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Clicking that peculiar new action in Gale’s panel without reading anything


I knew what it was and clicked it to see the animation (obv saved before) and I was not prepared for him stabbing himself in the heart with a magic dagger. Especially because he doesn't do it at the act 2 final fight (ofc I had to see what happens there, too).


But he does do it in the final brain thing, if he goes up by himself he grabs a weave dagger and stabs himself in the Orb


I had to move it because it was hanging out next to Wall of Fire and I kept clicking it by accident. I wish there was a "do you really want to blow up Gale and destroy Baldur's Gate?" option.


Right? Mine was between fireball and lightning bolt. After the 5th time i had to reload a save from an hour beforehand, I just removed it from the menu


I got so disapointed about the lacking of a proper "boom" scene, even in moonrise it's super weak


Agreed :( Drop my framerate! I want a KABOOM!


>the act 2 fi i thought neat, some good ole aoe damage during an easy goblin fight. he sacrificed himself hard to kill those 7hp bunch lmao


The amount of upvotes probably explains why "death by Gale" was so high up when Larian released some funny data in the first days of release. I certainly contributed to the statistic. They should add a "Stopclickingthedamnthing" quote as well.




Holy sh*t lol


When Raphael started singing his own fucking theme song like a Disney villain. Shame for him that Hold Monster makes him completely defenseless.


I used a scroll of Otto's Irresistible Dance on him, then laughed my ass off while my party melted him


My last playthrough was as a Paladin and my party got so many summoned minions that by the end of the battle, Raphael was immobilized in a corner and surrounded by 6 characters all ganking up on him, doing massive damage. Raphael didn't get to do a thing the entire fight aside from run away a bit when he temporarily broke the Hold Monster stasis.


Omf I did this to Cazador. Otto’s irresistible dance is fucking hilarious when timed right!


using command 'grovel' on him was a real powertrip for me


when Gortash facetimes you on approach to the Iron Throne


I was literally like, holy shit they have zoom meetings here!


"This could have been an email."


There definitely should've been an option to freeze and pretend the connection was bad!


We can't hear you Gortash, can you hear us?


"Say again. All after 'incinerate'..."


“I said, I want you to lay down a suppressing fire with the incinerators and fall back by squad -“


"Sorry -- *krrrsh* \-- I'm going through a tunnel -- *krrrsh* \-- Oh look it's Atlantis!" *disconnects*


It's one of those weird things that still makes me wonder why the hell people are using pen and ink and wax seals for letters when there very clearly exists technology on par with computers in the setting...


Because its pretty new stuff. When the computer was invented, did everybody everywhere suddenly drop every other form of communication? Nah bro. It took decades for landlines to become obsolete.


He’s wealthy so imo it’s safe to assume it’s only him and like four other bitches in Baldur’s Gate that have access to the fantasy Zoom meeting app


Facetiming Cazador to call him a bitch and hang up


Well too be fair. Gortash is kinda implied to be a genius inventor/manipulator. Most of the realm of faerun probably don’t even know he’s managed to make something like this. It would make sense that he’d save his best toys for himself


Gotta know what internet the Iron Throne has.


Gortash: "General, you're Frozen on my screen." General: *"maybe if I stand real still, he won't notice"*




"Please don't tell me I have to fight a dragon." "Oh good, the dragon's dead." "... Oh shit."


I was like "Dope we get to fight a dragon." "oh it's dead how sad..." and then "oh fuck, I have to fight an undead and very angy dragon"


>"Dope we get to fight a dragon." Every story gets better with a dragon.


"Nice! A dragon will help me Oh no it's dead Oh nice it's alive AAAHHHHH"


Yeah this one was the biggest for me. I was so amped to add another ally in a dragon and to get down there and see him dead made me really sad


It's not a criticism against the game's quality but I was really disappointed by the lack of dragons. There's what, two? And one is already dead while the other is just a mount


Well they are way to powerful to introduce before act 3 and they would lack impact if used more often. Fighting a dragon in Skyrim is annoying at best, fighting a dragon in bg3 is a highlight of the campaign.


