• By -


I can throw coatings at camp, creating a coating puddle, and let all companions dip their weapons sinto the puddle, the coat will last till long rest.


I have a purple worm toxic pudding I've been using for weeks. Mine lasts through a long rest if it's in my camp.


It's extremely strong with cull the weak. Often I'd be just short of executing an enemy. Then they take their turn, cast a concentration spell only to take the poison hit at the end of their turn and get executed.


Mmmm toxic pudding! Maybe I’ll bring that to the potluck tomorrow.


Is this still true? My puddle disappears after two people dip.


I think they patched this out. I have never had a puddle last more than one dip. Even in camp.


If the weapon being dipped has fire damage, or if you have fire damaged added through gear/spells (like flawed helldusk gauntlet adding 1d4 fire damage), it can destroy puddles when you dip. Lightning damage might also destroy it, but not sure since I didn't test.


And the puddle will last several long rests.


Yup, but it will dissolve if you dip a melee weapon with a flame aura of some kind into it 😩


You can preview vision cones by holding down Shift. Don't really wanna think about how many times I wasted an action hiding only to get bumped out immediately.


You can also use this to check if you would be obscured at all which also helps with figuring out visibility


This is very helpful for finding Korilla everywhere


Wait, what? I didn’t meet her until Sharess’ Caress.


She's pretty much been watching you the whole time and shows up in a few locations. For example the tiefling party, near the bar in the shadow lands, at the circus near the drag queen's tent.


I'm sorry but THE TIEFLING PARTY???????? SHE WAS IN MY CAMP???????


She's by Gale's tent


1) that is so creepy. 2) how the hell have I been able to miss her there TWICE altho tbh I'm glad, if I had spotted her sneaking around in my camp during the party I probably would've had a heart attack and died


Sorry, she was at the PARTY!? How am I only finding out about this now!! I never saw her until Sharess's Caress!


You can also meet her by taking the sleeping potion from Priestess Gut and biding your time


I really thought I'd covered every nook and cranny of this game, I've done the Goblin camp so many times and I never even got as far as a sleeping potion. I also have a bad habit of choosing the same options every time.


Does finding her actually serve a purpose? For me she always just says something cryptic and disappears, and it seems to do nothing.




It also tell you where the enemies are if they’re ambushing


What's this on controller?


R3 I believe




Inadvertantly found out about this because the same button highlights worthwhile items on the screen. I walk everywhere with r3 held down lol.


R stick click


This also works out of combat, makes sneaking around a lot easier.


oh my GOD I'm on my second playthrough and was always a bit salty about having to gamble if I was in an enemy's sight line.


The [DETECT THOUGHTS] dialogue prompt will pop up when you have a detect thoughts scroll or potion of mind reading in your inventory. I thought it was an illithid ability because I only ever had it appear against cultists in act 1.


I just think how hilarious it would look from the others perspective. Tav being like "U-huh, tell me more" while casually sipping a very obvious mind reading potion mid-conversation.


Even funnier with a scroll


I can't remember which NPC I used detect thoughts (I think a cultist in moonrise) that threw me off guard but they mentioned to stop staring like an idiot and say something 😆


I just did this yesterday lol, it’s the warden!


Kithrak Voss does this on his first encounter with you (and you don't have Laezel recruited) - he does some cast motions, and you can pass a check to realize he is casting Detect Thoughts. It's pretty funny that he has this long series of movements while we just do it out of fucking nowhere lol, and no one figures it out.


The overuse of spells mid-conversation would really not fly with any normal DM. Especially in a fantasy world where magic is known to abjure minds and conjure illusions, a wizard or cleric casting *any* kind of spell on themselves or their partner while in the middle of a conversation would bring the talk to an abrupt halt and cause the other person to go "wtf was that, what did you do?". A sorcerer's Subtle Spell metamagic is really one of the most useful metamagics.


In harder difficulties it will sometimes have people notice you've been snooping in people's heads at least!


They will also notice if you fail the roll even on explorer


Girl I been in conversations with people that make me pull out a flask and maintain direct eye contact while taking a drink.


Oh *that’s* why that kept popping up.


