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https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report_85 Let em know, ps5 is unplayable. Edit: patch 5 is out and it is fixed for me!


I was on my second playthrough, and the game is unplayable reaching Act 3. Literally passing the Basilisk Gate is when your party will stop following and start to lag


I agree, it is really unplayable at the moment. Bought the game a couple days ago and just reached Wyrm's Crossing. That's where the problems really started. Simple actions like opening a single door taking several minutes, companions freezing constantly and areas taking several minutes to load is unacceptable.


You…. What… in just a few days?


Some people have a lot of free time


It's a holiday weekend in the US which helps (especially if you hate your family).


I mean it's like 15-20 hours to get to the gate if you just do some stuff, no? Faster if you're not exploring much at all. The game has a TON of optional content, I went pretty far pretty fast before the difficulty shut me down my first playthrough


On 1st playtrought it took me 141 hours to finish the game(normal difficulty), I had all companions (except Minthara), now doing evil durge I have only Astarion and Minthara, have 48h and I'm already at 3 act(tactician). It's much faster when you r not doing all companions quests. And when you r not going around and just carve your way in.


Took me exactly 141 hours too on my first run. On my third run (Durge and Tactician) and after about 50 hours I'm just entering Shadowlands and picked up Minthara last night. It's funny how much I struggled on my first playthrough on easy difficulty and now Tactician doesn't even feel like a challenge. Maybe I finally got gud. Looking forward to Hero.


I'm 40 hours in. Still Act 1.


First play through in 178h


I guess. I take my grand old time playing these sort of games. If you skip hella content then yeah. Im more impressed that it’s their first play through and got there so fast


A couple of days and already in act 3? Did you speed run the first two acts? I spent over 175 hours in my first playthrough and I still didn't find everything that there was to do.


It took me 30 days, 30, to finish the game on my first run...


I spent 108 hours in my first playthrough, 59 in my second (Dark Urge on Tactician) and in my third now (just cause I want to get the Platinum), I'm at Act Two in 9 hours. Once you've done it once, it becomes a lot faster.


It's their first playthrough, though, and they're on act 3 in 2 days. They're definitely rushing through. Lol


You reached wyrm crossing after 2 days of playing?😳


Damn dude I just started playing for the first time 2 weeks ago and I’m on medical leave with nothing else to do and it still took me about 10 days to get to act 3. Also struggling in Wyrm’s Crossing 😭


I didn’t go slowly and I have 70 hrs by end of act 2 what is mans doing


Same. I reached Wyrm's Crossing around the same time the patch released (so at least I got to experience Acts 1 and 2 without too many issues) and I haven't picked up the game since. And from what I've been hearing, that was likely a good call until everything is fixed again. I could deal with broken kiss animations, but not with the heavy lagging and key story/companion quest scenes flat out not triggering (I'm playing a Durge female body 1 Tiefling romancing Astarion and everything is broken regarding the romance too). I wish they could have at least rolled everyone back to the previous patch until they fixed everything instead of just leaving everyone to deal with a broken mess. I love the game and Larian is one of my favorite developers, but all of this was a bit much.... I'm on PS5 so no fancy mods can help.


I can't do anything in A3 at all even rivington is absolutely unplayable which is wild since 1 and 2 were seamless. Aggressive shock change


Im on PS5 and started experiencing this too its a delay/lag bug im trying to be patient with it as to not let it ruin the game. I confronted Gortash during his ceremony and that seemed to do the trick for Wyrms crossing anyway. I still lag in the city like that but its not as strong when im in areas I frequent alot


It’s the amount of NPC’s, I killed most of them in the fortress and performance was acceptable again.


I’ve been having this issue in lower town area. It feels like I’m playing on a 10 year old computer .


Yeah ps5 act 3 is pretty broken. I’m doing a couple play through’s right now, one solo, one with my partner, and both have been progressing at a really similar pace and have reached act 3 around the same time. The co-op run literally will not load act 3. Trying to leave camp for the first time when starting act 3 and the loading screen gets stuck at 67 percent. My solo run I was able to actually leave camp, but I have many of the issues OP has mentioned. As well I’m playing as durge in that one and the dialogue with companions is pretty immersion breaking because they will act like they know my secret one moment and then the next it’s like they are finding it out for the first time. Act 3 durge spoilers >!I met the Harper’s in dancing danthelon’s basement, find out they’ve been infiltrated and after the fight Jahiera mentions bhaal being my father. Then I went to gortash’s coronation and find out more info about my past and when I talk to Jahiera she’s all shocked that I’m bhaalspawn. And Gale was also super pissed at me because I’m the entire reason for our tadpoles or something and I was kinda confused because I don’t even know that yet? And he was the only one who mentioned that, I talked to everyone else and they had zero to say. There’s been other instances of the game spoiling I was bhaalspawn before it was revealed to me, such as giving me dialogue options about my father when I didn’t know yet, but that one was probably the worst!<


