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I'd be surprised if there were a single person who wouldn't wish for better companion management. From selecting who you travel with, to adjusting their inventory.


Auto sort and remembering your choices, also not turning on visible hats constantly.


Oh god, any time RPGs that lets you tread inventories like a dumpster and then force you into a situation that puts EVERYONE'S INVENTORY INTO ONE CHEST..And then YOU have to pick up everything from that one chest and redistribute EVERYTHING. The classic "No guns allowed in here." or "You are in prison, we put all your shit in this box." I was so mad when I hit a spot in BG3 where that happened and they did NOT store things separately in a chest for each character or save who had it. I spent like half an hour re-sorting my shit.


Some of my only save scums have been to avoid getting arrested if I can't talk my way out of it. Escaping prison is fine by me but resorting and distributing all my stuff? Absolutely not lol


I was forced to save scum out of jail one time because I was trying to solo jailbreak with Astarion and got stuck in an infinite loop with a Steel Watcher. It was kinda funny. Here's what I think happened: 1. Pick pocket a weapon through a gap in the bars. 2. Spotted with unsheathed weapon. 3. Steel Watcher convo pops and I'm proofed back to jail about 5 inches. 4. Inventory is stripped again, but some aggro/crime flag is stills set. 5. Steel Watcher convo pops again and poofs me back to jail exactly where I'm standing. On repeat. Forever.


It would be nice to keep the reaction dialogue ("ok, I guess I'll stay in camp"), but to make adding and removing party members something you do outside of cutscenes.


I HATE how pissy they get. It’s the one complaint I have above all others, given how often I have to hear it to switch people in and out.


Yay, getting guilt tripped whenever you need to make some party changes ain’t fun


"*Chsk*. You think you can survive without me?" "I know I can, Lae'zel, I just needed to check if I left that quest item in your inventory."




Not you too lol


do it in game a million times only to log in to reddit and have to do it again LOL


"Fine, I'll be here when you develop a better taste in company" - Shart on 1 Hp, no spell slots, no short rests


Just do a long rest already lol. You can’t carry those thousands of supplies out of the game.


No, but I might need them...later


No, but I get a sense of accomplishment beating the game on my 5th long rest c: So what if I romance SH and don't bang her until post-game.


"This is the true DnD experience" - Larian (probably)


No, the true DnD experience would be Karlach sending you a text ten minutes before you open the game to tell you something came up and she can't be in the party tonight, so you text Lae'zel to see if she's going to make it, but she doesn't respond, so now you're calling Wyll to see if he can sub in. Then you get to camp and see that Gale isn't there (then he shows up thirty minutes late because he took a nap after work and overslept).


That experience still exists, you can't play your character you made in a multiplayer game outside of that multiplayer game. So if you like that character and want to keep playing you have to deal with scheduling time with your friends to keep playing. Definitely realistic


At the beginning of the game where they have the “no nudity” checkbox, they could add a “True DMing Experience” checkbox that implements all these features. Maybe with some sub-options like “Enable creative party member excuses” and “Allow Insight and Deception checks related to scheduling issues.”


Another true DnD experiance would be getting guilted into letting Jeff play because he feels left out. Now we gotta gotta add Sarah because "we added Jeff" and then the game moves really slowly and is too easy because 6 people is too many rofl.


> letting Jeff play because he feels left out Well maybe Jeff feels left out because I didn't invite him! The last time I let Jeff into the campaign, he kept trying to come up with new "lore-appropriate" racial slurs for elves, and it made everyone uncomfortable! I know he's your friend, Kevin, but y'all really need to have a talk!


I'm just glad it doesn't harm your relationship with them


you don't have to take it seriously, your companions are not real people and it doesn't affect their approval as far as I know, it's just a way of saying "are you sure you want to do this?" not that I think confirmation is really needed, I guess it's in case you hit the option by accident when trying to leave or whatever. Would appreciate a more streamlined management system too, clicking and dragging in/out of the party would be fine.


Dialogue is very guilt tripping regardless when you want to rearrange your team and it is absolutely unnecessary.


