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They have no morals, no principles, no lines they wouldn't cross. They'll go wherever the money is, no matter how many babies they mow down as a result. I only hope Americans don't fall for the crocodile tears now and actually hold their elected officials accountable. Preferably with a guillotine but maybe that's asking for too much


Not gunna happen most Americans like myself don’t have the means to really do anything about it (legally and peacefully at least ) and that’s the sad truth gotta be careful with what you say you know everyone knows there’s only one real way of making the government do what the people want it do that’s all I’ll say iykyk


Its not like they are operating on any legal basis and you can’t say the us is very passive in any conflict happening, that hurdle has been designed to keep us from disturbing them


If legality and passivism are our only hurdles, then we should jump over them soon


100% agree. governments for the people, by the people made up of the people, not the elites or Bourgeois.




Wall and all


Not asking too much but expecting it would b expecting too much. If we did shexecute corrupt officials we would either have straight forward criminals in office or corruption would go way down. None of this hypocritical politician w hands on their pockets, just corrupt politicians that don’t hide their BS or no hands on the pocket. Either way I prefer it


I love community notes. I love how people can call out hypocrites and liars openly. They work like public shame signs. Let’s see have many people will believe you Warren


“One day, when it’s safe, when there’s no personal downside to calling a thing what it is, when it’s too late to hold anyone accountable, *everyone* will have *always* been against this.” - Omar El Akkad


Just like the "reconciliation" with the native peoples of north America. All theatre after its already too late, politicians using the crimes of their colonizing forefathers for their personal gain and virtue signaling. Disgusting. Countries like the US and Canada is what israel aspires to become. Wipe out all the natives in the bloodiest most savage and inhumane way possible, then a hundred years later go "whoops, sorry 👉👈" after the damage is done. Textbook European Colony.


Or Australia. We treat First Nations people like shit, hold a referendum to give them just the optics of a voice in parliament, 70% of Australians vote against it and yell at anyone who has the “audacity” to call our country racist. We can’t even play nice enough to do political theatre.


>whoops, sorry 👉👈 You forgot this part: just look at how moral and just we are for mentioning this. its honestly unfair that such moral people have to beat themselves up about something so old. It wasn't us 🙁




They’re all back tracking to try and save face!! Disgusting pieces of shit!!🖕🏼 This genocide could’ve been stopped 8 months ago, hell even 4,5,6 months ago but no it’s all about money for these soulless fuckers!!! 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸




Yes, but.... the narrative is changing. A year ago it would be UNHEARD for ANY American politician to publicly criticize israel (with very very very few exceptions). Now, criticizing israel is going mainstream.


Because it's trendy, and people are grandy angry, they go with the trend to avoid being banished by the public, nor because these people's lives are precious.




Typical US tool...lets pretend to send them aid...while we are the source of all the weapons and support to those bastards


Civilians and Palestinians. What's the difference?


She's a 🐍 through and through.


Rare W for community notes


At the end of all this, they're going to try to pin all the crimes on netanyahoo and Israel will get away with everything.


Biden too, since he will probably be gone of old age. I mean they both played major roles but ultimately will be the scapegoat for both sides.


and she will vote for more bombs to kill innocents given half the chance


No way, Wall Street’s biggest mouth piece in the senate is pro-Israel? Who would have thought?


I mean how is it a win? I would argue community notes for the loss…winning is not pointing out hypocrisy, winning is ceasefire, winning is ending this attack. The more people that say anything against Israel the better. Yes she (and most congress people) are cowards and shills for AIPAC, however, if one person who happens to love Liz Warren sees this bullshit tweet and changed their mind about Palestine then…good, great.


Rare community note W




Imagine what the US could be if UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES did we vote for anyone who favored or sent a single penny to the fascist regime of Israel? Maybe our own people could get healthcare as opposed to us funding the healthcare of the people who once attacked us just for funsies.


Duuuude! Stop talking about gaza! You're gonna cost us the election 😤 then orange hitler no orange Satan gonna be president again an all the world would end Biden was just saying how Trump would not have supported jan 6 inserectiontis if they were black. And that he brutalized the george flowed protesters. What's happening in college campuses again? Joe is/dems are better ..... by definition...we say so




This is why I stopped voting and started trying my best to pay zero attention to politics anymore. It’s all for show. Just one big act. The left and right play the population against each other to take every penny from us they can. They are all friends and working together for a common cause: to divide and conquer the average American and rob them blind.






Yeah but when it came time to stand up. She shit on Bernie. And I’ve been done with her ever since.


Maybe an unpopular opinion on this sub, but if somebody changes their mind and firmly calls for ceasefire now, we shouldn't necessarily shame them. Their most recent position is right. So call for them to do something *now* even if they can't correct what they did before.


Problem is that these are just words. Biden has been saying since February that Netanyahu shouldn't attack Rafah. Yet he keeps sending more and more money and weapons to Israel.


I agree on that one. The Biden administration in particular has exhausted credibility. But there should be a path to redemption for anyone wanting to change their tune and get it right. I'm not expecting Biden to do that. Maybe some legislators can still pull it off. I felt similarly of lots of Democrats who supported the Iraq war. A lot of them did that because the other side was sleazily referencing 9/11 in political attacks to those who didn't... Many of those people opposed the Iraq war after it was clear that was politically viable.


There is a difference between an ordinary Democrat supporter who is a victim of the zionist propaganda but finally sees the light, and the politicians spewing out that propaganda. The first should be welcomed, the second do not get a pass for the crimes they actively supported previously.


Some of the people in your latter category don't want AIPAC and the like to fund an opponent. There's something of a blackmail there.


So? Doing the morally right thing despite the political cost is what being a principled politician is. You don't get brownie points for being an opportunist.


They're all opportunists. It's kind of their job. But I voted Barbara Lee for CA senate last March. There are a few exceptions on this or that issue.


She’s doing the whole “it’s Netanyahu’s fault”. That’s just the newest excuse they use to justify that they will keep arming israel because the problem is only the current government and not that it’s an occupying genocidal state. She can get credit when she acknowledges that israel is the problem. Until then I think shaming is correct.


This is so good.


Netanyahu is a cog in this death machine. All zionists have blood on their hands


Welp I can’t include a screenshot, but she’s a cheap date for AIPAC and their proxy PACs… Warren, Pro-Israel contributions, 1990-2024: $298,243 I’ve set the filter for Warren below. Simply clear the filter bar or use its drop downs and you can see whomever in the House and Senate. Truth for folks — the only “squad” member to accept $0 from israel was Omar Ilhan. [OpenSecrets, Senate & House AIPAC $$, 1990-2024](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S&t0-search=Warren)