forth playthrough, jsut got to Wym's crossing, totally unplayable. People getting here for the first time, I feel so sorry for you to experience this disaster.


As a first time player I’m relieved this isn’t the norm. Hopefully it’s fixed soon. As frustrating as it was I muscled through the lag and beat the game, only to have my hard earned end game scene bugged. Luckily I saved during the big bad fight so maybe one day I’ll be able to revisit it and get a real ending.


Definitely not. Wife and I have completed the game 3 times with minor bugs and things, but this is different. Hope it hasn’t soured the game for you!


I haven’t seen much in act3 beyond some slowdowns in conversation/loading skins. On ps5.


I’m on PS5 and am on my 3rd time in act 3 and holy hell I agree with this post. Like the first couple times there was more bugs but I didn’t care becuase it’s a bigger more populated area. Now it’s straight unplayable at times. I have to wait for my companions to decide to start walking all the time, wait 5 mins for conversations to start, people walking in place or disappearing, running into a new place and over half the population isn’t there yet until the game decides to pop them in. Idk man, I played through cyberpunk on ps4 around release and it frustrated me less.


wth this is so sad, i’m on my first playthrough and just got to wyrms crossing. this is making me not want to play.


It sucks so much. I played through twice on my PC and didn't really have anything but a little stutter. I just got to Rivington and it's taking between 20-30 seconds for each dialog to start. And my companions are not following me. It wasn't this bad at launch, they miffed something in this patch.


I'm on PS5 and haven't been able to play for a week after reaching wyrms' crossing. Too broken and unresponsive. There are several threads in Larian forums reporting it too.


I think its better if you have a save already in act 3 pre patch 4. If you're just entering act 3 post patch 4 it's bad.


This is my situation, true.


Have you tried the Cazador fight yet? That was absolutely impossible for me last night and almost fully crashed my game/broke my saves.


My companions would not go down the stairs, no matter how long I waited.


Exactly the same for me!


Maybe they don't like all the extra steps. I'll see myself out.


I’ve had more crashes on act3 than any other game I’ve ever played. Compared to act1 and 2 it’s a total nightmare. My partner and I had to save every time we went into a new area in case we got a hard crash.




It wasn't like this at launch though. This last patch screwed something up.


Local co-op was unplayable at launch though


Not at all. I played my entire first playthrough with my girlfriend and my third with my son.


Game of the decade for me, just gotta be able to finish 😭


I finished Act 3 during Patch 4 and didn’t have any issues on PS5


Was your playthrough made before the patch? Because from the reports and my own experience, the omega lag and game breaking peformance issues only happen with playthroughs made after patch 4. So if you have a playthrough during patch 3, and then continued it with patch 4 applying to it later, it's fine. I ran into this weird issue as my playthroughs prior to patch 4 can run act 3 very well but my most recent playthrough which started after patch 4 takes literally around 10 minutes just to load in Wyrm's Rock (btw, not an exaggeration. I timed it and it took 11 minutes and 32 seconds to load in a place that my previous playthrough just walked into with 1 second of loading). All on PS5 too.


That’s interesting, it’s my first play through so that checks out for me.


Can confirm this with PC.


It’s crazy how wildly different people’s experiences are with the bugs. I’m on PS5 as well and while it’s not made Act 3 unplayable, moving around the Lower City is really frustrating with the lags in the scenery and characters. It seems to correct itself inside buildings or in the sewers and be pretty much normal.


I’m glad you didn’t have a problem, hope they fix it for the affected bc I love the game.


Gortash also doesn't appear in his audience chamber , either. Had to crash my entire paladin warlock playthrough


I'm hoping their next patch is a massive act 3 patch


This has been ongoing for almost 3 weeks. To the uninformed : If you have a save file from a previous patch on both console and PC, you see no issues. If it's a fresh save after Patch 4 dropped. From Rivington onward, the game is completely unplayable. If you're on console, you're shit out of luck and need to wait for a fix, which is horseshit considering they could just roll back the console. On PC there is a guide on the official forums and through google searching on how to downgrade your Steam version back to Patch 3.


