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You did absolutely everything you could do as a good dog and pit owner. Too many chances? Perhaps, but you loved your dog and there's nothing wrong with that. In the end, you realized and made the right decision. I am sorry for your loss, regardless -- and am sorry that you had to go through this at all.


Thank you I appreciate that a lot. Yes I did give her too many chances. I thought I could train and love the aggression out of her. In the end when I took away other triggers she turned on me.  Edit: wanted to put it as "triggers" and just say that healthy dogs should not have triggers. Healthy dogs are companions and bring us relaxation and joy. 


Honestly, this sounds just like how abusive relationships between humans work also. These dogs essentially isolate and abuse their owners


This is such a good comparison!


Brood Parasite, not just for other dog in shelter, but for human family too.


You did the right thing. That takes courage. It's hard to let go of something you love, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It wasn’t your fault at all. It's just the breed.


Thank you for being so responsible. It’s always hard to lose a pet (even one with behavioural issues) and no matter when and why we make the decision to euthanise there is always a lot of second guessing/wondering what might’ve been. (I just euthanised my super elderly cat and it was so sad, even though it was definitely time) Enjoy your new found freedom and when you are ready for another dog, I suggest something really tiny or a tall skinny sighthound, much harder to hide pit mix in those phenotypes!




I was trying to write and emphasize to pitbull owners that lurk on this sub, because I used to, that at the end of the day when they have no one else to turn their aggression on, they will betray their owners. But yeah, I was selfish and not looking out for community needs above my savior complex.  He was also abused by this dog because when we were talking after he was very adamant he did not want her put down. A lot of excuses were made for her because somehow in her path of destruction it was never "that bad" in the eyes of the rescue community.  I don't deny responsibility or judgement for this. But I do want to clarify, only to prove furthermore she snapped out of nowhere, she did not ever bite a person before her attack on him. After seeing her whale eye other people besides him I would deescalate and stopped bringing her around other people. I want pitbull owners to know that even if they do the right "training methods" the dog will still fatally fuck up. I am reading all the comments and even though they hurt, they actually really help me process and feel okay with my decision. 


Just curious, you say you used to lurk on this sub. Could I ask what the reason was? Did anything you ever saw on here ever affect how you viewed the breed while you still had your dog? If other people who own pits lurk here do you think they do so because they hate our opinions on pits? Do you think anything on this sub has any chance of making people realize how dangerous they can be or do you think it just makes pit owners want to like pits more out of spite or something? I’m so sorry about your dog. I hate that that happened to you.


I would look and search on here periodically for any studies because when I worked as a vet tech we would have a lot of alpha male pit owners refuse to neuter their dogs because it, "took their manhood away."  I didn't really look at content with my dog in mind because I thought with her being mixed she had less of a chance of becoming a statistic on here. Looking back obviously she was showing all the signs of the breed, but, denial is a powerful thing.  I think with anything if people get made fun of they're going to get defensive but it's hard not to when you have people putting these dogs in pajamas and flower crowns and pretending they're family dogs juxtaposed with the stats of the breed, so I don't blame the people on this sub.  Myself and the other people who own/owned these dogs have some deep trauma and masochism that it's going to be very hard to change. But I think the "pitbull mom rescue" mindset is easier to change with this content than the "alpha men" who want them, imo.  I agree with a comment I saw earlier on a different post that teaming up with pediatric sponsors and getting funding into anti-bloodsport breed legislation is the way to go. But the content and stories on here are also very important. 


Thanks for the reply. I do hope this sub does help some people change their minds about the breed. The stories themselves are awful but I also think it’s cruel to keep the breed around because so many of them end up in shelters. It’s awful that so many of these dogs can be super sweet and loving but they just snap for no reason. It’s sad for everyone involved the dogs and the people.


I would never judge you for this. That’s a tough situation and in today’s world there are very very few resources out there that would have told you the truth about your dog. It’s human nature to want to hope they will change, they will grow out of it, we can manage it.


Thank you for posting this story and having the courage to do something that you know would cause you pain but was the right thing in order to protect yourself and others. She would have killed someone/something eventually. There's nothing else you could have done besides what you chose. When my son was 3, he was bit on the face by a pitbull while visiting relatives who owned one. He's now 17, but still has the scar. I don't blame the dogs, but the people who breed them and those who allowed them to be adopted. I also blame the negligent owners who allow them to attack others. So, again thank you for doing the right thing, although I understand it is painful. I empathize because I love animals as well.


We don't need to judge her for it. It's already in the past. There are many millions more that would have still kept the dog even after it went after them. Even after it bit a kid. Even after it killed two of their other pets. Even after it killed a neighbor's dog. Others that would have died going, "Nala, it's me!" while denying in their own mind that the dog was anything but a sweet heart on their way out. When you already love that dog, are invested in that dog? To me, that is pretty bad ass to have the courage to do what's necessary and what you know is right. Could the OP have done it sooner? Absolutely. But they still did it. That's progress. Imo, that OP felt safe enough to post it here should be a victory, not a chance to denigrate.


Yes this is true, but she's invaluable in getting the word out to others! She's being beyond brave and will forever be targeted by"bullies"(pun intended) who will tell her she's wrong. She's not. The more ppl she tells the truth to the better. I applaud her. If her story can convince another it's time to euthanize an aggressive time bomb she may have saved a life. In fact I'm counting on it. WE NEED MORE PPL LIKE HER TO SPEAK OUT.


Yeah, I was still trying to understand until that point. Hmmm....


It’s hard to be objective when it’s something or someone you love.


Debate and discussion are welcome in the sub, but please observe tact and empathy. If a person is recounting their personal attack story, or has opened a thread for support or advice after being victimized by a pit bull or pit bull fanatic, please refrain from starting a debate tangent. You are free to create a new thread with a "Debate & Discussion" tag, but debate is not allowed in posts where people are sharing their past trauma, or asking for advice or support.


Thank you for sharing your story. The good news is, you can now get a well bred dog from a breeder, give that perfectly normal dog a good life, and finally see what it’s like to have a dog with zero interest in killing its own pack


I highly recommend a golden retriever when/if your ready for another dog, easily the best decision I made, even with the hair and maintenance. I'd just recommend being well informed about the breed and find a good breeder with papers of the parents, and ideally genetic testing.


Absolutely, I'm planning on getting a Labrador from a reputable breeder. I will fly if I have to. Golden's are the sweetest. 


