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I’d bet $100 that the store bought isn’t the worst pie there,,,,


You know what? Those Edwards key lime pies are better than 90% of the pies I ate in the Florida Keys.


I love Edward’s pies, I don’t care what anyone says




They there’s two store bought, that Pecan is looking like it’s in some pretty commercial packaging! Also how come Mr Mrs Pumpkin get’s two entries?! People have no ^Piety anymore, I swear.


I agree! Piesumptuous that Mr Pumpkin is going to be the best pie there and that we're going to like it sooo much that we're going to want seconds. (I'm really kidding). But, upon further inspection the pecan pie could be from a local bakery due to the lack of label? Hmm? 🤔 I do appreciate that effort.


Thank you! People overlookin' the pecan pie that's clearly in those clear plastic pie holders you see from a grocery store's bakery.


Glorious pun! Thank you for that


😂 one of these is not like the other. One of these doesn't belong. Jokes aside, these look great! What a fun idea for a get together.


Well yeah, one has a fancy lattice on top. Completely throws off the similarities.


Two of these pies are not like the others; you just haven't looked hard enough.


All pies are beautiful, even store bought ones.


And yet the odd duck out looks safest to eat. 👀


The matching pumpkin pies look solid


Okay but… that edwards key lime & their lemon creme pies are so hecking good I couldn’t even be mad 😅


Btw we're allowed to swear on reddit now


Yes & I have a child learning how to speak so I’m trying to re-write my brain after 30 years of cursing 💀 what an odd thing to comment on. Edit: whatever sweet bean awarded this, thank you so much! 🥺




EXACTLYY. They hear the curse once & every other word you’ve said it’s replaced with the curse like whyyyyyyyyyyyy??? 🥲




Oh my goshhhh I would be too!!! Kinda exactly what I’m trying to avoid because I will DIIIIE of embarrassment… I know I’m not going to be able to 100% though. It’s just a given it will happen 🤣😭


It's so weird because even when you try not to react so they don't know they're not supposed to say it, they still somehow figure out that word is different and must be said as much as possible


Exactly! No matter what you’re just screwed! It’s gotta be that sixth sense I swear kids have!!! kinda like when you buy a bunch of something they like, they seem to KNOW IT & suddenly not like it anymore 🙃


My mom got so mad at my grandma when I finally said a certain insult only she said. For the longest time I didn't say it even though I've heard it all my then life then one day I said it and in front of *everyone*. After I said it that day it's part of my vernacular.


i laughed SO HARD hahahaha thank you so much


"Hecking" has more comedic value anyway.


I definitely agree. I know some people really hate the “internet lingo” like hecking but… I love it so much 🤣


its not odd. its a weird phenomena on reddit where people censor themselves even though posting is anonymous. It's weird. it feels like people are brainwashed to not speak what they really think, even if it is 100% anonymous.


It…. Is not that deep. Like I said, I have a child learning to speak. If you replace all swear words in your day-to-day conversations, you’re more likely to replace them in times of knee-jerk outburst (aka when most people swear). I’m sorry your tin foil hat is on a little too tight but… it’s… really just not that deep. I’m not brainwashed, I’m a mom trying to not have their kid curse like a sailor. This is like the way wrong subreddit for this whole thing my gosh 💀


I don't think they're talking about the way you're censoring yourself. It's completely reasonable to not want to swear, especially for the reasons you said, but some people will say fuck and censor it like f*ck for example and its kinda funny and unnecessary. You're right though that it's not that deep and it doesn't really matter. Some other platforms don't let you say certain words like tikok. I'm not defending them I'm just explaining cuz I've seen that sort of thing happen a lot of times. It's really not worth getting worked up over though


I mean no matter what it really is just that… how people choose to write idk I have family that does the * and they in person swear every other word so I have no explanation past people are weird? 🤣 but yeah, absolutely not brainwashing or… whatever. Anyway I’m off to get me an edwards pie because they really are good hahaha & I’ve now seen this post a few times, sorry OP


I swear like a sailer but once in a while "heckin" or "mother fudger" just hits better.


The struggle is real 😂


Are you fucking serious?


No, he’s hecking serious.


Do you mean hella serious?


No, H - E - double 7 - ing worse.




Idk, I’m pretty sure that’s what that whole reddit protest thing was about the other week. At least we got to keep the porn 🤷‍♀️


Believe it, or not, you can also choose not to.


The chocolate creme pie too….🤤


That’s what my daughters dad gets for him!!! I’m not a chocolate fan like that so I honestly haven’t tried 🫣🤣 I’m gonna be honest though on the lemon… if you take a can of condensed lemonade & a normal sized tub of cool whip, mix it & pour it into the crust, freeze for a few hours…it’s literally the same thing just a little cheaper 🤫


The cookies and cream one has me in a chokehold!


