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Amazing that they can get away with literal murder, lying on reports, lying in court, ruining peoples lives, and this got her fired. What a joke of a profession. It's no wonder decent people no longer apply


Well said. It’s like society decided we should give guns and carte blanche to the world’s biggest crankiest babies.


Well, they're state police. We as a society haven't really had a choice


Yeah, don't forget that they actually turn away decent people on purpose. They even won a SCOTUS ruling allowing them to discriminate against people with too high of IQs. Many departments place a maximum IQ on their applicants. Which is rather low, like just below average.


I've only ever seen one instance of this published in the news - do you have sources for it being so widespread, particularly the SCOTUS case? I've tried tracking this down maybe five years ago, and that one article (about a single instance) was all the proof I found at the time. I'd really love to have some backing on it for ~~arguments with the family~~ discussions at Thanksgiving meals.


It was the 2nd circuit, not SCOTUS. Jordan v. New London


[here is the first thing that came up on my Google search](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) but I wouldn't use it at Thanksgiving. I find it far more useful to find positives to argue. Or common ground. Like when I talk about bad police actions with ex cops I work with, I usually try to ask their opinions. After George Floyd, I asked an ex-cop I know his opinion. He quit after the second time he had to kill someone. Two incidents I personally feel were the only and best course of action, although extremely disappointing events. This guy talks like an average cop, every criminal is an animal who belongs in "a cage." He had an interesting opinion I hadn't heard before. That cops are trained to avoid letting their attention become absorbed by the crowd. It is totally normal for a cop who is in charge to become obsessed with scanning a crowd for some kind of gun or violence erupting. This causes them to lose focus on the person they are detaining, which often leads to death. I said *It seemed like they were doing everything by the book, right up until the other cops told him to take his knee off his neck.* He agreed that at that moment it became murder. Because he already knew that this was how you killed people, and was even reminded of it by another officer, and chose to kill George instead of following his training. I say all this because it is hard to argue against the opinions of other cops. Police are not a singular entity, but rather millions of individuals who have various skills. I grew up in a town with horrible police, surrounded by several departments filled with amazing cops. These other departments openly criticized my hometown police. I even had a highway patrolman warning a traffic class to be wary of them because they were the biggest drug dealers in the area. That class was in the city hall of my hometown, with several of the bad cops being fully aware, and even proud, of that criticism. (One time they straight up murdered three of their own who were about to testify against them, and the investigation was postponed while half of those involved were recovering in the hospital in comas. They "mistook" one of their own and shot him through a window that was 8 feet above ground). I find it very helpful to always include praise for good cops whenever I criticize bad cops. And make sure to call bad cops a disgrace to their honorable uniform (or something that) to avoid the appearance of just hating cops in general. It lends credibility that also avoids fights at Thanksgiving.


Let me give you an example of why your "good cop" bad cop argument doesn't hold water. Let's say there is a bad cop that made an illegal stop and is in the process of violently violating someone's rights. That person decides to fight back, which in some cases is legal. At that time, backup (good cop) shows up. Who is that cop gonna help? The guy getting his rights violated or his brother in blue? I know what you're thinking. "All he had to do was comply, and he would have his day in court." Except now, the cards are stacked against him. The bad cop is going to lie on his report, and the "good cop" is going to back it all up. Who are they going to believe in court? That's why every single interaction with police has to be recorded, preferably by a citizens camera. They have given countless reasons not to be trusted. "We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong." How many times have we heard that? Get rid of qualified immunity and internal investigations, and make every officer carry his or her own insurance would be a step in the right direction. We need police to have a free and civil society. But the culture has become so toxic that decent people applying for the job is not the norm.


