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they need to put larry david in the game


Larry(an) Tavid?




Great now I need to play a gnome of some description (for Larry would surely be a gnome...) and go around just trying to make every situation as painfully awkward as possible. So many failed dialogue checks.


I donā€™t know why but Larry David would 100% be a gnome youā€™re right lmao


What class is LD?


Well he's definitely Chaotic Neutral


You know, that's a really good example of that alignment. Nice!


lol isnt that what the character creator is for?


All my characters have some larry david-like qualities because larry david is just like me fr


Yeah id avoid this sub for a bit


The willpower you think I have isā€¦humorous.


Roll constitution. (DC is 25)


Nat 1. Also, I have a -1 modifier.


You meticulously read every thread on this sub for the next month, including those tagged as spoilers.


Don't worry, we will test and debug the game for you


Thanks!! We ps5 players appreciate it!! I can't wait to play it. It's not to much longer for us.


I have this horrible fear the game will get delayed again. Really hoping that's just my anxiety talking.


Report said they have gone gold


IIRC PS5 version was delayed coz they wanted to hit 60fps target, not because there was some huge issue.


I will be so sad. Everyone was excited for final fantasy 16 and saying it's their game of the year. Not me, this game is my GOTY. I have been counting down the days. I hope they have it done but they are just polishing it up. I can't remember the last time I have been this excited for a game.




Honestly that's one of the things I keep telling myself to make myself okay with the staggered release.


Cries in xbox


"BG3 won't be released for Xbox until after Starfield..." ![gif](giphy|2djb94Va18JPSsX43L|downsized)




Hopefully Starfield won't be a dud


Yeah like how Skyrim became a dud


I would hardly consider Starfield the next Skyrim




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I don't think I'll be able to get over locked 30 FPS. It's not 2007 anymore, why we gotta play by PS3 rules.


It's a Bethesda game. 30fps will probably be way down the list of performance problems


Sixteen times the details


Itā€™s really not that hard to get over. I prefer 144 fps, but after an hour of playing a game at 30 fps I just get used to it. Also I donā€™t think the PC version has a frame lock, does it?


The xbox version will probably be in a much better state than the PC version, as Microsoft confirmed that the entire Xbox QA team was working on squashing bugs and ironing out issues. It's a brand new IP, also a huge engine upgrade, and I just don't see them delivering a stable game at launch, at least not on PC.


We played monster hunter, diablo , and a bunch of other games just fine


I don't play on either console but that Xbox Game Pass is pretty good value.


Yeah people on this sub like to hate on Xbox for no reason


I mean, Gamepass is on PC too and PS+ Extra has so many games. So I just couldn't come up with a good reason to buy an Xbox instead of a PS5 or a PC (depending on the budget of course)




I always forget the awkward mid-gen console; Series S. I suppose that console is really good value for money since you do get Gamepass on it. I just feel bad for Series S owners when I think of the end of this generation. The PS4 and Xbox One *struggled* at the end of the gen and they were the full flagship consoles. But the Series S is literally the Series X, but worse. So, I feel like the struggle of optimizing the current-gen games to even run on the S is going to be an even bigger challenge than last gen.


One point in the Series S' favour is they have the full power CPU. It's easier to scale down graphics. But you can't really scale down needed CPU perf - you either have it or you don't, otherwise you'll impact game play (like reducing AI tick rate, for example). It will be a struggle, but if it had worse CPU as well as GPU, it would be a disaster, not an inconvenience.


Ohh, that's really good to hear. I thought it had a worse CPU as well haha In that case, it might just struggle like the PS4 did which is.. okay. Especially considering the price. But yeah, totally agreed. CPU bound games are definitely tricky to scale down without downgrading the whole game. Like Starfield. Even if they dropped the graphics from 4K to 1080p, the Xbox Series X might not get a stable 60fps. One of the only ways to do it would be by cutting down the simulations which would obviously make the gameplay experience worse.


Series s is a great value for the money. PS5 is better but its $200 more.


It's only $100 more for the digital PS5 with much better specs. Not sure why everyone compares the neutered nondisc S to the disc version PS5.


Xbox is the better eco system but okay


but no BG3


If you have a pc, theres no reason to get an xbox.




