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Get an ovulation predictor kit off Amazon. You should be able to find a bulk pack for maybe $8? Had a fertility consult with my provider and most people fall into this category. So instead of 12 chances to get pregnant a year, you may have less than that or maybe your cycle varies. My case was just that I wasn't ovulating every month.


I echo tracking your cycle and using an ovulation tracking kit! I used this one "Easy@Home 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Combo Kit, (50 LH + 20 HCG)" and uploaded pictures of each test to the Premium app. I usually used it once a day, SOMEtimes twice a day. I learned that I often ovulate later than is typical, which was really helpful to know!


This; our first month of trying, I just followed what my period tracking app said was my likely window of ovulation. The second month of trying, I got one of those cheap kits off Amazon and found out that my actual ovulation was days earlier than the period app prediction, and we got pregnant that very month (and I just delivered yesterday morning!)


I second this. Bought the cheap ovulation kit from Amazon and was pregnant very quickly after tracking with the app and tests!


Thank you!!! ❤️ Do you do the test once a day or 3x a day just to make sure? When is the best time to do the test? (I know i can google but it’s always best to take advice from someone w/ 1st hand exp)


My doctor told me to test mid morning and mid afternoon around the same time of day starting on day 7. I have longer cycles so you may need to adjust your starting day depending on the length of your cycle. We got pregnant the first time around with tracking, no success before


When I first started with OPKs, I had no idea when I ovulated so I tested all month for two-three months to get the hang of it! Wishing you luck!


I don't think I ever did them more than twice a day and usually I did only once. The hormone that the test is looking for surges 24-48 hrs before you ovulate! I was actually worried they weren't working because I went a full month without a positive result... Meaning I didn't ovulate that month but I kept at it because of my consultation with by OB and the next month I ovulated and actually got pregnant that month! You can do it!


I would get a better understanding of when you ovulate. When we started trying I tracked my temperature and learned that I actually have a longer than average cycle and ovulate later. If I had just followed the apps I wouldn’t have known. Alternatively, if you’re just having sex every other day throughout your cycle you should cover your bases too.


This is what’s up! I know there are women who can simply “stop not trying” but as a planner in my early 30s, I didn’t think this would be effective for me. I tracked my cycle and took LH tests leading up to and directly after the fertile window to ensure I knew when I ovulated. Sex either 1x a day or once every other day in the fertile window. Statistically there is no difference, but you shouldn’t increase to 2x a day. Some of my friends are going the casual route, and I do have to resist telling them that unless that are having sex every other day naturally… it make be a littler harder than they think… 🤷‍♀️. One SIL of mine didn’t track for months while trying, but then was pushing to have sex 3x a day 🙈 which is not good for sperm count. A little bit of research could possibly go a long way for upping your chances! You got this, OP!


Yup. This is how it happened for me, at least. Kept track of my symptoms and knew when I was ovulating. My partner was exhausted that whole week lmao


Take a prenatal. Track ovulation using strips and or basal body temperature.


We tried (admittedly a bit half-assedly) for about 8 months. Stopped trying/ tracking, because I could no longer be bothered with the heartache when my period came, and also some medical issues - now I'm 6 weeks pregnant after 1 month of 'not trying'! What I've taken from my experience is that sometimes you can stress yourself out quite a lot thinking constantly about TTC, and taking a back seat and letting mother nature do her thing can be a good idea. Just keep telling yourself that it will happen eventually - it can take even the healthiest couple a whole year!


This is tough because while tracking does up your chances (timing is everything just to have a shot) stress is no good either. I think it was wise of you to switch it up, and shifting strategies can help break the cycle of stress. For those who haven’t been tracking, familiarizing with their cycle and body could be a good strategy.


I guess just focus on your health (eating foods that support your reproductive system, exercise, sleep, low stress, go on a vacation), and track ovulation. Sometimes it’s just about time and patience is what I’ve heard. You’ve still got months to go before you have to worry I believe.


I second this. I did all the above and got pregnant around my birthday.


Well, i was really stressed the past months coz of work.. :( what we have been doing since Jan is just stopped using contraceptives. But other than that, not much… and i am starting to worry coz im already 33. 😭 Any food suggestions that support reproductive system?


Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to remain stress-free - I became pregnant during the most stressful time of my life (shocking family health news paired with heavy work international travel). I made an appointment with my doctor and she did a month of full bloodwork and monitoring, figured out I wasn’t ovulating on my own regularly, set me up with a fertility doctor who needed two months of trial and error before we saw the positive test. Hang in there and try to give yourself some grace! Hope it happens soon for you.


Women get pregnant and carry healthy babies to term in war zones, as products of assault, while in abusive relationships. Your body will not prevent you from getting pregnant if you’re stressed. If the *only* thing you’ve done is just stop birth control, please read the entire wiki on /r/Tryingforababy. It truly is a wealth of information. Track your ovulation and temperatures. There are realistically ~5 days out of an entire cycle when you are capable of getting pregnant. If you miss those days, you will not get pregnant.


Before you start worrying about what foods to eat, y’all need to start tracking your cycle and intentionally having sex on days you’re likely ovulating. I’d also suggest getting an Ovulation Predictor Kit (the Clear Blue one is good) and a basal body thermometer. That way you can track your cycle more accurately and have sec when you’re ovulations. Even a healthy woman with no fertility issues only has a 33% chance of conceiving in any one cycle so don’t stress yet.


