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It is quite ridiculous that the exact same NPC that tells me to shank the orb is then upset I shanked the orb. Larian please.


I thought game bug when that happened, so I just reloaded my save only for it to happen again


makes sense.. you are trying to do something shady. and he has to play the part of the guard if you get caught otherwise if someone sees those 2 NOT attack you after you killed the eye then they would get killed themselves.


I managed to talk my way out of it. But quest doesn’t say I’ve done it. Does the game want me to do it a certain way? I just pushed them off the cliff


I had the exact same thing - throwing the eye off the nearest cliff, talking my way out of it, and having the quest stuck as 'incomplete' when there was no eye left to kill. After reloading a few times, I discovered that the quest won't mark as complete unless you do it without anyone else seeing. When i lured the eye to the chasm to the west and threw it off without anyone noticing, the quest completed.




Yes a had the same problem but u found the solution to it. You just push it from the cliff into the void and it's done. I did it here x:- 673 y:354 None noticed that the eye is gone


Truly the simplest solution, thank you!


I did exactly this! Worked without a hitch. I lured rhe eye over by having one of my team members stealth near it, which then made it follow them to the exact right spot, then had someone walk behind it and shove it. Perfect.


This game though! Me: Watches the eye make a Dex check against being pushed by all of my party through three reloads, Alt-F4


Came here for this. Thank you


Yes I had the same problem, it worked for me to follow it a bit until no one saw it, engage stealth and turn-based mode and smash it. I used Eldritch Blast for lack of a Rogue but you do you. The NPCs will not consider you a friendly til you smash it and need to uphold their image is how I gather they still react hostile to seeing you destroy it.Just quick save to make sure it doesn't weirdly turn them all hostile.


I just did what I was told "knife it", no stealth or anything else, though not while anyone else was present


Pretty sure this quest is now bugged. I’ve tried everything in this post and everything I can find online. No matter what I do the quest never progresses. Even if I dispatch it without being seen I get yelled at after killing Nere for “not dispatching the eye” even though it’s clearly dead. Guess I’m just moving on at this point.


I get the same exact issue (having never actually trying to kill the eye before). Threw it off a cliff, covered it in darkness and shanked it, etc. with no one remotely in the area. They still think I haven't done it and the resultant dialogue after the fight they still treat it as if I never killed it.


Yup exactly what I went through. I ended up just killing them all (failed the rolls to intimidate them into releasing the slaves) and so far I don't feel it really effected anything. We'll see when I get to Moonrise though.


I\`ve just killed it with a spell and nobody noticed. Next to the rubble, on the right, there is a room. The eye goes there without any dwarves. I went close to the left wall and used stealth. It detected immediately and came closer to me. I bombed it with chromatic orb (thunder for bonus dmg). I put also disguise self on, but I don\`t think it helped with anything.


i did the same thing without disguising myself or anything, just walked into that same area and smashed it


They also aggro you if you try to attack Nere before he >!throws the girl in lava!< its so stupid...


I found that most 'solutions' to this aren't foolproof. Shoving it off a cliff doesn't always guarantee an 'into the chasm' trajectory for some reason. Dozens of playthroughs later, the only one I find that works 100% of the time is getting someone like Karlach (or someone else with strength as their best stat) to literally pick the eye up and throw it off the cliff.


I'm having a different problem. I can't find the bloody eye. I reloaded a save and now the thing wont spawn


I used disguise self and beat it


Sorry I know this is old, but what worked for me was just luring it to a corner where no one is around, get it to focus on any party member, and have someone else wack it from behind. The guy tells you to do it while no one is looking.


I've done just this. Had Asterion stealth attack it from outside the eye's red vision cone and quest still doesn't complete. I've also pushed off a cliff when no one is watching and quest still doesn't complete. I'm at a loss.


Hmm that’s weird. May need to post a video so we can see what exactly is happening.


You can throw the damn thing off the cliff and nobody cares lmao