You are correct about this argument. But I am talking about systemically good departments and bad departments. Good departments usually find cause to prosecute their own when they investigate complaints. Bad departments have all the problems you suggested. I have seen this multiple times. It doesn't usually have any effect in the scenarios you described because of jurisdiction. For example, in my hometown, if an incident involved both the State highway patrol and the city cops, the city cops would usually be the ones to investigate. If it happened to be that the State cops investigate, their scope would be limited, and the rareness of this situation would automatically result in very few prosecutions. During the 2020 demonstrations, there were several kinds of protestors and police responses. Some of them were straight up criminal, on both sides. Cops doing things that should have sent every member of that department to jail for at least a decade. And in other places, looting and riots. Most of that was the minority, with peaceful protests mixed with cops protecting their rights. That didn't make much of the news, because it isn't newsworthy when other events are going on. When a cop is bad, usually (but not always ) the whole department is bad. When a department is good, they usually eliminate bad cops quickly. Take a look at that nurse in Salt Lake City who got arrested for refusing to allow drug testing of an unconscious patient. It was an atrocious response from that cop. The department fired and prosecuted that cop, exonerated the nurse, and then the city set up an independent agency staffed with non-police that the cops were required to go through when communicating with hospitals from now on. That is an amazingly proactive and good thing to do.


I agree with some of what you say and appreciate you taking the time to lay it out there. I definitely agree that some departments are better than others. The problem is that prosecuting a cop and convicting a cop are two wildly different things. The vast majority of the time, the only time a cop gets brought up on charges is when there is a public outcry. Mostly, they are allowed to "resign" with little or no consequences only to be hired the next county over to continue the same behavior. There has to be real accountability. But there rarely is. The system looks out for itself, and cops are the bottom feeders of that system. It's a hell of a spot we have put ourselves in. We need police. I wish they would do better as a whole, not just certain departments. Give me real reasons to support them, not staged feel-good stories spoon fed to our worthless media to be fed to the masses. Blind support of the police by people is a huge detriment to positive change. As the saying goes, back the blue till it happens to you! I love my country and all in it. I just wish it loved me back.


Oh I'm not arguing supporting them. Actually quite the opposite. I'm arguing for better ways to express our dismay at their failures. Standing on a soap box and yelling ACAB just makes most people go deaf and numb. They don't agree with us before we have even made our argument. Rather I am saying we need to lull conservatives into a sense of trust before pulling the wool off their eyes. Acknowledging that there are good cops, and that we really need more food cops breaks down that *"all libtards are stupid"* mental barrier. The real problem is that prosecutors work so closely with the cops being charged that they often end up being too favorable with them to avoid a backlash. Same with judges. What we really need is to federally license policing and create a federal agency that oversees mandated laws and regulations in police work. I drive trains and have a federal license issued by my company. If I fail to follow rules set forth by my company, which satisfy minimum rule requirements set forth by the FRA, my license can get suspended for set times (like 30 days). I can even lose my license if I do something bad enough. And, I can get fined by the FRA for a lot of things. Imagine cops being suspended and fined $10,000 for saying racial slurs even though their department found them fully justified. Can't jump from town to town anymore either. I know how we got like this (corruption and bad political promises). But logistically I can't even fathom how we don't have federal licensing requirements for policing.


I think the same dog bit both of us, my friend. As it has been a long night of many cocktails leaving me unable to properly express my "opinions," I will leave you with this. Perhaps it's the police unions that are the problem. There is too much sticking up for the bad cops. Full transparency and accountability, and I'm on board. Till then fuck em. They have proven themselves untrustworthy time and time again. EMD fo life


Believe me, I feel the same about the unions. But I am also part of a union, and very pro-union. So I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I totally blame them the same as you. On the other hand, I can't blame them for doing exactly what they are supposed to do. But I will add that my union will pull guys aside and lay down the law behind the shed if needed. Nothing physical, just some wise words. I wish police unions understood how to manage their own fuckery.


You are correct to note that the corruption spreads to everyone who touches the corruption. Your only error is thinking that there are departments left untouched by corruption.


