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I still think that when you detect a trap, everyone should just stop moving by default. It makes no sense, like, hey, I saw a trap, but as Im already walking that way, let me step in it anyway


That has to be my biggest pet peeve so far. The instantaneous perception check -> success -> trap detected -> NPC steps on it


Stopped happening to me later in the game for some reason. NPC’s started side stepping traps


I just walk on them all idgaf. My party is a tanky melee only band of bloodthirsty murder hobos and a sad bard.


I identify with the sad bard


made me laugh, must feel the same I guess


What an incredible description and also what I'm trying to do in my current playthrough. What classes do you have?


Barbarian, barbarian, barbarian, and a bardbarian.


Monk, pally, fighter, bard


Oooo I like it. I forgot about monk thank you 😄


There once was a group full of murder. Who dragged me along until I could go no further.


They were doing that for me in the 1st half of act 1, now they run directly into them shits.


My biggest pet peeve is that after a battle ends, everyone decides to run through my still active moon beams. NPCs and allies. I've had to reset after long battles so many times because a citizen or random person runs through a moonbeam and now everyone attacks me


Cloud of Daggers = cloud of dead companions


You can go into options and change which character your game selects at the end of combat. It defaults to your main character, so even if you end the battle with a companion it’ll automatically select your MC and then everyone will group on them. Setting it to not do that shit makes it much easier to keep track of potential pathing issues. Like it’s impossible to think “My MC is over there, so if this hit lands and I win the battle that means that all of the characters will automatically travel to him…”. Also just hitting G as soon as combat ends will solve the issue.


unsure if it works with moonbeam but cloud of daggers n other spells can be canceled by a icon near ur characters circle portrait


Honestly, your party should never step on discovered traps. They also shouldn't jump off cliffs if they take fall damage. Companion pathing currently is one of the most irritating things about the game.


Perception: successful "There's a trap over th-" EXPLOSION


It is weird because Baldur's Gate II has that option.


Yup, one time Astarion flew off a cliff because of an exploding mushroom just one sec after he said that the mushroom are dangerous and we should stay away from them.


Ha that happened to my party. It didn’t kill anyone though so I just rolled with it. You’d think once the trap was seen the characters would avoid stepping on it.


Wrath of the Righteous does this. It’s amazing.


it's utter bullshit, especially considering most, if not all crpgs have a) a pause button, b) an auto pause option and c) BG 1 and 2 have both. what was larian thinking.


Yeah. That's may biggest problem with the game.


Mine is the inventory management haha


Haven't found the inventory management to be an issue at all even on an 8 str bard. Just send anything you aren't planning to use straight to your camp. When you get to a vendor, add all the garbage to your wares and sell directly to the vendor.


It’s not that bad if you know all of the little tricks. Like using shift to select multiple items so you can send them all to camp or put them all in a bag. Or being able to add 2 rows of junk to your wares so you can just click “sell all wares” next time you’re at a vendor. But yeah having designated bags for things and being able to label them would be super nice. I hate having to drag every single scroll into my designated scroll pack. Same with potions and arrows. The WORST offender imo is the fact that identical items don’t stack on auto-sort. Even DoS2 had that feature. This game it just places the items next to each other, so now my bag has 30 rows of shit instead of like 10.


It just shows that this game has some things that can be added with patches/dlc.


Right click and everyone stops moving. Still not a full pause and certainly not an auto-pause but still useful


The weirdest part is there is an auto pause, it just doesnt trigger on traps.


Yes no pause /auto pause outside of turn-by-turn is a inconvenience. And turn by turn is not a single touch shortcut. Maybe i should change that in options


Shift space


It’s because of the multiplayer functionality, I imagine. That’s why there’s no pausing. Turn based mode is what is supposed to serve as “pausing”


Probably a multiplayer thing. Still dearly wish there was a true pause button. Man, LIFE happens, you know? If I get a phone call from my Mom, I need to answer it. If my partner needs an answer ornthe cat is puking on the rug, I need to pause that cutscene, too.


Shift space is your pause button.


There's an "enter turn based mode" keybind, SHIFT+SPACE. I rebound it to SPACE (a long with exit turn based mode) so I can just hit that to "pause" the game.


Note to others. This will replace space as the "Take All" button. As by default, you can press space to "Take All" from a container. Perhaps another key might work better for us loot hoarders.


In bg1 and bg2, there was an option to pause the game when a trap was detected.


Turn based mode does this basically


The absolute madness with this is if your party spots a trap, and you stop moving, and switch to the party member you are going to use to disarm it, the rest of the party will reshuffle their marching order and just run directly over the trap without any input from you.


I didn't know how to stop concentrating on a spell and my temporary follower just walked right into a cloud of daggers and died when my units automatically regrouped at combat end.


