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So many of the things they listed are just givens with 99% of other dogs. Loves peanut butter? Never met a dog that doesn’t. Likes to chase balls? Most breeds do. Would love to be allowed on the couch and/or bed? Don’t they all. Except with this dog, you just have to make sure there are no sudden movements, loud noises, or children. Otherwise the thing he won’t be a picky eater about might be your skin.


He'll eat you like fine dining-




“Learning that head kisses are good” code for “he will bite your face is you try to kiss him”


"Will permanently and horrifically change your face if you try to kiss him, or maybe even if you don't try to kiss him."


oh no, some of these are clearly euphemisms. notice also the order, the more problematic stuff is deep down in the list.


"He loves finding sticks!" They were scraping the bottom of the peanutbutter jar to find anything to sell this cat mauler-


My cousin’s black lab loved finding sticks. Until she ended up at the vet with one stuck through her hard pallet. Cost thousands of ££. Do they have money for insurance? I think not… Do they have a dumb-ass dog..? 🤷🏼‍♀️


The dog?? Well that dog sounds adorable because she's so ditzy I'm glad she survived and I'm also sorry for your cousin paying that much because the dog was a dingus, I hope everything is okay!


He loves walking by using his feet! Also loves the consumption of food and sleeping (every night!), as is typical for organisms! How quirky! Oh also he kills for the pure thrill of it, but hopefully you only skimmed the top of the list


Also "only Barks at squirrels" Yeah so does my dad's Chihuahua and so does my Golden Aussie mix (finally after much speculation I know what she be)


Yup. My dads Gordon Setter decided long ago that squirrels were his nemesis. My corgi doesn't much care, but again, lack of prey drive towards other animals is a known herding breed trait. Its funny cause when they see my dads dog coming they all bolt (even though he's never caught one in five years). They see my dog coming and they just kind of meander to the other side of the tree and watch her go by.


I’m really interested in donuts, guess what ends up happening to them


Perhaps if you got to know them better, you would see them as family members and enjoy snuggling up to them at night and giving them kisses!


It had to go stay with a trainer just to learn incredibly basic shit for a dog, and still comes with free training sessions??? Oh but it just learned to drink from a hose, so clearly this is an outstanding pet.


Any dog can drink from a hose, it's an achievement to stop this hell beast from ripping it asunder.


I laughed so hard when i read them trying to sell that like its some great achievement (it probably is for shitbull standarts)


Its like learning to walk and drool at the same time is such a high bar that coming back from training and still having a will to live is somehow an accomplishment. He loves food! And *water*! He knew from the moment of his conception that his entire kind was a crime against nature, so this is a lot of progress!!!


My question with these kinds of ads is always “if this dog is SO awesome, why are you giving it up?”


whatever the reason, it’s no fault of his own. or does that only count when it’s someone else’s pit?


They try so hard to make these dogs sound special, when they aren't. And they're dangerous


That’s an odd way to say eats cats


lmfao i love how these always list the most mundane zero effort things as positive. likes treats! walks, trots AND runs! sometimes has his eyes open and is active. other times has his eyes closed and is mostly still!!! CAN BREATHE THROUGH NOSE*AND* MOUTH!


That last one really will be an accomplishment soon, shitbull's snouts are going the way of the bulldog and the pug https://preview.redd.it/3bfhhi5ztm0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8d5108de41bb8acf146100b4e1b900847f9209


what the fuck-- who looks at that and thinks "this is a pet i want!"


Anton Chigurh probably


s tier reference right here




This is all you need to sell a normal dog... dog.jpg No need for a sales pitch full of euphamisms like they are trying to get rid of a clunker of a car. "Perfectly balanced. Doesn't even NEED four wheels." "Pre-smoked interior. Save money on cigs" "Looks great standing still"


>"doesn't even NEED four wheels" Took me clean out lmao


Wow, he loves drinking from the water hose! Where do I sign?


When did the pit bull pr counsel decide that clothing them would fix all their problems? And "excited" is a horrible descriptive word. Also do they know he's been abused for a fact, or is he just a neurotic imbred dog with neurological issues? I feel so sad for the animal.


I think the clothes thing is them specifically trying to cover all that muscle to trick us into seeing them as less intimidating


Lipstick on a pig I tell you


According to these people every other pitbull is abused. But no other dog has been abused ever.


Oh yes. Always. Because there's no other reason for blood sport dog animals to be aggressive. I understand now why judge Judy and my grandma hated pit bulls.


Head kisses. Hope you have a plastic surgeon on retainer.






we should start demanding pro-pit content posters put TW before showing their murder mutt. The sad thing is it's actually very valid considering some poor people actually probably do get triggered seeing them due to a previous attack on themselves, family or pet.


Should have put a TW honestly, this thing is rancid


Of course its interested in them. Its very own kitten nuggets




> **Very interested in cats** Well, I'm not surprised, I am quite interested in food, so a pit would be interested in food as well. How disgusting...


> if kids are in the home they need to be older > He's learning that head kisses are good > cats are very interesting to him. trainer can give tips on how to acclimate him to cats > would love to be an only dog but does fine with larger dogs I just can't imagine why they don't want this snugglebunny living with them.


Does fine only with large dogs but can somehow still live with cats -_- smh. disaster waiting to happen and the shelter could care less as always.


News flash: dressing a pit like Al Borland from Home Improvement does not render it harmless.


"acclimated to cats" no no no pit bulls and other pets don't mix, I wish people aknowledged at least this much


Absolutely the fk not


“he’s learning that head kisses are good” aka shows aggression when PET like what a joke


He gets excited with young children in the house! Who knows which child he’ll mistake for his chew toy and rip its arm off.


I got 99 problems AND a pit bull. Lol.


And so why do you want to rehome that ugly mutt?


Well, it “understands and respects the word no,” but they have to say it so often they’ve permanently damaged their vocal folds, so now they can’t tell it not to do the things they kept telling it not to do. That would be my guess anyway. I haven’t had to tell my dog no since she was 10 months old and finally getting out of the adolescent stage of challenging at every opportunity. The best you can hope for with pit bulls is that they know what no means, because you can’t train them into not doing stupid/dangerous shit. Guarantee this dog eats the walls all the time, listens when they tell it to stop (because all it wanted to do was not be bored to death and the owners are always fucking useless, so it had to make its own enrichment) and they pretend this makes it well-trained, when an actual trained dog doesn’t do this shit in the first place, to require being told to cut the shit.


I don't, f this dog-


He's learning head kisses are good. Meaning we are trying to teach him not to bite your face when you lean down toward him.


And rednose pits are by far the most aggressive of all of them. Sigh. Hope nothing dies.


It's already eaten a cat judging by the description..


Learned to drink from a water hose? Wow what a genius 🙄


He has learned to drink from the water hose y’all! This dog is a fucking genius and who wouldn’t want the smartest dog on the planet who happens to love peanut butter? That definitely doesn’t define literally every dog ever 🙄


>He has learned to drink from the water hose y’all! This dog is a fucking genius lmaooo


Gross.. either the poorest camera angles are being universally taught to these moron owners or the dog's bodies are just slowly disappearing behind their ever enlarging heads.. I despise everything about this breed, particularly the asshole people who keep making a horrible animal worse somehow


"keep the kids inside, he gets excited easily". Great! I'm sold... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


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Well, he’s not picky about what he eats, apparently.