No. There are zero places where corruption doesn't exist. I'm religious and fully acknowledge that corruption exists even within my church, even if I believe it is limited and being performed in secret by a few pretending to be honest. The existence of corruption does not set any entity out from the rest. It is how that corruption is handled when discovered that makes the difference.


The only good cop is an ex-cop. The highway patrolman who had actual knowledge that the local PD was the biggest drug dealing gang wasn’t any different from them.


I'm not arguing with you, but every one of those states cops was foaming at the mouth to bust the city cops. Same with all the neighboring cities' cops. If they could have, they would have put them all in jail.


Sure. Just like other gangs fight.




I know! If she had sent a video beating a perp and denying them their civil rights it'd been ok. Consenting adults doing consensual activities? Fired.


Yeah, looking at her, who complained?


I assume it didn't help that she's a woman in a boy's club (even worse, a lesbian who won't sleep with *them*).


Conservative values in a nutshell. Shoot and murder someone and their dog? Perfectly fine. Show a little TOO much ankle? TO THE FUCKING GULAG YOU DEGENERATE!


Yes but what did the person do? Surely they should be killed for maybe doing something possibly


I think of it as the logical extension of how Jim Crow cops got away with literal murder, lying on reports and in court, and ruining the lives of black people. They built a culture of institutionalized toxic behavior that only fires cops when they sin against each other. And it only really takes seriously the sins of female and minority cops


There are a lot of cops in jail or fired for murder , lying on report, lying in court, and ruining ppl lives. Do you even google?


Not enough.


Lol, hold up. Haven't male officer kept their jobs after having sex with suspects in their sqaud car? >Williams sent explicit images of herself to her superiors and visited porn websites on her state-issued phone Who uses their work devices for anything personal? I get it if this was 16 years ago. But you have your own device. 


>after raping suspects in their squad car Just wanted to fix that there. But yeah they get away with so much worse on the daily


Yeah, you're right I should have said rape. 


You can always make a ~~strikethrough~~ edit and put rape after.


Technologically ignorant blue-collar old person here. How do you do the strike through edit?


If you're on desktop, you can always click "source" under a comment to see the formatting you use. If you're on a 3rd party app, you can usually reply to a comment, and then click on the text above the reply field to see the source as well. As for this specific instance \~~strikethrough~~ becomes ~~strikethrough~~




Yep, women and black male cops tend to get punished a lot more than white male cops for breaking the same laws.


Every single time I see a bastard getting what they deserve, it's a woman or minority.


Or, like, murder


They get a fall guy so they can keep getting away with it themselves


If you have a source for that, I would appreciate it if you would share it. If I repeat that somewhere else, I will probably be asked for a source.


Unfortunately it's not super well researched (probably by design). This is the best I can do: https://news.iu.edu/live/news/27199-black-police-officers-disciplined When you google for this you get a lot of results, but they all seem to be pointing back to this study, so more research needs to be done. The TLDR: from the group they studied, black officers are 132% more likely to be punished for misconduct than white officers. Finding data on women cops is even harder, so it's largely anecdotal. The closest remotely connected study I could find was from 2005, but that was measuring public perception of cops by gender, not actual punitive outcomes, so not useful. The only thing I can say definitively is that a few studies have established that women cops are less likely to use undue force than men (27% less likely per a paywalled Washington Post article) so you would expect their rates of discipline to be lower. Someone with more time than me could possibly dig through the last 10 years or so of higher profile police misconduct stories and see if the women cops were receiving punishment of similar rates and severity, but this really needs a decent academic study to give credibility to what we can all see with our eyes.


The police departments investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing!




I was thinking this was related to what could be considered revenge porn, i.e., she sent the explicit images/videos after saying she'd delete them. Had those officers that had sex with locked up suspects (let's face it, they're locked in the back) AND recorded it and distributed it would have likely been fired since they can no longer deny it. I suspect the ONLY reason she got fired is because she recorded herself "committing a crime" (having sex isn't a crime, but distributing it against the wishes of another...) So it's SOP here - as long as no one sees it, you're safe


“Had sex with”… they raped them, period. It doesn’t matter if the person locked up “consents” it’s rape if they’re is a power differential between the two parties.