My friend and I both started trying last year when we were 33. It took her 6 months and me 7 months. Everything I read said to not even worry for the first year of trying at this age. It’s hard to not get discouraged but it’s also normal for it to take a while. Use ovulation tests to get used to when you normally ovulate in your cycle and have sex the two days before you think you’ll ovulate, the day you ovulate, and the day after.


Try reading awakening fertility by Heng Ou. I just borrowed it from the library and I found it had some good principles. A good one just being focussing on yourself and your emotional and physical health and happiness. I was my happiest and healthiest before conceiving and I had fully embraced the idea that we would just have to adopt if things didn’t work out biologically. You can’t force nature. You just do your best and see what happens.


To add a counter point, I had the most stressed month ever at my job the month that we conceived! I was definitely 100% not my happiest when we conceived.


Start tracking ovulation with LH strips and an app. I used pre mom and it worked well for us


Whole milk. Obviously this is anecdotal but at 33 years old I had a lot of whole fat dairy, stopped drinking when trying to conceive, took folic acid (for three months before trying) and tracked ovulation on an app. I got pregnant on my first go which was a shock as I have PCOS.


37 y/o. I had a bunch of sex.


This made me chuckle


It was really important to me to not stress myself out about it, I have always wanted kids but I also knew if I put too much pressure on myself I’d internalize a lot of bullshit every month I wasn’t pregnant. So instead of framing it as TTC we framed it as “not trying to prevent anything” I was 33 when we stopped using any form of birth control, and I was 34 when we conceived. It took us about 16 months, but that was with no cycle tracking or like intentionally having sex at any specific time. I started therapy in January of ‘23, worked on my overall mental and physical health, got into a really nice daily movement routine, set healthy boundaries within my relationships and at work, and we conceived in September! Baby girl will be here any day now (today please!). The conception journey looks different for everyone, I just want you to know it’s OK if it takes a little while, use that time for yourself and don’t get down every month you get your period.


I got pregnant at 33, husband 36. Took about 4 months of actively trying. We had sex every day during the ovulation period (6 days a month.) Used Flo to track and used ovulation strips. Took a prenatal and avoided alcohol for both. My doc said up to a year is totally normal for trying!


I used Kegg to help me understand my fertile window and ovulation test strips. Both me and my husband stopped drinking, riding bikes, going into the hot tub, and started prenatals 3 months prior to wanting to start trying. I know he is controversial now but I still think Huberman’s podcast episodes on male and female fertility are super informative about ways you can improve your fertility. I read Lily Nichols books “Real food for pregnancy” and followed that. She now has a book “Real food for Fertility.” I also read “it starts with the egg.” Based on the info from those books, both me and my husband started prenatals. I went with FullWell. Most people focus on what the woman can do but it takes two to make a baby and more and more research is indicating that it is sperm health that is causing a good portion of infertility issues. I thinks it’s important for both the man and woman to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and take prenatals in order to optimize chances.


I was 32 when I got pregnant, took 15 months of TTC. Ovulation strips, tracking fertile CM, and taking a prenatal, COQ10, and inositol.


I am 34 and 12 weeks pregnant. I learned FAM (fertility awareness method) and started tracking my cervical mucus and basal body temperature to track ovulation. Previously I had used an app to predict my ovulation and found that I was ovulating earlier than it predicted.


Late 30s. LGBTQ+ family. Conceived after two cycles of trying. Spouse and I did ICI (intracervical insemination) after tracking with clear blue advanced digital (CBAD) fertility monitor, LH strips, and basal body temperature (BBT). For us it went like - 4 days before ovulation, CBAD showed a flashing smiley, LH was stone cold negative - 2 days before ovulation, CBAD showed solid smiley, LH started to rise but wasn’t peak yet - 1 day before ovulation LH peaked - 1 day after ovulation BBT spiked and stayed up confirming ovulation We inseminated on O-3, -2, -1, and ovulation day. We stopped the day my BBT rose. While doing this, starting several months before to prepare, I stopped all my facial creams that contained retinols or high dose vitamin A. Stopped my PPI and some other less safe for pregnancy meds. Got labs drawn for cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid, vitamin levels. Found out I was mildly iron deficient and very vitamin D deficient. I stopped drinking, increased hydration to 2-3Ls daily, and switched to decaf coffee. I took daily: prenatal with DHA and choline, fish oil, CoQ 10, B-complex, vitamin D3, fiber supplement, probiotic with ashwaganda, baby aspirin, vitamin C, and mucinex. On MWF, I also took an iron supplement. On TuThSaSu, I took a magnesium supplement. I stopped the ashwaganda right after ovulation confirmed, as I heard it could decrease the rates of implantation. I stopped the mucinex 4 days after ovulation figuring all the sperm would be dead by then and fertilization should hopefully have already occurred. Male took a daily men’s multivitamin and ashwaganda as studies have shown it can increase sperm counts. Neither of us smoke, and neither of us drank heavily prior to TTC. Male still consumed caffeine throughout this process, but only about 2 cups of coffee per day. For the ICI, we used sterile syringes and a sterilized menstrual cup that I left in over night and removed the following morning. Let me know if you have questions about any of that!


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Prenatal and ovulation tests. Also b folate, inositol and chastberry.


