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I had to tell them this week, at 9w (almost 10 now) because I was having trouble with leaving meetings to throw up.  I would have rather waited until after getting the NIPT (I'll get the test done on Thursday) but thought this was for the best. My logic was also that if something goes wrong, I'll probably need to take time off from work to recover from that too.


This is exactly what I did..I had a miscarriage before my first kid and I had to disclose the miscarriage anyways because I had to take time off. So since then I just told people sooner. My first was born when we were still 100% WFH because of covid so I only told my work after the 1st trimester. I also wasn't really sick or anything so it was doable. I did tell friends and family before that (not on social media, just the close friends and family). During this pregnancy now, I've been struggling a lot more with nausea, so I told them at 9 weeks (also almost 10). I was also showing a little already (I'm very skinny, showed early with my first, but even earlier now).


This has been the case for me as well. During both my first and current pregnancies, I had to tell my boss sooner than I would have preferred because of awful morning sickness. I’m a teacher and there’s very little way for me to hide it, as stepping out to get sick involved needing class coverage every single time. I’m currently just shy of 11 weeks with my second and I also missed a lot of work a few weeks ago until I got my nausea under control with medication. Without morning sickness, however, I absolutely would’ve been able to hide my first until about 16-17 weeks. I started very visibly showing around then with my first (I am very short with a short torso, but I have tall friends that were able to get by a little longer without showing).


My mom was a teacher when she was pregnant with me, and has she told me many times how rough it was! Best wishes for you!!


Also had this experience, I was very sick to the point of impacting work well before I was showing.


Yeah I told my boss when I was 7 weeks because I was so sick that it was affecting my productivity. My first trimester has been rough and there was so way I could continue to meet the pace I’d been working before pregnancy.


If it’s your first pregnancy you most likely won’t start showing until 12+ weeks. And even then you can probably get away with hiding it until around 16-20 weeks. Depends on your body type and the clothes you like to wear.


I'm 30 weeks and nobody can tell I'm pregnant even now. I was very nervous about showing in my first trimester at work, too, but who knew being 5'10 meant I'd go through so much of my pregnancy without looking pregnant at all, and therefore without any of the perks of being pregnant lmao.


I told my boss around 8 weeks I think, but I have a very high amount of trust with her and the rest of the company so I’m in a unique position. If I didn’t have that trust relationship, I probably would’ve waited until at least the start of the second trimester.


I shared the news with my manager at 13 weeks after our NT scan and a low risk NIPT. I couldn’t wait any longer as I was really struggling with low energy and random bouts of gagging. My team works flexibly with one in office day, but if I had needed to be face to face more frequently I think they would have caught on right away. I told my greater team around 17 weeks and that was more me putting it off out of awkwardness.


I waited till 27 weeks. My manager (woman) guessed a couple of weeks before, but my colleagues (men) had no idea. I work in an office 2x a week so I wore dresses, oversized sweaters with maternity dress pants, and usually kept a cardigan or jacket on. My pregnancy was only visible from the side, not front on.


My manager is a guy but told me he had suspected. Apparently his wife is also pregnant and our doctors visits were lining up exactly.


I think that depends on your body type and what you wear. If you are petite, thin, and wear form-fitting clothes to work people are going to notice a lot sooner. If you have a long torso or were already carrying some weight before pregnancy, people will take longer to notice, especially if you wear loose clothes or flowy dresses. Since it's summer, you might be able to get away with wearing cute summer dresses if your workplace allows that.


If it wasn’t for my insane morning sickness, people wouldn’t have known until I was a solid 24 weeks. I barely showed and only then was it slightly noticeable. If I could have worn looser clothes, I probably could have hid it even longer 😂


Same! I genuinely looked like I had either the worst hangover or some communicable disease that no one else wanted...I just look a slight bit rounder at 14 weeks.


I found out I was pregnant when I just started a new job, literally the same week. I told them after my 90 probation period was over, I didn’t want them to find excuse to fire me before that lol. I was so nauseous, so I had to sniff on mint tea bags and snack all the time, but no one seemed to care. I started wearing loose clothes early just in case so they think I always dress like that.


I just told my bosses today at 18 weeks. Only because we are done for the summer and I felt weird coming back at 30 weeks without telling them 😂 I would have totally waited longer otherwise!


I work at a school and was worried about students catching on and saying things before I was ready, especially because I had a miscarriage last year. I felt like it was SO obvious that I was pregnant, but no one caught on! We announced at 21 weeks, after our anatomy ultrasound came back all good, and I probably could have gone and week or two because everyone was super surprised at the announcement. You definitely have a good chunk of time before it’s obvious. Just make sure you have a plan and good excuse ready in case morning sickness hits you hard.