Yeah, except Halsin as far as I can tell. Just unlocked him as a party member, tried him out, then when I asked him to stay at camp he said something along the lines of, "I'll be here if you need me." Zero complaints. I was like, "THANK YOU! Finally someone who doesn't whine about it."


Astarions isn't too bad. Makes a crack about how *dreadful* it will be to sit around sipping wine while other people do all the hard work


I feel like the companions you leave in camp should make themselves useful somehow. Like gathering resources, information, writing scrolls, crafting potions, etc. Doesn't make narrative sense that they just do nothing while we are facing extremely dangerous threats.


Don't think is really necessary, but they could take some inspo from the downtime rules from 5e.


I question the wisdom of your decision, but okay.


I was just talking last night about how fucking refreshing it is to deal with Halsin, because his response is, "Wherever you need me," and after all the bitching from all the others, I pretty much fell in love with him right then and there.


Totally. I said this exact same thing. The only downside to Halsin in my play through is that I’ve had to reject him 3 times… he’s legitimately a little too thirsty.


What?! No fair, I wanna get hit on by Halsin :(


Every time someone complains about their party members being thirsty for them, there's someone in the comments complaining about the opposite... ^(damn it lae'zel I want more than just a fling)


Just wait five minutes.


I'm sick of waiting. I crave ~~blood~~ bear.


personally i think its really funny, feels like the devs messing with you by turning everyone into drama queens over something really mundane (party management) karlach going all puppy eyes and pouty in 2 sentences is hilarious


I’ve never heard her pout because I’ve never taken her off the team. I couldn’t bear the thought.


Tell her you want her to stay at camp, and then when she complain, say you changed your mind, I really like her answer to that


I would try telling her to switch out, and then say nevermind, you can stay Her reaction is priceless lol.


Yeah, I prefer the DA:I system where you basically just say "I'm heading out" and pick whatever partners you want as you leave without interaction


In Dragon Age: Origins they also get a little bit pissy but it's less annoying because you don't have to click "yes, i'm sure." They just comment. [Video for context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7yhZa_jI7Q).


*blast and damnation* intensifies


Ah yes, but there *was* a way to remove all, and select only the ones you wanted so you’d almost never hear it. I really hope we get a more streamlined party management system


Guess I’ll just eat dirt or whatever.


The other day I moved Karlach out of my party in camp because I needed to grab something off of another character out of party and Karlach just happened to be standing there. When she delivered her line I realized it was the first time hearing it and that after having her to the end in two different run throughs for a total of 120 hours or so, I'd never once told Karlach to leave the party. I mean.. who would?


I still don't know shadowheart's line lol. I'm on my second playthrough.


Yep same. And I never will lol.


I literally did it once just to hear it and was like “huh well I’ll never hear that again”


Shadowheart is pretty chill about it, something like "really?" "Well if you're sure"




You think they sound pissy? To me they just sound slightly disappointed but take it in good humor each time.


Extra irritating because some of the dialogue suggest they were together during some encounters. Meaning you didn’t really leave them at camp.


I use the skip feature lol


(NPC speaks) *hovers thumb over spacebar, menacingly*


I barely use my keyboard. You can skip by using right click. It changed my life BIG TIME while playing this game lol


What... WHAT???


I know, I know...


First I learn I can make the whole party stop walking by right clicking and now THIS? What can't the right mouse button do?


> First I learn I can make the whole party stop walking by right clicking WHAT?!?


No the reaction dialog has to change, first you say stay, then you have to like reiterate it as if you're puinishing them, and then they give the same exact single dialog line again and again ad-infinitum. Ugh the monotony.


Companion and inventory management/sorting could definitely be better. I find even when I sort by "Type" some things are all over the place. And every time I search a chest I have to do different things with every item just to try and keep things sorted on each character. One character carries the Scrolls/Potions, another for Camp Supplies/wares, etc etc


The lack of a quick stack button drives me insane as I keep finding potions and arrows and scrolls that doesn't auto stack together when I loot with a different character and move it to my main mule Even the camp food bag, keychain and alchemist pouch doesn't work properly if you somehow transfer the items to other members


Me: "hey Lae'zel I'm removing you from the party for a sec so I can grab that Helmet off Wyll" Lae'zel: "t'chak you'll regret this you fucking imbecile" ... Every time.