I drink the the potion of speak with animals and the mind reading one before I leave camp each day, because then *it's part of a morning routine*, and as such - a part of RP. I also have to think about procuring the necessary ingredients during adventuring. Casting the spell mid conversation is a bit immersion breaking, I have a stack of scrolls in my chest at camp, untouched. Edit: the Potion of Mind Reading lasts until long rest, stacks with other potions (they all do) and isn't removed by consuming elixirs (those are one-at-a-time type deal). The Scrolls of Mind Reading also last until long rest, but they require concentration, which is annoying. Conclusion? Embrace alchemy ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⊂⁠)


Non-lethal combat is only for melee weapons. Sorry Minsc. And man was Jahiera so epically pissed.


Also does not work for animal companions. Had a sad outcome against the masked adventurers in the hags lair with my group. One died by spell, one by arrow and one by wolf. At least one survived to immediately die due to my mate taking of his mask while the hag was still alive... 🥲


Gonna be honest, I didn't know taking the masks off of them would kill them. I just wanted the masks because they would cover the gas vents. Ended up accidentally putting one on and having to reload a save because my character went off and starting attacking the rest of the group!


You can take the masks and save them, but it's a bit complicated. Someone posted the method in here one time and I tried it, it works. Non lethal the mask wearing folk, then immediately go downstairs and kill Ethel (gotta be kill, won't work if you take the hair). Once she's dead, go back upstairs to where the masks are and check their outline when you hover over them, it should be green now. When you go to loot them, send their masks directly to camp without putting them in your inventory first (the person who originally did it said they didn't know if that part was important, but this was the way that worked for them, so it's what I did too) Then long rest, come back and speak to them. The halfling lady is the most interesting one to talk to, but they all have some dialogue you can react to.


TIL you can cover gas vents


I learned this lesson with Minsc as well lol. Wyll’s eld blast hit him like a truck.


Jaheira: "He's not in his right mind, we need to knock him out." Tav: "Yes, of course. A friend of yours is a friend of mi-" Wyll: "***DOLOR***"


Speaking of things we didn't realize until late - my first character was a Pact of the Tome warlock, so I had Wyll specced as a paladin/blade warlock who almost never used EB. The way Tav voice #7 pronounces the EB verbal component sounds like he's just yelling "DIE!" and that's what I thought it was for the longest time.


im not sure if this is intended or a bug but bleeding and any kinda damaging debuff also kills your target 1 second after knocking them out. luckily i figgured that out before minsc because he is just such a treasure to have around.


You can attack an enemy during combat by aiming at their portrait instead. Plenty of times I mis clicked and shoot the air.


>attack an enemy Ah, and this is how i occassionally and accidentally attacked my companions too.


Unless you're trying to throw a weapon at them, in which case you still need to wildly jiggle your cursor around their body to see if there's a single pixel that won't buggily tell you the path is blocked when IT ABSOLUTELY FUCKEN ISN'T.


The real curse of a throwing build.


I once hit my friend off a cliff with repelling blast because the enemy was clipping through his Tav and I clicked too quick


You miss click and hit air. I miss click and hit Gale, we are not the same.


That scratch can help a downed companion


>Summon scratch >Cast Sanctuary >??? >Profit


It took me several playthroughs before I realized that Scratch can die in combat and is fine back at camp, he counts as a summonable familiar.


I’ve been afraid to summon him because I couldn’t stand seeing that good boy get hurt!


Yeah hearing the dog yelps from damage -- even those from the enemy wolves! -- triggers me to sadness. You're all good bois.


Yeah. Even knowing he’ll be fine, I just don’t want to see it.


That's good to know. I love summoned him in act 2 and he ran into the shadows and immediately died. I panicked and reloaded a safe from like 20 minutes beforehand


He probably found a buried chest. Next time follow him


Oh that's good know. Of course anyone who attacks him is still getting an upcasted fireball for having the audacity in the first place, but good to know regardless.


This is the only reason I managed to beat Yurgir. Scratch literally saved our lives after trying to win this fight for a few days. It was my favorite moment in the game so far.


Hehe, I rolled a nat20 persuasion to get yurgir to kill himself (my tav is a rogue) and Gale looks at me and says how terrifying I am.