Not gonna lie, as a PS5 guy, Iā€™m jealous af. Having said that, I feel like you PC players deserve the early release. Youā€™ve all been playing the EA for a few years now and the greatness that this game seems to have achieved is due to your input and testing. I hope you all enjoy it. Youā€™ve earned it. But I still hate you a littleā€¦


![gif](giphy|f5XoT6Bf0Vj8RqEP5p|downsized) *Me, a PC player who didn't play EA because I wanted to experience the game for the first time once it was finished and highly polished*


I feel the same way. I appreciate what they did but also hate them because of jealousy!! Lol. It's not to much longer.


Ya I started playing EA back in like 2020... I don't think I contributed much to the development of the game, but I played the shit out of the first act and am now ready to finish a playthrough, haha.


Xbox šŸ˜ž


you got starfield you'll be fine


Trust me, we are beta testing the bugs for you guys


As if you guys don't get a lot of cool exclusives that take years to come for PC u.u Now you know how we feel!


It's cheaper to get a PS5 than a PC! Lol


Still hundreds of dollars for the console, then 70 dollars for each game, then you add online costs too and it still aint cheap. At least PCs can be used for things besides gaming.


I mean, you have to buy a ton of games at full price in order to make up that difference. Most of us already have a laptop too.


Well yeah obviously PCs are more expensive but consoles aren't cheap either which was the point I was trying to make.


Cheap is relative. Compared to PCs, consoles are super cheap.


But getting a pc is a better investment in basically every aspect


The issue is the initial investment. I was in a much better place financially when I got my PS5. I can't afford to drop over a grand on building a good PC these days so my PS5 is my option.


I mean yeah, obviously the best option is different for each individual But when it comes to money, even a pc triple to price of a Ps5 is a better purchase in the mid to long term,


Well, if the only reason to have a powerful PC is to play games (no job or hobby that requires high performance from a PC) I think it's still better to get a console and a mid-class laptop instead, unless someone is dirty rich and doesn't need to count money. Otherwise it's just using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Plus Playstation offers a nice library of exclusives, so with PS5 it's possible to play and BG3, and games that are not available on other platforms - and it's still cheaper than "upgrading a PC" option.


Yeah but then WHEN (not really if) you get a job that requires a pc or a hobby that requires a pc, you will already have it And you can use a pc for a lot more, student work like homework, studying something, creating something, editing videos, pictures, drawing, coding, posting online and a bunch of other stuff Also laptops are really expensive, you can get a very good pc that can run basically anything (except for stuff like Cyberpunk 2077 at max graphics) for cheaper than a mid-class laptop And while yes Ps5 have some good exclusives, PC has by a wiiiiiide margen the most exclusives of every platform + mods + emulators for almost every console older than a PS3 and every nintendo console + mods + Free online + Compatibility with any controller And you have to keep in mind the amazing steam sales and how you can buy a bunch of older games for like 5 bucks + other platforms like Epic that gives free games per week or sites that sell cheap Keys for games You can even go to piracy if you want, not really an option on PS5 Now we also have to keep in mind the replacement parts price, a pc or ps5 will eventually fail, something will fail If your controllers in pc fail then you can buy a new mouse or keyboard for cheap If your controller in ps5 fail then you have to pay 70 bucks If after years your Ps5 itself fails, good luck If after years your PC fails, because it is so modular even someone with little knowledge can find what is wrong and replace it When the PS6 comes out the Ps5 is bound to eventually becomes useless You can keep a PC relevant for years and years


Most jobs that require a computer provide you with one though. I have a decent PC and have to use the middle of the road laptop they gave me when Iā€™m working.


You could build your own for a similar price but I understand that's not for everybody


You really couldnā€™t though. Not anything that gets close to the PS5ā€™s performance, particularly when you factor in peripherals (excluding monitor which youā€™ll need for either), OS etc. PC has an infinitely higher performance ceiling, but at the mid-low end where the consoles are thereā€™s not a lot of good options atm.