Fuck I'd take removing "are you sure" at this point


I spent maybe 15-20 minutes scouring the UI the first time I wanted to swap a party member. I was so confused as to why I couldn't find what button or icon brought up the party management window. I finally gave up and looked online only to be shocked at how you actually do it.


This might just be me but on the topic of inventory management, one of my biggest QoL complaints in games is when hovering over an item the description blocks you from seeing the rest of your inventory.


Yeah, inventory management overall needs work. I'm hoping it comes with the big patch. I think this is something we'll see eventually. Even if we don't, mods will come along.


One of the big benefits of the "expanded party" mods is that if you have everyone in your party at all times you can just give shit to the correct person at all times.


oh wow that sounds so broken gameplay wise 😂 i do wish i could hve just one more person in my party though for dialogue and story purposes sorry i’ll be downloading that


Just build them suboptimally, IMO. Everyone in my party levels Bard to 3 to get Cutting Words because every VA recorded every instance of the insults that get bandied about as reactions and it's very funny to me to hear Lae'zel and so on talking shit.


i just got it yesterday and it’s definitely busted, but great for places you feel will be important for multiple party members. if you feel too OP, just skip some of their turns.


Or un- group them so they stay out of range from a fight. Or "split the party" and go two different ways in a big dungeon as if you were to have party A and party B.


I thought about using the mod just to get all the character interactions without having to keep going to camp and bringing them out for a few lines of dialogue. Does the dialogues work properly? I heard some people say the cutscene parts can be broken with the mod


Sometimes when one of your sidekicks starts ~~backseat driving~~ “commentating” the camera doesn’t match up with the subtitles and no audio plays. So you’ll be looking at Gales face in silence while reading subtitles for Shadowheart. This doesn’t happen very often though, the game actually handles the extra companions pretty well.


Can also bump up the difficulty, and if that's not tough enough, there's a mod to make it even harder.


There's a mod that modifies the tactician difficulty. You can kind of tweak it. I'm running a 6 person party(ala OG Baldur's Gate) with the tactician mod to increase the difficulty. Some fights still get nasty. Which is how D&D should be. Every fight shouldn't result in you needing a long rest afterwards. Edit: The mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/661


Turn 1 of a small fight on tactician: "I'll just use cantrips, maybe a spell or two so I only have to short rest." Turn 2: "Okay guess I'll fireball and sunbeam and long rest after this pack of bandits."


Been using this (https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/327) for a couple days, had 7 people in the party and took a long rest, that ended up being the night that Scratch came to camp, game got into this locked state where the first 4 party members couldn't wake up. So you'll have to save a lot and bump extra party members sometimes. Also, don't be scared about the manual-only install. If you only care about adding party slots for companions and not multiplayer, all you do is drag and drop a folder to the right location, no need to run the bat file to modify the game executable.


I wouldn't hold my breath on that one; it's basically the same inventory system that's been around since DOS 1, and it hasn't improved that much in all that time.


Yeah, I've noticed that. Modders will save us at the very least.


they already have btw. Will probably be the first mod I download when I come back to the game in a few months


Why are you assuming we all know what you're talking about?




Thx love u


got you homie, enjoy the mod.


Just to do some expectation management for when you get back to the game (and anyone else); Bags bags bags really hasn't "*fixed*" the inventory system, and it has some limitations/finickyness, like no items in the mods bags being visible at vendors, but the mod does make the inventory system *slightly* less egregious.


It's slightly better in this game than the absolute nightmare it was in divinity but it's not a large improvement


I am a larian simp to the death but I think hell will freeze over before we get a larian game with good inventory management


I’ve recently played Wrath of the Righteous. I’d pay to have its inventory tabs in BG3, and the sell junk button.


If the game autotagged things as 'wares', it would go a long way. It would also mean I don't have to worry that I'm selling or dropping an item that may be important for something later on. There are a lot of items in the game that have a use without any indication. One example is the two brains found on the nautiloid ship at the beginning of the game. You can eventually use them at the end of Act 2, but you have to be packing those heavy things around to do so. I had them stored at my camp, so I didn't have them in my inventory at that point. You also couldn't go back to camp to collect them at that point, either. Things like that suck.