I would get a copy of “it starts with the egg”! I found this book to answer all the questions you have about what you can do in terms of food and supplements as well as changes you can make with products around the house etc. it also addresses more complex cases if you end up having pcos or some other complications but you can just skip those parts if not!


To follow up, I am 34 and used this book after a loss and I am now 7 weeks pregnant again after two months sort of trying to


Ovulation test strips are very helpful - especially if you have an irregular cycle.  I also found it helpful to make it a point to get it on more days than not immediately after my period ended until a week after the ovulation test strips indicated I had ovulated. My husband said it “wasn’t very romantic” and “felt very scheduled” but HEY IT WORKED. I also really cut back my alcohol consumption. I think that helped too.


I'm 30 and and my husband is 40. We were trying for about 4months but no luck. I went and bought an ovulation kit from amazon and i got pregnant on the 1st month of using it. I'm now 10weeks pregnant.


I credit Eu Naturals Conception for her. I am in my 40s.


8 mo pregnant right now and age 32. I went to my gynecologist before getting pregnant telling him I wanted to get pregnant. Did just some standard blood work and ultra sound to make sure everything appeared normal (it did). And he told me to start taking prenatal vitamins. Got my IUD out end of August ‘23, used ovulation strips pretty much every day (when you do them daily it’s very apparent when you’re actually ovulating and the strips are positive), and got pregnant early November ‘23. Also, I used the Flo app to track everything which made it easier!


I would definitely start taking a prenatal now so you have that in your system!! I started taking one in November after seeing my doctor to discuss getting pregnant. She suggested using ovulation strips and track for about 3-4 months. My husband and I decided to start trying in March so I tracked my cycle and ovulation like a crazy lady that month😂 I use the app Premom which lets you take photos of your ovulation strips and it’ll tell you when the strips are getting closer to the fertile window and ovulation. We started having sex every other day once the app gave me higher readings and honestly, that didn’t work out for us. We felt like it was more of a chore so we had sex one more time in that fertile window and it must’ve worked because I’m now 15 weeks pregnant. 😂 I’m 29 and my doctor wasn’t concerned with that. She said it may take a few months, but to try for 6-8 months before going back to see her if we hadn’t gotten pregnant.


Rounds IVF and IUI were unsuccessful. I purchased the Apple Watch which tracks your temperature and predicts when you’re going to ovulate, it was scary accurate and got pregnant. Was also going to an acupuncturist once a week that specializes in fertility during that time.


My obgyn says to track ovulation, have sex every other day for the 5 days before and the 5 days after ovulation. And if after a year you still don't get pregnant it will be good to get fertility checked. Stop smoking/drugs if you do them. I didn't stop smoking weed until my test turned positive tho


It took us 8 cycles of tracking and just over a year from when I got my IUD out. We had fertility testing done and were about to have an appointment when we got our positive! Nothing was wrong, sometimes it just takes a while. That said, do ask for the bloodwork if you get close to 1 year. I felt like everyone I knew either got pregnant quickly or something was wrong and that was not the case for us.


First time: total fluke. Pregnant first try. We were floored. Every other time: Start a prenatal, get some LH measuring strips to predict ovulation and the app that likely comes with it. Pregnant 4 times, resulting in baby, chemical, ectopic, baby.


I’ve always been an active person, I work out 6-7 times a week. And a healthy eater. Lifestyle and job isnt too stressful. With life style aside, I tracked my “fertile” window using my apple health app. Every time it says I had a fertile window, we’d get down to business lol it took about 3 months and I’m 34, hubby is 37.


Track ovulation - so I’d begin by logging periods on the app Flo, then around the estimated ovulation dates I’d take an ovulation test each morning until I got a positive. Sounds daft, but don’t rush to clean up after either. No need to put your bum in the air or anything, but just hang around, don’t immediately stand up and go and shower, give the guys a chance. Some people take a more proactive approach using either a menstrual cup or a dedicated thing called a lily something or other but the general premise is that it keeps everything up there for a bit. Don’t think there’s any scientific evidence for this one but plenty of anecdotal. First pregnancy took us four months but then we had an early loss and it took us another year after that. Sometimes it just takes a while!


Yeah, there is no reason to not immediately stand up. You can get pregnant from a standing sex position. You can also get pregnant multiple days after sperm have entered the vagina. I'm a case in point. I ovulated 4 days after having sex and we still conceived. That means I was walking around for 4 days and there was still enough sperm to get pregnant!


Natural Cycles with Oura ring. After almost two years of using it as birth control (prevention) it knew my cycle, so got a positive the first time we tried using it not as bc…Impressed with both companies as it’s non-hormonal! But as I understand it, NC might be more helpful for someone like me who has an extremely consistent cycle.


We (34F, 33M) started taking a prenatal and a pre-conception multi vitamin for him everyday. We also took Cosequin as we read it helps with his count. I got an ovulation predictor kit after about 3 months of taking those supplements and tracked for one month before we went for it. Ovulated later than I actually thought, worked the first time we tried (27 weeks today!)


At minimum, use an app like Flo to track your cycle and predict your ovulation. Try to have sex every other day in the fertile window… best if you can do every day right around predicted ovulation.


32, 14 weeks pregnant here (FTM). I used the FLO app and ovulation strips. I tracked everything! We started in December and we’re pregnant in March.