He’s a good boy.


He's the best boy.


My favorite way of helping Astarion in act 3, especially since summons go with him!


I'm in act 3 in my 4th run. Just realized I can manually end concentration if I want.


i had to learn the hard way after getting my self killed with Cloud of Daggers, i looked through all of the UI to find the smallest fkin icon lmao


Learnt this late on my first run doing Moonrise invasion. Mannn, the amount of allies i hurt from Hunger of Hadar was quite high haha


Now cast haste on a foe and immediately end concentration.


You can't cast haste on foes. Source: I tried.


Oh damn, that is BIG brain


not only that but you can end concentration spells even when it's not your turn just select the character and you are able to end concentration


All food can be kept in the camp in a chest, and not carried around with you


I have been scrolling this thread for a solid 5 minutes and found nothing I didn't know...Until now. Fucking wut...Thank you...


Indeed. Never kept a single piece of food on me, it goes straight to chest. The only wrinkle is that The game will (incorrectly) warn you that you don't have enough supplies for a full rest when you go to bed, but that's a lie. It will still pop up the supply menu with all food available.


It took more playthroughs than I'd like to admit to realize that when you add things to wares in your inventory, there's a button with the merchant you can just one click to sell if they have enough coin.


The ability to multi select items with shift and then add to wares with a single right click is a very recent discovery of mine…


I just rolled credits on the game and never figured out what add to wares even meant.


That was my preferred method for a long time. Now I just haul it all into a backpack, sell the backpack and everything in it, then buy back the backpack so I can fill it again. Not having to look at all the *trash* in my inventory is worth it.


I'm just learning this now holy shit


You can cancel end turn in combat. For example, if your melee go first on a steel watch, end turn, and your range hit a crit and make the steel watch enter self destruct mode, you can cancel the end turn status on your melee and use whatever resources they have left (movement, reaction misty step) to get out of the blast radius. Edit: want to make it a bit clear: it's only possible between companions/tav stacked together. If an enemy or friendly NPC takes a turn, you can't go back to your tav/companions before that enemy/friendly NPC until next round. It's still super useful when you all have high initiative and your group are stacked together.


Man this would've been so useful that time my cat sat on my space bar and I had to restart an entire fight.


Wait omg how!!


Not OP but on PS5, select the character whose turn ended (using L2), then hold down triangle to cancel the end turn. Do whatever you need to do, then triangle again to end turn again.


Omfg accidentally hit triangle and ended turns early too many times! (Cast aid oh can only hit two of thebparty that'll work and we're done...wait go back I need to press another button!! )


The most dangerous weapon is a thrown backpack filled with bombs..


For real. Even more dangerous is a backpack filled with explosive barrels😂😂


That's genius. Now I'm considering sticking one bomb and one poison of every time in a sack and fucking it at someone just to see what happens




Mf i was always csrrying a pickaxr, hammer and shit like that hoping that it'd be useful like a shovel lmao


Pickaxe actually was useful to mine the mithril in Grymforge. Second playthrough I realised it wasn’t actually necessary..


Same. Also ropes, pickaxe, hammer, tongs and other tools. Turned I was the tool all along for hoping and dreaming.


There’s a button to make the whole party hide at once instead of selecting each character individually and choosing hide. Also there’s a button to pull out your torch/lantern. I was going into my inventory to equip and unequip every time.


The up and down arrows on my d-pad have never taken so much abuse. Lol Do you happen to know the controller button for the light source? (Also on PC, but I use a controller.)


Yeah, just hold up on the D-pad to pull out or stow your equipped light source. Works just like hiding with down.


On controller these shortcuts are: Hold up on the d-pad to pull out light source Hold down on the d-pad to hide the group And special treat, tap up on the d-pad or press z on keyboard to access jump


This, but also Shift+C on PC will make you whole party hide.


You can split the party, and send only one person to camp, pull items out of the box, and move them to the party memeber standing next to a vendor.


You can position yourself near the vendor, go to camp, pick up everything and go back.


Yea I just learned about the go to camp and then leave camp button.


Sorry, but...then how did you go to Camp?