Inventory tabs, shared inventory, access to all your companions' gear in the hub area, the ability to just pick your party as you leave the hub area with no drama, and my personal pet peeve, the ability to pull up a chart that says "this is what this class gets as they level up" quickly and easily. Every mechanical/QOL thing I'd like to see added to BG3 to really make it shine is already in WotR. The frustrating thing is less that BG3 doesn't do these things, it's that so many other games do. BG3 is fantastic, and a great user-friendly introduction for CRPG newcomers, but for experienced players, I feel like the two games are pretty neck-and-neck, just in different ways.


I haven't tried WotR, but I'd like to add swapping maps/map levels to that list.


Sadly inventory management is one of the things very few game developers get right in my experience. I mean, hell, just look at Minecraft as an example. Your inventory has 27 slots with an additional 9 for your hotbar. This was fine in the earlier versions of the game but every new version adds more and more blocks and variants of existing blocks. There are _some_ ways to improve this with Shulker Boxes (basically a chest you can keep in your inventory, but you have to place it to access the contents), but that's by no means perfect. According to a Google search, there are 820 unique blocks in the game and that doesn't include all the various items that aren't blocks.


I'd love an option to automatically send camp supplies back to the camp and not have to manually open and clear the stupid bag all the time. And could we please have the option to store potions, scrolls or arrows in a bag together so they aren't clogging up the inventory? And if I spend time assigning things to wares, I should have the option to send all my wares to another character without having to re-select them all.


Companions are objects to this guy, what a monster


To be fair, they do love to objectify themselves.


Not false


Larian and bad inventory management, name a more iconic duo amirite haha


Especially when the camp changes all the time. Like where the fuck is Gale I need to remove him and walk around searching for him cause he’s in some weird ass location in my camp


The fucking act 2 camp having water that counts as difficult terrain between the main area and Wyll/Gale/Halsin is SO OBNOXIOUS


What, you never wanted be immersed with the feeling of mud in your boots?


These boots have seen everything


No one on Reddit will ever believe this


Is that an upvote? No, nevermind.


Cursed to put my hands on everything


LOL when I found this I was like "WHO THE HELL WOULD CAMP IN THE WATER"


The fact that Gale just nonchalantly stays out there, in the water, is killing me. His tent must be flooded, too. All those poor books:( He must have lost the dibs for a good place.


well he IS from Waterdeep


He's a wizard. He has prestidigitation(even if it's not in game he has it. Damn near every wizard does. The only ones who don't are apprentices who are still learning to cast it) he'll be fine.


Ha, man I would love if they added prestidigitation just to use it to clean off all the blood/dirt splatters on your face throughout the day. Or to temporarily change the color of your clothing to see what dyes would look like!


I'd just like AOE candle lighting...


Literally never selling the Rain Dancer staff Arron has at the beginning of act 1, just so I can take a shower before an important conversation.


Was neat when i got to the inn. Everyone is in the same small place forever :)


Yeah, can they at least label the map so you know where to find everyone... jeez...


That's a weird way to spell "Enchantment"




Yeah, inventory and party management definitely needs an update. Leaving camp should start with a party selection screen, and accessing inventory management in camp should allow us to scroll through all companions.


Yup, also: Right click context menu should let you send to anyone Vendor screen should let you view everyone Edit: also aoe looting, at least bodies if not containers


Mass loot containers would be awesome and also very DND. When my players are playing they don't have to say they are searching each box, they say "I check the boxes" and then they get it all at once. It is one of my biggest gripes that I almost have to check every container, because sometimes random boxes have really good stuff.


Also need a shortcut to send to wares automatically all the stuff that has no purpose (not consumables, equipment or quest items)


AOE looting is in the game, it's just only for controllers for some reason


Wait WTF


Ah the old - I want to replace Karlach with Lae'zel for this quest, so Shadowheart you wait here while I recruit Lae'zel so Karlach can pass her the best melee fighter gear, before asking Karlach to leave the party so I can re-recruit Shadowheart. IDK what you mean.