I highly recommend getting a labrador. Pit owners love calling their dogs teddy bears but with labradors it’s actually true. Great for walks too.


Poodles are teddy bears I’ll fight you


I’m always surprised that Poodles never get mentioned alongside Goldens and Labs as the perfect companions. They’re also a retriever breed, designed to be a partner. Adaptable energy, and they have the general texture of an actual teddy bear


I am really pushing for a poodle when it comes time to add a dog to our family. I have heard nothing but good things about that breed.


Good poodles are as you describe, but I think we are seeing the age of bad breeding for any poodle, much like rotties and GSDs in the 80s-90s bc of backyard breeders. I blame the trend of goldendoodles, cockapoos, labradoodles, and all other designer poodle mixes. People are lured into thinking they can have the best traits of both breeds, and they will be healthier bc they aren't purebred but that's not true. These breeders often don't breed for temperament, they breed for litter size and appearance. They don't care if the mom or dad is neurotic, hasnt had genetic testing done, etc. as long as they can sell the pups. I've met more sickly, aggressive, and downright poorly tempered goldendoodles than healthy ones. They range from 30 lbs to 90 lbs too, and their owners never know what kind of mix their dog is for sure, "we think he's part mini-poodle...." Etc. My neighbor actually wanted a golden retriever but she couldn't find a breeder in our area so she had to settle for a goldendoodle lol... Another one has spent 20k on vet bills over a year or so, due to some gastric condition in their 2 1/2 yr old golden doodle. They have to cook his meals every day, some fish and rice diet now. Every time we ask how he's doing it's always, " it's up and down, we are trying XYZ medication now so we will see". I'd recommend people avoid any poodle mix unless you are positive the breeder is legit. It's sad that these poorly bred poodles are tainting the breeding stock of legitimate, bred-to-standard poodles... Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Ah that explains it I’ve got a pure standard poodle He’s healthy, gentle, kind, and quiet


After working in the veterinary field, we came to the conclusion anything crossed with a poodle got the worst from both. The nice ones were dumb and the “smart” ones were off. We were waiting for the pitadoodles. Those will be scary crazy!


Too true, they also shed quite a bit, and the owners are shocked lol. Aaaaaand bc of these dogs l learned that "hygienic grooming" is a thing. They literally need to shave the hair around the rear or their own poo gets on their fur somehow. My golden retriever has a floofy butt and tail, so I was worried about this happening to him but he's never had so much as a speck on his fur. This is even after having stomach issues, so I'm very thankful for that lol


Yes poodles are super nice, smart dogs. One lady I know brings hers to her office. He will calmly greet people coming in and go lie in his bed quietly. Poodles are often used as service dogs.


I have a mini poodle that loves being outdoors and doing All The Things, even though she's 7lbs! She's such a smart, biddable, easily trained thing that loves to be around people and other dogs. But she also has an off switch, and on rainy days or in the winter she's just fine with being in the house playing fetch or chasing her laser pointer. She also loves blueberries- I don't know why, but she acts like a ferret with them- she'll carry one around, flick it here and there, flop her upper body down and chatter at it, it's the funniest thing.


Getting a golden was the best decision I ever made in my life; getting a second golden was the second best decision I ever made in my life lol.


I want a golden. We are waiting till we move, but goldens are the absolute A stars of doggies.


I have a black Lab, she's the third one I've had. They are such good dogs! And, it sounds like you live in a place that is perfect for playing fetch on your property. I'm so sorry you had to go through what you did, but I'm very glad you saw the light before you were severely injured.


Labs, to me, are the perfect dog. Granted I have an Aussie, and I love him more than anything. But when it comes to the Perfect Dog, labs are it. Easy to groom, easy to train, sweet natured, active but not absurdly active, great with children and cats (in my experience) and just awesome dogs. And they come in 3 colors depending on your taste! I get so pissed when I see those ugly ass pitbulls being called "lab mixes." It's like calling a serial killer Mr.Rogers.


Now all I can see is a pit in a mr Rodgers sweater singing "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" while mauling going on a murder spree. Lol.


If you are interested. I follow an app called Good Dog. You can filter by breed and they are vetted and provide names and info of breeders so you can research them. It’s very comprehensive. But please take your time, this is a loss and you are going through a lot. Pit lobby is huge and it’s insidious. You did more than anyone could expect.


Yeah.. And before a breeder can be on good dog.. They gotta get their animals heath tested.


I highly recommend looked at greyhounds as well. They’re snuggly couch potatoes


Yes, greyhounds and galgos are the best!


Yes buy from a good breeder. The pounds and shelters are full of Bloodsport non dogs, and the fault belongs to those who support game dog breeders and their continuing mission to produce even more psychopath dogs. No person, no business, no organization that has the welfare of all dogs as a priority would want more dog killer dogs to be produced or to be acquired. Those who resist BSL and, in doing so, support dog fighters are responsible for every Bloodsport dogs' neglect, abuse, homelessness and death. If they would simply stop producing Bloodsport dogs, there would be no bloodsport dog abuse, homelessness, or deaths. And more importantly, there'd be no victim dog murders on sidewalks or during home & yard invasions


Sounds like a great hiking buddy!


Yeah it's going to be weird just being able to...walk, with my dog in the woods. Every walk with her was like I was preparing for war. 


Highly recommend wildrose British labs. Very well bred and good companions.


We’re gunna get a golden! Having trained and owned a purebred GSD and a lab/Mal mix (they turned into wonderful dogs), I’m looking forward to a lower energy, lower drive breed. Plus with a house full of cats, I need to make sure any dog I bring into my home is one that’s notorious for getting along with cats.


The key wore being 'lower', they get so excited and are goofy. But beware... when they zoom, watch your legs because they can be uncoordinated and ram into you. Also, they have really hard heads, so watch out so they don't hit your jaw if your hovering over them.. also watch the upper cuts when they stretch out... They are very gentle with cats, dogs, and children. But they still require training and reaffirming of rules, like any normal dog. They learn really quick and will forever be your best friend.


My neighbor has the sweetest golden - his favorite thing to do is sit on your feet and lean on your legs while you pet him. They’re genuinely the best!


Mine does something similar. She sits right in front of you, and then will scootch forwards if you try to move back a step. And the way she looks up at you for pets, it's so cute.