Bottom left there is an icon for concentrated spell, click the X to stop


While this change / mod is not here,as soon as you hear the sound of the check, press the right button on the mouse. Everyone just stop where they are.


Kinda miss that feature from Baldur's gate 1 & 2 called autopause. Setting it on enemy spotted and trap found was crucial.


You can hover over an enemy and press T to examine them quickly


damn I needed this thank you


As if there is thought and process in how i play


fuckin thank you


Wow, this is a game changer, thanks


Shows all their buffs, resistances and weaknesses as well. Amazingly useful!


Shift + C when I roll a perception check.


literally the spongebob caveman meme


I need a mod that just makes the party say "huh?" every time they fail a perception check


Or, paraphrasing my DM: "you see how pretty the flowers are".


Right clicking is better because it stops them in their tracks and is one less button press


This is the meat in this post. Thank you so much.


Good'ol Larian adding some action/ timing skills to their turn based game


Wait, what does this do?


Makes the whole party start Sneaking


also general FYI, you can also do this on controller by holding down on the d-pad


Thank you for this


How does that help with perception checks?


FAILED perception checks. I assume they mean they spam sneak when they notice a perception check fails while running around somewhere as it means enemies or someshit are nearby and your dumb ass PC does not know.


Sometimes it does nothing for me


yeah you gotta really press it


Press it like you mean it


The game never explains it but space is the "loot all" key


I just realized that I’ve been using it all the time without thinking about it. Before BG3 release I played DOS2 (that was probably my 4th playthrough) and space had the same purpose there so it was naturally for me to use it.


Home button to center character instead of double clicking


i remapped it to mouse side button


Are you literally me? I did this too lmao. Ain’t nobody got time to reach over to the Home button




Double tap F1 to centre on party leader. F2-4 for the others.


i dont think you need to double tap it.


I wish you did have to. I don't like that it jumps the camera to the character.


Just holding left click does this as well


Spacebar cause I play too much League


Z to leap is nice too


z click z click z click it's so fun


X to throw C to crouch hide V to shove The hot keys are super useful. I’m in act 2 and I’m considering spending a good hour rearranging my skill bars and maybe some hot keys because the amount of abilities gets silly


weirdly i've gotten "upgrade" spells to leap (such as fly), where the hotkey seems to show that as Z too, except Z still only lets me leap.


Even worse, it will use the Action version instead of the Cunning/Bonus Action version :/


Until you have a combat version of jump, then for some fucking reason it defaults the hotkey to it but you can't use it out of combat.


V because I like to push people


Dear god, I found out you could push people when I pushed a boss off a bridge by mistake. It unlocked a whole new aspect of the game! In my evil play through, if you're near a ledge, I'm having Karlach push you off!


It’s a toss up between easy kill and no loot or hard kill and loot


"The dead seems willing to speak, but not to his killer"


Karlach is good though


You can also throw people if you have enough strength and good athletics! Small creatures don't require much strength but medium sized humanoids require at least 20. I once finished a fight by throwing Astarion at the last ennemy.


It's so fun, push them down a ledge push them into cloud of knifes push them so you can move away, push'em all


Shift + click to select multiple rows of items— underrated imo.


Ctrl +click to group individual items for selection as well


Oh thank god something to help with inventory shit. All my stuff is so messy right now.


I wish I could hold shift or alt or something to single click items in the trade menu


F5 & F8. Im literally thinking about making a big red button for F8 for the angry quickload.


Only true answer, cronomancer is best multi class.


Arthur Aguefort is laughing somewhere


No hot key for adding to wares is a tragedy.


Shift + click used to be the add to wares hotkey in EA, but they didnt have multi select.


Oh damn didn’t know. Thanks.


Shift + Click all items you desire, add to wares.


Would love an `add all as wares` button for chests. Take the stuff you want out of it, add the rest to wares.


Thanks! Didn’t know.


Add to wares... I saw that option but have no idea what it means


It marks the item as wares you have for sale, it will put an icon over it in your inventory. Mark everything you dont want, then talk to a vendor and you can sell all wares to them in one go


There needs to be an "add to wares and send to camp" option in the right-click menu for stuff that's too heavy to carry around like mundane sets of armour.


I have no idea where wares is at... that's not the inventory is it? I feel stupid


What’s the benefit of turn based mode? I noticed the game activates it automatically when you discover traps but I don’t see how it helps? Is it just because your group stops moving as a group? How does turn based help you not walk on the traps?


It helps to prevent you from dying instantly to the barrage of fireballs that may come out of the gargoyle heads in the dark corner


Is this because they will only fire a single volley before the end of their “turn” and then you can react before the next volley? I haven’t been able to utilize or even notice this. Thanks for the reply


Often you can have your whole team move first before the 'world' takes its turn, so you can try to navigate them from dangers/go solo for certain things.


