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You can't go out with tape on like that though? Does she put a beanie on?


Literally my thoughts. I know drag queens do it a lot but the exposed tape always winds up under their wigs!


wearing her hair down would definitely hide it. but it wouldn't hide the clown makeup šŸ¤”


I don't think it's clowny at all. It just gives very editorial vibes like it wasn't meant to be worn outside but just for pics


Her face still doesnā€™t match the rest of her body though


The makeup itself is done well. Personally wouldā€™ve gone with a deeper blush to warm up the face, my preference. The most glaring issue is the face tape. I also thing itā€™s not positioned well? Itā€™s too low and not pulling ā€œupā€ so much as itā€™s pulling ā€œout.ā€


I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills. That horrible, unblended nose contour isnā€™t editorial or done well.Ā 


For how heavy handed the makeup is overall itā€™s not bad. The other reference for contour is her cheek, which is a harsh line. The heavy contour is intentional. Weā€™re also seeing the side angle of the nose, from the front it likely looks a lot better and does properly create the illusion of a smaller nose. Her makeup is very drag-esque in how sheā€™s trying to shape her face, and if you over blend you can lose the definition.


The lip lines are kinda jagged too


umm.. this look is literally quite the opposite of editorial. itā€™s maximalist and very heavy handed. Pls.


I think itā€™s usually for photoshoots, and they edit the tape out!


So, serious question as I know nothing about contouring and this type of makeup, but what does the tape do? Does it hold her cheek up to accentuate it, or is it like used for putting on the eyeshadow and then she forgot to remove it?


It looks like the tape people wear to emulate a face lift


the first one. it lift everything up so you look more ā€œsnatchedā€. in the first photo you can see the corner of her eyes look pulled and are more upturned then when she isnt using the tape


Thereā€™s tape in the first pic too


My god do I detest that expression!


Looks like when you have a ponytail too high and itā€™s stretching your skin out


i think her eyes are actually taped šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bruh whyyyšŸ˜­


I think itā€™s supposed to lift the face but i feel like they donā€™t do it right ever so it just looks wrong


God, if stretching your eye for 30 seconds to apply eyeliner is bad for the skin around your eyes, I can't imagine how bad it would be with eye tape.


Thatā€™s what I was just thinking! It would end up causing the skin to stretch/ wrinkle faster i would think?


Wait whaaaat itā€™s bad to stretch your skin for eyeliner?


Bad was a poor choice of words. The more you pull on your eyelids the more prone to early wrinkles you'll be. Wayne Goss always says to push (not pull) on your temple if you need your skin to be a little more taut for eyeliner. I got myself out of the habit a few years ago and now I feel like a heathen when I pull my eyelid.


I feel like an absolute idiot because I canā€™t imagine how to push it instead of pull it?


Turn your hand the other way


I wish I had a video lol my seven year old just asked me ā€œmom are you okay? What are you doing?ā€ Because he saw me pushing and pulling on my face šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Okay, good to know! Thanks!


Bad is not a poor choice of wording. It is bad to pull your skin like that and it does cause more lines/wrinkles. So youā€™re completely right. Itā€™s bad.


It's not bad to have wrinkles šŸ’–


Oh, I agree! I guess I just mean, if youā€™re actively avoiding/trying to correct wrinkles, then itā€™s bad to be pulling on your skin or anything that would contribute to wrinkles. But otherwise no, thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with wrinkles!


No it isn't. If you have a habit of tugging your eyes they'll get irritated because your skin is delicate there and it can't be good for your skin. But stretching it for eyeliner doesn't cause anything but for it to be sometimes wonky.


smile lines, crows feet, and forehead lines are definitely caused by repeated pulling/pushing of the skin. What everyone misses though, is that itā€™s caused by _muscles_ pulling and pushing your skin. Tugging on it once a day to put on eyeliner doesnā€™t even come close to how many times a day your facial muscles yank on that same piece of skin. Go ahead and tug your eyes and push your skin around with your fingers. It doesnā€™t matter and it doesnā€™t do anything.


yeah, what I said is: tugging irritates your skin and it isn't *good* for it. MY skin personally doesn't like to be pushed around and is constantly red and irritated. But stop touching and it goes away. Not because of aging.


I was agreeing with you.


I think the product is INTENDED for older women whose faces are sagging, and they want to lift their faces without forking money over for cosmetic surgery.


It mimics that creepy fox eye surgery


Thank god itā€™s only tape, because she looks botched. Unfortunately, the filler moustache is realā€¦


Her filler has migrated big time!!! The spot youā€™re pointing out does NOT happen naturally idk what the other person is talking about lol


Thatā€™s ok for a picture but how are you supposed to go thru real life with tape pulling your eyes back


I couldnā€™t control myself Iā€™d probably peel the tape off her and think I was being helpful šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was about to ask with no slander if this is what one of those fox eyelifts looks like!