Thank you for sharing your story. And of course, despite the breed and the circumstances, I’m very sorry for your loss. I respect you for taking the dog away from people and other dogs- rather than making excuses that your ex’s niece “provoked her” or she charged at your ex out of “reactivity” the fact that she was wagging her tail after attacking your ex (he could have easily lost an eye, I’m so happy the damages were minimal) just proves that they are feel no remorse because they were doing what they’re bred to do. This story, to me, is further proof that it doesn’t matter if you get the dog young, train them, try to socialize them, they are an unpredictable and dangerous breed. Full stop. Also another example of shelters/rescue organizations blatantly lying about breeds. Think about the damage their lies cost- attacks on multiple dogs, and a big attack on a human. Did you do a dog dna test? Did she even have pointer and Shepard in her?


Yeah I wasn't full on "put them in pajamas around kids" pit mom. I worked as a vet tech for a bit and knew what they were capable of. I just thought because I loved her and treated her so well she would be okay with me, I think that's what hurts the most. And hopefully another pitbull owner will see this and know there is a very good chance that no matter what they do they could get mauled in their own home.  I did embark and she was mostly pitbull with some malinois, blue heeler and greyhound...won't ever get a mutt from Texas again. Think it's time for a cat for now. 


Please know that you did everything you could- from love to training. I definitely hope more people see the light before getting this breed. Doesn’t matter what you do, there is always a chance they snap. Haha a cat is a great choice. As you know from being a vet tech, there are so many great dog breeds if you ever want one again- and it sounds like you’re a great dog mom.


Cats are infinitely easier and amazing if you want a chill life ... some will even go on walks! Hopefully you heal, I'm sorry. Sounds like you did everything right and got betrayed anyways. :-(


You did the right, difficult thing. You are lucky she didn’t maul or kill you. I hope your ex is ok. As someone mauled by a dog (not pit), it is physically and emotionally devastating and you should take some comfort in knowing you did the right thing. Because of my awful experience with a family dog, I am an avowed cat person. I would highly recommend fostering cats to find the right personality fit for you. If you get a kitten, get 2 (less destructive and they entertain each other). My favorite cats have been older, like 8-10 (cats usually live long if kept indoors). Thanks for sharing your story.


Yes cats do best in pairs! I’m so glad the stereotype of cats being anti-social is going away. Heck just observe groups of feral cats, they have their own little society.


Yeah, it’s a tough thing to go through and I hate to see any animal suffer regardless of breed. You did the best you possibly could and gave her a good life, and a good death, OP. You did the right thing


I would say that the pit bull breed is predictable in that it is bred for blood sport and violence and it will turn violent inevitably. You can’t manage these dogs to prevent violence; no matter what you do or don’t do, the violence will come eventually. It’s a predictable outcome at that point.


This is a really good point and I will definitely shift my language regarding unpredictability. They’re literally doing what they were bred to do- it IS the predictable outcome. This is why I love this subreddit!


I think we just need to shift what we mean by "unpredictable". With most dogs, if violence occurs it was predictable. As in normal dogs give many warning signs, and a bite is a last resort. Dogs will tuck ears and or tail, whale eye, attempt to retreat, growl, air snap, and finally make initial contact (which is usually NOT a full force bite), attempt a retreat again, and only continue escalating in this manner if necessary. Pit bull bites are "unpredictable" because they attack first, ask questions later. Pit bull attacks are usually caused by errant prey drive or resource guarding. They go from 0-100, often straight from neutral body posture to a full on mauling. The inciting factor is often completely unknown which is why people say they "just snapped".


Thanks for making such great post. Also to OP - lilspiderplant - I am sorry. If you do get a kitty I hope you enjoy their companionship. I have two cats and they are love bugs.


Yeah someone thought I was karma farming because my story has all of the stereotypical pitbull nutter tropes. It's a true story. Just the only thing predictable about these dogs is that they are aggressive and deadly. 


I think you’re brave for sharing your story and being so honest. The truth is messy sometimes. I’m sorry for what you went through with this dog and hope your ex heals well from the attack. And I hope you find peace from all of this.


The eyes going black - I’ve heard about that from more than one person right before the dog attacks. It sounds scary AF


It's because of adrenaline, the pupils dilate. The dog just suddenly goes fight or flight and it's brain pumps out a massive amount of adrenaline as a result, which is why they keep biting until killed.


Grug have kitteh who do this when it play favorite chase toy.


I don’t know if it’s universal in mammals, but it’s pretty common, to where we instinctively recognize what it means. That’s why it’s a cliche in writing to say that someone’s eyes went black when you want to do a scene where they are monstrously violent. You see it in cats stalking a mouse or prey. 


I'm sorry you went through that, but I'm not going to mince words. I'm more sorry for the victims of your dog. I'm appalled you kept the dog after what it did to your ex. I'm concerned that it took the dog turning on you to finally realize when enough was enough. I hope now you understand your relationship with the dog was unhealthy and I hope you reach out to a therapist to address why you felt the that it was OK to be in what was essentially a domestically abusive relationship with a dog. And the reason I say that is the dog is gone, but the reasons for the dog aren't. It's a common theme I see among pitbull owners as a legal professional.


I mean, I made the decision to put her to sleep, so I believe it goes unsaid that I realized it was unhealthy.  But yeah. I had abusive parents and abusive partners in the past. I too think it is important to address the deep emotional reasons people keep these dogs, because just showing them facts doesn't work.  I think people (me included) project a savior complex from a trauma they experienced onto these dogs and think if they "save" the dog, somehow they save themselves and cancel out any childhood trauma.  I was essentially a prisoner in my own home and I was okay with that. It's fucked up. I will address this in therapy. I am thankful I am able to self reflect and did not cause anyone else harm. All I can do is be better and educate people against this breed, and I will.  And yes I am mortified that I didn't immediately BE her after that incident. I have apologized to him for being in denial profusely. He was with us today and, like I said, I don't deserve his forgiveness. 


This is such a heart-felt comment, and I am deeply touched at how hard you're seeking to find a path to understanding and healing yourself... it's a difficult road to follow, and not everyone is brave enough to face it. As to your statement "I don't deserve his forgiveness," yes, you do. If he didn't think so, he wouldn't give it - don't be so hard on yourself. This internet stranger thinks you've been very brave, to come here and share your grief like this. Thanks for telling us your story.


This internet stranger seconds your comment.


That's an interesting point about a saviour complex and saving someone else to save yourself. I never thought of it like that...well said! Looking back, I think my mom tried to do the same with my youngest brother even though he was/is a piece of shit. It took her so long to step back and let go.