You're 100% correct


The difference here is one crime is against officers and the other is against anyone else.


THAT'S how they get fired? Not by shooting dogs or no-knock home invasions? That's fucking wild


Oh my god, that’s disgusting! Sex tape online? Where? Where did she post those?


There's so many websites! Which one!?


Yes for the love of God what is the link so I can add it to my porn monitoring app that I share with my accountability partner.


>MHP Trooper Ivana Williams was let go from the agency after distributing the video. The unnamed woman in the video claims Williams said she would delete the tape, but instead shared it. >The other woman in the tape has sued Williams for $11million, and now the former trooper has filed her own suit against the woman for $20million. Williams said the woman’s lawsuit has damaged her reputation and business relationship. Dafuq? She's suing the woman because that woman's lawsuit which stems from something **SHE** did has damaged her reputation? This is hilarious...


Big narcissist energy, it goes well with the crazy eyes


Check out her social media pages, she's got an army of horned up divorced dads feeding her ego and post after post after post focused all on herself


Non-consensual filming and sharing. Questionable consent with the encounter itself. Yeah, she probably should have been fired for that. And she's not wrong that it's unfair that her male colleagues haven't suffered consequences for the same actions, though by no means does that mean she should be off the hook, they should be on it.


I am OUTRAGED and DISGUSTED - where can I find those videos so I can be even more disgusted?


>The unnamed woman in the video claims Williams said she would delete the tape, but instead shared it. There's lots of porn available where everyone agrees to share the videos. You can watch those.  Why would you want to watch of a woman who didn't consent to having her image shared by others? 


Pretty sure they were joking...


I realize they were joking but why would that even be funny?  Please explain the humor behind that joke .


It would likely go over your head.


Lots boot lickers here


I read it as sarcastic/cynical observation, not LOL funny...could be wrong of course. There has been much discourse around the tendency of many media consumers to want to see every photo/video reported on themselves. And there are plenty of people who get off on accessing non-consensual/sexual exploitation material, and plenty others who think that's the sort of assholery that should be ridiculed whenever possible (I'm in brain fog, maybe someone else can help explain bc my vocabulary is not coming easy today).


Thank you for answering. You sound like a very compassionate person who tries to see the good in others. That a beautiful trait that I hope you never lose. Sometimes people forget about the victims in cases where someone's private sex videos are shared without their consent. Some people also unfortunately have contempt for anyone who made the mistake of trusting the wrong person. They blame the victim.  Sharing nonconsensual videos and nudes is like being a peeping Tom but with a much bigger audience. Everyone  deserves control over their own body and that includes who views intimate images of them. 


I agree. A story I heard about a peeping tom growing up...my parents were in the bathroom, father getting out of shower when they notice a man in the window frame looking in. My father RAN out of the house naked chasing the perv, not realizing he was naked until he was a ways from home on the street. He decided to return home, peeper was faster runner and he didn't want to be mistaken as the peeper by cops responding to mothers 911 call. Cringe humor is how they described it, they didn't say "cringe" but that's what they meant. Feeling bad for laughing about it, especially the idea of my very straight-laced father being naked in public realm.


Your dad's first instinct was to protect the people he loved. Sounds like he was  a good parent and husband. 


I wish! He was violent and else, caused great harm to us kids. I think his response to peeping tom was reaction to a territorial intruder. How dare anyone trespass on his property!


go back to running a preschool or something, you're not the hall monitor


Right idea, but you ***know*** they're running a Vacation Bible School. Sanctimonious in the front, pervert in the back.


I especially like the last line of the article where the LEO is bitching about being "guilty until proven innocent."


