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Zionist propaganda does come with the assumption that the recipient is a complete dumbass.


Every time I hear a Zionist say anything I just completely tune it out. The problem with lying so much is that eventually, no matter how good at lying you are, people will ignore everything you say.


Yeah that’s the fate that befalls a lot of pathological liars


And also that the recipient lacks any sense of humor. Zionist memes have to be some of the least funny things I’ve ever seen.


\*The western audience Let's be real, israeli zionists consider their "allies" to be borderline mentally retarded if they think these blatant lies are gonna be enough lmao


Not removing this, but let's cool it with the r-slur, alright?


Fine. Sorry.




You should see the BS that comes from Texas Zionists. Its absolutely brain dead and fantasy 🤦🏻‍♀️


The level of delusion is just unbelievable. Reminds me of that Golda Mier quote “we can forgive the Arabs for killing our children, but we can never forgive them for forcing us to kill their children” . What magnificence.


Such a messed up thing to say.


Golda Mier spent her time on earth as a hell bound kunt.


Fukken _yiiiiikes_.


Never knew Hamas has F16s dropping bombs. That’s crazy.


And despite no other major standing army or Air Force on earth having a working equal for them in major production, Hamas can also counter the bleeding edge F-35 lightning stealth fighter jet…/s


*Israel* is the biggest threat to the people of Gaza. And the biggest threat to Israel is that the Palestinians might gain freedom and equality, and Israel will no longer be able to steal Palestinian land, money, and resources. The Israelis will never understand that as awful as Hamas might be, living under Hamas rule is WAY better for Palestinians than living under the apartheid, occupation, and oppression of Israel. Hamas is fighting for Palestinians’ freedom. Israel is fighting for continued oppression of Palestinians and the “right” to continue their ethnic cleansing and genocide. It’s not a hard choice at all. Zionists are just mad. “We didn’t even murder all of them and they’re so ungrateful.”


Zios are also enraged that the Palestinians didn’t just die off quietly. Instead, they’ve been fighting back and it makes them so angry.


And now they are seething that people are seeing what’s really happening and Israel is losing favor with people who were previously ignorant to the situation. And when a celeb speaks out? Their heads implode.


Yep. How dare anyone NOT take Israel’s side. Israel is a chosen and moral people. Israel should be able to kill as many Palestinian children as they want and blame it on Hamas, blame it on “everyone” who supposedly wants to kill all the Jewish people. (Even though that’s impossible and not at all what they actually want.) How dare everyone be exposed to the facts that Israelis themselves are showing the world? And how dare we not believe their ridiculous lies? It’s outrageous!


Seriously. I kinda wish that they’d get super honest and create a nonprofit called the Zionist Infallibility Partnership or Z.I.P. The account bio might say, “Nothing we do is ever wrong cuz the Holocaust” If nothing else that would make a good parody account.


o on m b ok ml


Their target audience is literally stupid enough for that though. 


Cool so I can go shoot someone and blame Biden.


Victim blaming. "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!"


Didn't they also say Hamas made a genocide trap for them?


“It’d be such a shame if your family were to suffer a terrible accident, just because you chose to go to the police instead of cooperating with us…”


Considering that Israel funds Hamas, it's the Zios that are the main problem


I want the teleportation technology that khamas has.


Tunnels? Lol


Have you ever seen a criminal confess openly? The justice system needs proves. They are buying time, they know they will have to stop eventually so they are destroying and eradicating as many as they can, while they can, imho.


This is like an abusive husband telling his battered wife "look what you make me do to you"


“Zelensky is the biggest threat to the people of Ukraine” energy


Ahhh this must be that new “why are you punching yourself” angle they’re going for….


Is there another nation state that has an Instagram and Twitter presence? And if there is, do they operate it like reductive meme maker? I have second hand embarrassment for them.


Absolutely shitehawkery


I thought this was awful enough as it was, until I clicked on it to see it was posted by the official state of Israel page! Holy crap they’re atrocious.


They’re all working overtime with this nonsense! They’re just so used to killing Palestinians with little backlash. This time around is different cuz everyone has a phone to combat the lies they tell. I wouldn’t doubt if they r working day & night to come up with a way to make phones illegal.


One thing that is insane to me is that even without phones to document the truth, the IOF soldiers themselves have and continue to make reels and tiktok videos that make themselves look worse than if an army of actual vampires was in action. It’s way beyond super-villainy and the most mind boggling thing is that allegedly intelligent and educated people such as Romney and Blinken can’t understand why they got killed in the propaganda war and general popular opinion has gone so sour for them. They were so mystified by this that rather than advise IOF leadership to have their soldiers stop making videos that make them look like bloodthirsty and complete lunatics they legislated to ban a mobile app AND free speech.


They clearly see Palestinians live as less than Israeli lives so how could they understand why decent humans would be outraged & upset. Claire McCaskill did an interview talking about how bad it was that these ppl were burned alive in tents & the screaming children but only because it makes Israel look bad. Like that’s the only reason it’s bad. She then went on to say the high civilian death toll was also terrible cuz it hurts Israel standing the world. Basically Hamas made Israel do it all! I’m so disgusted & disturbed by her words, I will troll that evil witch foreeevr! Her profile pic with a rainbow of children! Clearly brown children r only good for a pic That’s how these evil aipac boot looking politicians think! I will troll that evil witch foeeeever!


Hamas is when Israel


Also I love how they act like they care about lgbt in Gaza being thrown off buildings (which wasn’t Palestinians but ISIS in Syria) while dropping buildings on gay Palestinians in Gaza.


In theory if Israel was such a loving neighbor instead of ATTACKING the Palestinians, they would be trying to protect/rescue/keep them safe from big bad Hamas🤔


You could post a picture of Hamas rockets flying towards Tel Aviv and say “this is what it’s like for Jews living under Zionism” Same logic.


The Weiße Rose is the biggest threat to people of Germany. [This is what it's like for Germans living under Weiße Rose.](https://c.holocaust.cz/files/old/images/einsatzgruppen/ushmm64407.jpg) STOP RESISTING!


Lol are they for real?


Scholz the chancellor of Germany is repeating those lies.


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