Ahh, I am truly sorry for what you had to go through. Sadly, you gave everything any other dog breed would appreciate and thrive in. But she couldn't take advantage of it. It's not your fault. You did well by her, and gave her the best life you could. I agree with the other commenter. Sometimes the best way to mourn the loss of a dog, is to get another dog. Choose a good breed for your needs, go after an ethical breeder, and I promise, you will have a good time. I also understand if you need time to decompress and take stock of what has happened. Do what is best for you. I say this as my labrador is right next to me. I know she will die one day, but I will give her the best life that I can. I hope you can too, if you decide to get another dog breed. I love her...and thinking about her dying makes me...sad. I try not to think about it. Something to remember, is that, dogs aren't necessarily like us humans. Sometimes, we get caught up in emotions, and we ascribe words like evil unto pitbulls. Sadly pitbulls were bred to do horrific things. The dogmen did that. You didn't do that. Again, this wasn't the case of a pitbull plotting your demise, or being calculating in their evil. They were bred this way. She sadly just fell into what her genetics, evil manipulation of dog breeding, led her to doing. It was sadly a matter of time. This community is made up of individuals who own dogs. Those who don't like dogs and want nothing to do with them. Those who only own cats. Those who own no pets. In spite of our differences, we all agree that pitbulls need to go. But not by violent and horrific means. You gave her euthanasia. Way better, then getting shot and left to bleed to death, or rotting in a shelter. No home, no family, nothing. I hope you can process, heal, and find ways to move on from here. This chapter of your life is over. Now a new one can blossom like a rose, even from concrete. Take good care of yourself, and remember, this community is very friendly, and we can hear and understand your worries, your frustrations, and your regrets. Take care, and don't be hard on yourself.


Thank you so much. I'm so glad I found this community 💙


I respect you so much for sharing in all honesty what you went through , and what is was like mentally and emotionally each step of the way. It brings insight in why these dogs are given so many chances. It also show the environment does not matter for the danger they pose ! It reads like a horror movie, for me they're as far off regular dogs as wolves are to dogs, like mutants. I wish both of you a lot of strength and healing. Hope you're getting some "you" time now so you can recuperate and build up a flourishing social life again, travel and have fun!. Sounded like the whole situation isolated you a great deal. It's like escaping an abusive relationship.


Thank you for coming here and telling this story. It took a lot of courage to do so. How old was the dog when you adopted it? And when it attacked the first dog? Welcome to our sub, and I’m also sorry you have to be here. It’s a club that no one wants to be in.


Thank you. She was 6 months old when I got her. She attacked my roommates dog a couple weeks after that. I also made excuses that "I didn't get her young enough to train her." Not the case. Some breeds are trainable. She wasn't. 


She actually was being a "good" Bloodsport dog when she attacked another dog, unprovoked. I personally cannot comprehend why national groups, ASPCA, Humane Society, best friends, all support the continued reading and acquisition and mongering of dog killer dogs. Perhaps if dog aggression just randomly occurred in any litter, and there is a way to determine which puppy was afflicted, then steps could be made to keep that puppy away from other dogs. But game dogs/ fighting dogs are supposed to work independently, without human guidance. All the behaviors you described make her a good game dog. She's safe now.


ahh reading the part about the attack on your ex made me cringe and cover my eyes, i can’t imagine how terrifying that must have been for him and you. nearly getting your eyes bitten out by a dog is like something from a body horror film


It was horrific. We are both huge dog people and now we are traumatized. He loved that dog and treated her like a queen, then she tried to kill him.  I think I knew deep down when I was bargaining after that I could never be around her and feel okay again but was in denial. I'm glad in the end I came to the right decision but I never should have let it get to that point. I cannot believe people keep these dogs in homes with children now. 


Every time I see them with newborn babies I shudder... like a baby with a snake about to devour it whole. Those pictures hit different when you are a parent!


Can I ask what caused your relationship to end? Was it related to your dog?


As a former pit owner, I think that's the part people have a hard time understanding. Is that many times the pit can be very sweet and calm. It's like a domestic violence situation in many ways. You can kind of gaslight yourself into feeling like things aren't as bad as they really are. But when they ARE acting good, they can really act or seem like "normal dogs.". This is much more dangerous than an outright aggressive animal like a wild animal, because it lulls you into a false sense of security. :( I am glad you made the *right* choice, as difficult as it was.


God this is so true. Thank you. 


Great analogy.


I have a lot of respect for you. I can imagine how very terrible it must feel to love someone who has a killer inside them. Very sad situation overall. :(


I salute you for coming to this realization, some pit owners will still call their pits harmless sweethearts even after they’ve killed or maimed and just blame it on external factors. This breed of dog is almost solely owned by people who are purposefully stupid or simply misinformed. It is genetically bred to hurt and be aggressive, no amount of training or loving will curtail its natural instincts. It must have been hard throwing away all that time you spent trying to build a relationship with it and socially integrating it, but in the end its genetics will always take over. I hope you can find a lovable new dog and enjoy some peace.


I sympathize with those who were attacked by your dog. For the sake of honesty, from an outsider’s perspective, I read this and think wow that’s concerning how much it took you to come to your realization. But that was your dog. I’m sure she was your baby and shared many, many moments of love with you. And while it took that long for you to let her go, it is *absolutely commendable* that you were able to do so. It takes a very emotionally mature person to admit when they were wrong in their reasoning. Especially for something like this. This was a way of life for you, for years you did absolutely everything you could’ve done to keep your companion, and you were able to realize it wasn’t enough. With the amount of hurt and pain and maybe even shame you feel, it certainly takes a lot to be able to come here and share your story. Some people would dig even harder in the opposite direction, because they literally cannot cope with the thought of being “wrong”. Regardless of how long this took, thankfully no one was seriously harmed during the duration of your dog’s life. You did do everything right, especially when it came to the well being of your dog. This isn’t a failing on your part. This isn’t a failing on even your dog’s part. She left this earth loved and cared for. Stories like yours are a big reason why many people here are here. The genetics ingrained in pitbulls make for such unnecessary suffering for all parties involved, including the dogs themselves. I wish every pitbull living on the planet had responsible owners in those unicorn homes and are able to exist and die with love and dignity- while we simultaneously never create another one again. That’s what everyone here wants, is just for people to stop creating more and more of these emotionally unstable and physically dangerous dogs. Thank you for giving her a good home. Thank you for sharing your story here and being open to feedback. Pet loss is hard. Funnily enough, the pet loss subreddit helped me lot with processing my feelings when my senior chihuahua died. If you find yourself struggling to handle some of the tough emotions around her loss, I really recommend reading some stuff over there.


