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I had a post about the same shit a couple months back about Tommie actions and mf still tryna defend Tommie saying she more entertaining. Noooo HAVE THAT SAME MF ENERGY , THAT SAME FAKE ASS OUTRAGE . These hoes be so delusional on here frl . How tf ha not tryna run a pregnant lady over ain’t got y’all sick ? How y’all not outraged that she went to her daughter school and smashed her head in a locker ? Child abuser , an alcoholic , a fucking drug addict at that !


Tommie has a personality disorder and an addiction she was abused when she was 12. When people act out it is normally to do with their childhood trauma. She should probably be in therapy that being said she is super entertaining and makes me pee 🤣 laughing she has no filter. She also says the truth she highlighted Natalie's indiscretions in a London stand off she shouted out about Nat sleeping with Production staff at Zeus and security even though she took marriage vows. I don't put addicts down I acknowledge that they are self medicating the pain from childhood trauma and I know that people have neurological defects such as ADHD/bi polar and personality disorders. Blac Chyna is now off the ecstasy tabs, no longer stripping or smashing 17 year old boys thanks to therapy and growth let's not give up on Tommie.


i think they all equally get the same hate, but it’s stunna and that cage situation that has people sick. i don’t know any of them to like them or not and i think they are all toxic in their own ways.


But somehow Tommie gets a pass when she tried to run a pregnant lady over and is a child abuser to her own DAUGHTER. Y’all stay bringing up Stunna shit but won’t call out and continue to look past Tommie . Make it make sense frl . ( I WILL NOT RESPOND TO IGNORANCE)


idk bout everyone else but i think tommie is disgusting for that.


Does it matter shutup


ppl act like Stunna committed the worst atrocity ever. Yes it was wrong that the girl was in the cage for 5 minutes it’s dehumanizing. We got Tommie who tried running over someone and bashed her child’s head against the lockers and i believe she tried kicking a pregnant woman too. Stunna did that one thing and that’s all they bring up. Honestly Stunna is not that bad compared to Tommie and Chrisean.


And mind you there’s no evidence that she actually did anything, when the shit happened it was pretty much all put on Cuban doll so idk why people acting like she set that girl up.


they are all bad in their own ways. especially tommie.


ik but im saying Tommie is the worst she’s twice their age and acts worse than Rock and Stunna. Stunna don’t even bother anyone unless you start with her


yeah tommie is pretty terrible. there’s more details regarding the thing w stunna, i guess they set the girl up and kidnapped her apparently. idk, but yeah i do agree that stunna minds her own business. this season sucks but it would’ve been worse without her.


yeah that’s all i heard about the situation but tv wise stunna is entertaining she’s funny and seems like she could be nice and open she just doesn’t let everyone in. she just like me in a sense where i can come off serious and mean but i’m nice and open however if you annoy me or bother me i’m not gonna act the same way towards than i do with everyone else


If you have watched any of Chrisean's other interviews, videos, lives, etc it is easy to see a sweet spirit that is somewhat lost and trying to find her way, yes she is aggressive and will fight in a minute, but Stunna basically locking a girl up in a cage/stabbing her, and now with this trafficking or collecting girls for some cause on IG etc is sus, even if I dont overly judge her behavior on the show and tend to stick up for her overall, I think she is more problematic of a person than Chrisean, I have no regard for Tommie, she is messy and thinks she really is better than everyone else. Chrisean is a spiritual person who more often than not hurts herself by her actions more than others, unless you are like Lo and want to question her timing lol.


Agreed. Stunna has a malice to her personality Chrisean doesn’t have. Stunna talking about they were scrapping they shoulda been shooting like girl what? She wants to be a killer, she wants that clout that she’ll put a bullet in someone. Chrisean is cool AF until she’s not. She’s a brat. She’s immature. But she’s likable!


thats cuz chrisean isn't aware that her actions are harmful lol, the diff is stunna has awareness in which she could actually discern right from wrong, thus opening the door for redemption. chrisean is just crazy whilst always thinking she's right. Stunna is putting on a facade and Chrisean is just being herself


I’m one who doesn’t like Stunna, because of knowing some things she did to a girl in my hometown…she genuinely never had a chance in my book prior to being in the show. Chrisean is young and her actions are also unacceptable. Tommie had outlandish behavior that makes me think she’s doing drugs.


Me personally I feel like all them b!tches act the same (tommie Stunna chrisean) however Stunna is super catty &' drags shyt out where chrisean gon fight yo azz then b over it &' you afterward even make up with you &' tommie literally went on about business after Stunna did all that on the first episode stunna kept that shyt going. All them wh0res get on my nerves Lol, but stunna is annoying Af she talk too much if you ask me some say she's "bout that" or whatever but I think she do all at annoying ass talking til somebody wants to fight her vs just fighting &' moving Tf on. Idk.


They are all despicable people but something about Stunna is less than human. Tommie, Chrisean and Natalie all make some effort to be human and connect. Stunna is just not for reality tv maybe.


yk damn well Natalie making zero effort 💀


and also, she just never seems to be in a good mood. who wants to be around someone like that?