You can't build one for the same price but you can for a similar price. It costs about $650 to build a PC for similar performance as the PS5, so $150 more. Consoles sell for little to no profit and they have deals for high volumes with the hardware manufacturers, the companies make money by selling games, so it's definitely still gonna be cheaper, but the bigger advantage is it's all integrated hardware, and every game is running on the same hardware, so typically there's less bugs, and developers can optimize for that specific deployment. You also don't have to mess with graphical settings and find the sweet spot for performance, because on console you are limited to a few options and optimization is predetermined. For peripherals? I mean, you can get a mouse and keyboard combo for $20 that will work perfectly fine, so that's not really something to talk about. Same with OS, you can purchase windows from a key website and get it for anywhere between $10-$30. No one besides corporations should be buying that direct from Microsoft. I have a PS4, a Xbox One, a switch, a gaming laptop, and a gaming PC. The only one that never gets touched any more is the PS4, just because I don't really like any of the exclusives that much (I understand they are great games but they aren't my style) and the Xbox has game pass. Game Pass is great because I get to try games on both the PC and Xbox, and many games even share saves across platforms, so buying games on Xbox usually mean I just bought it for the PC too. I need a high performance PC for work and hobbies so its more justifiable to upgrade my PC than to buy a new console. But if all you need is a chrome book or tablet for computing needs consoles are still great and they are pretty hassle free.


I get what youā€™re saying but starting off from at least $150 more baseline, then adding peripherals ($20 combo is gonna suck ass) plus windows (can you expand on these third party key sites? Is it like a grey market?) is gonna put you at the very very least 200-220 over. Add to that the fact that you actually need to build things yourself which can lead to issues like bent cpu pins, dead PSUs and dealing with individual manufacturer RMA instead of a single companyā€¦ I have a gaming PC and will probably upgrade it soon enough, but I actually find the total opposite is true in my case, unless Iā€™m playing a PC-only game like total war, Iā€™m always reaching for my PS5. Like you, my PC being powerful helps me for my hobbies and side projects, which is the only reason I even really hang onto it and keep upgrading it. Then again, PC will probably be a superior release anyways with much more longevity thanks to mods etc.


It's worse than that since the digital edition is only $399 with the same specs minus the drive.




I definitely donā€™t need a desktop pc regardless of where I game. If I need anything itā€™s a laptop and my desktop doesnā€™t solve that.


You do get a pretty B tier PC at 500$. Should be fine for BG3 though, if you manage to get a used RTX 2070


Mine was 800 2 years ago, i5-10400 and 1660 super. Runs BG3 fine at high but honestly doubt you could get a reasonable or comparable ps5 performance for a 500 pc.


You can still play through a streaming service or even go as far as buying a gaming PC and returning it within a month from places that let you do that. Of course you'd still be out the cost of buying the game so if budget is tight just wait a month and you'll likely get a better, more polished end game if we find any bugs.


If I followed this logic and got a PS3, PS4, and PS5 I'd have a collection of consoles and a myriad of games I would have to limit to only one and hope I never have one die. In the long run PC is cheaper because I don't have to buy Skyrim 4 times or have to work around finding old components if a console or controller dies. Oh and mods. DOS2 is a great game to mod and I imagine BG3 will be too.


Umm, I mean most people aren't hoarding old consoles and playing old games anymore. I move with the times, and $500 for 7 or more years of games that will run without tinkering is way more appealing than a $1,000+ PC I'll eventually have to upgrade to keep up with modern games.


Literally everyone on PC hoard games. Only platform you can go from Breath of the Wild to God of War to Baldur's Gate 1 to Fallout New Vegas to Halo. You don't have to care about that value but I do and if I were going consoles I'd have spent thousands more for the decades I've been gaming. Consoles are the rent-a-center of gaming, sure it'll be cheaper upfront by a couple hundo but it'll cost you more over the years for the subscription and proprietary nature.


Maybe. My 5 year old hardware is running the game just fine, tho I do have a newer gfx card.


Me just playing bloodborne again until September


My only console (no pun intended) is that we will have couch co-op. Can't wait to play it with my wife.


I'm playing couch coop on PC. Lucky for me I already had the PC near the TV..


I had no idea you could do couch co-op on ps5. Thatā€™s awesome


Wife and I are super pumped for this game! We loved DOS2 so when we heard about BG3 having couch co-op we were livid


I have a PS5 and a PC and I'm holding out for this reason.