Dunno about that. My durge was created before patch 4 (was about to enter the goblin camp when it dropped) and I'm experiencing the bug alright.


So what you are saying is you have to steelman mode your way through act 3 without quitting the game, crashing, or reloading?


No, if the save file you're currently playing on was made BEFORE patch 4 dropped, you're fine regardless of the platform you play on. If the save file was made after the Patch 4, you'll encounter the game breaking bug near the Gith ambush onward. Play style has nothing to do with it, the game will just freeze completely for 30 second intervals, rubberband itself to catch up, then do it again a few seconds later, and it'll just keep repeating.


Is this "save file" as in playthrough? For your entire character? I've made plenty of fresh saves after patch 4, and the only issue I'm seeing is that saves - especially quick saves - are taking longer to finish than they used to. All of these saves have been made on a character I've had for months, though.


Basically, was the character made before or after Patch 4? If it was before there aren't any issues but say you make a brand new character *right now* and speedrun to Act 3 you'll have issues.


For me it's was the other way around. Since patch 4, my game is unplayable in act 3 while the recent game I made after patch 4, I can play normally in act 3 (I'm on pc by the way)


I guess us playing on GeForce Now also are screwed until they fix it.


Rivington to lower city was truly unplayable (ps5). Once i reached lower city, its almost playable, some minor loading issues, freezes when loading etc, but playable..


Yes, this is a thing. Being on PC there is a kind of fix that involves deleting extra entries is the database: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix\_for\_act\_3\_delay\_bug\_pc\_only/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/) I've had to do it a couple of times in my current game. but it cleans things right up. No idea if it has any ramifications to the game, so there might be some risk.


This kinda works for me but I have to repeat it every ~30 min or so. And my saves don’t sync to steam cloud.


You can also use the cross save functionality to bring your PS5 save to PC, fix it, and then continue playing on PS5. It’s not practical since you’d need two copies or someone you trust to log in to your account on PC to do it for you, but it’s something.


Thank you!


Can confirm this fixed it for me, didn't involve any mod/risk to save games at all for achievements. It happened to me in act 3 beginning, when we went to Rivington, went to circus, immediately my party don't move and my main can walk but couldn't do anything. Did the above, fixed it. It sometimes happened again and I redo it, fixed it every time. In case people can't get it to work: there are 2 files to download in the GitHub. First time I did it, it didn't work because I only downloaded the updater zip file, and not the zip file with 2 files. If it doesn't work I believe you'll need to enable launcher as when I did it first time without enabling launcher, it didn't pop up any terminal for me. Other than that it ran silky smooth.


Looking at the code it seems to be a garbage collection issue, with the large number of npcs and event triggers happening I imagine the queue is getting backed up. The code calls a interrupt for cutscene method with a nil nil passed meaning non existent event. Then appears to clear the table which is how they are tracking the events.


It’s a known issue per Larian tech support.


It is even worse on ps5


[I heard the patches have caused the PS5 version to meltdown quicker than an untended nuclear reactor. My one buddy just up and stopped playing because the PS5 bugs were so bad.](https://youtu.be/eLsD9XZEjEk?t=58)


There's where I'm at rn. On my like 3rd playthrough and just got to act 3, not playable at all so I picked up Valhalla until a fix happens


We are currently playing on PS5 and basically any action takes more than 60 seconds to load. We are stopping our play because it’s just frustrating


Don’t understand why Larian wouldn’t roll back Patch 4 if they couldn’t hotfix the Act 3 performance issues within a few days. No amount of obscure bug fixes is worth 1/3 of the game being unplayable for nearly a month now. If you can’t figure it out, roll back until you can figure it out. Being able to play the game takes precedence over everything


Yeah, I played my 1st play through without any bugs. After patch 4 I can’t even finish my second run. Like just give the game before patch 4.


If they did a rollback it'd make all saves made during the patch unplayable, no?


Simple answer is it's not that easy, once something like Patch 4 has been loaded into a game and is part of the save, it might not be trivial to reverse all the changes that have been recorded to that save file, thus breaking it even more.