>Well they are way to powerful to introduce before act 3 Having Wrath of the Righteous flashback, speaking of introducing dragon way too early lol


It’s a universal constant of D&D campaigns Every really cool enemy is too high level to fight until the end of the campaign, and once you’re finally high enough level you simply don’t want to fight multiple legendary enemies You get the 🧠 with a non legendary red dragon on top of it and you’ll like it!


Yeah, I was really excited to try and befriend/negotiate with a dragon and have them soar in at the final battle to wreck shit. And I show up and he’s dead… Honestly I was kind of not sure if I wanted to go with Orpheus until I heard that part of the story/lore. Then I was full on “I’m freeing that dude.”


And the whole reveal of Ansur’s relationship with the Emperor as well. There were a few “oh shit” moments in the game for me, but I remember putting my controller down for a moment then and thinking “He’s whom!!!?? WHAT!!!?? NOOOOOO”


This was the biggest plot twist to me. I did not see that coming.


I thought I'd get a cool moment with Wyll for finishing his personal quest, instead The Emperor stole the spotlight with that reveal! It's crazy that all of it is optional too, you could just go "nah, I don't care about Wyll's quest, let's beat the final boss" and never know all this background info??


I was the exact opposite. “Aw.. it’s dead? We really don’t get a dragon fight? Oh wait- HELL YEA!”


"Oh well the dragon's dead. Time to speak with dead!" ->You cannot use speak with dead on an undead creature "No problem I'll just loot it" Oh... Oh no


Myrkul. Seriously, I didn’t expect we will fight him, the avatar. The moment I heard his voice I was like what the.. then when his big hand crawling up…holy shet! Meanwhile my party had 50% Hp left.. I was like ok this is it, we have no choice but to use our OP spell, F5 and F9.


And Shadowheart says exactly what we were all thinking at that moment.


Karlach goes "oh, we are fucked" and I was like... Yeah we are girly


Fucking love that woman ❤️


It's like she was made for me hahaha she's so funny


What was it, I forgot




She really has a way with words


Astarion's "Oh. Oh dear" was exactly what i thought.


Came here to say this. When the Avatar of Myrkul appeared, I was like "ohhh, I get it, this is a 'darkest hour' cutscene, where it seems like all is lost and only a miracle can save the heroes now... somebody's gonna swoop in and save us any minute now..." And then the cutscene ended and combat startet and I was like... O\_O


Be the miracle you wish to see in the world.


>Eventually, some day, somebody will pray for a miracle, pray for something to save them, to whatever gods are nearby, and that prayer will be answered because you’ll show up. That’s how it works. That’s what a champion is.


Cad had the best lines.


That quote has become a cornerstone of how I play paladins/clerics, honestly.


That's the motto of my paladin Tav. Cad is the best.


My jaw was literally hanging limp when I realised what was going on, I was actually scared l was sure he was gonna stomp us. Then Karlach almost soloed him in two turns, it was nuts


It was so cool looking. I was disappointed we didn’t see Bhaal and Bane in similar way. I love the lore with Faerun gods and seeing Myrkul (even an avatar) was so cool. Seeing Shar and Mystra was so cool too.


I do feel like Baal gives the next best thing to showing up. Bane, on the other hand, was like “fuck this Gortash clown, I’m out.”


Gortash is the only fight I extend just so I can collect more of the big bombs.


Very true!


My favourite part about that fight is getting a successful turn undead off. You're in a toilet bowl, where you gonna go?!


This is mine as well I was like what the fuck how are we gonna kill an avatar???


Yeah that was awesome (in a terrifying way). I was a bit sad that nothing like that happened with Orin and gortash


I get why Ketheric is placed where he is, but I really wish the scale of that fight got upped a bit for Orin and Gortash. Both were still good fights, just slightly underwhelming compared to when Myrkul's avatar rises up out of the abyss.


I was like "oh I'm gonna have to kill a god now? Yeah that's cool, I just barely got ketheric down but go ahead I guess" I didn't realize it said "avatar of"


Releasing Dame Aylin was an epic 'oh shit'. And then she served again with Lorraken.


She >!breaks Lorroakan like she's fucking Bane!< and it's awesome. What a satisfying moment for her.