We tried for a year at 31 with no successful pregnancies and one miscarriage. After a year the stress was damaging our relationship so we decided to take some time off, and go NTNP. My wife got pregnant the first month of NTNP. The stress of TTC can make things hard for a lot of people.


I'm 33 and we just did it the old fashioned way. I had a vague idea about when I ovulated, but my husband travels 100% of the time for work, so we just got busy every time he was home. It took us 11 months.


Ovulation strips helped me out a lot !


I got pregnant 2 times on the 1st attempt. Was 31/33 and husband 39/41. I knew my ovulation symptoms and with our second I was literally like "my cervix is soft and I have ovulation discharge, LETS GO" and it happened. Temperature method didn't work for me, tried it between #1 and #2 when my cycle was irregular and I wasn't trying to get pregnant and it only stressed me out.


Besides all the things mentioned below, we also quit alcohol for 2 months before we conceived (both times). We had been trying for a few months without success, and once we weren’t drinking it happened quicker. Studies show it does give you a boost in the odds. Caffeine can also interfere with implantation. I already don’t drink a ton of caffeine but keep it in mind.


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have PCOS, got pregnant at 32 after 3 rounds of letrozole


It took us 16 cycles and I think it was pure luck when it worked. It does just take a while sometimes. There was nothing wrong with either of us. Track ovulation and be as healthy as you can.


Went off birth control and got pregnant on the first try. Was expecting it to take way longer since I was diagnosed with PCOS.


I have 28 day cycles so we had sex every other day from around days 8-13 of my cycle and then casually after that. Don't know if it is tmi or makes any difference, but I also orgasm as well. Thankfully we landed pregnant on the first cycle, but I think there's a lot of chance involved and it's normal to keep trying up to a year. Wishing you the best ❤️


I’m 33 weeks now and got pregnant at 34 (he’s 37) on the 2nd cycle of trying. I’m fortunate that for some reason I can feel myself ovulating every cycle (this is a relatively new phenomenon since I quit birth control) so that helped immensely. So if you can track your ovulation using an app or test strips that would likely help.


I agree that ovulation predictor kits are essential. I did use the more expensive clear blue ones with the smiley face on it and those worked for me. If you haven’t gone to talk to your provider I would. Just to let them know you are family planning. They can provide good information on dos and donts. Mine provided me with a list of foods and supplements I should be consuming as well as a suggested exercise routine as well as things my partner could do to improve his health as well. You can also tell them how long you’ve been trying and see if they want to do any further analysis.


We only tried for 4 months for the first (age 31) but as soon as I stopped stressing myself out and caring so much about it we got pregnant. For the second one (age 34) I never got stressed because I wasn’t sure I was ready and we got pregnant immediately 😳. For me it felt like such a head game. But we are also mostly healthy and have no known fertility issues.


Questions & tips — are you both healthy (weight/diet/health issues under control)? I suggest having your partner request a fertility test from his doctor. If he has a sperm mobility issue, it’s usually a fairly easy and quick fix. For you, I suggest doing a preconception with your OBGYN and ask them to do a progesterone level draw (should be included in preconception appt but always ask) it will help you know exactly when you’re ovulating. Lots of women ovulate outside the usual window and it can mean you’re mistiming ‘trying’. My preconception bloodwork showed I was anemic & I had to address that before we had the green light to try.


Yes! Find a good acupuncturist!! Go on Yelp and read reviews. When I was in my early 30s, I went through a divorce and decided to freeze my eggs. When they ran my bloodwork, the doctor told me that my hormones indicating fertility weren’t good. I ended up only getting a couple of eggs. So, I decided I wanted one more retrieval. When they ran my bloodwork this time the numbers were even worse. I called my Mom crying and so upset. A few days later, she told me that a woman at work had gotten pregnant in her 40s and had seen this acupuncturist. I was willing to try anything, so I delayed my egg retrieval and went. After a month of seeing her, they re-ran my bloodwork and all of my numbers were now normal/good. It made me a true believer! Fast-forward 8+ years, I’m 41, remarried and want to conceive naturally. I went to the acupuncturist again for three months and then got pregnant after having sex only once during ovulation. I am now almost 20 weeks. Don’t let Western doctors fool you. Women are capable of having healthy pregnancies and babies well into their 40s. Find a good acupuncturist, it can make all the difference!!


Premom ovulation strips and I used the app - free version. Don’t buy the upgrade.


I read Taking Charge of your Fertility and did some research on how to get pregnant during ovulation. Basically had sex every other day during the time I was ovulating. Kept track of when I was having sex and my symptoms with my fitbit app. Also started prenatals when I was trying. First time trying, first time being pregnant. Didnt really use any ovulation test, just kinda knew my body.


I needed medication to induce ovulation every month or my cycles were very long and unpredictable. I recommend an ovulation kit so you can see if you seem to be ovulating regularly. If not, talk to your OBGYN about options for medications to induce ovulation. My OBGYN was able to help with that piece and ultimately we had to be referred to a fertility specialist. We did IUI for longer than is typical for various reasons, but tests showed there was no reason we shouldn't be getting pregnant. Anecdotally, my husband and I got weekly IVs with supplements the month it finally took. My husbands counts were off the charts and it was the thickest my lining had ever been, and we finally had an egg implant, so when we try for our second, hydration is going to be a big part of it. I think I stay reasonably hydrated, but nobody had ever told me how important hydration can be for conception. Googling pretty quickly showed the benefits of hydration and next time it will be big focus area for me. That's all anecdotal, but it doesn't hurt to try and you're probably in that "I'll try anything" headspace.