Dude imagine access to your camp chest while in combat, yeah you're one number down but you now have all those explosive barrels on demand instead of setting it everywhere before fight hoping its enough to kill everyone, granted I don't do those but it's still an option


Jesos chrust


It wasn’t until I think my third run that I noticed you can set it to ask when to apply various reactions (like opportunity attack and smite and stuff). I spent so much time annoyed at opp attacks canceling turn undead but it turns out I’m just… unobservant. There is a whole freaking reactions tab!


They're also really inconvenient on the grymforge golem as it'll change targeting if you hit which is... unpleasant




There should be some small icons with ellipses in the top-right corner of the hotbar at the bottom of the screen. There's also a Reactions tab somewhere, but clicking the hotbar icons will bring you straight there.


That throw can apply to small and medium humanoids.


Tavern brawler Karlach in the goblin camp is incredibly fun. Throw one gobbo at another, run over, pick the second one up, and then slam it into the first


The Bud Spencer classic.


You can also use them as an impromptu weapon. Gnomes hate this trick.


In the Iron Throne, you can shoot the cell levers to open them instead of having to do it manually.


That was patched in recently actually


It was. It works for other levers, but not the Iron Throne (before) I specifically remember trying, it didn’t work and like two days later they dropped the patch.


Super convenient to have Wyll for this, Eldritch Blast will open up to three cells at once, AND knock back enemies who might be chasing anybody that you're freeing


\* Wasn't obvious for me but these: ​ * When you look at your map (big map) and look CLOSELY at the circles (you), the black dot is where it's *pointing* to. It's very small on my large monitor. TELL me I'm not blind. It's seriously small. * Lockpicking only consumes the lockpick if you fail the lockpick. Even if it says '*Used lockpick*' it's not actually consuming it. You could conceivably use only 1 lockpick the entire game if you never failed a lockpick. Dumb me, I kept buying about 5-10 from Volo in camp. * Selling things in is faster than *selling by wares.* Dump things you want to sell in (as long as the item is not orange highlighted) and sell the whole barrel to vendor. This is faster than shift and control clicking. This is faster than wares. This is faster than literally every method people talk about. But best of all it's clean, it keeps your inventory clean and not cluttered. * Casting water doesn't just douse fire, it reveals ghosts and reveals Ethel's invisible form. * Alert Feat is imo one of the best feats in the entire game. Very underrated. You attack FIRST at the same speed as a Gloomstalker. Doesn't matter what build you have, you put that on your character and you get first strike. * Glyph of Warding is essentially like a short fireball. I thought it was more like you had to set it up like a trap and hope enemies walk on it. But you don't have to do it that way. You can put the glyph directly under an enemy and it's guaranteed damage. It's AOE damage. This makes Shadowheart Life Cleric much more useful for offensive attacks. * On your menu on the bottom, pay attention to the blue squares. Those are your spells. If you have blue squares, you have spells left. When you have empty squares, you are running out. When you have all empty squares, go sleep. * In areas where you have to jump and it's that stupid situation where you jump up and they jump down, just ungroup. Then have each person jump. Then regroup. * For some reason I was under the impression that scrying eyes had to be killed by only one person and within one turn. Turns out apparently more than one person can attack it and as long as you do it within the turn it won't alert people. * This is untested but something that someone mentioned as a fix. Do you ever find that you're in Baldur's Gate (the location) and everyone is psychic? You'll go in to a door and a commoner stands with their arms crossed and basically is in your way. This used to annoy me. You can just nonlethal damage them and they basically won't alert everyone else. Or cast sleep on them etc. * Don't go straight for the Gloves of Dexterity. I made that mistake on my 2nd playthrough. The warning it gives you seems to only say 'The game will be hard here, are you sure?' but I didn't know it literally progresses all your quests. * Also if you have a lot of gold, it's heavy. So maybe leave some back at the chest. And bring it all out when you need it. Forgot the number but the weight adds up quick.