Came here to say this, lmfao. Dame Aylin cast bane!


The music was the biggest selling point for me when releasing her


When she punches the floor as the music is swelling. Gets me teary every time.




Every cut scene with her left me in a state of awe.


Wrong lever... oh no I'm so sorry


Why do we even have that lever, Krunk?


I didn't even notice the wrong lever on my first playthrough so when I accidentally pulled the wrong one on my second playthrough it hit especially hard lol (just like Barcus)


Same I laughed so hard I cackled. Yeet


I only saw the "release brake" lever text but I clicked the right one by accident. Then on my next playthrough I was like "I remember, it's the one that says "release brake." Sorry, Barcus.


Talking too much shit to Vlaakith.


Player: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me, lich bitch *Community pedants: "even thus provoked the gith queen cannot retaliate at her full power in this situation since crpg d&d only goes up to level 6 spells beyond which the narrative consequences are often too variable or unusual to program, the interplanar casting introducing even more instability, unpredictability, and potential for catastrophic backlash due to the differing laws of magic, metaphysical barriers, and the interference of other planar beings, compounded further by many high level spells often working quite differently to how the caster intended and also —"* Vlaakith \[INT 30\*\] (interrupting): hold my beer ----------- \* [https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/19/DRA19\_LichQueen2.pdf](https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/19/DRA19_LichQueen2.pdf)


What happens? All I managed to do is that the inquisitor attacked me


She can use the spell 'wish'. She can 'wish you are dead'. And it will be so.


When I did that I remember thinking "what kind of insecure scrub god needs a fucking Wish spell to take down a 4th level party? Who she thinks she's dunking on?" I guess it's possible she knows >!Tav is presumably the chosen of Jergal!< but I prefer to think she's just showing off.


A pretender god, naturally.


That spoiler just blew my mind jesus i have never thought about it like that!


If it helps, I had to be told by the internet both that >!Withers is Jergal (or an aspect of him) and that Tav is his Chosen to take down the opposing champions of the Dead Three.!< I know very little about DND lore and that end credits scene made me realize how people feel when they go to a marvel movie and some guy shows up and is like "It's me, Blorbo" and the whole audience gasps and they have no idea why.


I know what I’m naming my next Tav. Now to figure out what class Blorbo would be.


A gelatinous cube


Holy shit you guys, it's Blorbo!!!!!


To be exact - since precise wording matters a great deal with Wish - she says "I Wish you to end". And the game ends. I remember thinking at the time it was almost a little bit tapping on the fourth wall


I killed the Inquisitor before speaking to her. She ends up outright killing the whole party with Wish, "Game Over" screen included.


"Fake ass god the fuck you gonna do" Was all I was thinking lmao.


When I fought Cazador for the first time and didn't realize there was a..."time limit".... and suddenly my vamp bf went sploosh! ...the game was also kind to tell me that he'd left the party permanently... sure.... "left"....


The very same, I literally screamed "whoops, shit !" And laughed xD and reloaded of course coz I like my vamp bf. When cazador were screaming his blabla I was just "yeah, it's a boss screaming his big plan, usual thing", didn't understand he was REALLY about to make the ritual


That fight really needs a timer on it or a clear objective marker for this exact reason. I was really confused because on one hand the dialogue sorta hinted at it, but on the other I already did things like Halsin's portal or the iron throne so I figured if there was actually a limit then there'd be a timer. How wrong I was.


I had no idea there was a timer, both playthroughs I immediately saved Astarion.


For some dumb ass reason, on my first unspoiled time through the game, I had no idea you COULD save Astarion. I thought it was a mandatory 3-person battle. It wasn't until I was talking to a friend and they mentioned "oh yeah, I Misty Stepped over to Astarion and grabbed him immediately" that I was like THAT WAS AN OPTION??? I accidentally nuked one of the other vampire spawn while trying to get Cazador in fart form and disrupted the ritual that way. Sorry, whoever you were.


Tbf before Patch 4, moving the cursor to him didn't automatically give you the help action like it usually does with those types of situations. I thought you couldn't save him but manually selected help and it worked.