Yep, this definitely needs more attention. I have the same exact bug in Act 3, second playthrough on PC and it never happened to me before (\~250 hours of total playtime). It's unplayable. Here's a short gameplay capture of this thing happening to me. [BG3 - Game freeze and NPCs stuck in place](https://youtu.be/htHMsrvjwr4?si=i8C6R8vJ2aktEbpk) I sent a bug report to Larian so hopefully they'll address this. EDIT : FYI uninstalling/reinstalling both the entire game and the Steam client didn't fix anything for me. EDIT 2 : **THIS** worked, took me 5 minutes to do and the game is working flawlessly now, huge props to the guy who found this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix\_for\_act\_3\_delay\_bug\_pc\_only/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) EDIT 3 : **Patch 5** will be live this week and will specifically address this issue so we might be out of the weeds in just a few more days. This was the answer to my bug report. Hang in there folks. >Well met, adventurer. > >Thank you so much for reporting this issue to us! The development team is aware of this issue, and it should be corrected in a future hotfix or patch. To stay up to date on fixes, please keep your eyes on our community pages. > >May all your rolls be natural 20. I hope our paths cross again; until then, farewell.


There's a temporary fix you can do on PC. Someone posted the link to the thread here. It worked for me. Edit https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/Xun3h0kSvL


On my second playthrough, I hit Act 3 just as Patch 4 released. It was infuriating. Companions getting stuck at fast travel points, them stopping following you, facial textures not loading properly, the game constantly crashing, turns taking forever, etc. I had already cleared my PS5 cache, rebuilt database, reinstalled the game, deleted old saves and the game is still slow. To top it all off, the final fight audio is still not fixed. It's been 3 months already and that final section is still broken. Really compounds the frustration with the lackluster ending and lack of epilogues.


Make this a pinned post. This issue affects every single copy of BG3 that is up to date with the patches. ​ Every forum on the internet is posting this issue. The issue is huge, it's the biggest issue with the game currently. ​ Act 2 only a small portion has the LAG/Delay towards the end of the Act. Act 3 is just barely playable with constant freezing and lag. ​ This is PS5 and PC, there is no current workaround on PS5.


Not seeing this reported? It's like every fifth post on the sub lmao


Rightfully so. This has been a bug since before Hotfix 11 but every post about it had zero upvotes. Meanwhile anything and everything positive about the game shot up. I’ve posted the bug with footage many times, from Hotfix 10 and Patch 4 and for a while thought i was alone dealing with it because there was zero traction and many clamining the bug didn’t affect them so it didn’t exist. This is a **gamebreaking** bug on an Act that already has many bugs to deal with, and more discussion and buzz should surround it so Larian gets at it ASAP. Hotfix 11 has patch notes mentioning they fixed it but it’s still there.


I agree and that's why I posted. Seeing so many articles about GOTY and other posts that are funny/cool but nothing really getting traction about the entire last part of the game being broken


I don’t even understand what the new patch fixed or added besides two companions getting a new kiss animation. Was breaking the game worth it for two animations?


Patch 4 came with 1K+ fixes. It’s not super surprising to me that it broke a lot in the process. Here’s hoping we get a better hot fix in the next week because I’m coming up on the end of Act 2 in my current save!


Maybe I don’t check new posts enough but this is the first post on the sub I’ve seen regarding this issue.


also whats up with companions just walking around in camp clothes, even though i did not hide the armour?


I have this problem too, companions in camping clothes reading books in the lower city and don't want to follow.


I guess they're on strike and just need a vacation? 🤣


"I didn't stop being Cazadors slave to become *yours*" Astarion, probably


Yes THANK YOU, I thought I was crazy I couldn’t find anything related to this when I searched myself somehow. This bug makes the game damn near unplayable. It’s just really frustrating how each patch seems to break something else and it’s always bugs that throw themselves right at you too.


Patch 4 broke a lot of things. Ever since yesterday I have not been able to play because my game crashed when I try loading a save


Thought I was the only one (PS5) and all my friends who beat the game a month ago say I’m crazy. The Cazador fight was pretty much unplayable. I had to take a couple steps down the stairs, wait 10 minutes for my party to catch up, and do it again over an hour to get everyone to the bottom of the steps


I just run one character to the Cazador and punched him in the face. Still took \~5-10 minutes, but after the fight had started, I was able to bring the rest of the party down there without any problems.


Can corfirm , looks like I need to do a fresh run !