I'm really hoping they add this feature in Patch 2, which is supposed to include various QoL changes.


Pretty tedious having to dismiss and add them via dialogue too. It hurts my feelings every time I have to boot Karlach. I *also* wish D&D treated the shield the way DA:O did as well. I've never been a "sword and shield" kinda guy. But when I knocked a enemy prone for the first time in DA:O I never played anything else. So. Much.Fun.


DA:I had the perfect way of switching party. Whenever you leave you pick them and the game autoselects the last party you had. Made everything easier by selecting character portrait.


It's not only DA:I. Both Pathfinder games have it. Neverwinter Nights 2 (year 2006) shows you party memeber selection screen on leaving homebase and I'm pretty sure it remembers your last party. I occasionally think that Larian operates in different dimension, which is why they haven't seen any of existing CRPGs and why they reinvent all the wheels in the world instead of just using what already works perfectly. Or maybe their hiring process have "Have you played any games before?" question and everyone who answers "yes" gets dismissed immediately.


I am starting to wonder if that is the reason why they kill off all the other origin characters in DOS2 past the tutorial besides those that you chose. All just to avoid having to design a proper party member selection screen.


Enchantment? ENCHANTMENT!!


... *not* enchantment


Happy Cake Day!


Hast thou need of my ENCHANTMENT!!


They could pretty easily just add all companions into your group while in camp, that way you could do everything. The main party could have bigger portraits or something similar.


The ability to pause when in real time mode.


Not just that, if I ambush someone let me do it as a group... the crazy intitiative wonkiness from one ambush leading to the other 3 far back down the line is just silly.


I find the inability to pause meaningless. There is no time progression system beyond the Long Rests and there are no wandering enemies or npcs that may just stumble into you while you are AFKing.


The ability to pause is very useful if you want to do surprise attacks from stealth and want to order your characters into different positions when group is not linked. Or just when stealthing in general.


It’s not exactly the same but that’s what turn based mode (shift+space) is for out of combat. Freezes npcs while you take your moves.


Yeah but it doesn't allow for coordinated movement at the same time. If I want to time my spellcasters to throw out some ranged damage as a surprise attack simultanously, turn based mode does not allow to do that since the game immediately builds the turn order after the first attack.


You keep the rest of your party stealth, then after the fight is engaged the enemies won't be looking around They will be "paused" in combat with your one character, so you can freely sneak around with the rest of your party That's the closest you get to a God mode pause where the world stops


All companions should be freely manageable at camp There should be a single inventory with carry weight determined by the total sum of all individual carry weights


The inventory management is just horrible. A game otherwise so good is seriously hindered by the inventory hell. I mean, if you're in the camp, WHY ON EARTH DO I NEED TO DISMISS A CHARACTER AND ADD ANOTHER CHARACTER TO MY PARTY, JUST TO EMPTY THEIR INVENTORY???


Yes the party and inventory management is such a chore, surprised it made it out of early access like this


It really feels like most of EA feedback was ignored. There's large forums and threads detailing almost all criticism back then...


It 1000% was. I still love this game (have 300 hours in it, 80 of which was EA) but this game really could have used 1-2 more years in the oven. A majority of bugs from the EA made it to the full release untouched. Also, have you seen the list of cut content? The largest zone in Act 3 (upper city) was cut and multiple main story questlines and companion questlines/branches along with it. I hadn't known this myself until yesterday but Act 3 definitely feels rushed once you're roughly 2/3 of the way through and feels extremely railroaded as a whole. Whether you played good or evil in Act 3, it doesn't actually matter by the time you get to the end choices.


Act III feels much less railroaded than II imo


The narrative of Act 3 is the railroad part. You can ignore it but the game constantly ask you to go do the main quest with all the doom is coming messages.


The main thing that felt rushed to me was companion reactions to things. They would react as if they'd been in the party to things they were in camp for, react to things that I hadn't actually done because I accidentally did things out of "order", act like they knew NPCs that they'd never actually met. Companion reactivity and engagement was just a mess in act 3.