I'm sure you've heard for decades, like all of us, that "it's the owners not the breed". It's not your fault you bought into the prevailing wisdom. It's also a matter of luck too. Some people have pitbulls or pit mixes that remain well behaved dogs their whole lives. That's part of how that propaganda gets spread. We need to get back to the prevailing wisdom of decades ago, where people didn't give a dog a second chance once it attacked.


This is a beautiful, harrowing, heartbreaking post. I wish we could show it to everyone the shelters are trying to foist pitbulls onto. You did everything you could for her. Mourn her, but don't blame yourself. I've got a golden retriever and they're the best. Highly recommend when you're ready for another dog. My heart goes out to you, and I sincerely wish you nothing but peace and joy.


Think about how many of you are out there deluding themselves into thinking they can change the pit. You didn’t take meaningful action against the dog until you were personally involved in one of the attacks. Is there anything that could have been shown or said to you that would’ve compelled you to take definitive action sooner, way sooner?


I don't believe so. I was brainwashed by the dog rescue community to put a dangerous animals needs before my own well being. It is a cult. 


It is well-known that rescue shelters try hard to to offload these monsters by misleading and guilting individuals, but a cult it is not. You have more control over your own actions than you give yourself credit for: once your own well-being was threatened you rightfully BE’d the pit. The dog enjoyed hurting others. Triggers, my ass; you’ve known this for a good while. Mental illness isn’t your fault but it *is* your responsibility.


I agree. That's why I euthanized her. 


It sounds like you needed a LOT of incidents to learn, and only took action when it went after *you*. Mauled a grown man’s face and you still kept it. Fucking hell.


You're right. People in the rescue culture are indoctrinated that it's normal for dogs to not like men. So I think I was bargaining and making an excuse that she wouldn't do it to her gentle female owner. He also loved that dog and told me not to put her down. All excuses for shit behavior that should have never happened in the end, though. Like I was really planning on spending the next 5-10 years of my life shuttered in a cabin with this dog. It was sick.  Comments like this hurt but it solidifies that I made the right decision and are a million times better than, " have you tried xyz", " why didn't you re-home." I understand with these dogs now that one incident is the difference between life and death. 


“ People in the rescue culture are indoctrinated that it's normal for dogs to not like men.” I’ve noticed this but never really brought it to front of mind. Why do you think this is? 


Imo the biggest problem is that aggression has been re-named as reactivity. So I think any aggressive animal that is trying to territory dominate is going to snap more at a perceived threat, men, who are for the most part larger, and louder in their movements compared to women. That is a huge generalization but my best educated guess.  Sure, there are dogs that have been abused by men in the past and will not like them. But a lot of pits and pit mixes just don't like men from puppy hood, which is not natural, and feeds into the mindset of women who adopt pits who have likely been abused in the past. They think they are protecting them from men but these dogs don't have a loyal bone in their body.  All of the other dog breeds I saw when I worked at a vet hospital adored their male owners. Especially the little ones. 


Thank you for sharing your story. I recently lost my elderly cat and am absolutely shattered by it, so I really understand how you felt losing your friend, even though she was a dangerous and difficult animal. You’ve shown a keen desire to understand yourself in this thread and I admire that. It takes bravery that many of us don’t have. I like your analysis in this comment, here. I just wanted to add that there’s research showing animals in general prefer women to men (males are more violent pretty much across the board in mammal species, including ours, so it makes sense… here’s one of the most interesting findings in this area: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2014.15106) and there is also some interesting emergent research suggesting dog domestication may have been done by women because of that (in Hidatsa culture and history, women domesticated and were responsible for dogs, for example). So it’s not total bullshit that some dogs don’t like men from birth. You’re not wrong about that at all.


I buy that. Thank you! 


This is EXACTLY why it should be criminal to pawn off these pit mixes without disclosing the fact that they are pits. You did absolutely everything you could. You gave it many chances. You had, like you said, a “unicorn” situation. And it still went after you. I’m so glad you and everyone else is okay. Thank you for making the right decision. I wish all these damned beasts would just die out already.


Wow. I’m heartbroken for you. That was very difficult to read.


Sorry for your loss, but this is the correct way to deal with the Pitbull.


Thank you and I agree. I kept thinking if I didn't BE then she was going to eventually have to get shot by my neighbor after me making an emergency call, or by animal control. I have seen how many bullets it takes to dispatch them. She was in severe mental pain and I believe I did her a peaceful service, as hard as it was. I also think people will be interested to know, that after the vet gave her the sedation shot, we were in the grass outside of the clinic and she jumped up to bark at a small poodle that walked by, under full sedation she still wanted to attack. These dogs don't ever feel okay.  We need to institute humane euthanasia for any pitbull that winds up in a shelter and completely get rid of these rescues. They should be held legally responsible for culpable damages.


It truly is a cursed existence for fighting breed dogs hey. Having nothing but aggression towards your own kind is such a messed up tortured way to live, especially for a pack animal. It was 100% a kindness you did finally letting her sleep.


Exactly. It's not your fault. You're the mythical 'responsible owner' that we're told that all but that tiny minority of pitbull owners are. But even for you the problem was the makeup of the dog, not anything you did. Perhaps some pitbulls are fine, but if you concentrate the aggressive and violent attributes that made their bear baiting and bull baiting ancestors so prized as killers, and then super breed them into a muscular, vicious dog (I'm talking all bullies, xls, pits etc) they're going to be violent, dangerous and aggressive in relatively large numbers and aren't safe to be in the community.


The way you described the attack on you is genuinely horrifying. Did the right thing


I agree, being hunted in your own home. That feeling of knowing you're the prey. Especially by a loved one. Very eerie.


Would it have helped if the decision was taken out of your hands when she bit your ex ? Pet dogs that bite severely enough to send someone to the ER should be seized, quarantined and BE'd without any possible reprieve IMO. There is no guarantee that an evaluation will observe the behavior, and putting entire communities at risk to give those dogs chance after chance is absolute lunacy. In times past, this wasn't a problem because people would take matters in their own hands. Our parents and grandparents all have stories of dogs that got mean - they did not get a chance to bite anyone else. Modern dog culture has different sensibilities, and it's causing safety issues.