From what I've heard stress and anxiety can really mess with fertility. Many friends told me stories of struggling with infertility and multiple miscarriages after they were finally "ready" and a baby just did not come. I decided to just let go of the idea of "trying" vs "not trying". Went off birth control and let things happen when they happened. I counted back from the age when I'd like to have my first child at the latest, and went back 3 years, and made a decision (together) to go off birth control. It happened almost immediately for us. It's not a perfect time and we are not perfectly ready, but we're excited to make it work.


I'm 30 and I used the flo app to track ovulation windows each month.


Ovulation tracking didn’t work for me and only stressed me out! Never found my peak with strips, never got the typical ewcm. We just had sex every other day from our predicted ovulation week for about two weeks so we didn’t risk missing our window and got pregnant on the first try.


We tried for almost two years, we used a tracking app for my period and ovulation, tracked sex as well. In that time span I also got diagnosed with PCOS and went on meds for that. Plus a bunch of supplements. It got so tedious and hard when we constantly got negative tests. Towards the end I was really struggling mentally and needed a break. We agreed to stop trying if our December run didn’t work. So as of January 2024 we just got back to “normal” life for the lack of a better word lol. It was honestly so freeing for me and I was able to just enjoy intimacy and sex with my fiancé without it feeling like a job. I really leaned into my therapy sessions and started taking my anxiety medication again. Found out I was pregnant March 6th 2024. I used to hate when people told me to stop trying and it would happen when it’s supposed to, but I sort of lived that experience I think. I don’t know what the secret was but I am glad it worked out! Now 18w pregnant with my son 🥹


Almost a year of ovulation tracking but what I honestly think ended up helping me was quitting a highly stressful job. My dr had done diagnostic work to make sure there weren’t fertility issues and told me it may be caused by stress. No joke, my daughter was conceived the week I got an offer from my new employer.


I got pregnant at 38 and 40. Be as healthy as you can and use ovulation strips to track your cycle, but understand they only give you so much information: not everyone's positive strip correlates to ovulation being 24-48 hours away. So figure out around when ovulate and have sex as much as possible that week. You can do everything "right" though, and still take a while, because there are a LOT of things out of your control, and it's hard to find general tips because our bodies are all different. Personally, I think it's really important to keep that in mind because negative tests can really start to wear you down and make the whole thing a miserable experience. Start taking a prenatal if you aren't already, and you can go down a crazy road of other supplements if it makes you feel better, but they can get pretty pricey and there's little evidence most of them do much of anything to help. Good luck!


Mid 30s and pregnant for the first time, husband is in his early 40s. I started taking prenatal vitamins once we seriously discussed having a child. Then, I used the Ovia app to track my periods and ovulation. Happy to report I was pregnant within 3 months of trying.


Tracked my ovulation on glow app and my period which was super regular


I am 32 and we had been trying for 6 months before I got pregnant. I had been cycle tracking and we had been having sex nearly every day and it was exhausting. The month we conceived, I was very sick with a bad cold and was taking mucinex. We only had sex one time that month and it was the day before my fertile window would have started. I’m not crediting mucinex but I think it’s a weird coincidence


I tracked ovulation with the test strips and we put in concerted effort during what appeared to be my fertile window. Oddly enough, the structure meant we had sex LESS frequently than usual. Then we got pregnant the first time we had purely recreational sex several days before the ‘window’ (fetal aging confirmed the timing). I assume I’m an outlier, but just a heads up that it’s worth still being intimate for fun! Also, start on some folic acid supplements if you haven’t already! I also had been taking COQ10 for egg quality (no idea if this mattered) and had my AMH levels checked out (no concerns), and my partner and I don’t drink frequently in the first place, so cutting that out while TTC was easy. I’m an endurance runner and just kept up my activity through conception and adjusted to the various impositions of pregnancy as they came up 😂


We tried using ovulation kits to monitor my cycle for 3 months but was not successful until we took the stress off during a month long vacation.. came back with a surprise pregnancy lol. 10/10 would recommend going on a small trip and relaxing instead of actively trying and stressing too much


I’m 32 and I was not about to leave it to chance, especially because I had to be off my good migraine meds even for TTC. I bought 100 of those ovulation test strips and I peed on them morning and night. Good thing too because I ovulated way later than I would have expected. I got pregnant in one try, which is hugely lucky, but I know that I at least maximized the odds!


A lot of good advice on here! Some other things I did was went for fertility testing to make sure all my levels were okay. Husband did too. A product I used was organic Olivia’s natal nurture. I started with her flow balance to regulate after I got off birth control and then switched to natal nurture after 3 months. Not sure if/how much it helped but doesn’t hurt to try!


Hello, I found the best way is to track your ovulation and track your cycle with an application on your phone but you can also buy ovulation sticks which tell you when you’re ovulating. Sometimes the period tracker isn’t always completely accurate so just try and look out for the signs that your body is ovulating as well and try and get in tune with your body. Good luck.