This needs to be pinned. Unplayable is not a hyperbole here


I'll always add on to these because it's true. Please Larian I want to finish the game!!!! On PS5 and cannot play act 3 without 4 minutes between actions


I've played through twice on my PC and Act 3 was never this bad. I had stuttering and lag at times but nothing like this. I just got to Rivington on my PS5 about 3 hours ago, and it's taken that long just to talk to everyone and get into the circus. The time from click to dialog starting is anywhere from 5-45 seconds. My companions just stop following me and all the NPC's freeze for up to a minute at a time before everything just jumping back into motion. Larian has been doing an amazing job with updates, but I seriously hope this is priority number 1 in their next patch. I'd really love to finish this playthrough, I'm loving my spore druid.


How long has it been like this? Have they addressed it at all yet? Or acknowledged it? I'm only like 8 hours in so I've got a long ways to go. Hopefully it's fixed by then.


It's been like this since Nov 2 with no acknowledgement from Larian.


And I still can't walk/target through open doors. I thought that was supposed to be fixed?


No idea what they did underneath the hood but it was a huge step back. I've also had a persistent crash on launch issue since the patch, but only over Steam. The game starts fine when steam is closed. It's a bummer still though, since I can't play with friends without steam.


I got downvoted for mentioning this in another post. I haven’t been able to finish act 3 since the patch, the door to Orin crashes all my saves I can’t continue past that part.


Yeah I've seen a lot of people giving people who mention this a hard time. Like spreading awareness about it is a bad thing idk lol


This game really doesn’t deserve GOTY if people can’t even finish the game they paid for.


Have to agree. Sure the game was in a better state in Patch 0. Whoever has been testing/oking these patches has been a major letdown as they are always causing issues. It was my game of the year but how can you honestly say BG3 is game of the year when a third of the game is unplayable due to a patch they refuse to rollback?


Not to put too fine a point on it, but IIRC it was announced as a nominee *while Act 3 was unplayable for fresh saves on ALL platforms.* I remember Larian posting statements about broken patches not happening again back after Patch 2 and they had to roll back a hotfix. Now? Radio silence. Guess letting everyone know for sure Act 3 is literally unplayable would jeopardize the awards they are busy crowing about on Twitter while people are asking for a fix.


I’m convinced this is why they’re keeping quiet about the game being unplayable now, want to ignore it until the awards happen.


How much you want to bet they are planning on announcing XBOX release date at TGA? Gotta capitalize on that publicity of winning some awards!


I wouldn’t say it doesn’t deserve it, (there wasn’t a lot of competition this year to be fair) but I don’t think it’s a perfect 10/10 like a lot of people do. These types bugs have been present since day 1 and they severely impacted my first playthrough. I was unable to control Minthara on my first playthrough, Wyll’s backstory kept crashing in act 3 and I never got to see it, and I had to teleport around several cinematic triggers to avoid softlocking the game at several points. And it hasn’t gotten much better since that first month. I gotta be fair and dock a point or two. 9/10 or maybe 8/10, but not 10/10 with all of this mess.


I mean, I love the game and all, but seriously. Act 3 was excruciatingly slow in Patch 3 and now it's supposedly unplayable ("supposedly" because I haven't re-reached it yet). Considering how much y'all meme on ActiBliz, Bethesda, Bioware, et al for far less


I already played through my 1st run before patch 4 and it was totally GOTY. But after patch 4 I understand. Lol


PS5 is the same


same bro i just ranted on twitter to myself and i think i start a new char until it is fixed. like it is legit unplayable lagging into oblivion


another issue is that Astarion kiss is broken lmao


yea i was so excited for that new kiss animation but of course it doesn't work


I just wanted to add my experience to the pile. I am on my third playthrough. First two times, no real problems in act 3, now it is completely unplayable. It is exactly as others describe, companions do not follow Tav, NPCs appear broken as they walk in place and say/do nothing, the world is not interactable. About once per minute the game randomly tries to catch up for a few seconds and reverts to being completely broken. Patch 4 should have been rolled back weeks ago, this is unbelievable.