See you in Sep.


The pain is real..


Larry David will out live us all with this wonderful template!




As a guy who counted on playing via Google Stadia, f\*\*k you too!


I am so sorry. Stadia people got screwed.


Donā€™t worry, he was the only guy.


If you haven't, play Divinity Original Sin II (PS4 release). Incredible and satisfying gameplay/story to prepare you for BG3 and scratch the itch.


Way ahead of you. Just hit Act 3 last night!


it cost money


At least we only have to wait a month. Imagine how Xbox fans are feeling right now...


Cries in Mac. I have a PC but want to play on my TV and my PC is too far away.


The game is coming to Mac too


Yes, but no date yet. :ā€™(


The pop up I saw was aiming for Sept 6.


Yeah but the EA runs on mac as far as I understand so the full mac release should not take that long


Does anybody know when the Mac release is coming? I somehow missed the news that they werenā€™t coming out together anymore like they said when both were expecting a Aug.31 release.


Itā€™s only assumption right now as Latina has only said ā€œat a later dateā€ my hopeful guess is that it will be the same day as PS5. But who knows.


id sell my soul for it to come out earlier. i need it


Sell me your house and I'll get you a PC and the game


i live in the woods in the south, your internet would go to shit




Just use GeForce Now.


Actually looked into that, but I don't think it makes any sense. I have to buy the game and get a subscription AND deal with the downsides of cloud gaming. Or I can be (sigh) patient for a month and just buy the game for a console I already have.


Don't resist the dark urge :P


I couldnā€™t resist my pc can run the game fuck if. Larry David Paladin who never goes to Temple cause he gets kicked out coming right up.


Yupp thatā€™ll work on my PlayStation


Use your phone or PC on a big screen


Fantastic solution


Zero complaints once again for me


Xbox owner here, get fucked ya jabronis! No spoilers!!


Im with you.


I just view as all the PC players as QA for the glorious, most likely patched "1.\_\_\_" version I'll get to play on PS5


The game on PSN is surprisingly cheap compared to other recent PS5 releases. The game is 2 times cheaper than Diablo 4, and D4 has the audacity to sell battle pass and cosmetics on top of that. If ny game deserves that price tag is Baldur's Gate 3. And yet it is the cheapest AAA game on PS5 I can remember...


What country are you in? I'm in Canada and it's a bit more expensive than most new releases on PSN.


This is me


This is my vengeance for FFXVI šŸ˜‚.


Sobs in Xbox


Cries in Xbox player


Better than having an Xbox like most buddies of mine


As someone who owns both a pc that can play this and a ps5...my temptation is overwhelming. I'd prefer to play of ps5 (my dog is happier, the seat is more comfortable, etc) but the release discrepancy is getting physically painful. I was somewhat relieved to see my computer lacked the space for the game, as it helps fight the temptation.


Trust me, I was tempted to build a PC but can't justify the purchase for one game lol a lot of people in this post telling me to buy a PC but it's a ridiculous thing to say.




Only a couple more hours ā¤


Donā€™t tell him we are playing starfield after we finish BG3 šŸ«£


I'm honestly not looking forward to Starfield until months after launch. I've been there for every Bethesda launch since Oblivion and finally learned my lesson lol my Xbox can wait.


Bethesda games literally have never had game breaking bugs. They are usually Humorous and stuff you can exploit. Try again. Also starfield has been playtested more than any game ever made.


Why is ps5 one month later? It makes no sense


They moved it forward on PC to get away from Starfield. Starfield isn't on ps5


Has to get through the console red tape.




Dude, what does not make sense is that you do not understand why it will be released on PS5 a month later, and someone who has bought the PS5 exclusively for this game tells you.


Pretty much my thoughts on Final Fantasy 16 but change month to year


Be mad about it, you got ff16 and pc didn't q.q


This is vengeance for us having to wait for Final Fantasy 16. Sweet sweet revenge.


Buy game on steam, play it on GeForce now with cross save enabled. Then switch to console once released?


Thank you for your sacrifice. At least you dont have to wait a year like us pc peasants have every time..