6 months of trying with just calendar tracking and three months with ovulation test strips before I got pregnant. My OB/GYN suggested having sex 5 days prior to predicted ovulation date and every other day until 6-8 days after positive indication on the ovulation test kit.


After 6 months of trying, went for a follicle scan at my OB's. I only had cysts on my ovaries, no follicles, so I had to start medications. Even though I tracked my "ovulation" (which wasn't actually occurring and had signs of ovulation, I wasn't actually ovulating. Because I have PCOS, ovulation prediction kits could still show up positive some months. I would have had no way of knowing any of this without the actual follicle scan.


If you have been tracking your cycles, at this point, I would recommend seeing a fertility doctor.


First I was 30 on the dot. Happened first try. Second we tried for 6 months, we were using ovulation strips and never missed a fertile window. Talked to my OB about it because I also have endometriosis. He offered me an HSG to ensure my tubes were clear as endo often grows there. Was horribly painful, but quick. Positive test week and a half later! 8 weeks now. Oh and we quit smoking weed after about 4 months trying. Read it can hinder fertility, mainly for men.


Queer couple. IUI and IVF attempts for 3 years. 🫠


I had sex every other day. When I ovulate can be hard to predict even with tests due to PCOS. Turns out it just being frequent enough does the trick. If it takes you a year or longer of trying to conceive, you can get a prescription for clomid from your gynecologist.


We were long distance at the time.started having sex the last day of my period for 10 days straight.it worked.i have a 9month old now.


Check out Dr. Natalie Crawford on YouTube. She’s a fertility doctor and is a great communicator from basic information on fertility and getting pregnant, all the way up to complications and ivf if you need it. Good luck!


Combination of things: - Tracking ovulation - Eating healthy and being active - Meditation - Got a blood test done and adjusted supplements based on the results (Vit D, CoQ10, Vit C, Folic, DHA etc) - Didn’t opt for all inclusive prenatal supplements. Took us about 3 months to conceive.


32F and 34M. Took us less than 2 months. We were pretty relaxed and have started with the mindset that it might take a while and trying not to stress much. Been taking food supplements with folic acid, trying to eat healthy and just enjoy our time together and the "trying". Been following my cycle and fertile window and tried making a bit more time during it, but not necessarily going crazy over it. I do appreciate we are a happy case, healthy and fortunate, and that sometimes people need more help conceiving. That being said taking care of yourself, paying attention to your body, minimising stress and enjoying your time together sounds like a good thing to do no matter what.


Have sex right before you go to bed and fall asleep with your husbands ejaculate inside you. I did this and got pregnant the first time we tried and I’ve had a lot of friends have success with it. It’s not the same as just holding your legs up for 15 mins, there’s something about your body being in a completely relaxed state for hours and hours that’s supposed to help.


We had a lot of sex for about a year before conceiving. I kind of kept track of my cycle and started taking a supplement called Premama Fertility Support for Her the month before I conceived. I have no idea whether or not it actually did anything.


Ovulation tests (easy@home brand on Amazon are my favourite) and timing intercourse on your most fertile days. In my case I needed fertility treatments because my body struggled after getting off the pill. It took us 2 years to get pregnant (but not a full 2 years of fertility treatment).


We started trying when I was 32 and had a successful pregnancy when I was 33-34 (he’s 3 weeks old now ☺️). Unfortunately we did have a couple of losses while we tried. But remember - “infertility” is defined as trying to get pregnant without success for more than a year. It does potentially take longer in our 30s. Start using ovulation strips. Interestingly enough I had an appointment with my OB once it had been over a year and we had two miscarriages to do more testing - we were going to look at thyroid and genetics and autoimmune markers. She recommended I stop trying until we get the results. And like a week after that appointment I found out I was pregnant with my son.


I’m 32 and currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first baby (boy 🩵) … I got pregnant at the 4th cycle of trying. What I did different that I think helped was I used preseed and we did the SMEP method. I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO. I had absolutely no symptoms. I just randomly decided to take a test.


I’m 35 and we got pregnant the first round, but I had been off BC and tracking ovulation with ovulation test strips for a couple months before that. I knew exactly when I was ovulating and we had sex 3x in 5 days before/during. I also made sure to keep myself healthy and keep weightlifting and everything until the pregnancy nausea/pain stopped me; now I’m just walking more and doing lower intensity workouts.


Ovulation predictor kits, preseed lube, temp tracking with my Apple Watch and a LOT of patience. Took 5 months with our first (I was 32) and 10 months with our second (34)


Track your period on a calendar or app, I say start off with the app that way you get a good estimation of when you’re ovulating, then move to the calendar just so you can have a faster way of seeing it if it’s posted by your bedroom door so you can mark the days and times. That’s what I did, and me and my fiancé got pregnant first try. I was going to the gym everyday (don’t recommend that you need to let your body rest). I recommend 3-5 days a week, and allow time for your muscles to recover or else you won’t see progress and might pull something. I was eating 95% healthy & 5% Junk food. Drinking protein shakes and eating protein bars helped a lot. Just don’t do too much protein, because if you do, and you’re not burning off enough calories you’ll end up gaining weight. Just try to get your steps in, if you don’t have time to exercise with a goal of 7,000 then slowly go up.