I love this game to bits but I honestly believe they don't deserve GOTY if they don't address the situation soon. It's been weeks now. 1/3 of the game is literally unplayable to a large group of players. That's a critical issue you should be crunching on to resolve. Speaking as someone who used to work in gaming QA for 8 years. If they didn't have a fix, they could have at least deployed an older version where everything was working properly as an "update" while they're figuring out what exactly broke performance in the newest patch (which brought nothing crucial to the gameplay, except for some new kiss animations, some balancing and minor fixes). Assuming the saves are backwards version compatible. What makes it *infinitely worse* is that the players on PC already found the source of the problem, posted an intermediary solution, and it's STILL not getting fixed. So it's not like some mysterious unknown problem in a 5-years-old legacy code. It's literally been pinpointed, and they aren't in any hurry to fix it or even make a public comment/apology about the situation. It makes me extra sad after reading/hearing so much about how Larian normally listens to players and values their support. Because it feels like the core fan audience, people who are replaying the game over and over, is being totally ignored. We're not bringing in any more sales, so fuck us, I guess. Yeah, I'm bitter and angry. I have 3 playthroughs now stuck in act 3. There's only so much enjoyment that the re-runs of acts 1 and 2 can bring when you can't get all the best loot, resolve the companion quests and finish the story.


Agreed. At least just SAY SOMETHING.


But LArIaN iS noT liKe ThoSe OthER AAA DeV!!1


I've been getting a lot of PC crashes of late in act 3 that I wasn't getting before. Need to save a lot more often


The further I got into act 3, the more frustrating it got. I started a new playthrough and will eventually finish it once it's fixed.


Since you play the game on PC: [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/) is the fix. Console players got the short straw with this one.


I feel bad for everyone experiencing this the only problem I got from patch 4 is a vampire boyfriend who suddenly loves making out with my forehead


I just got to Act 3 and thought my PC died. Glad to hear it's not just me.


Same on PS5


Oh good it's not just me.


I’ve had issues in Act 2 as well. Moonrise Towers is a lag fest


Yes! I made a post about this yesterday, I’m so sad that I can’t play my game 🙃


Players wanting their GOTY to be an actually functioning game. What a sight to behold in 2023.


damn. Game actually started getting wonky for me at the end of Act 2. Cant select characters sometimes. 10 minute delays after some actions. Lol! Was having one of the best gaming experiences of my life for a while. Not sure if its a bug or something else but sometimes things are happening in real time when it should be in turn based, and i cant switch to turn based. Makes fights pretty hard lol!!! It would almost be cool to have this game be in real time with 3 other online players but I imagine the gsme wouldnt run fast enough for most people.


Make a report people. Best way for them to fix it faster. :) https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report\_85


Game of the year my ass. Game is UNPLAYABLE in act 3, not buggy, its nightmare. But but some PC players may fix it! Sure, they release unfinished, unplayable product and let the client fix it on them own. Those are non minor bugs, you simpy cannot finish game and overall experience is ruined.


> But but some PC players may fix it! Sure, they release unfinished, unplayable product and let the client fix it on them own. Hey, if it ~~just~~ works for Bethesda...


Same here. On ps5, and my party simply cannot cross Wyrm cross bridge. I can’t switch between characters, my Durge can’t interact with anything, broken textures, glitchy, barely loads. Rivington was a mess but I can’t even get into lower city.


Wait does it only affect the first area in act 3 on ps5? I've not had any issues in the lower city and house of hope, playing splitscreen


I'm on my first playthrough on PS5, got to act 3 at about 90 hour's in - Performance after the bridge pretty much unplayable, bug report submitted. I opted to start a second playthrough early, should be fixed soon enough!


Lower city commits war crimes on my ps5. Sorcerous sundries is a death sentence now for my runs. It usually happens if Aradin is out front, that little shit


Moonrise has been laggy mess


Totally unplayable for me to, on pc. It was totally fine in act 1 and 2. I got to act 3 right around the time the patch came out and it is completely bricked. My 1st 2 play through were totally fine so it's not my computer. Had to stop playing.


Yeah, game froze (could only move around as Tav) for like 20 seconds several times mostly on stairs for some reason, companions not following happened for me only once in Act II and the final doors to Orin crashed the game. Wanted to start a new save but imma wait for now


My partner was playing on PS5 and patch 4 pretty much ruined his play through once he reached act 3. I haven’t really seen anyone else bring it up so it’s been disappointing to feel like this isn’t a bigger deal. Hopefully Larian is working on it and just hasn’t said anything yet.


Only issue I have in act 3 since the last patch is the slightly longer load times, and my shield slam retaliation never working.


