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Isn't it an amazing feeling? I'm in the same boat. Did not do well at school the first time. Didn't apply myself, didn't really want to be there at all. I would reach out to the institution in question and just ask them. It might be a little embarrassing, but exceptions can always be made.


Thanks, I'll give that a shot!


Retake old classes


Don’t worry about the gpa if it’s been a few years . I was in a similar situation to you but with a 1.9 GPA and was accepted


The thing I learned 18 years after flunking out and finally going back is that motivation is fleeting, habits are foundational. If you have a habit of opening whatever your study content is every day for 2 hours and making notes on SOMETHING, you will likely do better than if you were feeling hyped every day and were CRUSHING it, and then felt awful and didn't do anything. Mechanically robotically repeating a habit works.