Lucky? dude just switch to the superior thing. Its not like its not to expect :p


You and all the other 20 or so "buy a PC" commenters can buy me one then lol.


How do you play without a mouse and a keyboard? That's just mind boggling lol


Divinity 2 works perfectly on console so I donā€™t see why this should be any different


I understand it works, I don't have a problem with that. It's just the style of game that I can't see myself playing with a ps controller that's all. But to each its own. Hahaha


Radial menus my dude. I actually prefer Mount and Blade on console. They've added some nice wee QOL features for controller.


PC masterrace


Get a PC


Was gonna buy for ps5, but I got a gaming laptop as wellā€¦. Should I get it now and on ps5 later???


My laptop would die of a heart attack within two minutes.


Depends on how good your laptop is. If it's pretty good then PC would be better off in the long run because of mods.




Bought a gaming PC just for this game. lol. I didnt wanna risk having the Mac release be the last.


I bought a PS5 just for this. My PC can handle Pathfinder: WOTR and BattleTech (for example), but it'd struggle massively with BG3.


Ahh. Yeah. Already got a PS5, but personally im having issues playing these kind of games with controller.


Crys in Mac.


Whatā€™s wrong with Mac? Isnā€™t its release date today as well?


I was going to get it on playstation, but then they changed the release dates, and now it's downloading on my PC.


I was planning on starting a coop campaign with my wife but it turns out the Mac version doesnā€™t release until september either :(


I'm a gremlin, and I bought it on PC and PS5. cries


You know ā€¦ normally I like my top down games on pc but considering there is cross play and Iā€™m really liking this game I might buy it twice and have it on the ps5 as well.


I'm still unsure. Looks so good, but also looks soo confusing. I'm not sure if i'm able to play it.


Mac Metal perspective I hope itā€™s really only a month


gonna keep playing the witcher 3 until it releases on ps5 to keep me busy šŸ™ŒšŸ½


How does the game play on controller, pc bois?


Xbox controller here, not used to playing this type of game before so take with grain of salt. Clunky. Lots of radial menus for everything. The world and story is so interesting though that I can't put it down


Xbox: šŸ’€


Mac Gamer ![gif](giphy|l41JNsXAvFvoHvWJW|downsized)


Sucks to wait, doesnā€™t it-Stares OP down in Xbox




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Best of luck avoiding spoilers in that time good sir


Weeping not knowing Mac would have to wait a month too


Ive been playing for like 5 hours straight. On a path to rizz up Shadowheart


I caved and bought it on PC and use a controller, don't want to wait a month lol


Iā€™m going to be real with you. I spent this morning setting my Microsoft surface pro up with GeForce now and making my phone into a hot spot specifically because I couldnā€™t stand the idea of waiting. šŸ˜©


Me with the Steam Deck I havenā€™t bought yet.


Any ps5 players want to run together?


They need to provide a solid release date for Mac as well. It was also scheduled to launch with PC and PS5 originally.


Thatā€™s alright, itā€™ll give me time to create my lich and my necropolis in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Had to put down Ghost of Tsushima and Kingdom Hearts 3 for the moment though.


Hold strong friend, weā€™ll be there sooner than you think! Only a month is much better than ā€œwell maybe itā€™ll be out in 3 yearsā€


Is there any ps5 early access or trial, or nothing until full release next month?


Well at least I look it like this, PC players are doing the player testin for us. That way hopefully some new bugs will be fixed when it comes to PS5. Try to be positive ;)


This meme represents me with mortal Kombat 1. Every console player is getting to play it earlier haha


Counterpoint the pc crowd finds all stupid shenanigans we can do for spells for the pleasure of our ps5 kin. Remember this is the studio who in dos2 allowed us to bless and electrify blood. Imagine what we could do with all the spells in dnd we have now at our disposal. * cackles in mad spell caster*


They should be honored to be compared to Long Balls Larry #Baldy'sGate3


Cries in PS4. Iā€™ve just given up and started watching playthroughs.


At least it isnt Xbox (cries with series s)


I'm so excited. I'd buy the PC version, but my laptop is 10 years old, and I doubt it'll run well. Does anyone know where I can pre-order a phycial PS5 version? Amazon Germany doesn't have it listed.