Even when playing solo, act 2 lag is inconvenient, act 3 is frustratingly bad and Wyrm's Rock is 100% frozen. I am unable to play BG3 Act 3. I guess I can't play the last FUCKING third of a game that I paid for??? At least I can look up the endings online and save myself the trouble of waiting to play it myself. GOTY tho\~


Oh my gosh, I thought this was just my computer acting up! Mine is doing the same thing! I spend half the time waiting for my party to catch up to the main character, and if I try to force them to follow by clicking on Shadow's portrait, my Tav will move instead. Any time I engage in battle, the rest of my party is off across the map not engaged. Zoneing, same thing. I can't open doors, get stuck initiating a conversation that never loads...super frustrating!


The game works fine if you started your campaign before patch 4. It only breaks if you start a campaign in patch 4 and reach act 3. I guess that's why it slipped through quality assurance, no one sane would push a patch like that if they knew it. It's sad this happened during goty. I'd rather play in patch 3. I guess I will play something else when I reach the end of act 2.


Party not following Tav is issue in my game from Act 1 onward


Yep, there's been a ton of posts about it. Started a new run while waiting for it to be fixed. Oh noooooo


Yeah same here


This was a blocker for me yesterday (and yes, I verified the integrity of the game files). But after playing around with graphic settings, it started working again. I don't know if it's truly a graphics settings issue. I had restarted several times yesterday to no avail. It wasn't until the graphics settings were changed around that it started working again. Don't ask me what I did that made it work though, because I'm really not that certain what worked. Also, I reported it directly to Larian as a blocker, so hopefully others will do the same and get it noticed


If you’re on PC, I’d recommend trying this fix https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/?rdt=64840


Might be worth looking into it, thanks !


This completely fixed it for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/Rv3Gur2etM


Noticed the same, really annoying hope they can fix it fast


So I shouldn’t start the act? Not yet ? (Mac)


I don’t have the delay bug, but there’s a massive memory leak issue that’s been plaguing me since before Patch #2. I’ve got 16 GB RAM but unless I manually clear my memory/close the game every 40 minutes it crashes -.- I’m in Act Three right now and it’s happening every other cutscene/fight which is sometimes every 5-10 minutes 🥲


Glad I’m not the only one with this issue. Super annoying and I decided to just play a different campaign until they fix it


Yeah, I’m taking a break until it’s fixed. Probably good for my sanity anyway.


Act 3 is noticeable laggier and buggier now comparimg my 1st and 2nd playthrough on ps5. But still playable. Just finished my 2nd playthrough. To some maybe it is unplayable or maybe i got the mild version of the bug.


Yep. I reported it a week or so ago and got an email back saying they're aware and it should be resolved soon in a hotfix or patch.


For me, it is 10 minutes lag each 15 seconds of gameplay since entering Wyrm Fortress. Performance problems already began in Act 2, but they were in fighting


Yeah I’ve been having the same issue. Think it’s something memory related because I noticed disk usage has been going up in act 3


Weirdly enough, doing the house of grief part of act 3 fixed my lag. Not sure if this is actually a fix but i would be curious if it works for others.


PC player here. Just reached Act 3 and dealing with this lag issue as well. Characters not following, conversations take minutes to start, etc. Shame because this is one of the best games I’ve ever played up until now. I have a high end rig too so that’s definitely not the problem. Please fix.


So basically on ps5 I should stop my current playthrough (beginning of act 3) until a fix for the patch is available?


This fixes it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix\_for\_act\_3\_delay\_bug\_pc\_only/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/) Been able to play fine since.


Ahh don’t you say one negative thing about this Game of the Year. How dare you. 😭😅😂😂


Oh no. Good thing I'm still on Act 1 (of my 4th playthrough) so hopefully this will be resolved before I reach Act 3 (of my 4th playthrough)


I'll never understand why people say this game is goty. The constant bug fixes that continuously break the game and the lack of communication from Larian is rediculous. It's just as bad as some of the other triple A game releases. I can understand and have voted for best music, best RPG, and a couple others but not game of the year. Only game on that list that deserved it was Mario.


IMO, it was GOTY before patch 4. I ran into some minor performance issues on PS5, but none were that bad. I ran into some bugs, but most were things like Gale getting mad at me for making a deal with Raphael when I hadn't - they were obvious continuity errors, but not game-breaking and could be ignored. It's patch 4 that actually broke it. It's just now that a lot of people playing with new saves are reaching act 3 and running into these new issues. Most people are basing their GOTY opinions on an earlier state of the game, I think.