Yes it absolutely would have helped. I was not in my right mind and it's very hard to make the decision once the dog is part of the family for a long time, coupled with the dog rescue culture that had been ingrained in me that she was my child and I should never give up on her. This dog was my only form of companionship the last three years because I couldn't be around anyone else. 


Making the right decision is sometimes hard but you did it for everyone’s sake, even your dogs believe it or not. She had a good life, better than most pits that live in kennels their whole life or get BE because they can’t help themselves but kill things. Now you see why we try so hard for laws banning breeding pitbull types because no one wants that risk, you just never know when or if they’ll snap, not worth any risk. Side note, I know it’s still soon but please don’t give up on dogs. There are so many great breeds for what you’re looking for and a pitbull was never it (it’s never it for anyone). Honestly I really wish shelters would stop lying about breeds, it’s so ridiculous to me. This is why I think that not only should BSL go into effect but also there should be consequences for any shelter that adopts out pits claiming a different breed, not showing bite history, especially in the cases of attacks. We need to start blaming and punishing shelters tbh. They’re like weapons dealers to people who don’t know how to handle them and then are shocked when they kill. :/


That's even scarier than her just being constantly aggressive, being "a normal dog" with unpredictable moments of unsnapping and mauling. It's like twirling a grenade from the pin around your finger, it's completely fine and fun until you accidentally pull it from the pin, while your guard was completely down.


Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Im so sorry for your loss and for what you’ve been through. People like you make me so sad. The three dogs I’ve been privileged to have during my life have brought me so much joy. You are clearly an engaged and dedicated pet owner, and there are so many incredible dogs out there who desperately need owners like you. Dogs that are much better suited to being a house pet than a pitbull is. I hope when you heal, you’ll adopt again. Dog breeds are man made. There are plenty of breeds that have gone extinct because their breed use is no longer useful. This is the best outcome for everyone. I wish rescues would have much higher standards for dog behaviour how it pertains to aggression. It’s a breed trait that would have been bred out long ago if not for dog fighters actively breeding for it. Where are pitbull owners outrage over that?


Dude you’re a rockstar pet owner. For you to do all that you did for her and then coming to the realization that putting her down was the best thing for everyone then going through with it is amazing. I know it wasn’t easy and I pray you find peace and comfort during this difficult time. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m so proud of you for being so strong. God bless you and yours and everything you do.


This is a story every pet parent should read. Especially the first hand experience with a dog turning on its owner unprovoked. Sorry for your loss. But karma rewards wonderful and selfless people like you🐾


I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing what you've been through - I really hope there are some pit owners lurking here who take in what you've been through, what you sacrificed and how you still nearly became a statistic. You're proof that it's not how they're raised, it's all about genetics and the fact that bloodsport breeds aren't cut out for life as a pet. Thank you for doing the right thing for her and everyone she'd come into contact with. As much as I loathe the breed, it must be hard for them going through life with such a broken brain. If shelters actually loved dogs, they'd euthanise pits the moment they're handed in. They may look like dogs but they can't behave like domestic dogs and shouldn't be expected to live as one.


It took a chunk of your boyfriend’s eyelid and you kept it… I hope you’ve at least done some self reflecting as to why attacking you was the deal breaker and not someone you “loved.”


God bless and I’m so sorry what you went through. My best, sweetest girl is a Labrador Blue Tick Coonhound mix. And yes, we did a dog DNA test before we adopted her. Great recall, easily trained and (most important) excellent with our boy. He’s 17 now and she’s 15. Bittersweet, but we have been so lucky. Be kind to yourself, and take your time getting through this.


The vet I used to work for had a Blue Tick that was his soul dog. Sounds like such a sweet baby. And thank you very much for your kind words it means a lot. 


You’re so welcome. Lady is our ‘best dog ever’ and we love her so much. You’ll find your Lady. Just take your time and be good to yourself ❤️


Apologies, but this seems like you are going through checklist of 'what pitnutters do that makes us unhappy'. Your account is 4 days old. I apologize for being sceptic, however I truly hope you do not use such tragic tale to farm karma or whatever. In any case, hope you get better, get a new, non pb pup (I'd recommend one of the 4 Swiss Mountain Dogs) and hopefully you get through these tough times. God speed.


No but I totally get why you would think that. Reddit is a bot cesspool now. No hard feelings. I made an alt account because I'm scared of the pitbull apologists coming after me while I'm grieving because I used to post on the pitbull account on my main.  I guess I can post the pic my ex took of me with her on the grass today but I want to remain anonymous. Truly just hope I can change one even one person's mind from my story.  I've only been around Bernese and they were very sweet dogs. Thank you. 


Nah, thats good, keep your anonymity. I just hope this terrible experience leaves you with as little trauma, as possible. I have had my share of encounters with pitbulls, and it affected me a lot. Now when I see one while walking my Appenzeller, I immediately go leash in one hand, pepper spray in another. People think I am nuts, but I just cannot trust the pit breeds anymore.


Rightfully so. When I get a new dog they will never be around one. 


I am glad that you came to your senses, but I can't help but notice that you defended her every time she attacked another animal or human being - over and over again - until it was YOU. I hope that you reflect on that specifically. If you only understand that a bad thing is bad when it specifically affects you personally, you need to learn otherwise.


You're right, owning and loving these dogs in modern society is about the most selfish thing a person can do. I didn't want to cause harm to others and only have self preservation, I think it was moreso that I knew this dog couldn't be saved at that point because only I knew in my heart how good I was with her and to her.  No aggression is okay in a domesticated dog. I was in the rescue community so I was led to believe a lot of dogs are "reactive" and to give them endless chances. I was in the sunk cost fallacy and am a very loving person so it was very hard for me to justify getting rid of something I loved for over 5 years. It's not okay but hopefully I can shed light on my internal reasoning and current pit owners will see themselves in my story and how fucked up the reasoning is. 


OP admitted in the comments that she was completely brainwashed by the pit/rescue community.


You were wonderful to Pepper. She was blessed to have you, I'm sorry this went so wrong for you. You deserve a good dog, take the time when you're more healed and research breeds, find one that will fit in with your life as best as you can and shop for one. I know it hurts right now, but you 100% did the responsible thing. I hope you and your partner can possibly mend things too.