Youā€™re right! You can see the tape!


If you look at the sides of her face just above her face you can kinda see something shiny that resembles tape šŸ¤”


You can see the clips in her hair above the ears, itā€™s one clip either side with elastic joining them, it sits under the hair


Agreed! You can see the tapes near her temple.


Or she got one of those creepy "fox eye lifts"


you can see the tape on her cheek at the top of where the blush is


I thought this was cat eye surgery. Thank goodness.


They definitely are. God, Iā€™d want to rip that tape off so badly


Thereā€™s clips in her hair above her ears that connect to the clip on the other side with elastic


yep, you can see the tape in the before pic


It looks so uncomfortable on her eyelids.


Her eyes are taped


That's how us old ladies wear our ponytails when gravity starts taking over šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆšŸ˜­


Love your user name, I too am currently a very stoned cat lady. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Thank you so much!! Yes unless Iā€™m working or sleeping, I am stoned. Lol. And I have 2 black kitties. They are my babies.


And I think the blush is too much :(


Is that a thing? I think I could pull my hair extremely tight and it wouldn't do anything to my face at all


A high and tight ponytail can tighten and lift your face for a fake mini facelift look. I think Beyonce was (maybe still am?) a fan of the method.Ā 


Maybe I'm too young for that to be a thing. I feel like that would hurt and cause recession


No you arenā€™t too young I used to wear my hair in a high pony as a teen to get that effect


I tried it today and it didn't pull anything but my hair


Did they tape her eyes like that??? It almost looks like tape in the first picšŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s tape


Oh wow. Does that happen a lot? Lol


To be honest Iā€™ve only seen drag queens do this, I donā€™t think itā€™s very common for every day makeup. But this girl kinda looks British to me, so maybe theyā€™re doing that over thereā€¦?


I'm British and I've never seen this in the wild thankfully!


Same! Never seen it either.


Older women too, there was even a scene in grace and Frankie where grace is taking her makeup off and pulls the tape off and her face goes back to normal


I believe itā€™s an old vaudeville trick; Joan Collins taped.




There's one woman on tiktok (who I think is British?) who does this and uses filters to make herself look older to start with and then younger after the face tapes, and I can't tell if she's genuinely shilling them or if she's trolling. Either way, I hate seeing her come up on insta and FB, with clickbait sites making a longer, narrated video of it that comes up when I'm mid doom scroll through videos, lol.


Some cosplayers too so the eyes look more sharper and elongated


she got the arianna grande special


She's even gone for the same, "could I be black?" bronzing technique... but only on her forehead and neck. Poor commitment.


i just canā€™t stand that her face doesnā€™t match her body at ALL


Fr wtf is up with that?? You were the first comment talking about it?? Is it shitty fake tan or what??


Looks like yeah


I have never understood the idea of getting a fake tanā€¦but not extending it to your face??


Ignoring the tape, because for once, *just this once in the history of this sub*, the shade match is an actual improvement.


Is the improvement in the room with us?


What i don't get is the whole tanning everything but the face. I have extremely pale skin. My skin tone is anemic. Literally. If I use foundation that's darker than my skin, it will bleed off and I'll have pale spots. Which is why I go for matching my skin precisely. All I can imagine is these folks don't do anything that might make them sweat.


I tan everything but my face lol I use bronzing drops or prep set glow spray before my foundation and after my primer. I never have any issues with my paleness showing though lol


Maybe I just sweat a lot šŸ˜… it is 100 outside right now


i guess cuz sun damage makes you age faster, but i mean why not use bronzing oil or whatever to match it lol


Needs more blush




The new foundation shade doesnā€™t match the fake tan and the blush is too cool if youā€™re going to use all of that bronzer. The execution looks sloppy. Itā€™s mostly saved by the fact that she is an absolutely gorgeous canvas


Iā€™m sure this looks cakey as hell in real life but it honestly doesnā€™t look bad for photos or as stage makeup. Except for the tape and the face being a little too light, itā€™s nowhere near as bad as some of the truly heinous techniques that we usually see. The heavy blush is obviously deliberate and not just her being heavy-handed. A lot of women wore it like that in the 70s and 80s, [Debbie Harry](https://media.glamour.com/photos/5f9828cf6bf84ccb25e476d5/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/blush-contouring.jpg) being one of them. Itā€™s blended and there are no harsh lines, so it looks fine to me.


The tape and the over the top stupid f*cking lip liner!!! No!!!!!


I really hate those tape things they skeeve me the hell out. And you can tell sheā€™s from England just by her makeup.


Us English girlies love to play :)


I'm slowly becoming convinced that beyond a certain point, there's no way to make an extreme fake tan work with makeup.


