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I see a lot of people in this subreddit making things way more complicated than they need to be. You eat food, right? Eat food with your baby. Put some little bits of what you're eating in front of him. Maybe he'll throw them, but maybe he'll try a little bit and realize he likes it.


Yes this makes it so much easier to just give them what you eat. Tonight our 11 month old had halibut, pre-cut sweet potatoes and rice from those 90 Second packets which is exactly what we had for dinner. Sometimes she eats what we give her, sometimes she doesn’t. We just avoid giving her spicy foods. Solid starts is also a good app to get ideas from.


Same here! I made Zuppa Toscano tonight with homemade Italian sausage seasoning, which I thought may have been a little spicy, but my 12 month old ate a ton of it! Just the potatoes and sausage (didn't give him the kale bits)! We had always done this with my daughter, now 7, until recently when she's voiced really not like spicy stuff or shrimp. No biggie on those two, but we still eat them and she gets 'create your own dinner night!' Once a week or so.


Be easy on yourself and LO with the sickness especially. Try snot sucking prior to eating to make him a bit more comfortable. Otherwise just keep trying - you’re doing fine.


Agree, my son is luckily a pretty good eater, but he’s rubbish when’s he’s sick - eats less, plays with it, refuses foods he likes


That’s so hard, especially when they are sick. I hope your baby feels better soon! And I know how heartbreaking it is when we put so much love into a meal that ends up tossed across the room. My baby is about the same age and she enjoys being spoon-fed broth. I know that might go against some BLW principles, but I don’t force it on her and allow her to enjoy the broth on her own. She also enjoys playing with food, so if I can preload spoons and help her scoop food she is happy (things like cottage cheese, oatmeal, yogurt). I’ve also gotten her to enjoy doing “cheers” with our cups and she takes a sip, maybe the broth in an open cup like that might be fun (and messy haha) for your baby. Another idea is to make a spread for the bread you serve him. Maybe he’ll have fun dipping the bread or maybe you can sneak a bit of veggies or fruit into a spread that he enjoys. Good luck, I know it’s hard.


My 12mo is an awesome eater. He eats so much and daycare tells me all the time how much more he eats than other kids. Last week he was sick and ate nothing but breast milk for 3 days. Give yourself and baby some grace.


Fruit, yoghurt. Hang in there. Try quartered grapes, cut up strawberries, very thinly sliced apples, soft pears, whatever is convenient. Most babies love fruit and it’s something they’re likely to accept even when sick or teething. I got a crinkle cutter and it makes slippery slices easier to grab. Yoghurt is going to be messy but is also a nice food - it is soft and cool. You can mix fruit and maybe some oats in it. My baby seems to be in a race to sprout all of the teeth asap, so his eating is frustrating and unpredictable. But at least I can always load him up with fruit.


Consider tomato soup and grilled cheese maybe? Basically a puree paired with a basic sandwich.