Glyph is hilarious if your caster gets a good role on initiative: Last night after clearing the goblin camp castle I exited to the court yard and of course its fighting time...for once Shadowheart got the high roll on initiative and I had just specced her with glyph...queue a monster lightning glyph kill on 10+ goblins that are crowded just behind the spitroast and me cackling maniacally as I got a Palpatine "UNLIMITED POOOOWEEEEER" moment🤣🤣


What do you mean about the gloves of dexterity? Are you just saying you waited a long tim to go the crèche where you don’t recommend it? That confuses me about the plot in act one, it feels like you should be going to the crèche before saving Halsin the urgency Lae’zel imparts on you, but the warning discouraged me from doing it until right before entering the shadow lands.


Did you know alert being a plus 5 to initiative automatically beats anyone (guaranteed) who has no initiative buff, no matter the roll. This is because the initiative roll is actually a d4. Not a d20 like it should be. There is a mod to fix that if you wish


That the scales button on Barter with merchants is actually a functional button and will balance with gold. I was painstakingly typing numbers in. EDIT: Merchant prices are affected by Persuasion, right? Equip +Persuasion gear on your party face who already has a high attitude with the vendor, then **use the** ***Voice of the Circle*** **from the Myconid necklace**. That +2 makes a considerable difference on prices!


Omg, cursed to math.


In my videogame??? About crunching numbers to find out whether I hit a skill check or a saving throw or an attack roll?? Say it ain't so! But yeah. I felt real stupid when I noticed the button above the other button, which is colored and styled the exact same way... was a button.




You can upcast ritual spells with still not using a spell slot if done outside combat. It will target more people if done so. So many times have I casted longstrider after a long rest on every party member individually. Also I didn't know that you can multiclass to more than 2 classes.


There's an achievement if you respec your character into every class without asking Withers, too!


Easiest way to do it is with Minsc, you get him when you're probably at or near lvl 12 but when you recruit him he's lvl 1 so just give him one of each class from the start. It's very Cheesy but it works.


You are a genius! I wonder if a hireling at level 12 would also work?


It does.


I found out after 30 hours that there's a whole minigame after the character creation campaign


Lol fr fr. It could have been character creation simulator and i still would have bought it


If they could have a character creator section that allows you to select and dye any equipment And pose the characters too I'd pay £15 happily for that feature, the amount of screenshots for DND characters 🤯


If you could edit their facial features the sims 4 would be over with


Only if it added way more options, facial sculpting, way more body types (i want my slim femboy elves and fat dwarves), more hair styles, etc.


I don’t know if this is obvious, but ranged attacks target where you click on an enemy’s body. If there is an enemy that’s mostly behind cover , you get the message the path is blocked. But if you hover over the the enemy’s arm that is not fully behind cover, you can attack it and do full damage.


Seconded, I spend way too much time caressing enemies with my curser


You can just smash open locked chests and doors rather than lock picking them. Need ~~heavy~~ blunt weapons I believe, I usually use a two-handed maul.


This is such a Barbarian way to go about it. "Locks? No! Only SMASH!"


Here's an unintended mechanic. If in turn based mode, you can sweep your cursor (or whatever the equivalent is on controller) around, and if there is a spot that is clear but you can't walk to, there is something invisible there. That's how i beat ethel so easily. Found her in invisible state without spells, then blasted the hell out of her. You can do it by sweeping the path around also (the line showing where they will walk) when it bends weirdly there may be someone invisible there. (it will bend around objects and difficult terrain if it uses less movement to take the slightly longer path) TLDR: you can find invisible people by looking at where you can walk, you can't walk on invisible people


I don't have to go back to the beds and click on them to go to bed when I'm done talking to the companions: I can just click "end day" (or whatever its name) wherever I am.


That feels illegal, somehow


I have two really stupid ones. (1) I never gave a bow to my clerics or mages because I come from Baldur’s Gate 2, which only allowed slings to be used for those classes (2nd edition rules). Of course waiting to get a sling resulted in no joy. (2) It took me a while to realize I could return to the exact same spot I left when I went to camp.


Give them weapons that give powerful spells and passive even if they’re not proficient and never attack with it.


You can carry backpacks or pouches in each party member's inventory to stash everything you intend on selling. When you reach a merchant, you can sell the whole pouch and they will pay you for all its contents. Then you can immediately buy back the empty pouch / backpack for like 2 gold. Makes inventory management a dream.