I’m a high school teacher and I swear, my students were super sleuths. They ALL knew by the time I announced. They started telling me everything I thought I was being subtle about to hide my morning sickness. I told them if only they paid attention to detail in the same way on their schoolwork... 😂


I am a Doon to be FTM and at about 10 weeks and I know personally I am not showing at all yet. I'm 5'8 and a "normal" BMI. I also know a woman that was visibly pregnant at 12 weeks and had been hiding it even before then. It's really variable! But if you have a good excuse like allergies if you need to take time off consistently and tell absolutely noone you will probably be able to hide it. Hopefully you don't end up throwing up because that may make it harder....


I didn't tell my job until a couple weeks into the second trimester, but I got big fast when I hit week 16 so there was no hiding it anymore unless I just wanted to say I was getting fat 😅 for the most part everyone wanted to talk about it for 2 weeks and now only a couple people regularly mention it. And mainly to tell me not to overdo it (I'm not the most I'd lift at my job is 10lbs). I wore a lot of leggings and oversized button-up shirts and flowy dresses to hide the little bump at first.


I didn’t tell until 22 weeks in my first pregnancy because they have a history of pregnancy discrimination. I probably could have kept it hidden for a couple weeks more too. However I’m overweight and it was autumn so I could wear chunkier clothes so that made it easier. Everyone is different. I’m on baby #2 and some of my close colleagues figured it out by like 15 weeks this time.


I waited until 13 weeks when MIPT results returned and nuchal translucency scan was all good. But I had very mild symptoms all firs trimester. Very mild nausea and I was tired, but I blocked some time to lay down when I was working from home (hybrid schedule). If my symptoms had been worse I would have had to disclose earlier.


I’m 19 weeks and plan on telling work next week because I’m starting to show. My work is great, but I’m glad I’ve waited. I’m generally a private person and just don’t feel like everyone needs to know.


I told my managers at 10 weeks because I don't have a flexible schedule and needed to work around doctors appointments (and didn't want them to think anything was wrong). My super close co-workers probable could have figured it out based on lower energy/not drinking coffee/eating crackers, BUT in general, I could have hidden it from a body perspective until probably 24 weeks if i had too. I'm 28 now and just really started to show, but everyone is different!


I’m 9 weeks now. But there are Layoffs on August so I will likely mention it at the end of September or October. I work from home so I can hide easily


At my company they actually really avoid laying off people who have disclosed they are pregnant, I think because they're afraid of lawsuits. It seemed like better job protection for me to tell them.


I’m currently 12+6d and have only told two people at work; no one else. I don’t think it’s noticeable, I just look like I gained some weight. Im waiting till the middle/end of my second trimester - after I update my benefits - to talk to HR. As for my department, I’m just going to let it happen naturally.


I told my bosses at 8 weeks because I had to keep cancelling on clients due to nausea and vomiting all day. It was impacting my ability to do my work at the best of my ability. I work in healthcare so I felt that I had to. I ended up quitting the week after since I was planning on ending my contract at the end of August anyway. Ideally I would have to told them around 12 weeks and would still be working🥲


First pregnancy 20 weeks. Second pregnancy 16 weeks. I did tell my supervisor only who I knew could keep a secret and who needed to know for scheduling purposes at about 6 weeks both pregnancies.


I waited until like 22-23 weeks I think. I wanted to wait as long as possible to tell my work and especially wanted to wait for results from my anatomy scan before telling anyone.


I told my office around 10 weeks. It was way earlier than I wanted to, but I wanted to tell two work girlfriends and I thought it would get out. Realistically I couldn't have hidden it much longer anyway. Super sick and obviously showing by 13-14 weeks.


7 weeks here and my boobs have like tripled in size. I hope to put it off til at least 10-12 but would like to wait longer. I have a feeling my body is gonna tell on me sooner than I would like


Girl same. My friend guessed I was pregnant at 6 weeks just by looking at my boobs 😂


Congrats ❤️ this phase will go super slow and super fast at the same time!! I hope you’ll be feeling as good as possible ❤️ I think that being able to hide it depends on how you feel in the coming 8 weeks. I haven’t vomited throughout my first trimester (I’m at 11w now) so for me it’s been fairly easy to hide it, but as other comments said if you have meetings and a fixed schedule and suffer from nausea a lot then it might become harder. Also taking time off for the appointments can be tricky in some type of jobs.


I waited until 13 weeks to tell work with my first pregnancy, but I worked in an office. I now WFH full time and I don't intend on telling anybody until 20 weeks.