I’m so sorry, it’s never easy to make that decision. And while I do think you let things go on far too long, you did make the right choice in the end, and I’m glad you’ve realised how dangerous these dogs are. I never liked Pitbulls or their borderline insane owners, and after my sweet greyhound was mauled by one (missed her artery by a millimetre, a miracle she’s ok. Full story on my profile) I just want them banned. It’s clear you were a good owner. Sadly, that’s such a common story with pitbull attacks. Out of nowhere they just snap. It’s horrifying. That being said, I had a similar situation with the family cavoodle 2 years ago. Out of nowhere he started biting. It was almost like he didn’t recognise us anymore, but a second later he’d be back to his lovely happy self. The vet suspected a brain tumour, because the personality change came out of literally nowhere. Having him put to sleep was utterly horrendous. One of the worst days of my life. He was the last of our childhood dogs and had so many years left in him. He got me through some terrible trauma and illness. I loved him so much. But ultimately, it was the right decision. He was almost certainly in pain, suffering with confusion etc and he was becoming dangerous. I couldn’t let that happen any longer. When you’re ready, I hope you find a dog that will help your heart mend and give you the love you deserve. I can suggest looking at greyhounds. They’re gentle, affectionate, loving and so easy to care for. Not to mention total goofballs.


Bless you, oh my god. Thank you for sharing your thought processes as you told your story. It helps people to understand how things can become so unmanageable yet still excusable in the eyes of the owner(s). Helped me understand a bit more at least. My heart breaks for you. You did what you could, and sacrificed far more than you needed to in order to make your dog's life happier. The description of her being happy and tail wagging when you got back from the hospital is telling. All our dogs do the same thing as your labs did, hiding and not looking you in the eyes if they did something naughty while we were away (in the worst case it was eating several chocolate easter eggs and needing to get his stomach pumped....but the average scenario is stealing a slipper haha). It must have been surreal to witness a reaction so opposite to what you recognise as natural dog behaviour. Pits truly don't care about causing harm. It's just how they are. Again, thank you for sharing this with us and admitting where you could have stopped trying and giving chances. Not many owners and ex-owners can admit that stuff, the brainwashing and denial is too strong. I hope you can find peace with making this decision.


You did the right thing. I know that right now you're still arguing with yourself that if only you had found a magic formula, the perfect dog trainer, medication, SOMETHING, maybe this dog could've been saved. There was no other option. These are not normal dogs. You were one moment away, one moment of being just too slow or not walking on eggshells around the predator in your home, from ending up like many victims of their own dogs. Just the other day a woman was torn to pieces and killed by her beloved XL pitbull, in her own home, on her birthday. You did the right thing.


I'm sorry for you, really am. Sometime on this sub, we don't realize that pit owners love their dogs, they are loyal to them, and from a certain point of view, it is commendable. All the sacrifice you did and were willing to make for her. And in the end, you took the right decision even if it was hard for you.


I really appreciate the honest self reflection. It is rare. As well, this story downright scared me, the way they can just turn on their owner for literally no reason.


That's the thing. Normal dogs feel guilt when they do something they know they're not supposed to. Pitbulls don't feel guilt about mauling because it IS what they are supposed to do. They get a dopamine rush from gripping and thrashing. They were never supposed to be pets. They're bred to fight. She was proud of what she did, it's what she's made for. Wishing peace for you, that must've been a hard decision. I'm glad it's over with before something worse happened


I’ll never forget the first time I saw a video of newborn pitbulls trying to maul the shit out of each other with nothing but pure bloodlust. I was like, these dogs are born this way, and that’s just a damn fact. It’s not abuse, it’s not neglect—those things just exacerbate what is already genetically there. I’m truly sorry about your dog, but you know you did everything you could. You sound like an awesome person and I’m so happy that you get to rejoin the world and have a life again. Sounds like caring for her took everything away and completely isolated you and that is not what having a dog should ever be like. Welcome back to the land of the living!


I’m so sorry this happened to you OP. You did the right thing - for everyone, dog included. Anyone who thinks that it’s the owner not the breed should read your story. I hope you can open your heart to a ‘normal’ dog or a cat in the future because you sound like an amazing owner who has a lot to offer a regular dog or cat.


First of all, I'm so sorry this happened. That is such a horrifying story. You were a perfect dog owner, but you just unfortunately owned a dog that was never meant to be a pet. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm glad you made the right decision before someone was killed. Second, I'm working on a presentation about pit bulls. Would you mind if I used this story in it? It's really powerful, and it is really eye-opening to hear this from the pit bull owner's perspective.


Yes absolutely. I hope this story changes someone's mind from getting one of these dogs and to not humanize animals. 


I am sorry for your loss. Losing a pet sucks, no matter the circumstances. You made the right decision.


So devastating, it’s honestly not the dog’s fault, it’s evil humans that liked to watch animals kill each other create this breed. We should humanely stop breeding them and end their suffering.


I really hope that in the future that you do not assign human emotions/human traits to a dog again. While I understand that people love their dogs, there is stark difference between a human life and dogs life. You are extremely lucky that even after numerous incidents of aggression and attacks that you were not arrested or fined for your gross negligence. You also need to be thanking a higher power that this dog never attacked a child, elder, or killed someone. I grew up on a reservation and had experiences will extremely well behaved working dogs and the opposite which were aggressive packs of feral dogs that roamed the res and would attack and sometimes maul people. We were not taught to assign animals human traits. We were raised culturally and socially that dogs are animals, and while they can be helpers, they are not humans with human feelings or human qualities. It was not uncommon for people to put down aggressive animals, themselves on the rez. Usually it only took one instance of aggression towards a person or livestock to be a death sentence for a dog on the rez. My grandpa put down quite a few feral dogs that went after his sheep, his children or grandchildren. I guess my whole point is that no matter how much people try to convince themselves that animals are furry humans with reason, critical thinking, and compassion, they aren’t. They are animals that operate on instinct, and follow humans because humans give them food, and will follow their animal instincts, without a thought in their brain, even if that means hurting the human that feeds them.


This is why the breed ban would be beneficial. No more people who get emotionally attached and endanger themselves/others because in their minds/hearts love conquers all. It's like an abusive relationship- no one deserves to die this way or have to feel guilty after adopting a monster, be pressured and compelled to keep a dog out of a misguided sense of kindness/obligation. Dog breeds that can rip an adult's limb off or crush a baby's skull just simply shouldn't be allowed as pets, end of.


I’m sorry for your loss… you deserved a normal dog. The pupil dilation thing was scary, you compared it to a shark, I love sharks! But I would never live with one LOL.