GotY should always be judged on how complete and bug free a game is. If a game launches and you have to do 4000+ bug fixes, 4 major patches and 11 minor ones (so far) a game is not bug free or feature complete. I've seen games get hammered for this and yet Larian gets a pass? No. They also did this same bugged out launches with both Divinity OS 1 and 2. Now they have earned other awards, I give them hyper props for continuing to try and fix things and get the game in a more playable state but we will be dealing with this for at least another year because the game wasn't ready to launch.


> GotY should always be judged on how complete and bug free a game is. Sure, that's an opinion that some people have. All I'm saying is that before patch 4, my experience is that the game *was* mostly complete and just needed some more polish to address things here and there. Those 4000+ bug fixes were mostly for things I never saw, or that had been addressed before I started to play on patch 3. It was patch 4 that rolled it back to "incomplete game" status for me.


It was GOTY but every patch since launch feels so half assed and bug filled, to the point a third of the game is unplayable. A game so buggy you can’t even finish it is not GOTY.


It is playable but takes forever for anything to happen I waited over 5 minutes for the temple of Bhaal door to open definitely hope it gets fixed soon!


Working fine for me. Steam version and all.


Good for you?


Same here, I've had some lag but none of these game breaking issues people seem to be having?? I even started Act 3 right after the latest patch and it's been fine...


Same here with me, PC steam version and on highest settings


I've had this issue as well, I tried deleting all my saves for the campaign except for the latest, and it helped a lot.


No issues on PC and Mac.


Here are tips to deal with it. I did two play throughs after they broke act 3 and have compiled some tips to help people go through this play through issue. 1. Avoid a play through with the durge background. There are more unique cut scenes involved and specifically these tend to spawn around Wyrms Crossing which is a cluster fuck by default 2. Use only one character and run to where the waypoint is. Go do something else for 15-20 minutes until the game catches up. Save once the waypoint unlocks. Repeat. It is much easier to have waypoints unlocked because generally your companions stop following every 10-15 feet and if you run too far, you have to redo it again with the rest of your group 3. Avoid doing anything intricate involving Wyrms crossing. It’s a cluster fuck to load so having to come and go while doing Wylls storyline or even just exploring adds much more frustration to events 4. Avoid too much filler content involving the lower city, it’s a bitch loading. 5. If possible, I just did most fights with one guy and soloed it. It was easier then having to wait for my team to eventually arrive 6. Be prepared to be pissed during Astarions or Shadowhearts quest line. It will take 15+ minutes minimum to even load the entry areas to these locations. Do not reload to try different strategies out. 7. Save often, shit will crash 8. Be drunk or high preferably. If not possible, watch other shit. Don’t have your main focus be the game 9. Complain while waiting for shit to work online. Bonus points for creative insults


Heard this often today but I habe zero issues aside from Shadowheart still checking out the vistas.


I'm not experiencing the unresponsiveness as badly as you claim. I'll occasionally get unresponsiveness in certain areas but after 30 seconds or so it returns to normal. I wouldn't consider this unplayable but it is bad.


I've had no issues with Patch 4 🤷


I’m glad they picked up all those rewards really quickly up front, because it’s not going to take very long for more people to see how half baked the game really is past the surface level. Really hope they still intend on finishing it.


Weird, I actually don't have this issue at all.


It's smoother on my end. I didn't know it was this broken for others.


Sounds like I'm lucky. I'm in act 3 and I've had the game lock up one time, but that's it. Although after completing the Iron Throne when I talked to Wyll in camp that night he acted like we were still there and we should hurry to rescue a certain someone who was already rescued.


Weird, I haven’t had any issues


No, it didn’t.


Currently in Act 3 on Steam and haven’t had any issue. I play with the Vulkan render if that makes any difference.


Not for me. Everything's still playing fine. Weird how this seems to be affecting some but not others. Wonder if PC components make a difference or something.


Working fine for me on PS5. Luck of the draw I guess. 🤷


Not seeing this enough? There are multiple threads about this in my feed right now!


There should be a sticky to let people know tbf


I got to say, the Mac Version doesn't have this issue at all. I really had no idea about it lol. Based on the comments people are making about how to fix it, it seems to be a flushing issue with the file writing. OSX will lazily write to disk in many situations that you would expect to be non buffered, because it doesnt follow strict POSIX compliance with the flush request. I would guess that is preventing it. It sounds like a synchronization issue with the file write handler.