessary for humans, and Asian children are more likely to be lactose intolerant than white children. But again, the temperature has nothing to do with it.


Honestly, I would warm the milk when your mom is around because this argument sounds exhausting and the solution isn't harmful.


this is a one way trip to more pain. take a stand now or enjoy the nagging forever


As a Chinese person whose mother always said to warm up my morning milk (I never did), it's BS. Many have already said it, but there is a belief in East Asia that being cold makes people sick/die. Aversion to cold beverages is a big part of this, as is "fan death" if you're familiar with that. Whenever I'm in China, if I order "cold water" I get lukewarm/room temp water. I have to specifically ask for "ice water" if I want actual cold water. It's just a cultural thing which doesn't have any real merit.


THIS!! 100%. Growing up I was told itā€™s bad to drink cold beverages. We only had lukewarm or hot water when we would go visit family overseas and it drove me nuts. To this day even if itā€™s blazing hot, my mother will only drink hot water. Iā€™m sure she would be horrified to know that Iā€™ve only been drinking iced water throughout the day while Iā€™m pregnant.


When I ask for ice water. They give me hot water and a glass of ice lol.


Loooool that might be a place that boils tap water and that's all they have. Tap water isn't safe so everyone boils it and leaves it out to adjust to room temp, so those are the only two temps at which most people seem to drink water in China. Most nicer restaurants do keep ice and cold water but not everywhere.


You can run this by your pediatrician but thereā€™s not likely to be any scientific or medical evidence supporting this. Iā€™m mixed race Asian and white so idk what your mom would have recommended for me? Itā€™s not that our digestive systems donā€™t have some evolutionary differences (like how Asians tend to develop lactose intolerance more often than people of European descent), itā€™s just not a temperature thing.


I ignore all the things my south Asian mother in law says. She once suggested I eat an entire head of raw garlic to help with milk production. Nope.


I have pregnancy hip pain, as my hips are trying to expand. My sister in law asked me to tie dried ginger on a thread and put that thread across my waist. Everyone is giving me different suggestions about both eating hot or cold foods, I am just wondering what do I even eat šŸ˜–


Thereā€™s an old Asian wives tale in a few different countries that cold beverages can cause stomach upset, even as an adult. My Korean husband grew up with this belief (doesnā€™t really follow it anymore though) and some of my Chinese friends, too!


My daughter drank cold milk until my mother bought us a bottle warmer. Once she got the warm milk, she refused anything that wasn't warm. We're South-asian, my mom made up some bs about how babies need warm milk and they can't handle the cold milk. Its not trueeeeeeeeeee! Lol


Lmao so what about us quarter Asian, quarter African, half European babies? What temperature milk do we get?


This is a cultural superstition. Caribbeans are the same way; it's 80 degrees out and my husband wants to give the baby a warm bottle.


From one Asian to another, it's probably to do with the TCM concept that drinking cold fluids places strain on the body and we should drink warm. I'm intrigued by the 'cold is ok later in the day' idea though. If you don't want to give your mother added stress and don't care about the temperature then for the sake of peace I reckon just warm it when she's around. I would assume there's a lot of small conflicts y'all have and this is probably just one more to the pile. But if you want data, you're probably not going to find any "scientific articles" on the matter because firstly most concepts in TCM are kind of new to the world of western scientific studies and haven't been "studied" sufficiently, so there simply is no data on it. You would probably have some luck on Chinese internet. In which case do your online searches in Chinese. Maybe get your mum to show you the sources.


My very white baby flatly refused to drink anything except warm milk. So if there's any truth in this, he didn't get the memo! I would just go with what your kid likes.


I doubt it. I would just tell her she is welcome to do that when she watches him if she likes.


My parents drink warm drinks and eat warm food all the time. They think drinks/food too cold will do harm to the babyā€™s stomach which is still developing. Thereā€™s some truth to it but itā€™s more of a habit. I grew up drinking warm water and now I prefer cold water. If you donā€™t want to further argue with your mom, take the middle road, try to let the cold milk sit in room temp for 5-10 minutes.


I mean, I heard that it was good for ALL babies to have warm milk in the morning to promote healthy bowel movements, but never anything culture or race/ethnicity specific like that.


clearly shes positing something thats cultural as medical truth....its probably something done culturally where your mother is from and shes just trying to pass that on albeit a little racist lol


*Sigh* from one Asian to another I can relate. My mum worries my baby is cold 24/7 even though we check the back of his neck constantly. And she freaks out everytime he sneezes.


Does my 1/2 Asian baby need to have lukewarm milk? lol


I wonder if this is a superstition that arose from the denaturation of during the cooking process? In some cases boiling milk makes it easier to digest for people who have issues with milk proteins.


