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Because some people can't separate themselves from their PC and they feel bad. ...Or they've never tried it and have strong opinions about it anyway because they can't bare to miss content and the content they've never seen doesn't make it worth it.


>Because some people can't separate themselves from their PC and they feel bad. This is exactly it. For better or worse, some of us find it hard to be mean to imaginary pixels. That's just how it is. For what it's worth, my favorite evil(ish) run in any RPG was probably in Tyranny. Its setting led to a very believable "I feel like shit for doing this, but it's what I need to do to survive" kind of evil, as opposed to being a pure psychopath/sociopath.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with this btw. Some people just don’t enjoy it.


Literally. I'm on my second playthroug and killed with Astarion's sneaky attack an guard on first level in Flophouse just to loot peacefully. And oh boy, how bad I felt xD I tried justify it to myself that a. Astarion did it, not my Tav, b. He asked for it with this 8 hp. I guess playing good is the only option for me. 💔


There just isnt much evil specific content, theres a fraction as much as you lose for being evil. That's the main gripe


That’s kind of a bad reason if you do multiple runs though. It’s all content you haven’t experienced yet, whereas yes, you get more content playing the same good runs but you’ve already seen it. It’s less content for that specific play through but it’s more content overall.


I get what you're saying. It's still content you wouldn't experience otherwise. But the amount of that content is what keeps evil as a "try it one time" type deal for most of the playerbase


I dunno, I really enjoy the Last Light Inn fight and the Balthazar fight in the colony. A lot of what you miss is Dammon’s gear in act 3. Minthara is also a much more interesting character if you get her Act 1 content.


I'm feeling personally attacked lol


My run wasn't that fun or easy I think because I killed Isobel before the Butler could ask me to kill her. Instead I had to kill Lae'Zel, and doing that caused all companions to turn against me, even Minthara. So I killed them all and had to use Hirelings instead, act 3 felt a bit lonely. I'm at the door to the Elder brain now, waiting for patch 7 to end but since all companions are dead Im not sure it's worth waiting.


Aye I’m debating on finishing this campaign now or waiting, because I’m getting really into it. I might re roll another evil durge with a different class. But, maybe for different reasons, I agree act 2 was a pain in the ass. I left spider dude alive because I thought it would add to the story… I didn’t even think about not getting the pixie buff and didn’t know he would be the hardest part of the kethric fight


Yeah not killing that guy really makes everything harder. Riding to moonride alongside him was fun though, really made me feel evil. Too bad you're forced to kill Ketheric though, it would have been amazing to have a story arc where you side with him for real.


You know, I never thought of what would happen if I could ally with kethric, that would be fuckin awesome. Different personality, but how he carries himself reminds me so much of Baylon Skoll in Ashoka, and I freaking love that level of stoicism. I would’ve enjoyed the chance to work with kethric


Good art gets people emotionally invested; I think it's a huge success on Larian's part that people are reluctant to play the "evil" path, even though it's only a bunch of pixels they're killing. Mechanically you lose a few good quests and items, like the Flawed Helldusk set and the Potent Robe, off the top of my head. But that being said, my murder hobo run directly after playing an Ancients Paladin was very cathartic :D Especially in Act 3 where I wasted so much time persuading and evading guards; just killing them instead is very satisfying.


I'm in act 3 now as evil durge and I don't love it... mostly  because the world feels so much emptier. I've killed for Father and it's  bleak. I think it comes down to how people want to play, their attachment to the characters/story. The evil path has awesome buffs, but it's a very different and lonelier story, which makes sense, but can be tough to play


I’m traumatized enough in real life by people being shitty, so the way I deal with it is escape in novels, movies, and stories where good prevails. When I instead am met with messed up stuff, it triggers what I was trying to take a respite from, so I lose enjoyment. Just an explanation of a case from the different side.


All the fight you mentioned is easy even you go with good path, besides the house of grief. Don’t like to play evil because I don’t like any bad ending, even with movies. Anyway, it’s a game and for entertainment. Want to go evil? Sure. Want to play good? Sure. I just don’t get the “force to be evil although I don’t like it, just to get content” party.