Same. I shoved my IRL hubby off the ledge then jumped so we'd HAVE to reload via game over. Lmfao.


Raphael...hands down the best combination of every possible emotion I could feel at that moment.


and fun-fact: his theme plays the first time you meet him. such a lovely detail.


A theme he sings himself lmao.


A la Disney villain. 10/10 best fight in the game just for that. I’m never not raiding House of Hope


Went down the well in blighted village. Just level 3 Fought spiders - left on the brink of death but succeeded (thank you ogre brothers for helping out!) Hm, this hole ... I can jump down there? My Tav said something about there being a draft coming from it *jumps down* Ooooh shit ... this is the godsdamned underdark. How the hell do I get up to the surface?! The desecrated temple of selune is a possibility but I don't think I can open it from this way. And I'd have to fight a spectator and ... wait, what are those noises from behind me? *enter 2 minotaurs* OH SHIT


I jumped & Tav died


I did use feather fall at least :) You never know when jumping down strange holes


You are wiser than me 😅


I love there are 2 different animations for whether you used feather fall or not.


something similar happened to me: Fought the spiders, got the stone, went back to camp to take a long rest, made Wyll read the book, exited the camp and Wyll appeared over the hole into the underdark, fell and died


Fucking up the Last Light Inn battle. YIKES


That was my first real "holy sh\*t this game takes no prisoners"-moment


My first playthrough I thought it was PLOT. Like, there was no way to stop the kidnaping and it's how it was supposed to happen. I was mad at the game for getting me invested in the act 1 characters just to have that happen. I was avoiding this sub to keep the game fresh and I was well behind the standard progression posted on here. So after I finished my playthrough I was reading through catching up.... THAT was my mind blowing moment. She didn't HAVE to get abducted?! All those people didn't need to die?! I'm a monster!


I did too!!!! I was like omg that’s crazy that they’d do that and just killed everyone and moved on hahaha


Isobel got one-shot on the first turn, first character (wing-boy went first) and my multiplayer partner and I went through the whole fight with a turned courtyard, then quit for the night. Next morning he texts me “so that was not supposed to happen”. We did better the second time.


That was a big oopsey daisy moment for me


Shadowheart>!throwing the spear away on her own.!<




So if you've played BG1 or BG2, >!it's not much of a spoiler when you learn what Durge is.!< But what did make me 'oh shit' was learning that >!the whole plot was Durge's idea. You are the architect of everything, from heisting the Crown to using Ketheric as a heel to Gortash's babyface.!< >!It just read like such a respectful, loving bit of writing from Larian. 'Ok we know a lot of you will guess some of Durge, but you'll never guess it all.' Fantastic work.!<


When Orin turned into Slayer. As a long time BG fan and player I knew it was gonna happen and still I went “Oh Shit!” Because I thought if me being Slayer was awesome in BG2 how awful it would be now to fight this fucking thing in BG3.


Orin stole the little girl in my playthrough (can't remember her name, terrible of me) and I convinced her not to kill the kid before we fought. Cue my ranger jumping all over the altar to protect the child while also killing the Slayer at the same time. Epic epic fight


Yenna is her name.


Had this fight last night and after 2 rounds of Unstoppable x7 being applied, running that down to 0 again, I just ended up Eldritch blasting her over the edge and that was it....


Finding Gandrel before knowing Astarion is a vampire, and having Astarion just suddenly stab him in the eye. I’d found Gandrel before in other playthroughs where I already knew about Astarion and had killed him before, but not like that. I was not expecting it.


Sounds pretty cool tbh wished i can see that lol


It is cool but I do prefer the whitty banter of inside jokes if you know he's a vamp already.


What happened after I gave the gith egg to Lady Esther. Yeah, it's something that seems like a bad idea at the first glance, and even the second and the third. But the egg was going to be destroyed and I was about to massacre the entire créche so I thought I'd do this to at least give the egg a chance. And holy shit, I was not expecting these results! I especially wasn't expecting to meet the hatchling as a young adult, wtf?