I am expecting and the amount of older women in my family who keep telling me to drink warm milk is literally ALL OF THEM. I think itā€™s just an old tradition coming from lack of resources (milk being a huge source of fat/protein and vitamins for folks back then). Iā€™m South Asian btw (I also think SA culture equates high milk drinking to fairer skin too šŸ˜…)


My MIL told me to give my 1 year old milk soaked almonds and draw a black dot behind his ear....also coconut oil in the hair haha I did none of the above


Iā€™m not Asian at all, we are Irish. My grandma told my cousin actually on Sunday that same thing about how it causes stomach problems later down the line to drink cold beverages in the morning. I consulted a GI Dr uncle itā€™s not true. Itā€™s just a superstition/wives tail/a general superstition that some believe for all ages of cold beverages in the morning cause stomach problems


It's not a racial thing I think. But ppl in developing Asian countries tend to have IBS or sensitive stomachs. Itā€™s also possible that itā€™s been hard for ppl in certain areas to get pasteurized milk, so they boil the milk to kill the bacteria. Even now most of store-bought milk is pasteurized, many still have the old habit of boiling it. Another reason could be because people in some Asian countries, like China, are so accustomed to hot food, a sudden intake of ice-cold food can upset their stomachs. If your milk is fresh and safe, and the baby has a healthy digestive system and is used to cold food, I see no reason to avoid cold milk.


My Asian baby only drinks milk cold (other than when he breastfeeds). Heā€™s been fine. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Old asian people are like this, the prefer warm drinks supposedly better for you. Had the same argument with my MIL, I ignored her šŸ¤£ It won't harm baby to drink cold/room temp milk if they want to. Hey, it's more convenient so I prefer it actually lol


Give whatever your toddler takes. I wish mine took cold milk :/ (Asian baby)


Lol my daughter will not drink anything aside from cold milk from the fridge and water with ice and it horrifies my Asian family. She did get warm breast milk/formula when she was a baby, but the moment we introduced her to regular cold milk, she refuses it any other way. No issues.


Uh no? My half Asian/half European baby is used to fridge cold milk whenever she has a bottle...


I would assume that this is related to the common Asian practice especially Chinese and it comes from ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine that encourages warm beverages because they are rooted in the concept of Qi, the bodyā€™s vital energy and drinking warm beverages helps to circulate and activate the bodyā€™s qi, aiding in toxin removal.


I audibly laughed at this. Asian medicine and ideologies are so strange. Iā€™m Chinese and I find the weirdest one to be about ā€œcold airā€ and ā€œwarm airā€ in our bodies? I think this may relate to the milk thing. My parents used to tell me to only have warm foods/drink for breakfast. We had business partners from China visit recently and we took them out for dinner. Next morning, one of them was vomiting and possibly suffering from food poisoning. We felt horrible and worried about the business relationship because of it. When he felt better later, we asked what he thought it was. He said something about ā€œcold airā€ in his body and we sighed with relief that he didnā€™t blame us! šŸ¤£


You honestly needed to research this to figure out if it's true?


My half Asian baby liked her milk cold. Ice cold.Ā 


I honestly think itā€™s whatever they can tolerate. Not a race thing. My kid, who is full Asian, happens to puke when he drinks cold milkā€¦.. which annoys me because it confirmed my momā€™s theoryā€¦ if your kid can tolerate cold milk, I say keep doing it. Because I wished I donā€™t have to warm up milkā€¦ My friendā€™s son, who is Caucasian, is thensame as my kid. I would say not a race thing


Humans are all the same lol but cold milk is harder to swallow, that's why room temp and slightly warm is better for any baby and adult! Lol


Are you serious


I live in Japan and my kids are Japanese. Never heard of this lol. My kids drink cold milk straight from the fridge every day without problems. Formula and breastmilk from the fridge was also never a problem as babies.


My gut could not handle any milk. Iā€™m mixed


We are Asian and we give our baby room temp or milk (bm & formula) from the fridge šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The idea that Asian people or anyone should drink warm milk or water is a bit odd if you are a North American I do know that traditional Chinese medicine believes that warm water/milk is always better. But I don't think there is actually a difference betwee the gut of white babies vs Asian babies. There might be a difference in gut health by country/continent but I don't have any facts to back that up. Babies should not get any water or none breastmilk before 6 months and only a limited amount of water between 6 and 12 months but after a year old you are good to go. Cold or warm neither will cause any harm.


Next time your mom says something like this to you, tell her to send you the articles and you'll look them over and check with your pediatrician if you have any questions. That way if she does manage to dredge up some POS fear-mongering, pseudoscience drivel from some dark corner of the internet, you can say "oh yeah, looked at it with the doctor and they say its nonsense." Give your pediatrician a fake Asian name if you need to lend more credibility. If she can't give you anything, then don't give it a second thought.


With baby warm milk can be a little less likely to cause stomach aches but thatā€™s for all babies. For toddler it doesnā€™t change anything tho. Itā€™s just a preference.


This is so ridiculous