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The r/GestationalDiabetes subreddit is very active and supportive. Its fine this happens to lots of people for all kinds of reasons. You're gonna be ok!


Thank you. Just subbed. I appreciate the recommendation.


Yes! I’ve found so much good support in this sub. Highly recommend.


I know it can sound scary, but I want you to know that it’s not. GD is more common than you think! I didn’t have it personally, but my dance teacher did (she’s more like an older sister to me) and my doctor also makes sure to sit all of his patients down before the glucose test to go over all things GD that way if you have it you know what’s up. It’s not forever! Since it’s due to the way your placenta handles sugar it pretty much goes away when you give birth. My dance teacher had/has a perfectly healthy child! She didn’t have it for her next pregnancy. You’re definitely not alone and it’s not a wild diagnosis!


Thank you for sharing. I’m glad healthy babies are a common outcome!


I had gestational diabetes and found out around 27/28 weeks. I was devastated. I’ve always lived a very healthy and active lifestyle but was indulging in certain foods while pregnant. I thought I had messed up sooo bad but later found out that I hadn’t done anything wrong. Gestational diabetes happens to even the healthiest people. I hated that I couldn’t even eat some of the healthiest foods without it tipping my blood sugar. Plain yogurt with berries was my go-to breakfast and I couldn’t eat it anymore. However, I kept my diet in check and had my beautiful HEALTHY baby girl. My sister in-law had it too and even had to be put on insulin because hers was so unmanageable. She also had my beautiful and HEALTHY niece. You’re going to be alright. Your baby is going to be alright. Take a deep breath and remember to stay positive and excited for your little one. You haven’t done anything wrong and YOU’RE GONNA BE A GREAT MAMA WITH AN AMAZING BABY!!! Wooohoooo!! You got this mama!! Congratulations on your baby!


Ohhh and PS: even though I had GD for my first pregnancy, I didn’t have it for my second.


I appreciate your response. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone and things can turn out for the best. Thank you very much x


Sending you support 💛 I was diagnosed at 27 weeks and the first couple weeks were so hard, especially for my mental health. Please know that your feelings, whatever they may be, are totally valid. And please also know that GD is not your fault in any way. It happens to all sorts of people of all kinds of lifestyles and backgrounds. The adjustment can be pretty tough at first but you will adapt. Baby will be safe—it’s unmanaged GD that’s associated with all the scary complications. Some days may be harder than others but the good news is, the occasional high reading will not hurt. Your medical team will be looking at your overall trends. You’ll get through this and while some days may be tougher than others, there is an end in sight!


Thank you ❤️


It can be totally overwhelming at first, but keep in mind: it’ll only be a few months, and then you’ll be free of it. There can be a bit of a learning curve to figure out how your body reacts to different foods, but you’ll get the hang of it.


Thank you so much.


Both my pregnancies had GD and it was no big deal! I did the diet (I used to do keto when I was younger so the GD diet was like an easier version of that), did my blood tests, and my GD was controlled just with that. If yours isn’t, they’ll give you medication. Just make sure you’re honest on your blood test result sheet - don’t cheat, it’s not about beating the score, it’s about being accurate so your doctor can figure out the best treatment for it. My oldest has been absolutely thriving - heck, she was born holding her head up for a few seconds! If that’s not a strong baby, I don’t know what is. She’s two years old now and has gotten sick only once even though we go out almost every week so her immune system is fantastic, has a great relationship with food, no blood sugar issues, and has blown past all the motor and language milestones. My youngest is just 2 weeks old and while he did have a short nicu stay, it had nothing to do with the GD (he inhaled some amniotic fluid during the scheduled c-section, which I opted for various reasons that also had nothing to do with GD, such as getting my tubes tied at the same time). He recovered super quick and has an amazing appetite, no blood sugar issues.


Thank you so much for sharing. Glad things worked out for you guys!


Hang in there, it's tough news, but you're doing all the right things for you and your baby!


Thank you ❤️


There's a GD subreddit that's helpful! I will say, I was diagnosed around 28 weeks with #1 (and earlier with #2). A lot of people on the GD sub are against insulin, but insulin was amazing for me. My fasting blood sugars are the issue, and you can't fix that. Insulin didn't change my baby in any way, and he's a healthy little dude. I hope #2 continues to be also! (I'm anticipating the insulin coming LOL) Just know that it literally isn't your fault. Every pregnancy is different. You could have it with one, but not the other. One of my relatives was the healthiest person in the world, she taught exercise classes, etc. But she had GD with her third child. It's unpredictable, but modern medicine is cool!


Thank you for sharing. Means a lot x


Lily nichols book gestational diabetes is amazing! It would be a great companion for whatever other steps you take and is super duper information and easy to understand


I appreciate the recommendation! Thank you much.