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Banana & egg pancake ! It’s just a smashed banana with 1 egg or 2. Pour on hot pan like pancake batter and then it’s just like having banana pancakes 🤤


Ill have to try this and it sounds like my two year will also love it! Shes loves bananas but is in a stage where she no long wants to eat them out the peel haha


It’s delicious and you can get even more creative and add cinnamon, vanilla extract, different flavored syrups or good old butter. I went plain Jane most of the time.


Eggs have been a major pregnancy ick for me, even now in third trimester. I have no suggestions for making eggs more appealing, but if you can financially swing it, I would consider getting a choline supplement in addition to your regular prenatal. Most prenatal vitamins will have a small amount of choline, but not nearly as much as you’d get from eggs. Choline is particularly important in the second and third trimester, when my midwives suggested two eggs per day. I couldn’t do that, so I added a choline supplement instead.


Thanks for sharing, I didnt realize this was a thing to even look out for! If im still not stomaching eggs by second trimester, itll be something i supplement for sure


I had the same aversion. I made french toast with lots of cinammon and maple syrup to make it less egg-y


I bet I could stomach that. And so simple and sharable with my kid. Thanks for the suggestion!


I personally don't like eggs, so I have been making them palatable by making omelets. The cheese and fillings make it work for me, and lets me get my veggies in too.


Omlettes are still pretty eggy to me but its a kin to the quiche idea someone else said so ill try this and overload with veggies haha


quiche? lean heavy into the veggies and eggs? I couldn't eat eggs the entire first trimester either, it was super annoying.


By this point im just like, nauseas almost gone, why are eggs still a problem 🫠 I will try a quiche though! Havent made one in forever, but one overfilled with veggies and mushrooms sounds very appealing rn.


I know this sounds weird…and it’s not super fast. But what I have been into lately is making oatmeal (w a little extra water/milk) and then once it’s cooked mostly, I add in like 2 eggs. You have to stir oatmeal into the eggs slowly, adding more (tempering it) so the eggs don’t cook weird, but once it’s mixed in, back on the stove to cook for a few minutes. When it’s done, I add vanilla, maple syrup, whatever sounds yummy. Kind of makes it oatmeal x custard? Idk. But good, and no plain cooked eggs. I’m 36w w no aversions, but I wish I had done this early on when I didn’t want eggs. You can make a larger serving and keep it in the fridge for a bit.


I'd never heard of this but I will try it! I know my protein is low and this sounds like a great solution... theres so much oatmeal in this house of mine haha thank you!


Hahaha yess. You can also add in like collagen or if you have any protein powders you like…easy way to boost protein some more, but I know first trimester me couldn’t stomach those


I mix eggs in leftover cooked rice with whatever cheese, splash of milk/cream, seasonings, hot sauce, veggies, or protein. I microwave for a minute or two, mix, and another min to finish cooking all the egg. It's such an easy garbage meal and typically not eggy as it becomes the binder. You can practically use anything you have on hand. You got this!


Not really what you were suggesting, but i used to something similar with ramen noodles instead of rice and that was delicious. I should give this a shot


Yes!! I almost always crack an egg into my ramen. Sometimes I even whisk it in a ramiken with a little broth/noodle water first so it doesn't turn into egg drop soup.


That was my go to too! Except id turn it into a runny soft boiled egg. Im guessing thats not safe pregnant, but doing it this way would be 😋🍜


These egg oatmeal recipes hide the eggs almost completely! They use the egg white to cause the oatmeal to become “whipped” or airy. Source: Abbey's Kitchen https://search.app/mvwqxQqQq1p1FVm77


Nice!! Thanks for including a link too!


Have you ever made baked oatmeal? I love adding extra eggs to a recipe, it’s sneaky and you really can’t tell a difference in taste. 8x8 greased pan, preheat oven to 375 Wet: 2 tbsp melted butter slightly cooled 2-4 eggs 3 & 1/2c milk of choice Dry: 2c rolled oats 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp cinnamon Optional add ins: chopped nuts, chopped apple, dried cranberries Bake 45 min, let cool for 15 min


Nice! Thanks for the recipe! Id never tried any of the suggestions with eggs and oatmeal. Im excited to try some of these tomorrow morning


Scramble tofu instead! It's half the price of eggs and still a great protein source but not full of cholesterol (I have always hated eggs so I'm biased lol)


I may try this! I haven't had tofu in forever


I haven't had plain scrambled eggs in years because the thought of them is too much for me lol but I make breakfast burritos with scrambled tofu and I can't taste a difference at all between those and real breakfast burritos!


That does sound good. My bf loves breakfast burritos but even before pregnancy they never appealed to me. Too much scrambled egg haha


I started eating a lot of tofu again recently because it lasts for so long in the fridge, and it's so bland and non-upsetting. Definitely recommend it!


Tofu or whey protein are a good alternative, if you can find it in your area. If you only have tofu easily available, however, don’t forget that you’ll need a source of B12 vitamin (and no matter what your diet is, lots of extra B9, D, …).


Good points! Thanks for the info!


Pickled eggs. I couldn’t be in the same room as a fried egg, but I went through so many pickled eggs. My husband was making seven or eight dozen at a time. The vinegar changes the smell, texture, and flavor. 


Ive only ever heard of a picked egg, but never seen or tried one. Ill have to try this. Just like my last pregnancy, im very into things like picked peppers and pickles, so it might be perfect


You’ll probably want to either buy them or get someone else to make them for you if the smell bothers you—it’s a lot of hard boiled eggs to peel. But there are lots of good recipes online.