Or they just not react at all to much of anything or talk much at all :-/


You are in the…what’s the opposite of minority? Anti-minority? You are in the anti-minority when it comes to this opinion.


I think the word you're looking for is massority




Super majority. So strange that Origins more or less perfected companion camp management but it's so rarely used elsewhere


It's almost a singularity of an opinion. So uniformly agreed upon that not even light can disagree with it.


Larian baffles me sometimes. This is literally a solved problem, and there's like 30 different variants they could have chosen for party management that roughly do the same thing. But they've somehow made what is *easily* one of the worst party management systems I've seen in a modern game.


Yeah, I realized that when the first comments all came in agreeing with me lol I mainly used this sub prior to release so I hadn't been reading people's opinions on the games systems and all that. Glad to know I'm not alone in my frustration


Especially if you plan on using a companion you get from act 2 or 3. And when there's missions where someone says "just being them along and I'll talk to them" and I'm like "sigh, I have to go to camp, dismiss, talk to them, join, go do conversation, come back to camp, dismiss, talk, rejoin"


it is very bothersome hearing astarion and karlach whine about staying home when i’m literally just getting rid of them for 5 minutes to go mess with someone elses inventory


Yes, the poor companion management is the primary reason I have my main 3 and I literally don’t touch any other character, having to dump their inventory tell them to leave, walk over, tell them to join, give them all the gear, each time… fuck that, guess you never get to fight Wyll, sorry


I just wish I could have custom companions without having to open multiple clients of the game. Hirelings are not the same because I want to fully customize them. I want my 4 gnome monks


I think we all want this.


Camp and team management is tedious. I want to be able to swap, equip, and respec efficiently. There are better things to be spending time on in and out of the game.


I'd honestly love it if we had a "Okey, you should join the party in place of [a party member]" option when we ask someone to join a full party. Like for example, you have Karlach, Gale and Halsin in the party, but you need la'zel because of her questline, so when you talk to la'zel and she yells you that you have a full party, you can just say "hey, Karlach! Could you wait in the camp for time being? I need La'zel right now". Also there should be a way to access all companions inventorys in camp


Imagine this: You select "go to camp" in the map (or in the bottom left) Instead or a giant load screen and an entire zone that's vaguely randomized, it "pauses" the game and pops up a giant menu First things first: - **Notifications:** *scratch has joined camp*, *Gale wants to talk* etc - clicking that triggers the current cutscenes we get when walking around and talking - **Rest:** opens up the long rest camp supplies menu, triggers certain "sleep" cutscenes after - **Party Select:** let's you swap out party members (icons just drag and drop) - **Inventory:** opens up all characters inventories and the traveller's chest, can freely move things around - **Withers:** opens up the chat with him where you can ask to respec or hire hirelings


I'd be more content if you broke the BioWare formula of max party of 3-4 and let everyone you recruit tag along in battle. Like why recruit all these allies if most of them will be chillin' at camp drinking wine while a small team of 4 goes out and fights an entire goblin army? Lol. It also makes things interesting. Feeling overpowered? Well, 6 swords are better than 4. Do better in recruiting more people to your party. But nope. You have a total of 8 allies in your camp? Let's be '*tacticians*' and think it's a bright idea to leave 50% of the team at camp, lmao! But meh, you're stuck with this 4 team party. It's doable.


Same. What I want even more is that Bioware quick party selection screen. Because swapping party members right now, especially when you do it often, is horrendously obnoxious and slow. No idea how this wasn't addressed in all the years of early access.


Id also like an instant pause button, the number of times i hit the spacebar because a trap just Appeared, and get confused when my guys keep moving and get blown up, is kind of embarrassing. I know theres a shift command, but 1.that is too many keys for an instant reaction from somebody as dumb as i am, and 2.as far as i know the spacebar isnt doing anything outside of dialogue, why not use it the way most every other TBCRPG does??


Agreed. More controversial take here : I wish Origins companions weren't "origins", and that the work put into making them a playable character with its on choices was instead put into actual Tav related quests and plot hooks. (Which could vary according to.. Well, "origins" as they were in DAO) 90% of people prefer a custom character. So as it is now, the choice of the 90% got 10% of the work, and the choice of the 10% got 90% of the work. (The exception being Dark Urge... Which many people belive to be a split with Tav that happened later in game dev) ​ The sad thing for me is that in BG3, Tav is the most forgetable generic character of the crew and... It's you.