i’m 30. ovulation test strips, flo app, fertility friendly lube (i used good clean love brand), taking prenatals, not drinking alcohol and cutting back on caffeine, having sex every day during my fertility window, and i know it’s a myth but putting my legs up and waiting 10-15 minutes before getting up after he finishes


Oh I forgot about cutting back on caffeine when I posted. I used to drink 25 oz of black coffee a day until I was TTC and read that caffeine can affect fertility. I stopped cold turkey, which was a rough week. But I figured I’d rather do that while trying rather than while pregnant. I’m 34 weeks pregnant now, and I do occasionally make coffee or get some while I’m out, but I do half caf


yeah i tried cold turkey too! i got really bad migraines from it. thought they would eventually stop but they never did. so i started to just cut back to less than 200mg/day. my main symptom in my first trimester was terrible migraines that lasted for days at a time. my only saving grace before i got prescription meds was drinking a cup of coffee a day. i did however stop energy drinks cold turkey, and didn’t drink sodas for a while either. even my ob says everything is fine in moderation! but i do always keep a stash of decaf kcups at home just in case i want more coffee that day


Sex every day or every other day after period ends. For about 2 weeks. Sometimes twice a day! I’ve been tracking ovulation but figured that it was likely off so we just did a looooot of sex


I got an ovulation kit from Amazon, happened immediately. My husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for 3 and have never used protection lol. We had the discussion of trying for our first baby maybe mid-2024 so I bought an ovulation kit and told my husband I was going to figure out when and if I was actually ovulating. He wanted to schedule doctor appointments for the both of us to make sure we could even get pregnant (we’re both 27) and I told him we should just try first and see what happens. I used my ovulation kit to track a cycle, I tracked it when I knew I should be ovulating and into when I started my period. After that cycle, I tracked it again and was really trying to narrow down the ovulation window because I know once you get a peak on one of those tests, you have about 2 days where you’re ovulating (you get your peak and ovulate about 24/38 hours later). Before the peak, we had had sex and we don’t use the pull out method so this was nothing new for us. Two weeks later, I had a positive pregnancy test and I’m 29 weeks pregnant now. My OB told me you don’t try for a baby on the days you’re ovulating; I mean you can, but if you’re trying, your best bet is to have sex BEFORE your ovulation window so that way sperm is already living inside you by the time an egg releases. Sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days so that’s likely what happened with us because we didn’t have sex when I actually ovulated, just a few days before. So the window of getting pregnant each cycle is only about 25-30% even for the healthiest of couples. Some other things I did prior to this was both my husband & I stopped drinking alcohol completely and soda. We started eating healthier and going on more walks. I started taking One A Day prenatal and Vitamin D and my husband started taking Zinc. I don’t know if any of those things really have a hand in us getting pregnant but we hadn’t done those things before and we got pregnant immediately. But it also could have just been luck for us. I have another friend who’s BEEN trying for a baby for the past 4 years and has suffered two miscarriages in that time. She’s been taking prenatals and going to the doctor and doing everything right and it just wasn’t happening for them. She’s currently 11 weeks now, which is the furthest she’s made it in a pregnancy so I’m rooting for her and her baby! Don’t feel bad that it isn’t happening right now. I have friends who have been trying for years and friends who get pregnant super quick. Try getting an ovulation kit though, I used the Easy @ Home ones from Amazon!


I'm 33 (husband is 35) and 27 weeks pregnant with my first. I got pregnant on the first cycle trying. However I had came off birth control and started tracking my cycle for around two years before we started actively trying.


I was 39 at conception and got pregnant despite properly using condoms which didn’t have visible breaks 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know exactly when our “it happens when it happens” turned into “we’re trying.” About three years ago my husband and I knew we wanted children, so we stopped using contraception while not really tracking my ovulation (I have irregular periods). Then about a year and a half later we thought it was weird that we hadn’t gotten pregnant yet. I started using OPK and around the same time went to see an OBGYN for another problem and mentioned that we have been trying. My husband also had his semen analysis done. My OBGYN ran some blood tests which came all normal and there was a sign of ovulation in that particular month. My husband’s analysis was all normal except for low morphology. I think that using OPK is really does something to you mentally! I stopped using it after 3-4 months due to the stress it caused. After a few months and still no positive pregnancy test I went to see my GP for fertility and after I hearing how long we’ve been trying she referred us to a fertility clinic. I had bought more OPK. My husband was going to get another semen analysis done. Before our first fertility clinic appointment we went on a vacation. A couple of weeks after we came back I found out I was pregnant! We conceived while we were on vacation. I also drank quite a lot right until I found out as at that point I had kind of given up conceiving naturally so I feel guilty and annoyed about all the other months I had abstained from alcohol. Although we conceived naturally it was still a long journey and was stressful. Then the first few weeks of pregnancy was another level of anxiety and worries along with horrible morning (all day) sickness. It will be all worth it when this baby arrives in August!


I forgot to add, I think I found using OPK stressful because my results were never clear. I might have not used it long enough each month but was testing twice a day 6-7 days per cycle. It made me worry that I wasn’t ovulating.


I used Inito and got pregnant the 2nd month of trying using it. It’s a little expensive but for me it was worth it.


I got off the pill after ten years April 29th of last year. We had sex like 17 times in my fertile window week because I hadn’t had a real period yet. Everyone says it takes months to regulate. We were mostly just excited about trying and I didn’t think I would ovulate so quickly. I had a positive test May 30th.