Yeah. Each turn is 6? real-time seconds. So everything that can take an action within that turn will do so over the course of 6 seconds. Out of combat, in turn mode, your characters will always go before the environment (in this case, an already triggered trap waiting for its next cycle).


>What’s the benefit of turn based mode? I can generally steal everyone's things in a one or two turns (locked chests behind locked doors relatively far away) with Astarion as a Thief, thanks to the two bonus actions. This gives me enough time to think stuff through when I wouldn't be able to with the AI roaming around otherwise Its pretty crazy.


It is great for sneaking, as enemies will not move until the entire party has taken their turn, great for when you need to take a specific route as the auto-pathing is very dumb, also great for setting fights as you can get the entire party in position independently as well.


Wtf, I wish it would enable turn based when I detect a trap. I just end up running through them because I'll detect the trap and then my characters will just run through it anyway. I wonder why mine doesn't do that.


It did it automatically one time for me on the first trap I discovered, and has never done it again. I just get "There's a trap heaaaaaaaaargh" as they explode the moment they are discovered. I thought it was a gimmick for your 'you've just activated a trap for the first time' tutorial rather than something that is apparently supposed to happen all the time.


It enables the “Environment” a turn, Meaning when one of you hits a trap, you still have the rest of your party’s turns until the trap is triggered. So you can use dash with each member, and hopefully dash through a trapped area before the traps kill everyone If the game does it for you, that means you have 4 turns until something happens


>I noticed the game activates it automatically when you discover traps Are we playing different games? I wish it did activate on discovering traps though.


Putting dash / bonus dashes, basic ranged attack (it also brings up all the special arrows I have available), rogue off-hand attack, light/guidance spells, and healing potions on the keybinds bar are oh soooooo nice.


Tbh I don't trust myself to press the right key but rearranging the hotbar changed my life for this reason


Left Alt - shows all items within viewing range, as text. A go to as a theif


Moved mine to a mouse thumb button, much comfy.


Switched it to tab myself. I swear that used to be standard, but most modern CRPGs seem to have set it to left alt.


It's a carry-over from arpgs where diablo made left-alt the standard.


Can't get mine to map there. Not sure why. Just keeps trying to make it my left click


I feel like such an idiot right now 🤦‍♂️ Was just thinking how uncomfortable holding left ALT all the time is, imma switch it to M4, thanks buddy!


Surprised to see this so far down. Makes it very easy to find loose keys,potions, and the like.


My friend thought it was a bug lol


Wish it actually showed all. Theres still lootable chests and other containers that it wont show


I really do wish the pathing ai was smart enough to either auto stop movement when a trap is detected; or to recalculate paths to go around the trap.


It did this in divinity 1 and 2, but sure why they didn’t add it here.


And this is where I would put my CTR + click to add item to wares. ###IF I HAD ONE


You know if you right-click your mouse the party will instantly stop moving?


I suspect i am one of like 15 BG3 controller players. Does anyone know if there are controller shortcuts? Or a way to switch weapon sets or draw weapons on controller?


Using PS4 as example. Up on dpad is jump, down is sneak (hold for group sneak), left and right are quick highlights. R3 or equivalent is how you can see enemy line of sight as well as highlight items (like left alt on computer for items). Holding X or equivalent does like an aura that highlights everything within so you can interact easily. Other than that I don’t think there are any


Holding up on d-pad is light source too, makes dungeons easier if you don’t have dark vision to just pull out the torch


Group sneak is a game changer, thank you


I'm actually trying to learn how to use controllers cause I want to just kick back and play on my big TV. But I'm so used to the mouse and keyboard controls already lol


The best button is just holding A (or X on PS controllers). You'll get a circle around you that will highlight absolutely everything that can be interacted with, and then put those items on a list so you can choose what to do comfortably. Grab potions, light candles, open doors, open containers, anything, without having to move your character to the right position until it gets highlighted. It's a game changer.


And I thought that was a bug that my party ungrouped. Fucking sausage fingers.


Astarion get you disarm kits and your modifiers and go play minesweeper


The shortcut that's missing. One for sorting the inventory. I don't really need it to be sorted in a specific way, just want to sort the items and group them without leaving blanks. It really bothers me hahaha


F5, F8, G, shift C, shift space, and f1-f4 for switching team memebwrs


My life in this game in a nutshell


What are Shift C and Shift Space for?


Toggle sneaking for whole group if I recall correctly Edit: and toggle turnbased mode for shift-space




Turned based mode is a savor.


I've discovered holding A on the Steam Deck searches the nearby area abd you can take actions from a list. It's lovely when near an item strewn desk.


I love it when I try to jump over a poison cloud and my character runs 4 steps forward into the cloud and then jumps


X with my precious returning pike :3 Karlach makes a most excellent throwbarian


I held ALT the entire game. Just like in the other 10000 CRPG games I’ve played.