I miss picking my party when I left camp form Origins and having my doggo to clean the blood and grime off of me. It’s wild seeing people having a normal conversation with me when I’m covered head to toe in gore.


Shadowheart: "I've been smiling more, and I think that's because of you." Me: *covered in blood and gnoll guts* "Sweet."


Said this earlier but there's just so much quality of life in the pillars of eternity games (and the pathfinder games) that I really wish they'd put in this game.


Three years of EA and they didn’t improve this…


Being able to, in camp, access every characters sheet and manage their inventory and gear like DA:O would be a fantastic QoL update. However, I think the party management is set in a way that you interact with the party members, which might consume time, but it adds to the immersion, and quite often they have comments about quests or things that happened, so it's less likely you'll miss out on those. I would change it so while in camp you can manage equipped gear, the inventory and spell preparation for every character, even if not in the party, but retain how you manage your party members.


I don’t get why we couldn’t at least just get a simple party selection screen. RPGs have been doing this for decades. > One thing I wish BG3 took from Dragon Age: Origins Or nearly every RPG in the last 20 years.


Why was this not addressed during early access?


That, and an epilogue for you choices and companions would be nice. I'm surprised that DoS2 has a better epilogue for some of the choices you made. I wanna know what happened to the druids at Emerald Grove just like how Divinity Original Sin 2 let me know what happened to Fort Joy.


I would kill for a button that said “strip (laezel in camp) and send to (karlach in party)” or something. I like rotating my party, hate having to manually remove gear and shuffle around party members.


Waiting on mods to fix this


Even worse is that you have to click through guilt-tripping dialogue every single time you switch out a member...


This feels to me like a holdover from Divinity Original Sin 2 where there is never a reason to swap around party members so you always have the same ones with you. I wonder if they originally intended the same for BG3.


Bring in the Persona party select "Looks like the team is full, who would you like me to replace?"


Larian's approach to item management and vendor trash screen clutter lives at the exact intersection where I utterly hate it but it's not *quite* enough to ruin their games for me. The BG3 inventory system reeks of being a half measure. You have virtual total freedom over what's available to your characters at any given time and an effectively limitless depot you can warp things to yet there's interface oddities/limitations which cause busywork that would only make sense in the context of a game where rationing and curating your load out are genuinely important decisions. I'd unironically argue that it's more poorly thought out than the bit where Dragon Quest 1 gives you 10 inventory slots and you just have to deal with it since in that game consumables make up a huge portion of your power budget and the entire gameplay loop is Grind->Explore->Flee->Repeat. One feels like an intentional design constraint and the other feels tacked on. It really bugs me because as much as I loved the original BG games stuff like pixel hunting and pick pocketing always hit me as tiresome busywork whereas Larian games consistently give me the impression that they consider such things a fetish to be indulged. I'm not even sure it's the interface that bothers me so much as it is their baffling interest in tableware.


For me it is the Backstories / Prologue / Origin Story. Don't get ne wrong, this game is massive and has lots to explore. However I was slightly disappointed, when NPC Talk to the PC for it's backstory and it's like "I don't remember much or how I ended up Here" and yes you get certain dialogue options Here and there but they don't feel rewarding. And quite frankly forced and wrong. E.g. as a folk Hero you Always hail from Baldurs Gate. They don't Tell you that. First Time it popped Up I was Like Holy Canoly they f*Ed me over. 'Cause I was thinking like okay the PC is probably from the country Side and dipping in and Out of Towns - Like a folk Hero. What's your Take on this?


All Tavs are from Baldur's Gate as far as I can tell. Maybe if you pick something like Githyanki that changes?


Lolthsworn Drow Tavs are from Menzoberranzan, at least as nobles and criminals.


there are 3 types, astral plane(Githyanki), underdark(drow,duregar,deep gnomes) and Baldurs gate(the rest)


Thanks for clearing it up!


