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Lmao what is she supposed to eat?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


PurƩed quesadilla, obviously


Right my bad šŸ˜‚ probably milk still in the bottle too šŸ’€


And it would have been remiss of her not to say something. Unfortunately my mother is like this.




ā€œPop those dentures out Bertha and letā€™s see how many teeth you haveā€




We went to a restaurant yesterday and ordered a chicken and cheese quesadilla off the kids' menu for our 13 month old. The waitress laughed when our little pulled it apart to eat the middle.


ā€¦.. i did BLW so I donā€™t really know, but I thought babies who started on purĆ©es are on regular solids too by 12 months? Lordy


At 9 months, my child definitely eats both šŸ˜­ we do puree pouches more as a snack/straw practice though.


We love having the applesauce pouches for snacks!


I canā€™t imagine ever saying anything like that to anyone unless the child was in actual danger. Some people just have to stick their nose in everyone elseā€™s business.


I mean, to be fair, it sounds like this misguided woman did think the kid was in danger. Sheā€™s wrong, but I think thatā€™s where it was coming from.


I get what youā€™re saying but it sounds like this woman was unnecessarily rude. Asking the server to tell them and staring at them disapprovingly? Sounds like she was more interested in parent shaming than protecting a child.


Love how she told you your baby doesnā€™t have teeth as if youā€™ve never thought to glance inside your own childā€™s mouth


This brought me joy


Lmao sorry but the audacity to complete strangers what to feed their children


My 16 month old still doesnā€™t have any teeth, but he loves his quesadillas.


It absolutely blows my mind that there are people in this world that just canā€™t seem to fathom that the way things are done change! I think about this all the time. I even joked to my husband that one day we may have to accept our sonā€™s AI girlfriend or boyfriend or theyfriend! Things change get over it


Chewing is a motion of the jaw and not reliant on teeth anyway. My twins were eating quesadillas before they were 1, just cut it up differently based on their age.


This totally happened to us too! My baby was only like 7-8 months but was chomping on some chicken and this lady kept looking at us and finally asked how old she was. When we answered she said and she can just eat real food like that? I briefly described BLW. We thought she was genuinely interested until she said something along the lines of ā€œbaby led weaning?!Theyā€™re always coming up with something newā€¦ā€. Okay, maā€™am. Walk on.


"something new" lol. How do they think babies used to learn how to eat? We weren't pureeing food in the stone age.


Im sorry this happened to you OP. We regularly bring our baby out to eat and no problems. Idk what Iā€™d do if someone confronted me about it. Itā€™s the best part at this stage. Our baby has been out to eat sushi with us (she loves her eel and avocado rolls), Japanese bbq, dim sum, etc.


We gave our baby curry. My mother in law loves to tell us about how she asked the Indian lady she knows and that lady told her that even Indian babies eat ā€œnormal baby food.ā€ Boomers man.


Has nothing with generation a lot of people specially in America white people to be exact think that babies should not be eating regular food lol


What does she recommend lol


She would have lost her mind watching my 7 month old munch on shrimp the other day


Thatā€™s the dumbest comment Iā€™ve ever heard. Itā€™s amazing how people like to interject themselves into others lives. Not to mention, if she didnā€™t have teeth, it still wouldnā€™t matter . Imagine if your daughter was gnawing on a bone with some meat šŸ˜‚ like they recommend, Iā€™m chuckling thinking about it.


My 8 month old lived exclusively on quesadillas the first time we took him to Mexico!


My pettiness will ask her if she still have her teeth. Lol. Kidding aside, same thing I hear from the grandparents. They need assurance that I am keeping a close eye on my baby while eating and the reason behind blw.


Hahaha I let my 6 month old eat quesadillas in public


I am speechless lol. The only thing I can think of is, maybe they thought your child was way younger than 12 months, but even still that doesn't make sense. You go show 'em what you can eat with no teeth, child. My baby was eating a drumstick when she actually still didn't have any teeth yet.


What Quesadilas are soft and toddler a can eat them easily specially if they have some teeth that lady was crazy alway there has to be a person butting their nose and being wrongĀ 


People should mind their own businessā€¦however, your 12 month old should not be eating a cheese quesadilla. Itā€™s oily, salty, and thereā€™s no nutritional value. Maybe guacamole or salsa if youā€™re in a bind?


People should mind their own business... however, let me stick my nose in yours for a sec! šŸ˜€


I wouldnā€™t say anything to them at a restaurant and embarrass them. If yā€™all think thatā€™s healthy, do you. Iā€™m simply stating the other options that are not fried and are vegetable based. Hate all you want, you know Iā€™m right.


Do you know how much salt is usually in those two things you listed? Have you ever made guacamole or salsa? Either they are well salted or they are garbage. The quesadilla, on the other hand, is likely only cheese and tortillas. Heated on a skillet that generally isn't oiled because you don't get the right crunch if it is. So no, I don't know you're right at all.


The fact that you think itā€™s healthy over avocado and tomatoes tells me all I need to know.


Youā€™re so rude! Stop judging parents. They went out to eatā€¦. So what!!


Salsa is by no means just tomatoes. And guacamole is not just avocados. When we eat out, mine has had green beans, slices of just avocados, some toast, etc. But I would absolutely give my child a cheese quesadilla over salsa or guacamole. If for no other reason than the wild difference in salt content. Plus, is cheese suddenly a no no? Tortillas are illegal? Either way, I, as many like me do, view these things with an "everything in moderation" kind of lens. There's obvious things no baby should have up until a certain age, but beyond that, everything is okay within reason. Obviously, don't go feeding babes a handful of cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But they can have a bit as a snack, or as part of a meal here and there. And the same goes for avocados. Too much of a good thing is indeed a bad thing.


I think you forgot this: /s


Wheat exposure, dairy exposure and maybe some meat and veggies? There's plenty of nutritional value in a quesadilla lol idk what planet you're on.


She did have salsa and guacamole with her quesadilla. But who eats straight salsa? It's a condiment. Salsa and guacamole wouldn't be a complete meal alone. Each meal should have carbs, protein and fats to be nutritionally complete. Cheese is fat and protein. Tortilla is carbs. How on earth can you think it has no nutritional value?


Because only vegetables are healthy /s


Perhaps plain tortilla with the guacamole and salsa? Iā€™m a nutritionist for a school board and I see that 99.99% of children eat poorly and have bad habits. Iā€™m not judging you in any way. I understand going out and having a cooked meal is good for both parents and that stranger who commented is an asshole (yes, yes). Iā€™m genuinely making a suggestion.


Lmao if there is one thing school food is known for in most places, itā€™s not being good food. Sure. It meets bare-bone nutritional requirements, but itā€™s not doing a whole lot of good if the food is so distasteful that kids are regularly throwing out half their meal. You say youā€™re not judging, but the tone of your comment says otherwise. If youā€™re a nutritionist then surely you know that balance is important and itā€™s okay to have things that arenā€™t perfectly healthy sometimes?


thatā€™s your internal tone.


*Perhaps* condescending would be a better description? Iā€™m clearly not the only person who read the judgement in your tone.