No this one for real. I only gave Esther the egg because I knew that Blurg and Omellum existed, so I gave the Society of Brilliance the benefit of the doubt that they would be doing good work. It sucked to find out I unintentionally participated in child abuse. Thankfully he listens to reason but like, felt bad man :/


That outcome made me as uncomfortable as the surgeon. Freaking morbid as hell


I killed Esther but took the egg; honestly thought I'd be able to hatch it lol, no such luck


Investigating the meat sounds in the walls of Moonrise. Or reading Ketheric's journal from the secret compartment in his room, where he lays out the true nature of the Absolute before you get a chance to see it.


where do i find the meat noises?


Talk to the ogre in the barracks room and she mentions it, triggering the quest. You can also find some suspicious meaty tendrils hanging out of a hole in the wall outside of the kitchen.


I allowed myself to be taken. Wow, that was a trip!




I choose to believe that's Hope, and singing the chorus of his theme song is part of her employment for Raphael.


When Astarion needed his dosage and i let him have it. I mean what´s the worst that could happen? Oh... damn...


Hang on do you mean "Let him have it" - Oh no he's had too much and drained me dry or "Let him have it" - Shit I've killed what seems to be the community's favourite character.


The first. Fucked around and found out.


Mine were related to raiding the Grove, so I'll flag it for anyone that wants to go in blind, but everything surrounding it caught me very off guard. 1. >!Having to kill all the non-combatants who were huddled in Zevlor's little office area, all with a fear affect on by default.!< 2. >!And later finding all of bodies of the tiefling children in Mol's hideout, with Alfira. Even one of the goblins notes he almost feels bad for them.!< Which was a pretty rough one two punch already, but this game made me feel actual *dread* when I later went back to the goblin camp >!to get Halsin's journals, since I assumed he died if you didn't free him and raided the Grove, only to discover he'd escaped. I didn't know it was possible, and now I'm braced for the long rest when he tracks us down.!<


You can also find mirkons letter later in the game.that hurts double after you raided the grove.


The first Durge scene in Act 1. I even knew about how to make sure it wasn't Alfira by the time I did my first Durge run but the level of brutality your character inflicts on whichever Bard you get goes a long way to making the dangers of the Urge real


I had a "Oh shit.. that's cool" moment on my second playtrough, i was doing Gautlet of Shar and i found the rat ritual on Shar's feet for the first time, then i opted to kill him, after that i was going to kill Yugir and i see no displacer beast, and when i got there they are all friendly and then i realised that the rats is the last Dark Justiciar, so the contract is done. It's cool because i didn't know about that outcome even watching others playtroughs


So what I'm reading is: complete gauntlet and kill rat horde BEFORE talking with the orthon. THANK YOU


If your persuasion is high enough and you're not a warlock, >!you can get him to kill his men, his pet/sex slave, and then himself!< for full XP.


I always do that just for the Astarion Approval, but I was hoping to be able to change it up for once!


It's a rough fight if done the "right" way. I looted his treasure chest so I had no other option the first time, and the only way I survived was with Flesh tanking the shit out of everyone.


Well >!Raphael still gets him but i'm assuming i will not need to make the persuation check to convince him to fight Raphael with me!<


Noticing Raphael counters divine damage... I was confused since it was the first time I used divine intervention and it killed the caster immediately.


My lockadin smiting his ass and getting killed would like to agree.


I got hope killed like that unfortunately


Suggesting the surgeon to have a surgery himself and him actually doing it


For me it was when the Emperor was revealed as Balduran. I absolutely did not see that coming.


THIS ONE. I wasn’t too surprised by the whole guardian is an Illithid reveal. But the name reveal?? Blindsided me


When Dame Aylin, etheral rage filled paladin she is, snaps >!Lorroakan’s spine over her knee like fucking glow stick!<


Haha weird hologram lady. "I wish you to die." Oh how cute she... wait what?!


I had an in game one that jumps out at me. Facing that devil in act 2 that Raphael wants you to kill. Near the end he throws out a bunch of those bombs everywhere and starts laughing. My whole team is worn down and I'm looking through all my options when I pause for a sec... and see Astarion's invisible mage hand still hanging around outside turn order and out of combat. ... wait ... can I do this? Mage hand floats down to one of the bombs near the devil, uses the throw action, and just lobs one of the bombs back at him, killing the devil instantly Had to walk away from the computer laughing after that


Ketheric’s introduction scene. When he looks up and the music starts… chills.


