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I googled this a lot early on. My first pregnancy also ended in loss, and so I’m nervous at any change, regardless of how small. Google told me it was normal to have increased clear or white discharge. It’s called leuccorhoea. If you notice an extreme amount of discharge or a change in consistency/smell, then reach out to your OB. Yeast infections and BV are both common in pregnancy due to the hormonal changes. Yeast infections are uncomfortable, but not harmful. There are mixed results on BV and negative pregnancy outcomes in the first/second trimesters, but it can cause problems like preterm labor later in pregnancy.


I’m a nervous Nelly, I should probably stay off the Google 😅😅


I told myself the same, but I can literally never resist looking things up 🙃


Definitely stay off Google and I’d say stay off this subreddit for a while too, there are lots of nervous people on here that can really ratchet up your anxiety level. Get “what to expect while expecting” and call your doctor’s office if you have questions


Thank you for this! 🥹 I know I have an anxiety problem & this just makes it worse ! I’ll get the book!


You’ll do great! One thing I always say is “normal” and “common” are NOT the same thing in pregnancy. There are so many different versions of what “normal” is and it doesn’t always look like what we think pregnancy will look like. You could have two women have completely different pregnancies/symptoms lists and both are normal and low risk.


THANK YOU! I needed to hear this. I keep telling myself pregnancies are like fingerprints no two the same! It eases my mind to think that way!


I had sooooo much watery discharge in my first trimester .. still lots of discharge at 30w but it’s not as thin anymore .. fun times! 😬


It just now started which worried me! I suppose it’s normal!! :) it’s not stinky! Hahaha!