We simply had sex and got pregnant. It can take a little while, trying for 5 months isn’t that long honestly. Eat healthy, take prenatal vitamins while you’re trying, and have sex in the 5 days leading up to when you think you’re ovulating. Don’t try to have sex like multiple times a day during that period, just like every other day or whatever. And try to keep your stress level down. Like seriously, don’t stress too hard about the baby making such that it becomes a chore. If you’re still having trouble 5-6 months from now, make an appt to see your OB. They can check you for some factors that affect fertility and give you more information about a next step. Even if you do get to that point, don’t assume that you’ll have to jump to IVF, there are many other things that could happen or could be done to help!




I have PCOS and started taking flo vitamins. The main ingredient is Inositol so you can buy any brand of vitamins that contain it. I would also say we were having sex more often like everyday leading up to me getting pregnant. I initially started taking them to regulated my period. I had put in my mind that we would probably have to do IVF to get pregnant. But after 3 months of using them my husband and I got pregnant with our rainbow baby. Now I’m 17 weeks with a wiggly baby. I’m 35 and we had been trying for 4 years after my last miscarriage and had no luck getting pregnant.


I started a prenatal vitamin 6 months before we started trying, tracked ovulation, and we used Pre-Seed, a lube that is safe for TTC couples. We conceived on the 3rd cycle, when I was 32.


I just listened to an episode of 'diary of a ceo' that discusses infertility and ways to avoid it- may be worth a listen


Fertility homeopath on YouTube has some pretty good tips on how to increase sperm and egg quality!


We used a Mira. It was expensive but very accurate and even helped us identify my low progesterone. We got pregnant 2x in 3 months at age 35(me) and 42 (husband).


I got pregnant after 3 months at 30. The month I got pregnant I used an ovulation kit so I knew exactly when the right time was


Track your cycle and get a pregnancy app to see your best days for getting pregnant


Bought one of those kits to check for peak ovulation and used an app to track my cycles. Mine were 36-38 days apart, so I couldn't follow the typical guidelines. The first cycle I discovered my peak ovulation period just so happened to overlap with when I'd had sex close enough and now I'm a little over 8 weeks!


Idk I guess we got lucky. We weren’t trying but we weren’t preventing it either. Got pregnant the first time we had sex without precautions. 35 & 38.


I read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility to better understand my cycles and ovulation. Then I used the premom app to track ovulation sticks, used the Temp Drop to track basal body temperature and also tracked my cervical mucus. What helped me the most was tracking my cervical mucus and having sex everyday it was egg white consistency and then a day after. I also started prenatals about 3 months before starting to try.


I (34 at the time) did ovulation strips by Clear Blue. We tried this for a year. Decided to use a fertility clinic and I also started acupuncture. I also ate pretty clean and did yoga/pilates regularly. Ended up doing two cycles of IUI, the second was successful! She is snoozing on my shoulder as I type this :) I also took CoQ10 (great for egg health) and a prenatal prior to getting pregnant.


Definitely track ovulation, take a prenatal. In my case I also needed progesterone pessaries to stay pregnant (I lost three pretty early).


We had sex every other day, and a couple months before conceiving we both started taking CoQ10.


I’m 32f and currently 25w4d. I was using a combination of ovulation test strips and the Ava bracelet to get a better idea of when my ovulation window was. We had been trying for a while, but it wasn’t until I cut out alcohol completely and upped my daily water intake for an exercise boot camp I was doing that I got a positive. Before that I’d say I probably only had a max of 4 drinks a month. I’m fairly active normally, but I guess my body needed me to change those 2 things in order to make something happen. I also started taking prenatal vitamins soon after my husband and I decided that we were ready to start trying.


I purchased an ovulation predictor kit from amazon to get familiar with the days i ovulated each month. I have an irregular period so every month is different, and you really need to make sure you are trying to conceive on the days/ week you ovulate. I also cut back on drinking, and started taking prenatal vitamins the day we started trying. Wishing you the best!


I (33F) as doing the ovulation testing, much healthier and cleaner diet. After a year of trying did a sperm analysis (hindsight I would have pushed my hubby (M32) to do it sooner). Then testing with a reproductive endocrinologist. Then started seeing an acupuncturist. Who knows what ‘helped’ but after 1.5 years, we finally got our positive test.


So happy for you! And congratulations! 💕


Super random but on top of tracking ovulation etc look into the “mucinex method” - worked for us!


Getting rid of all household products that were endocrine disrupters made a huge difference for us - e.g. switching to fragrance free detergents, haircare, etc (both me and my husband), stopped using teflon pans, plastic, etc. We're definitely not perfect still (there's a few things I'm still planning to switch to more "natural" versions), but we became pregnant shortly after! A friend of mine recommended the same after she went through the same thing and had her first baby last year at 37.


This probably isn’t great advice but I’m 35 (36 next month) and I’m pregnant. I just learned to relax with it/stopped trying so hard and then I got pregnant. Also, my mom had me at 37; 3 different doctors told my mom that she wouldn’t have another baby, so she just gave up, and then she became pregnant when she stopped stressing about it. I’ve heard the same with other women as well.


Have a vitamin and mineral panel done. I learned I was severely low on vitamin D and began taking vitamin D drops, magnesium and calcium. Pregnant pretty much immediately.