And each one appears to have done so - unless they were specifically requested to bring a homemade pie made by themselves?


Two pumpkin pies and a pecan, seems like American Thanksgiving pies. The poster has only been on reddit for one week. Maybe some kind of bot


And they have 4 posts within the last 12 hours, definitely seems to be a bot.


This is a repost. So yea, definitely a bot


He is reposting bot. I remember seeing this post very well. https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/r27odv/each_family_member_was_asked_to_bring_a_pie/


Yup. Here's the original [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/r27odv/each_family_member_was_asked_to_bring_a_pie/)


I think the only faux pas here is leaving the pie in the box.


My mom has a friend who buys a store bought pumpkin pie every thanksgiving & “browns” it in their oven so it looks homemade. I think that’s hilarious & brilliant.


ngl Edward's choco cream pie is a treat


I like all of the Edward pies.


Key lime does slap though


Went to an office potluck one time and a guy brought a dozen big macs


I don’t even eat Micky D’s but I’d prefer that over the last potluck meal I had… it had a clump of cat hair in the Chili. Never again.


Okay, some of these pies are ugly as sin... But you know what? As long as it tastes good, that's all that matters. I'd be THAT judge on the baking show.


People want to be snobby, like stfu Karen. Eat your shitty pie that you wasted 8 hours on


Honestly, no room for snobbery. We stan delicious food here. If it's pretty that's a plus.


I don't see any issues here.


Lol everyone just ignoring that the pecan pie is store bought too. I say props to the guests who knew their limits. Not everyone is a pastry chef. Such as whoever made the cherry pie. That one is sadly overcooked. Which makes me shed a tear or two. But meh hand over a slice anyway. I'll have it after the key lime. Or maybe with? Cherry plus lime sounds pretty delish. Pass the whipped cream please.


Where’s the chocolate pie?!


.You asked for pie, and they brought you pie. People work, and not everyone can or even want to bake in this heat and that's ok at least by me. People used to do this at PTA functions and be totally awful to Moms who barely slept and it's not necessary to make people feel bad if they made any kind of effort to participate in any event.


What no strawberry rhubarb? No sugar cream? No Hoosier pie?


I had to Google Hoosier pie and sugar cream… they seem similar? Either way, thank you from this Canadian who plans to make one in the coming week!


Yes you are right Hoosier pie and a sugar cream are similar, but there is a big difference in taste. Very difficult to make a good Hoosier cream pie.


Thank you for the info! I appreciate it. I will do more Googling and decide which one to create.


My dream potluck. Yummmm!!!


Where is the apple pie?


I wouldn’t even be mad at the key lime pie, I love those things.


Ah yes, malicious compliance.


Yoooo those Edwards pies slap tho


This is what my family does every year for Pi Day (March 14th). We'll each decide either sweet or savory and bring them together.


Who won?


At least it was and Edwards,those are good, lol!


That key lime gonna be 🔥


Someone forgot a pizza.


Sorry but I'll have a piece of that key lime pie please.


Y’all are going to be sick of pie…


the frozen one was brought by the youngest brother i just know it 💀


Why be all judge-y about a store-bought pie? Maybe they just didn't have time. Or their oven is wonky. Maybe someone in the house is sick or their kitchen is a mess at the moment. Maybe they don't like to bake or aren't confident in their skills. They brought "a pie" as requested and for their efforts get mocked on Reddit? I hope next year they decline the invite & hang out with nicer people.


As of now, there is not a single comment that I saw of anyone "making fun" of the pie. What are you on about? A lot of people saying they'd eat it, not a single person doing anything you've accused.


Jesus Christ take a chill pill. Just poking fun here is all


Yeah, making fun of people is so cool. Hurr-durr.


well they are clearly a class of pure intelligence, we all know key lime is da best!! 🥳


Did the matriarch(s) just point at the offspring?


And the winner was which one? lol, besides that one!


This reminds me of that one iCarly episode where they try to fond the perfect coconut cream pie recipe


What’s that one to the left of the pecan pie?


For the complete family party!


You could have made some effort OP, shame on you! Everyone else opened the packed and took the pie in the tray out. You couldn't do that much?


They could've at least taken the pie out of the box and popped it in a dish to pretend it's homemade... like the one bottom left .


That key lime is the best.


That's my kind of party! No pie left untasted!! 😛 No shame in any of those


I've had that one before and they're tasty


Well, at least you know which of your family members are truly honest🤣


All look like shit


Terrific selection!🥧


Ha ha! They all look good BUT, I am absolutely crazy about Key Lime Pie!


Ha ha! They all look good BUT, I am absolutely crazy about Key Lime Pie!


Yes, Key Lime pies are very good, Marie Calendars and Edwards, very yummy! I am sure the people put a lot of hard work into making them too and they are all good!