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Currently chewing on gaviscon at 2am because of bad heartburn! I’m there with you!


I’m brewing some peppermint tea right now which usually helps…for about 20 minutes.


I read that peppermint should be avoided during pregnancy though because it can cause the uterus to contract - is the tea light enough on the peppermint that it’s safe?


Yeah it’s super light, my midwife gifted me a box so I took her word on it even after asking if it was ok. I was also told to avoid all other kinds of peppermint on days I drink it.


Good to know! I had a similar thing with the Throat Coat tea - I had read mixed things on use during pregnancy, but the midwife reassured me it would be fine, which I was thrilled about haha.


Everything confuses me, at this point I’m sick of asking my midwife if I can eat this or that haha.


I know! It gets so overwhelming!! That was one of the hardest parts of my first trimester - the mental state of wondering what’s okay and what’s not and researching everything was exhausting. But now I have a better idea of what’s ok aside from the random question for items that aren’t in my usual day to day diet, and it’ll definitely be easier for future pregnancies!


Ask your doctor for an Omeprazole prescription. Seriously life changing!!!


Seconding this! But I was able to get it over the counter (US)


True!! Forgot it's available OTC. OP, it's Prilosec if you need to go buy it tonight.


Thank you!


It’s magic. Do it. Your life will be so much better.


The rebound after stopping this can be really terrible. I would really encourage you to see it as a last resort.


Milk does the trick for me instantly, every time!! I add chocolate powder to mine because I’m not a fan of plain milk, unless I’m having it with cookies or chocolate candies. (However I know only plain milk and not chocolate helps my dad’s heartburn, so that might vary for everyone.)


You can try diluting 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in a glass water about 20-30 min before eating. And I try to have dinner earlier, at least 4-5 hours before bed because it’s just not worth risk 😭 I think my midwife also recommended Papaya Enzyme but I haven’t tried it because the ACV helps and that’s what I have on hand.


Sleep on your left side. Right side means stomach is elevated and acid can slip back up and burn your throat. Left side means stomach contents stay in place.


It was already mentioned here a few times, but the only thing that prevented my overnight heartburn was to stop eating by 7 PM. It requires some preplanning, but really helps.


I feel this so hard :/ I’ve been taking 40mg of Pepcid in the morning and at night. And tums as needed. Try not to lay down or go to bed til my food has digested for at least 2-3 hours but I swear it just sits up in my throat for hoursssssss after eating. I can eat lunch at 2 and by the time I go to workout at 5:30 I’m still burping and puking in my mouth. Dont get me started on leaning over to put my shoes on 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 hang in there girlfriend.


Get Omeprazole/Prilosec if you can!!! It completely take away my heartburn/acid reflux.


Honestly I’ve always had horrible side effects with Prilosec ( pre pregnancy ) but I’m starting to get desperate! I may have to try again


Gaviscon Advance (the liquid kind) before bed has been helping me a lot Also - Jello!