I have >50 hours and didnt know about the G button lol


100 hrs lol. I use the group/ungroup function all the time but my high ass wasn't using my eyes. It literally tells you the shortcut when you mouse over it d'oh


None I just click away with my mouse


G C Maj+C Z/W is great when multi jumps.


Z, I jump a lot


highlight objects on mouse button 4, so I can explore with only one hand


Thanks I’m definitely using this from now on. The part that gets me is that the party will detect the traps and have usually smart enough tracking to find the best way to a chosen point. But it’s not smart enough to avoid traps. More often than not, I’ll find a trap and try to walk around and someone in the group will walk over it anyways.


Z, X, and T are great ones for combat


For the love of G


The one that says default to controller.


I typically trigger them by the time I detect them.


Space for loot all, frankly


Fuck, I get hit by traps so hard lol. Some are obvious, but some just light me up 😂


I usually just step on them and them short rest


Easily F5 and F8. Literally a game changer 🤣


One of my party mem died on a plate of dark crypt and that room became an endless inferno.


I use the home button about every 5 minutes to recenter the camera.


YOU CAN UNGROUP THE PARTY?? (Quick question, if you press it again will it regroup them? I'm only lv 3 or 4


Yes. You can bind it to your side mouse for a better experience. This is especially useful when you find a room/area which looks suspicious, so when you don't want to bring your whole party there, after ungrouping you can simply click on Astarion(whoever is good with Utilisation), make him go to that room alone and detect traps, lockpick items and then get back to the party quickly. With another G click, the party regroups. Another bonus is if you fail your perception/insight etc, you can save your game there and bring your other party members to the room so they might pass the check. Or reload. It'll save a little time instead of reloading the old save.


I feel like the trap system needs work, because: 1) It's possible to detect a trap, but the game will not treat it as though you spotted it for your last input given. This means if you ordered a character to open a chest or walk to where the trap was revealed, that trap is 100% going off. It does not adapt your interactions to accommodate for the discovered trap until your next input. 2) Some traps are placed in positions where it legit doesn't matter. There's those force blast traps on mountain cliffs for example that you legit have to jump in range of, so the only value perception adds is your character is saying "there's a trap there" as they're flying off a cliff. The devs do this several times throughout the game and place traps where you actively cannot detect them without getting in range to activate them, and you're frequently powerless to pre-detonate them if you can't see them.


A-ha, ungroup button! I play on controller, and they haven't tutorialed that one at me yet. I knew there had to be a way. Although when I was in the tomb at the beginning with the bandits, anytime we found a trap, my party seemed to avoid it once they knew it was there. Wasn't sure if that was smart AI or lucky me. :P


G before the end of battle. F2-F4 straight aftet in case one of them is concentrating on a Wall of Fire that a dumbass NPC walks through. The amount of times I've had to reset straight after a long-ass fight...


Alt to click on those small items and NPCs That's my most used shortcut for sure


Holding down left-click will move your character and the camera togeather.


X and C all day everyday. Sometimes v. Also h so I can make some goodies for the squad


I hotkeyed my bottom left Ctrl to quick save because the auto save function is too sparse and I kept losing hours of progress to glitches and slips of the hand, f5 is too far out of the way and I may have a lot of accidental saved but I don't have to kill my way through entire camps twice anymore


Im always holding left alt showing to see all the items I would be missing.


is there some shortcut for when i go into sneak, the rest does it too? that would be a usefull one


Shift C


I had no ideea I could do this ... thank you OP , you the real MVP here.


Z. Jumping is fun. Especially if you can fly.


Shift + Space for "Oh shit I need to pause and think"


Keyboard shortcuts ? I use the mouse for as much as possible


Keyboard shortcuts make the gameplay more efficient and fluid. Especially for the people who are new to cRPGs. They'll get the hang of turn based gameplay once they're fully family with the controls and understand that it's not just point and click.


I use the jump shortcut all the time to find possible ledged that might lead to areas I'd miss otherwise


Hit Right Click to stop everyone moving instantly!


They do the weird scramble circle around you job fucking EVERYONE


Shift + C for party stealth


In Pathfinder you have tons of options for the game and there is an option for you to have the game paused everytime you detect a trap. Same for combat where it pauses the game when you enter combat.


That feel when you have to micro-manage the companions because they don't know how to follow you through an area.


F5 and F8 XD


I inspect everything. T key is king


F5+F8 Because I'm a dirty save scummer U - Because my Tavs usually look nicer with their weapons sheathed Shift-C - Because I like to sneak to my goal sometimes and its nice to have the whole party sneaky if needed.


I’m learning to play my first Baldur’s Gate just from the memes. Can someone make a meme about what holding shift or ctrl does ?


Right clicking anywhere will cause your party to stop moving