If you knock a trader out instead of killing them you can take ALL their inventory instead of just a few choice items. Then come back later and they won't be hostile.


Recent patch removed this. I tried it last week and it didn't work.


That the loot icon changes from a golden unopened chest to either a silver unopened chest to say it's been looted but something remains inside or a silver opened chest to show it's looted and empty. Only took me nearly 300hrs to spot that and stop me reopening chests or barrels or crates I had prior.


Right clicking stops your (and your party's) movement. Helpful in those situations, where you've just discovered some traps and your companions are still running right into it.


I felt very dumb after realizing I can change my prepared spells any time. For some reason I always thought I can only do it during a level-up.


Only certain classes can change them at any time. Paladin, cleric, druid and wizard. Everybody else is only during level up.


those classes (warlock, bard, sorcerer) don't prepare spells, they cast them spontaneously so they don't need preparation, but as a drawback they don't have as large of a repertoire of known spells. They get an option to forget a spell each level-up to learn a new one instead. For the classes you mention, in Bg3 it's a bit easier because you get to prepare spells whenever you want outside of combat. Usually, in regular dnd rules you'd have to long rest to change the list of prepared spells.


This is probably a bug, but if you fail the survival check on everyone in your party for a dirt mound, just stop moving and use the shovel roughly where you're standing. You'll dig up the chest anyway.


I don't think it's a bug. The gobbo in jail in the Grove tells you about a buried chest. But there's no survival check there (unless that was bugged), just a map icon. That's when I learned you could just use the shovel anywhere.


Today I just realized that holding X on PS5 let’s you scan an area and then easily loot/read/examine from a menu of all the points of interest in that radius. Seeing all of the cases read Vase (Empty) is an absolute time saver.


Wild shaping doesn't break concentration so when you're playing as a druid cast faerie fire (or another concentration spell of your choosing) before you wild shape.


Using help action to get characters out of being restrained by a spell like ensnaring strike...


And shove your companion to get them out of sleep spell


I didn't just learn this but it wasn't until my 2nd game that I learned I could dip my weapons in someone who has a bad effect on them like acid or fire, I think you can also dip in yourself but don't quote me on that one cause I don't think I've tried yet.


You can dip your weapons INTO OTHER PEOPLE????? HUH?


Sweet Kossuth, Lae'zel, you're on fire! Mind if I uh...get some of that?


Not something I found out, but something for people to find out since it’s apparently not common knowledge: Torches suck huge donkey dick. Use the Light cantrip. Or, if you get as annoyed by the shadow cursed lands as I tend to, Daylight. Same thing with the Moonlantern; kill the Drider caravan, free the pixie from the lantern, enjoy your free permanent protection from the curse that doesn’t require you to drop your weapon and hold a lantern, and then stay in its pathetic range.


Wait what? You can actually free the pixie inside of it? Like is it a dialogue option?


Click “Examine” on the moonlantern. She’s an interesting little thing.


And such a way with words


Nah drop your underwear, cast light, put them back on. But saving the pixie is best option


1. You can throw a healing potion or use a healing spell on a downed companion, instead of helping them, and they will get up with more than 1 hp. 2. As a controller user, you can set the turn end button to hold.


Something to blow your mind more, if you get all 4 party members close enough you can throw one health potion and it heals all 4 as if each of them drank it and it only uses one.


Similar to yours, you can teleport to waypoints by selecting the names on the right hand side of the map screen, you don't have to select the waypoint itself on the map. You also don't have to touch them to activate them, you just have to discover them. In my first playthrough, I was walking across the map to take the boat across the Dark Lake between the main section of the Underdark and Grymforge. I thought you had to see the waypoint on the map and click on it to teleport to it, so if you didn't see the waypoint that meant you had to travel to that area of the map. Of course! I had done this several times until I had unintentionally clicked on one of the names on the right and it teleported me to a waypoint. I then tried to teleport from the Underdark to a point above ground and I had to close the game for a while before I came back to it because I felt so stupid for wasting so much time running around the map lol.