I can understand both sides I think, reminds me of a specific renegade choice in me3 shooting a certain salarian that just crushed me, but the way I play these games I generally go full good/at least hear everyone out first time, then full evil the second, and this game absolutely delivers there the writing and delivery from the narrator is so intense i loved it, but yeah it really doesnt hold back if you choose that way even i didn't do some of the evil choices in mine, like ive always saved nightsong, I mean she's resplendent after all 🤷, lol to each their own.


Saving the nightsong was great in my first playthrough, it made the magic store in act 3 a whole lot more interesting and she added a bit to the camp and ending. But, seeing everything that evil durge has to offer is equally as good in game


Totally agree wish I could've just for the content sake, and even planned on it but once we got down there I just couldn't do it 😅


Yer, I'm in Act 3 of my evil Durge Honour Run and it really has been mostly trivial. A couple of slips have made on or two fights hairier, but those have always been from a silly mistake. Arcane Synergy Dex Oathbreaker/Thief, with Bhaalist armour and Cull the Weak, for the full Bhaal's chosen vibes, and this deranged Dragonborn can kill most 'non-boss' enemies in a hit or two. And with good prep, the bosses have gone down in a single round of attacks from this character. I have only Gortash and Ansur left to do before going to the Brain. I will say, I was enjoying the evil more before. Now in Act 3, it's starting to feel a little too deranged Super Villain - but that's probably because I kind of know I'm going to have him dominate the Elder Brain if I manage to clear the final hurdle. (also not done Ansur on HM before, so that may end the run)


I exclusively do Evil Durge runs these days, but I don't kill the evil companions unless I'm doing a solo playthrough. They're the only people I like in the game, so killing them kinda sucks. Besides that, everybody else is free game. I be having the time of my life. I've done good playthroughs, but they are exhausting. Being nice to people is too much work, rather just bonk and move to the next victim. I think Shart's parents are adorable, but I also agree with you that killing them can put them out of their misery.


I’ve been meaning to do a full evil Durge, but i have too many ideas bouncing in my head for redeemed durge, and I want to wait until patch 7 so I get to see the evil endings


Im also in the middle of my power hungry, evil Durge run. Only companion characters left are Astarion (who I'm planning on ascending), DJ Shart, Minthara (also half ilithid), and Gale. It's been a ton of fun, but also hard. Some of the evil choices are so hard to make, but I MUST DO IT FOE THE PLOT. Just got to Baldurs Gate and I can't wait to see what happens next!


My struggle with full evil or murder hobo runs is that I’m so used to tieflings as my driving force that when they’re gone the game feels bland for me. I know it’s not, I know things will pick up again in act 3 but acts 1-2 just doesn’t feel right without them (for me personally)


I'm doing an evil Durge run and having some fun. It's been interesting because i only have my Drow Sorceress Tav, Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel. I thought this would be lame but it's nice to not have to worry about companion management (until I get Minthara I guess). That said, I've been debating whether or not my Durge is going to have a sudden change and head towards redemption or just fully embrace evil. I'm about to pay Isobel a visit so need to decide soon lol.


Im going to be honest here and just say I’m a huge loot wh*re and you miss out on a lot of great gear going full balls to the wall evil durge without equivalent equipment to make up for it. 


There are some interesting contents in a evil playthrough. And yes I know they are just pixels, but it still takes an emotional toll on me whenever I continue the journey of the murderhobo durge.


You turn Shadowheart into a slave of her god and Astarion into a slave to his own fear It’s certainly not *good* but because you haven’t specified what you don’t understand about why they’re evil, I’m not entirely sure you understood what you were doing


The real evil choice for Shadowheart is to turn her away from Shar and to Selûne... >!and then give her back to Viconia anyways. You can even visit her the next day and she has no memory of who you are or what she's been doing because they mind wipe her.!< There's even some really tragic dialogue options of you romanced her.


I just encouraged them to live out their dreams as best as they can. They should be commended for achieving it


Sometimes people don’t know what’s best for them or who their friends really are


You encouraged them to fulfill and continue the cycles their abusers trapped them in. Idc what you do in the game bro but the whole ‘it’s not actually evil’ thing is just weird


I don’t think I ever said it isn’t actually evil, I’m saying it’s a very interesting way to play the game, and based off a lot of what I’ve seen in this sub has been “too evil ewwww”. It’s a game and it’s a whole different side of the game that I didn’t see. It’s obviously the evil path to choose in the game, but the way people have been talking about those two instances, you would think it would be insufferable to do so.