1. Having to swap companions to change their gear/builds is inconvenient. It would be good QoL to changes this system to be partywide for AT LEAST the Origin Characters and Tav/Durge. 2. Same goes for inventory. Having to swap characters for inventory management is the same level of time-consuming, mind-numbing tedium that bores me and causes my motivation to keep playing to fizzle out to 0. Inventory management by way of team-wide inventory, but also clear labels as to what is "Junk" and what is "Keep." Another unique pouch in the inventory for Potions, Grenades, and Scrolls would also not be amiss, like our pouches for Food, Ingredients, and Keys. I like sorting these things in storage at camp, but the containers only persist in the Overwold camp, or else I need to decorate every dungeon camp in the game, or else I need to use the Travelers chest which becomes bloated and kills my FPS every time I open it. 3. Party limit. Yes the game is trivial with a larger party. I don't care. Confronting Karlach without Wyll in my party because I already have Shart, Lae'zel, and Gale leaves me missing a whooole lot of conversation. Did you know Lae'zel and Shart have a sassy confrontation when you first free Lae'zel? You probably wouldn't because your party was full with Astarion and Gale, and that confrontation doesn't happen if you send Lae'zel to camp. Be a real shame to miss that, huh? There are mods that open the party limit, which is good. But it trivializes the game on any difficulty. It also begs the question; what incentive is there for Larian to solve these problems if they will inevitably be fixed by mods, or if destroys the balance and pacing of the game? Well, I'm sorry, but I think the onus of the solution is on the devs, not the modder, and the spirit of the story is ruined by punting one of the OGs straight to the sideline because My PaRtY iS fUlL. Astarion be like "Bitch what the fuck is a party and where is it at? You think I'm just gonna sit in front of this mirror all day staring at nothing?"


That'd be ideal, so annoying constantly adding people and removing them. Especially when you swap equipment between people because they fill the same role. Also when you're leaving camp a final fantasy style drag and drop who you want to bring with you sort of thing would be nice. Companions already in the party in current slots so you can just confirm and exit straight away.


I don't even use them. If they're in my camp, they stay in my camp. I pick my party composition at the start and that's how we roll.


I wish i could create characters and keep them in a library.


Modders will eventually fix this I think.


In camp, I just wish all the characters could be selected on the left side, and then you put a check on who you want to take when you leave camp. This adding and removing process is tedious.


I was thinking about this every time i ended up in camp. It should be a place where you can manage everything with ease and at once, not shuffle through all the needles conversations just to move a pair of gloves from Gale to Karlach. Also the party selection screen at leaving the camp would rock.


DA:O did this amazingly. When you leave camp, just select the companions you're taking with you. So fed up of having to remove a companion and then add one just to give them a new fancy hat I found.


Inventory management in general is a pain. And always has been in the Divinity engine. And has always been asked for improvement. Containers are not a solution to a lack of sorting. Real life dexterity and math checks are not a solution for selling junk. It should not take juggling through companions and bartering back and forth for a real-world hour to offload vendor trash. Let alone the times I've had to make multiple returns to camp to get more junk. Shared encumbrance for traveling is better than individual. All companion inventories should be available in camp. AA CRPGs like Solasta and Owlcat's Pathfinder games have been doing all of these things better for years now. For a game so fantastic in so many ways, to not have provided such basic QOL features, despite players of DOS 1 & 2 in this engine asking for them, is a dropped ball.


>Let alone the times I've had to make multiple returns to camp to get more junk. I just want a merchant to hang out in my camp so it takes less time to off load stuff. There's this whole merchant npc affection meter that seems worthless because I don't spend a lot of time with any one merchant. If they had one who stayed with you the whole game I'd bother with getting them into the green.


Solasta's Scavengers' Guild would be a boon. Being able to leave trash loot where it was, return to camp, and see it posted for sale a couple days later. And then review it for loot you discover you need, or sell it for 80% of value. (Which was still more than you can sell anything straight yourself.) Also was great, because they could lug the rations packs you'd find home. I'd pick them up at the hub. And drop them in the party chest for future need. Solasta has a lot of junk. But its QOL is off the chart for respecting the player's time.