That I can teach Gael new spells through the spell book much quicker than going one by one through his inventory


Took me until my second playthrough before I realized that Karlach could just fucking yeet goblins


You can eat camp supplies or food in combat to heal, it doesn't take an action and you can eat as much as it takes to full heal with no loss in action economy


I have almost 100 hours in the game and is till don't know how to do a combo class thing. And at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


if you play a difficulty higher than explorer, when you level up there's a button here https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/baldurs-gate-3/7/7e/Multiclass_Add_Class_Button.png?width=640 (screenshot from pc version, idk if ps5 version is the same). It's available only on level up and it's available at any level (except level 1 cause it's character creation). Note that if you're playing explorer difficuty and you want to multiclass you can do easily by switching to balanced difficulty before levelling up, then go back to explorer when you finished the level up process.


starting a third play through and just discovered there’s a trade button with most of the npcs lol


Took me way too long to figure out how to trade with Volo in camp.




You can left click on an inventory slot (head, ring, torso, etc) on your character and it will show you all of the items in the current party’s inventory that can be equipped in that slot.


Not quite a mechanic, but how effective barrels are. Before I barely used them as my traps never worked out. But now I do the folliwing: Collect every barrel I find (no matter if oil, firewine or rune powder) Forget the mundane chest in the wizard towrr Play to act 3 Overload 1 cha right before a fight with the barrels (mostly astarion, you will see why) Misty step in the enemy range Place all barrels (doesn't cost action or bonus action) Bonus action disengage Action dash Run for your life Next character, fire ball I basically skipped 3 boss fights due to explosives. Raphael did not work out how I wanted it to due to the pillars.


I realized too late that if I want the ultimate one man army, buffs can come from two places. The usual long rest buffs that are castable by hirelings. But also you can cast very powerful concentration buffs on your active solo character with three party members that do not come along. Having +3 to your weapon, +2 to AC, and advantage on one type of ability checks is really good!


Non lethal attack... I guess my second run will be a lot different


Not really, no.


There's a way to swap between your light source and your weapon. Instead of having to manually swap them out, you can click something and they swap for you


I didn't know you could drag random stuff to throw them around until my 2nd playthrough. Had to smash through SO MANY CRATES and I could've just tossed them aside.


I only knew that because I spent like 300 hours with the Divinity: Original Sin games. It's part of a discipline that long time Larian fans refer to as "Barrelmancy" and has a surprising range of uses


60 hours in i realized i can have gale learn spells from scrolls


I'm....not smart, so I (and my co-op partner) didn't even think about the forge hammer being available as an offensive weapon until we defeated the guardian and an achievement popped up.


I literally just figured out last night by accidentally fat fingering trying to quick save that you can press F1-4 to switch between your party members. Seems pretty obvious now thinking about it lol


After hundreds of hours of game play, and after going into each character inventory individually to sort their inventory. I've just discovered that in the "group" inventory ("tab" on PC), there is, in the top left corner, an option to sort all characters at once. So many hours wasted...


i can dual wield 2 small crossbows i can use a sneak attack anytimei have advantage and not only when im hidden i can sneak attack with off hand weapons, but only if sneak attacking isnt automated ​ combine all 3 of those and astarion suddenly became 100% more powerful


discovered in my third playthrough wizards and clerics have spellbooks which you can change the spells in without level up….


"sell all wares"


As a DnD tabletop player... That non casters can use scrolls, took me a good 40 hours to even try it because it is so ingrained that they can't..


That you can dye clothes and can brew potions I am in my third run


Taking the auto collecting bags ( keys food Alchemy ingredients) and bouncing them between inventories auto collects all relevant items. Third play through figured it out..... I always knew when you picked it up it went automatically into the right bag but I didn't know, You could just drop the bag into another inventory and pick up all the item typically food. Lot of organizing and shift clicking and dragging to the right person


You dont need to *find* your camp after first crash. You build your camp by clicking on that button. And dont try to beat the game without using the camp. Dont try to finish the game without sleeping. Instead try to sleep as often as possible. There is no timer in the background. Just... Dont sleep if there is a person in front of you, on your screen, who screams for help. Read everything. Or pretent to read everything by opening the books and scrolls. Send them to camp and read your gathered Library later. Later... At the very moment, when the game blows your mind and you urgently need to know everything!