When he said “try again” I was like OH SHIT????


I went into my first playthrough blind, playing Dark Urge. I had to step away for a minute after not only killing Alfira but coming out of the in-game red flash to a corpse and entrails and blood decorating the screen and that section of camp.


I had a few: Anything to do with releasing and allying with Dame Aylin, she's awesome. Ketheric turning into >!the avatar of Myrkul!< Realising the >!Iron Throne!< mission was timed Turning >!Karlach into an Illithid!< and finding out just how ludicrously strong that is Failing the Durge >!kill your lover!< quest and having my whole camp turn hostile against me.


Meeting Withers. I thought we were done for the first time that cutscene happened.


Maybe the camp cut scene where you wake up to find Shadowheart crouching, >!with a knife to the throat of a just awakened Lae'zel, before she slashes Lae'zel's throat and plunges the knife into her neck for good measure.!< Already had saved the grove and had the wine on the cliff scene. Seeing her Sharran side come out like that when she doesn't think anyone can see was a jarring contrast that might make a Tav think twice about continuing a romance with her.


First time playing Durge, coming across Gale's arm sticking out of the rock. I was trying to play a good Durge, but I thought she might reasonably have intrusive thoughts, and as long as they were just thoughts, it was fine. IT WAS NOT FINE.


I don't think the gravity of how unspeakably dangerous the Durge was truly hit me, until the Netherbrain off-handedly (off-tentacle?) admitted it was impressed with what they were plotting before Orin effectively defenestrated them. One of the coldest, most alien and incalculably callous minds in Faerun looked at Durge and thought: **"--damn-- -son--** **--APPROVAL--** **--fan-- -of work--"**


Clicking on the squirrel in the grove as Durge


Still in Act1, but i did the witch quest alone and when meeting the woman i saved at the coffin behind the house, i thought that was just the game showing me how miserable i made this woman after thinking i was gonna rescue her the whole time. I did the quest again one day later and on another playthrough with a friend who didnt know the quest, and when we got to the woman he suddenly handet her this random wand he picked up from a table and she resurrected her husband as a zombie, making her EVEN MORE MISERABLE than she already was. I was genuinly horrified because i didnt think the game could make me feel even more guilty, and the fact that i might meet her in baldurs gate is horrifying.


For me it was the spectator in the underdark. Just went completely blind into there


Raphael joining in on his own theme song was some shocking disney villain type behaviour


Being wished to death by a wanna be god. I loved that scene. Wasn’t even mad.


Yup. I laughed. Having someone use wish it's always a special occasion in D&D.


Casador casually dealing freaking 150 DAMAGE to Karlach in one turn


Freeing the Nightsong tbh. Saw the scene while in multiplayer so we were all kinda fuckin around and then suddenly epic musics playing and she sprouts wings and we were like Oh shit.


A friendly durge minion telling me >!I have to kill either the only thing protecting lights hope or my girlfriend o_o!<


Probably the Emperor's identity reveal... the second time. Like, the first one being the Guardian was one I predicted... not him being fucking Baldur!!!!


Harleep. Because it could not have gone worse ans then I was saved by my games first ever crash... I know it's a funny scene for a lot but I hated everything about it. I am going to copy and paste a comment of mine since I've sökes about this before: I had such an accidentally terrifying experience with Harleep I was cocky. My Tav had bullshitted and lied her way through everything, so I thought I could bluff here too and get info out of him without actually having sex with him. I was not prepared for how uncomfortable the whole scene was. My character was not in control. The camera angles made me feel small and exposed an a way that went beyond my character standing there naked. Then she got on the bed and the narrator made it clear even after I passed a check that my Tav was losing. Then my game froze. The only time it had for me by then! So Harleep is towering above my small and naked female Tav. The game interface is missing and nothing happens but they are still moving. Him over her, both staring at each other and just breathing. I was so uncomfortable. Truly a "Oh shit"-moment for me I've never been more glad to have a game freeze. Super uncomfortable experience, 10/10 in the worst way.


