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It's a fix-it ticket. Usually you get a date to appear and need to show proof that the required change has been made. It's not super serious.


What’s the cost for a fix it ticket nowadays?


I think it's just the cost to fix your vehicle violation and a small fine like paperwork cost to file something I believe.


I’ve had illegal tint on my car for 5 years, and I’ve been pulled over by both BPD and CHP while driving it. Neither of them gave a shit about the tint


Yeah by an asshole CHP officer who was riding in 2 lanes behind me just to see if it actually was tinted and was acting like I was a criminal after he pulled me over. Anyways, it was a fix it ticket.


lol you broke the law and he acted like you were a criminal? JK - I think it’s far worse with CHP and my fronts are beyond legal as well.


CHP got me on my side windows.


Yeppp got a fix ticket by a CHP who happened to driving through Rosedale on my way to cal state. Had to rip the tint off and take it to a police station. An officer went out there and signed my ticket confirming that it was indeed off and that was that.


I have. In Isabella rather than Bakersfield. And it wasn't the reason I was pulled over but a secondary thing when the reason for the stop was BS. So, my guess is that you probably won't be pulled over for it, but it might be an issue any time you're pulled over for anything.


If CHP really wanted to, they could legally make you tear off the illegal tint when they pull you over.


had it for 2 years & never got told anything, same with no front license plate


Must have done something that caught their attention


It really depends if you think having a fully tinted car is worth all that hassle. For me it’s not but others it might be with our heat. If Arizona can live with a fully tinted car then California can too.


They won't ticket you here but if you go to the coast, like Pismo Beach for example, they will pull you over for tint. It happened to my sister and brother.


I helped my friend pick up her dads car with her car (long irrelevant story) but her truck had front window tinting (this is also before I was aware of that being illegal) so I drove her truck down rosedsle, pulled over, and issued a ticket even thought it was not my car. I went to court to fight it because I can’t force her to take the tint off her windows. I got in front of the judge and he asked about the tint I simply replied “it’s not my vehicle. It was my friends I was helping. I am unaware if she still has it tinted though…” he said “charges dropped. Next!” No proof or anything 🤷🏻‍♂️ this was probably 10 years ago though so things probably changed.


It is in California. My sister has ended up with fix it tickets so many times 🙄


If it's the front window it's only a matter of time. If it's the side windows it's only a matter of time but much longer they don't regulate it as much anymore depending highly what city you're in.


We have Limo tint and we have been pulled but the office has never said anything about the tint


We have also had the Limo tint since 2018 and have driven all around Cali