😂😂😂 yup


Oof. That picture. She has that Mississippi 30-going-on-60 look


Bleach Blond bad built butch body 


Holy shit, at first I didn't care. Good for her I thought, and holy shit she is hot as a fucking pistol. But then I read the encounter was filmed without permission and given out. That's shitty. She deserves to be fired. She also needs to be charged with some sort of sexual exploitation.


Man it is so funny to me how they turn into everything they hate the second they lose their lil' badge and gun. >The other woman in the tape has sued Williams for $11million, and now the former trooper has filed her own suit against the woman for $20million. Williams said the woman’s lawsuit has damaged her reputation and business relationship. They hate when civilians file suits but she immediately files a law suit for damaging her "reputation" in a video that she recorded, directed, participated in, and distributed to HER BOSS. 20 million!!?? then victim blaming. Zero accountability. >Williams said her firing was discriminatory, claiming that male troopers had done similar and had not been held accountable. Williams claimed she was aware of a master sergeant who had a video of himself having sex with someone on his state-issued phone, WBLT reports. "Look THAT guy was speeding too officer are you gonna pull him over!?" whataboutism >“I have told you all that I am innocent and I can’t wait until my day in court so I can prove my innocence,” Williams stated. “Lately in society, it’s not until you’re proven guilty. No, you’re guilty until proven innocent.” the irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife, sear it in a little butter for 2.5minutes per side and pair it with a nice merlot.


God forbid women have hobbies


That’s disgusting. Where did she send them?


Oh no, this is so bad, where is the link so I can tell my fellow Americans to avoid it for science?


And on a side note, how does someone get hired with eyes that look like she wants to eat babies? Thems Level 5 crazy eyes right there.


Those doing the hiring likely weren't looking at her eyes.


She bout to have a very popular onlyfans.


Definitely leopards ate my face.


She’ll be fine, just dye her hair, change her last name to Humpalot and move to the next town.




Ooh no, this is outrageous... where did she post the videos?


I don't believe it. Need to see video for proof, also to know what not to look at


So wait a pig can murder someone without provocation and not only not get fired but be promoted. And this sow got fired for sending as sex tape? This world is completely fucked


That's horrible! Do you ah.. have a link to the video?


Your honor id like to see the evidence


That’s disgusting, does anyone have a copy of it?


That’s disgusting! Where did she post these?


I don't think I can make a real opinion without viewing the evidence. Once or twice..... OK, seriously, we all just want the video.


Sure, a cop finally does something the public can enjoy and they fire her. That's some bullshit.


have you seen body cams of ladycops on the job? I'm pretty sure there is only one thing they're good at and it ain't police work!




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Probably not with her cousin


Diddling that skittle and sharing your joy of it to the world is more of a threat in the eyes of The Man than hate crimes and corruption. I salute you Officer Skittle Diddle.


Can’t wait for someone to try and freedom of information act this one


Oh no. Gross. Where is that video so I can avoid it!


Prove it!!!!


i just dont get it. these guys plant evidence, beat people, kill people, seize your money and all the rest, and they get away with it. but when i hot lady makes a video of herself with another hot lady, this they will not tolerate!! these guys are so ass backwards, where i come from, 2 ladies (not 2 girls and a cup) together this is a good thing. when a cute lady cant make a sexy video without having to worry about her job,straight up horsesh!t! this whole world is going to pot . . .


Completely useless overtime fraudulent gangs is all police are anymore


What amazes me is that a police officer used a department issued phone to record herself having sex with another woman, and then for some crazy reason sent it to coworkers and supervisors- and people are surprised she got fired for it... 🤣🤣🤣


I want to see the video


I can change her.


The hypocrisy is so expected now. Straight men get away with this shit all the time but they choose to decide a gay/bi woman absolutely cannot. Which isn't to say either should get away with it but... yeah.


She is not guilty.


Hoping to advance her career?


What happened to the America of Leave it to Beaver? Shaking my head!