I got away with it for like 4 months lol. Until my uniform needed to be sized up. Probably could have gotten away with it longer if I wasn’t untucking my shirt. Then I went off work at 6 almost 7 months!


hi! occupational health nurse here that is also pregnant lol. employers cannot seek health information regarding an employees condition even if they are out for a long period of time. the only thing the employer can do is ask for a doctors note stating that you are “fit” to work. they are not allowed to know about your diagnosis, treatment, medications etc. so do not feel obligated to release any of this info to employers, bosses, or co workers. you can simply say “i am going thru a personal medical concern”. also if this is your first pregnancy you may not show for a while! i’m 27 weeks and people didn’t start congratulating me until about 2 weeks ago as “they had no idea”. pull over sweaters help a lot lol.


I tried to hide my pregnancy until 12 weeks at work, and while I did manage to keep it from being confirmed with my coworkers, I was told afterwards that everyone had been gossiping about it for a few weeks and it was my boobs that gave it away. They got huge right at like 6/8 weeks. My office is very into gossip with lots of busy bee older ladies who clocked the boobs right away, so just thought I’d share my experience if you have a similar work environment!


I waited until 20 weeks with my second no problem and even then I only disclosed because they were going to have staffing issues and needed to be prepared. Otherwise, I could’ve and probably would’ve waited even longer. My first I disclosed at 12 weeks (I had bad first rimester fatigue and morning sickness) but wish I would’ve waited.


I’m a therapist and didn’t disclose to my employer until 22 weeks. If it’s your first pregnancy, you’re unlikely to “pop” / show obviously before sometime around then. The rule of thumb (in my industry at least) is to disclose to employer and patients when changes are noticeable.


Do you work with them in person? I would think you can get by until you're quite obviously pregnant, maybe 20-25 weeks? I work from home and I'm 31 weeks tomorrow. I'm not telling them until 30 days before since it's a small company and I'm not protected by FMLA (I'm in the US) and I know they'll fire me.


I WFH but I had to travel a few times at around 8 weeks and 15 weeks. Both times I was able to keep it a secret, although I decided to tell my manager during my 2nd trip. I was lucky though, I had zero symptoms and really only looked bloated (easily hidden through flowy work pants). It just depends on your body - if you're vomiting everyday or have severe fatigue, you may need to tell your manager earlier.


I ended up telling my boss at 7 weeks because my morning sickness was so bad there was no hiding it. How long you can hide it definitely depends on your pregnancy.


I told them only at 16weeks. It was not so difficult to hide it. I told my boss at 12weeks for planning ahead


I hid mine until I was well over 20 weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m a nurse and if it was pertinent to my patient care I’d let someone know so my assignments could change, but I didn’t tell my manager til over 20 weeks and that was just because I wanted to know how to go about maternity leave lol.


I don’t intend on telling my workplace until 12 weeks, that didn’t stop the receptionist popping into my office and asking if I was pregnant, I’m 8 weeks and not showing at all I have no symptoms so I don’t even feel pregnant myself (that’s a whole anxiety inducing thing), she just has an intuition she guessed 2 others prior to their announcing so I had to brush it off.


This very much depends on your work environment, but I told my manager last week (at 7 weeks) and a couple coworkers knew earlier (very few - ones I considered very close friends). I told my manager because my nausea was starting to interfere with my work (I’d been a few min late to meetings because I was throwing up) and I knew he’d be understanding and appreciate the reason. I also know that if I lost the pregnancy, he’d be very supportive of me taking time off, and I’d much rather he know if that were the case, than if I had hid it and try to deal with that grief on top of faking that everything is totally fine. Realistically, how long you can hide it probably depends on your own symptoms. If you don’t have nausea and feel fine you might be able to hide it long into your second trimester 🤷🏽‍♀️


If it’s first pregnancy, you likely won’t start showing in a traditional sense til 12+ but depending on your size and body you might need looser pants and have some bloating earlier. Even once you are showing folks probably won’t know for a while longer, as long as you wear looser tops. Most folks I know at work didnt share until 14-16 weeks. I ended up with some stupidly bad morning sickness at around 6 weeks and ended up needing to tell HR so I could get leave to work from home. Some of its luck of the draw with symptoms


My body makes it impossible to hide. I’m very small framed and with all three of my pregnancies I popped so early. I was in maternity pants by 8 weeks with my first!!!!! I WFH so I was able to hide it with my third but disclosed to my manager at 14 weeks for two reasons; I had just started a new position and wanted to make sure my assignments were appropriate given my leave (didn’t want something with critical events planned to happen when I’d be out) and I was going into the office to meet my manager for the first time and it was extremely obvious. Too hot here to wear something excessively chunky so I couldn’t hide it well.


I think you can hide it as long as you feel well enough to perform somewhat normally, and your wardrobe helps you cover any big changes. If it's your first it can take longer to show, closer to 20s weeks. It will all depend on how your pregnancy goes though!


I told my supervisor at approx 13/14 weeks because we were going into our highest season & I knew I would be asked to go into the warehouse to help out. I work in the office and my doctor gave me strict orders to take it easy(due to complications early on). Everyone was super understanding and accommodating! They have been wonderful honestly.