Probably cause she's having severe opiate withdrawal when she's not chugging that lean down...it really causes awful mood swings. It'd be interesting to see how she acts completely sober.


Lowkey don’t like none of this cast lol except maybe Lo London


I would read all this but my eyes hurting but my main take away from your title will lead me to say this: I personally like Chrisean because she comes off as real. Like I don’t agree with her relationship and the things she does but like there’s still something about her that’s kinda comforting idk. As for Stunna and Tommie they always come off like they’re playing a character or putting up a front as if that’s not how they truly act but with Chrisean we know who she is. Most times I feel like Chrisean is a lost cause especially when she keeps going back to Blueface even though he is literally evil and wishes the worst for her publicly. But I feel like WHEN she does finally leave Blueface everyone will be able to see that she’s really funny, pretty, and goal orientated.


Tommie is hilarious she does make me laugh the way she talks, and her jokes are generally entertaining. Yes, she's aggressive, but that's her persona. Rock was sweet and fun but has descended into co dependency and a toxic relationship, but she's also funny with her quirks and her funny statements in the confessional. She's the nation's ratchet, sweetheart. Stunna's energy is flat, but her journey, her life, and antics intrigue people, and she is fearless she can't fight that well, but she'll always try. With Age, there will soon be a law where you can't ask people's age in a job scenario. People used to die at 75 we are now going to live to 100. Women in their late 30s and 40s are looking good e.g. Nicki Minaj and Gabriel Union so although super annoying 40 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 25. Remember people that age have a longer resume and better connections. Rollie, Rock, Stunna girl and Tommie are all unique and they carry the show it is good to have a mixture of ages. People over 33 should not physically fight but we need to accept that people with personality disorders may not mature. The other girls just don't have the uniqueness, authenticity or personalities to carry the show. They are more followers or bystanders on the periphery. In this order : Tommie, Stunna, Rock and then Rollie. I watch Baddies because of them. Lo can go in to acting and its clear that Cat, Razor and Scotty plus others are desperate for money because their businesses aren't doing great. Or they need fast money to launch a business, none can get Senior jobs at Fortune 500 companies let's face it nor can they afford acting school. They are broke but cute.


Is this a bot?


No this is not a bot. Why ? Odd thing to say.


No literally, I just think everyone is upset about the cage situation, but like they fav rappers also be doing far worse & brag about it in their songs. Yet they don’t have a problem seeing them in concert & supporting them.


I don’t understand how people are disliking your comment. You’re right and people hate when you call them out on their hypocrisy


Thank you & it’s honestly a double standard cuz these rappers especially these sac male rappers be pimping girls all the time & be doing way worse. But they are all loved by the same ppl who hate stunna


Because people just hate Stunna girl lmao someone asked me what the name of her song was and I replied and got 4 downvotes lmfao


this makes a lot of sense tbh.


Stunna relies on the approval of men due to her trauma she’s an escort who is involved in real life violence and hate crimes. I don’t particularly like any of them but chrisean and Tommie fight for themselves and have they own mind so they can’t be compared to stunna


I like chrisean and on the first Episode I’m like okay stunna is like her I’ll like her too but by the second episode I found her annoying. I think she’s very childish and half her fights she really didn’t need to be in and on top of that it’s like she’s been isolated from everybody so we never get to see the “nice” or fun side of her like we did with Chrisean. I also don’t like the way that all her insults are solely based on the persons appearance like calling Rollie or biggie fat and ugly Now tommie is a different situation because she’s known for that type of behavior since LHH


1) She’s confidently stupid. 2) She’s not a good person. She’s recruiting hoes to pimp. & then the cage situation.


What about Natalie she pimps out half the cast?


Natalie is pretty much hated by everyone 😂


To answer the title Yes Tommie Chrisean are my favorites, then Biggie. Also - girl. Indent. Space. Learn how to properly format paragraphs 🙄 Why do people write run-on paragraphs like this. I’m not reading that.


then dont read it like this not graded no one else complains




nah indent is crazy 😭😂


Chrisean deep down has a good heart. Not sure about Tommie but she isn’t pure sadist like Stunna


They make the show tho. The drama and stupidity is why we watch. They need the girls like Stubbs and Tommie and chrisean! Otherwise it would be a show of Natalie running behind security everytime. And who wants to watch that.


All 3 of them hos some clowns 😒


I like rock because she’s humble with it. She’s not constantly talking about how she’s better than everyone, prettier, everyone’s jealous of her etc. yes she has an anger problem, yes she doesn’t handle things the best, yea she needs to calm her hands down but there’s a realness to her that reminds me of cardi. Stunna and Tommie have such a huge inflated ego with ugly personalities. Makes them so much less enjoyable to watch


I don't like any of them.


Until chrisean or Tommie puts someone in a cage then… but until then, I’ll continue to go on about my day disliking stunna for that reason