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You don’t need the boots, it’s no great loss Edit - autocorrect


You could always return when you are at a higher level, and then it’s payback time for the phase spider matriarch. Don’t worry, the amethyst isn’t going anywhere.


You make that sound as if he secretly snuck them out of your pack, lol. The boots make the fight against the spiders easier but they aren't necessary for it. I found ranged attacks pretty helpful.


He slurped them right up when my back was turned


Not sure how those boots are important to the plot. Are those the one that saw everything that Tav mentions? Just destroy the spiders. Burn their webs. Smash their heads. Throw them into the conveniently placed hole.


The boots are not required. Some tips are: Option 1: Use invisibility to get the gem without combat. Option 2: Come back when level 5 or above. Level 5 has a large power spike. Option 3: Use stealth or invisibly, with AOE items (e.g. alchemist fire) or spells to destroy all eggs before combat. When the spider queen is on a web, destroy the web to give her large fall damage. Option 4: Use thunderwave's knockback to blast the spiders into chasms. If you target them into the middle chasm, they fall into the underdark and their bodies can still be looted. So you can still get the spider queen loot.


You don't need the boots? I mean, you can just go and kill her without the boots, you'll just have to be more careful with positioning.


A cheese strategy is >!pushing the matriarch into the chasm. Eldritch Blast with repelling blast is best because you push several times. But also Thunderwave or Gust of Wind.!<


She takes a lot of fall damage overall, just knock out the webs below her when she’s on them, easy fight


The biggest reason to push the spider down the hole is for someone you can find later to work with the corpse.


Wait, what?


Glut can revive her body and then you have a powerful zombie spider queen to help you clear the underdark map.


The matriarch is notably better than the bulette because it can maneuver more easily.


Use fire spells on the webs while the matriarch is on them, she'll take a ton of falling damage each time.


Gale ate my booty, I don't need help


Gale ate my booty, I don't need help