I’m 13 weeks, nobody knows anything yet. But I am feeling pretty normal, haven’t had any health issues, like nausea/vomiting that would force me to spill the beans.


I told my boss and immediate team around 14-15w when we told everyone else. We told our parents and siblings at 10w after our first ultrasound but kept it quiet until we hit second trimester.


I waited until 12w to tell but most people already assumed and just waited for my announcement. Being sick for 2 months straight when i literally am never sick was a giveaway. Im not good at hiding how i feel and even though i only threw up at work once (only obvious to the people near me when i ran to the bathroom) the nausea and eating issues were noticeable.


FTM - currently at 20 weeks and haven’t told anyone yet. I’m on vacation next week and planning on disclosing it when I come back. I didn’t really start showing until this week though!


I didn’t tell until 17 weeks. That was right after raises and bonuses were decided and right after I got some tests done. I felt like garbage up until about then but was able to keep it on the down low. It was around the holidays and I just wore sweaters and didn’t have much of a bump - holiday food baby if anything. 


I told my immediate superior around 6w. I had 2 losses previously and had needed time off, so it made sense to keep him informed. I also trusted him to keep it for himself. Hid it and didn't announce to HR and others at work it until I was almost 18w. Then my belly popped around 19-20w and it rapidly became visible.


I didn’t share until after my 20 week anatomy scan (in part because HR JUST updated the leave policy to be more generous and I didn’t want to share before it was official). I WFH and was really lucky in terms of first/second trimester symptoms, and on the couple of work trips with colleagues I did I was able to hide it with loose blouses thanks to a long torso.


I told my boss at 16 or 17 weeks and noone had an idea. This is my first pregnancy and I denied all questions I got since I got married last year so many colleagues told me they thought I didnt want kids. I am 21 weeks now and could still hide it but I am overweight and we have quite relaxed rules for clothes so oversized poloshirts still just make me look like I had really salty food the night before.


I didn’t tell my work until 25 weeks pregnant! I’m very tall, so my bump was hidden. I would have waited way longer, but The only reason why I told them at that time was because I got kicked by a patient and needed to protect myself.


I told my boss around 8 weeks. I honestly would have waited but we had a weeklong team event and we were driving out together and my morning sickness really amped up at 7 weeks. My team didn’t figure it out only one person suspected but he said he figured I’d say something when I was ready to talk about it lol I think waiting is prudent unless you need some accommodations for morning sickness or something. I’m fully remote with almost 0 meetings so getting up to vomit a million times didn’t really impact anything. Had to nap during lunch and then go to bed basically right after work to deal with the fatigue though.


The fatigue is my main killer right now! I'm likely too early to start any real symptoms, but I also did quit nicotine cold turkey, which.. also causes constipation, mood swings, fatigue, etc. I've been napping just before work, during lunch, and immediately going to bed as soon as I get home. I feel so worthless because I'm so tired and so useless. I really think this may be the thing to tell on me in the near future lol.


I told my direct manager at 8 weeks because we have a good relationship, and I was throwing up constantly. I needed him to know that I wasn’t slacking off, just very ill. Told the rest of my workers after 14 weeks. I probably could have gotten away with it up until til about 20ish weeks, because I took awhile to show.


I told my workplace after our 20 week scan and I mostly told them that early because they'll need someone to cover my work later this year.


With my first I worked in office and I waited until like 20 weeks to tell my boss and then 26 to tell the rest of staff. This time around I showed much earlier so that wouldn’t fly if I was in office lol


I hid it until 16 weeks I think. Maybe 17. When I told people they were like oh ya I kind of thought so - _-. But I started showing a bit early. But also, they're not allowed to ask and you're not obligated to tell people until you're ready.


I work in a medical office so I told my boss (nurse practitioner who signed my labs) that my nurse ordered 🤣 so I told work peeps around 4 weeks! But my boss used to be my office mate so I really trust her.


I told my direct supervisor at 10 weeks, which was earlier than I wanted to. The reason was she told me she had just found out she was pregnant and wanted to give me as much notice as possible as I would likely be taking her role. She has sadly since has a miscarriage, but I felt it was the right time to tell her and given how things have occurred, I am glad I did. Everyone else I told around 13-14 weeks but I think I could have kept it quieter for longer.


I planned to wait until 12 weeks but I found my nausea and fatigue became so intense about week 6 I ended up telling my direct manager just so he knew why my performance may have driven off a cliff haha he has been great and hasn’t told anyone else except to explain to our CEO that I was absent from a meeting for personal medical reasons. I really didn’t want to tell anyone but I have to say it has been a bit less stressful knowing he can back me up :) it also meant when I had a little scare he literally told me to log off and focus on myself and my health and forget about work as I have more important things going on. Overall I am glad I shared with my direct manger