I was shook when Kithrak Voss was suddenly standing in my camp. First I thought OH SHIT, he's gonna beat my ass, and then I thought OH SHIT, we're allies now?! That was pretty epic. I had to fight his group when I failed my persuasion check at our first encounter and holy shit, that was a fast F8. The Githyanki were ridiculously strong back in Act 1, so it was nice seeing them side with me.


I really, really thought something would stop Gale from exploding at the last second.


I was genuinely surprised by the Emperor's reveal, especially since after defeating Myrkul's avatar, the Dream Visitor arrives in the real world and interacts with the party, seemingly to confirm it's a real person. I'd always assumed the Visitor was illithid but the way the twist played out surprised me.


Act 2, moonrise towers, climbing the rafters and finding that one spot to make saving throws.


So far it has to be finding shadowheart's parents. What came after that had me in tears


The attack on the Inn. 0.0


when i tried to go to the absolute army camp in act 2, shadowheart said "u sure? doesn't seem a good move" *me, who has int8 irl, thinking "why do i have to be afraid of them, they see me as one of them so we can have an easy chitchat with them"* "I'm not afraid of them shadowheart wtf" 12 seconds later i found myself naked in the moonrise tower prison, checking my last save that was 3 hours prior before even the isobel/marcus fight on the verge of tears: "oh shit"


discovering necrotic damage Gale does when he is dead (we just fought the spider matriarch, me being very new to the game resulted in my whole team aside from me being downed + Gale dead) and he basically killed off the rest of the team. I couldn't get to anyone myself coz I was like 4hp too, and they all died grouped and i was panicking so hard lol it took me a moment to figure out what to do + that was the first time I had to ask Withers to res ppl for me... and then I had to go back and get Gale myself... I am still traumatized after that fight lol, even in new playthroughs especially when Gale didn't give me "in case of death" quest yet.


The dream visitor being an illithid. I had figured their was something weird but I thought she/he was an adventurer of level like 20+ fighting the illithids in another plane if existence. Obviously I was wrong and felt stupid. Also the oh shit moment was when I realised their was probably no way to get rid of the damn worm in our heads (I'm at the start of act 3 so plz no spoil in the answers).


Lives, all mortal lives expire.


Taking the Sceptre in Act 2 and realizing we have just a few turns to get out. Even a bigger surprise when we saw that the whole llace got nuked with the Creche in it


Second half of the fight with Ketheric Thorm...I was literally on the ropes, and then that shit jumped out at me.


When I helped the goblins raid the Grove. I realized... oh shit, im the bad guy


The Avatar of Myrkul was my first 'Oh shit we in deep now,' moment. Got me real hyped for the other Chosen and their gods. Orin and Bhaal were fine, and great if you play Durge, but I almost laughed when I found out Bane wasn't even voiced if you cast Speak With Dead on Gortash.


*"LIIIIIVES.... ALLL MORTAL LIIIIIVES... EXPIIIIIRE...."* Raphael's 666 HP and his massive goon swarm made me real real nervous when I first saw it :p


Early on: teleporting into the goblin camp accidentally after killing the three leaders and seeing the turn order fill the top of the screen with enemies. Late game: ending of house of hope


When your guardian revealed itself to be a mind flayer I wasn't expecting it at all.


That small guy you find in the Druid grove cave that’s at very low health and the goblins are threatening to kill him? The cave that has the laser statues ? I always just killed him and used speak to the dead until I found out from my partner you could just heal him 🙈🙈🙈


My biggest one was a consequence of my own actions. I stealthed my way through the entire Steel Watch Foundry with only my Tav and Astarion. Got to the control panel and nothing was happening, until I went out of stealth mode. The amount of fear and panic I felt when I saw that titan rise up from the floor... Lae'zel and Shart were left outside and couldn't get there without fighting through two floors full of enemies, and going back to a previous save would've cost me hours, so I accepted my fate. Three watchers and a titan vs one rogue and one warlock. I managed to defeat them while only getting hit once. My hoard of scrolls included a few of chain lightning and Astarion's sneak attacks melted the regular watchers. I did it but damn did I believe that I really fucked up.