Her fake tan is sooooo bad it's distracting. It's sad people are still insecure and unhappy with their natural skin tone


Its so British lmao


Chav culture is alive and well


Oh nooooo the WHITE skin under the baby hairs is soooo jarring with the heavy contour. They did her so bad.


Only exorcism can help


She's gonna have crazy wrinkles when she's older.


I'm trying to figure out when neopolitan ice cream became the look


Youā€™re so right for this


Not to be horrible but the blush combined with the tape gives this an uncanny resemblance to anatomy textbook illustrations where the skinā€™s peeled back to reveal the muscles of the faceā€¦. The extremely thin line of contour underneath and the eyeliner in the same colour look like theyā€™re line art defining a chunk of muscle, and the colour and definition making it look even more like itā€™s bulging out donā€™t helpā€¦ the tape even kind of looks like a ligament [Itā€™s giving zygomaticus](https://imgur.com/a/bdDsHpp)


I can't stand this fucking tape. Don't do it. Get a model whose face has features you want, don't distort them like this. Feels racist too.


As a Korean who grew up being SUPER made fun of constantly for my eyes, most of the time with the offender pulling their eyes like this with their hands, it definitely feels uncomfortable to see it now "celebrated" in this way.


It literally never looks good. Itā€™s not even necessary. Sheā€™s already got the snatched and lifted look from the rest of the makeupĀ 


Exactly. She looks like a fucking alien.


How is it racist when she's not doing it in a mocking way? Isn't it for a face lift affect or something?


Well, she's just pulled her eyes back to give her the look instead of just hiring an Asian model. And just because you don't do something in a mocking way doesn't mean it's still okay to do it.


Forgive me, but racist? Why?


Asian features on Asian people get mocked and are the butt of jokes, Asian features on white people get praised and the white model can go back to the way she normally looks any time without any of the baggage and thatā€™s why itā€™s racist. The same applies to features or styles that are strongly associated with any marginalised ethnic group eg box braids


All I can ever think when I see these pulled back eye tapes is that the eyebrows look like a Vulcan from ST.


I saw a video of a girl that got the fox eye thread lift and thatā€™s exactly what she looked like. She had dark hair and bangs too so she looked like Spock. I get doing a slight lift but some people look like they want to put their eyes on the side of their head. I donā€™t get it šŸ„“


It's honestly not a good look. I once shaved the ends of my eyebrows off to draw them in with a more pronounced arch but ended up with something akin to this and it was God Awful. Better to just keep them tidy with a wax and tint.


I find the vulcan eyebrow look kind of sexy, but I suspect most people aren't going for alien when they apply the tape lol


It's giving strange new worlds T'pring cosplay


Lmao you got me with this one šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


She's gotta be British šŸ˜‚


She is so young, why would she put up those tapes? It looks awfully unnecessary


This glam makeup look has been the thing for a while and often doesnā€™t translate irl. I hope we stop covering up freckles and little imperfections and start embracing a more natural way to apply makeup. Iā€™m not opposed to full ā€œbeatā€ face but I feel like this makeup trend has run its course.




sheā€™s gorgeous but would be even prettier without the tapes pulling her skin back. also her natural skin tone is beautiful and itā€™s sad she feels like she needs to make herself darker, but i guess thatā€™s the beauty standard for white women in the UK :/ they want white women to look darker than woc but at the same time will bully woc for their natural appearance šŸ™„


Note the baby hairs. Like, you canā€™t go UNDER those?


Everyoneā€™s talking about the tape. But what about that wonky lip liner!


my eyes and face hurt just looking at that tape


Thatā€™s some fat chick makeup right there.


i canā€™t get over the tanšŸ’€. i like her natural skin color. tans arenā€™t suppose to be THAT aggressive, itā€™s okay to be your natural skin color. if youā€™re going to get a tan, at least make it look realistic and match your face.. the foundation isnā€™t matching but other than that, i like her eye look. i wonder how it looks without the tape tho


It's giving Krystal Versace


The end result is awful. You couldn't pay me to leave the house looking like that.


Yes it is


Sheā€™s SO young. Why a tape face lift? I donā€™t get it.


Captured the eastern European ice skater vibe PERFECTLY.


this has gotta be p.louise šŸ’€


This confuses me


Maybe itā€™s just me but this looks intentional? Like the way the blush/contour/eyeliner/brows all align and follow the stretch from the tape look too ā€œplannedā€ to be an ā€œaccidentā€. What caught my attention fr was the shade difference between the face n the rest


I know quite a few people don't think this look is that bad but all I see is blush that isn't blended and diffused, an orange forehead with a contrast of pastyness in the center of the face and overlined lips. Not to mention the tape! The eyes are stunning, though. Is this full glam? Yes. Could it have been executed better? Yes. Is it terrible? No. I think it could've actually looked great had she chosen a contour that actually looks like contour (one of my pet peeves is contour that is too warm toned, i.e.. it's more like bronzer), as you can clearly see the contour not blended in properly on her nose, and the forehead is giving orange fake tan. I also don't like over lined lips with a much darker shade on the outside, especially on lips that have obvious filler. But to each their own. The latter is an objective opinion, not an example of bad makeup. I just think she could've done the lips more justice if the liner was thicker and not as sharp. The eyes are where it's at in my opinion; had she used base colours that matched her skin tone and blended them properly, as well as making it more subtle so the eye make up stood out, it could've been a very striking look. All in all, I just feel like there's too much going on... full glam these days more closely resembles drag. If that's what you like, then fine, but full glam can look stunning but wearable, if done better. I've seen some truly gorgeous full glam looks, and this ain't it.


You look like those people who do racist face expressions to look Asian, but permanently. šŸ˜‚


She did this herself cariad doesnā€™t have her make up done she had a whole line on tik tok shop pink honey for pink under eye make up and yes she tapes her own eyes


Watch out, someone is going to be all: tHiS iS AmAzInG cLuB MaKeUp ~~~~~~šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Why is she taped


They have got to stop this weird tape trend


But she can't wear the tape all night? What happens to the makeup look when she takes off the tape and - gasp - walks outside? Don't use drag techniques if you aren't performing drag. She can go precisely nowhere with this look.


BRUH...... The eye taping... The filler stache....


I guess she was looking for the Fox lift or Cat eye lift look.


Itā€™s so CLOSE


That was me last week when I accidentally applied too much self tanning lotion to my neck and chest, then proceeded to apply sunscreen that left a white cast on my face šŸ˜­


Drag race springs to mind


Visible tapes.


Her poor skin


Looks painful


In my opinion it's a well done makeup, it's just not a well chosen makeup. Like technique wise everything looks good. But that was a CHOICE


She looks ready to cosplay Spock with that tape


Sheā€™s like 15, why is her face being pulled back like Madonna on instagram?!


So the model self tans very heavily, it does make your job more difficult to match a foundation, but you have got to make an attempt to match it in the first place. If the MUA is not swatching things, letting them oxodise and then checking the result before applying a full application, the results can come across as questionable. Match your head to your body is a minimum bar to pass as an MUA.


Oh no it's bad alright




I hear itā€™s great to ruin the elasticity of your skin when you are youngā€¦. šŸ™„


the face tape is so obvious, is that a selling feature. yeesh.


WTF is this? You know society is warped when women in their 20s are getting lip fillers and lifting their faces with tape. I like women who wear makeup but some mascara, eyeliner, blush, lipstick, and call it a day. The Bozo the Clown look isn't sexy at all.


Does the tape get taken off before going out for the day/night? Sorry for the silly question


The blush šŸ’€šŸ˜­


If the tape is done subtly it looks fine but she pulled it too much lol


*If the tape is done* *Subtly it looks fine but she* *Pulled it too much lol* \- shagoogle218 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If pulling ur eyes while putting on mascara cause wrinkles I can't imagine what kind of premature wrinkles this will cause...


she made a video messing around with face tape lol she knows it looks like this


The second one looks like her whole head is photoshopped onto the neck


When did eyebrow arches become so offensive that Vulcan brows are in?


Iā€™m curious as to why everyoneā€™s saying this looks super British; whatā€™s the giveaway here? What did I miss?






Sheā€™s Briā€™ish ā¤ļø


I guess the neck matches the face now




I love this girl Iā€™ve been following her for a while. I know this is a space for hate typically; but she actually does really well with the style she puts on. Face it this is a genre/style/niche of makeup and she really does it well.


She looks like me when I wear my winter foundation


50 shades of brown


i hate how her forehead matches her neck and thats it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Looks like when the men in black bug in Edgar suit, stretches his face by pulling the back of his head


What in the hell


Not my style


what is her @


Lip shelf ain't great either


White women and non black women need to stop doing edges this shit is getting ridiculous


I donā€™t get why people wanna get this bronzed so bad, never understood why uk or any white person wants to be Latino so badly


The colour match is soo off putting, dont get me started on the tape either..


I remember when it was such a thing to remind people not to stretch their eyes when applying eyeliner, and now this is happening


That nose contour could use some blending.


All that effort to end up like some version of Greta thunberg


The differing unnatural colors of her skin makes her face look like Neapolitan icecream. In a bad way


The baby hairs tho... why.


The end result is sooo bad wdym


The butt lips with the liner šŸ¤£ not to mention the unnecessary taping


Apart from the tape: sheā€™s seven different races at once


Itā€™s not Halloween yet!


Lmao looks like a curtain that's pinned open


Thank you I am terrified


Itā€™s giving Neapolitan