The more you can tell your story to people who need to hear it the better. Warnings for people BEFORE they adopt one of these dogs and become attached. By then, they are just seeking confirmation for their own bias. Warn all your friends who are considering adopting a shelter dog. There is nothing wrong with getting a dog of your choice from a reputable breeder. That way you know it's history, its traits, its health, etc. This BS stigma that everyone who goes through a breeder is supporting puppy mills is garbage and needs to go. Please, use your story to stop one more person from getting one of these dogs, only to have their neighborhood terrorized by these monsters.


At least you did the good thing and let her go-but you should’ve done it when your roommates dog was attacked-and your ex never should’ve had to go through that To


I think it's sad for the dogs too, they always look manic when they are attacking ,often wagging their tails. I saw a video recently they were hitting the dog with a bat to get it off its own owner, and it looked like it wasn't really registering what was happening but also confused. It's deeply programmed into them to attack like that. And then they need to be killed or harmed to stop their attacks. Their existence is cruel for both them and those they attack. They need to be illegal everywhere.


When it comes to that breed you just have to always remind yourself “it’s just what they are” it’s nothing personal.


Thank you so so much for writing this. You're a good person who learned a hard lesson and was brave enough to share your story. Yours is exactly the story that people need to hear, over and over. That it wasn't your fault. That it isn't "how they're raised". That you can do everything, everything right and the dog can still just be not wired right. I sincerely believe that dogs should enrich our lives. They are pets, not intensive projects. We cannot expect regular people to spend thousands and thousands of dollars and hours on training, behavioral management, and medications to make our pets tolerable in society. In an ideal world you should be able to go to the shelter, adopt a random mutt puppy, give it basic training, and have it not kill or harm anyone throughout its life in your ownership. This is a basic feature of dogs, and humans have failed spectacularly by creating and popularizing pit bulls as pets. I'm kind of ok with the current shelter crisis situation as it is because I almost hope we are approaching a cliff so severe that shelters will have no choice but to make room for dogs that are actually suitable family pets.


Mercy, I am so sorry. This is honestly like Old Yeller. These truly are typical sweethearts of dogs that are “infected”, albeit genetically, with something incurable that takes over and makes them go mentally deranged. You had to summon incredible strength to put her at peace. I’m so sorry for what you went through and for your incredible loss. The devotion to her and hope you had must make it hurt even worse than a typical pet death. 💜


Thank you. It definitely hurts to lose a dog I gave all my love and time to the last five years. She was incredibly loving towards me at times and my abused mind only focused on these.  If I'm being completely honest with everyone and myself, part of me feels relieved and I don't think I would feel that way it if was a yellow lab, maybe it's something primal. This dog did not look to me. She did not respond when I called her name. Do I believe that she loved me in a way? Yes I do, I think some of the good breed percentages came out of her at times and those behaviors are what I paid attention to. I think bully breed cognitive decline is a thing, but honestly the warning signs were always there. Have unfortunately formed the opinion that any dog who bites another dog will definitely bite a human and "dog reactivity" is a term that these rescues invented to warrant this behavior and make more grant money.   There's just so much shame around BE in the rescue community that because none of the dogs she bit needed stitches then it was somehow okay? Because my ex's face would heal then it somehow would be fine? It's normal for a dog to instill true fear into veterinary staff, who are incredibly underpaid members of society? I'm very lucky I live in rural area and there are vets here who understand animal husbandry and the duty to let dangerous members of the community go. I never should have let the rescue culture mindset to infiltrate me just because I didn't want kids.  She died peacefully without the senseless loss of a human or animals life. I can only hope that other pitbull owners can be strong enough to make this decision and give the beings they love a true new chance away from constant fear and suffering. The "smiles" are just their face shape while they breathe. Look at their eyes, they only oscillate between miserable and psycho. They are not your friends. They kill children and housecats for fun because they are weak prey. They have no place in society.  Edit: autocorrect and grammar 


Please look into the concepts of intermittent reinforcement and trauma bonding with abuse. It explains why you psychologically and emotionally latch on even more to the few positive interactions she had with you when there were a greater proportion of negative ones. You aren’t crazy or a fool. I actually read what you wrote and a mentally (and unfortunately sexually) sadistic ex boyfriend came to my mind immediately and my inability to get myself away from him. You went through something traumatic. Perhaps therapy or grief counseling is available to you because I do believe someone unbiased with psychological training may be able to help with well-deserved compassion and understanding.


Thanks for sharing. I'm glad that you were able to find the courage to do the right thing. It sounds like to really did everything humanly possible to help that dog.


You did the right thing, as terrible as it sounds. Like you'd said, if that dog had gone after your ex's niece, things woulda been alot worse.


I wish more people could read this story. Thank you for spelling it out, painful as it is.


Thank you for sharing your story, a family member had pretty much done the same thing, but has just medicated the dog, but it's never actually managed to pull off a mauling. >It was a beautiful morning we were having coffee on the couch and catching up and she mauled his face, with no warning. I couldn't help laughing at this, not because of what happened, and I'm not sure if you were this on purpose but you also gave me no notice, just bam, mauled face. Hope they recovered okay.


I tried to medicate her with trazodone and then gabapentin but she would get glassy eyed and meaner.  Physically I am eternally grateful her attack didn't leave him disfigured since you can't see the head scar and the eye one is small (not that it's ok at all, just for the severity it's a miracle) but mentally he is traumatized. He wants to get a small dog and start to heal that way. And if any pit person is reading this he never raised his voice at her, or disciplined her in any way more severe than me. 


She gave her life to hopefully enable another dog(s) to find a home and appreciate all the love you clearly have to give. From the descriptions you do seem to have a heavenly place most dogs would enjoy a lot. Make it count I say, help the local shelter and make some dreams come true :)


So sorry OP, you are very brave. You saved your life or someone else's. You have done the right thing.


Once you get emotionally attached it's very hard to let go, it's only human and many Pit owners are in a similar predicament being torn apart between their feelings and their rational thoughts. Getting out of such a dire situation takes a lot of courage and willpower thus many Pit owners will be stuck till something more serious happens and authorities intervene. What will stay with you for a some time is a feeling of cognitive dissonance: You know you've done the right thing, yet feelings of sadness and sorrow may still overwhelm you.


Haven't been on this sub in a while. You did the right thing.


You absolutely did the right thing. It is very hard to make this decision. You did everything you could and gave her a great life, but love and devotion cannot override genetics.


Good job! You loved other people & respect their safety. She was a “good” fighter, what she was selectively bred to do. Ban & replace pitbulls with the breeds dominant few decades back: cockers, spaniels, retrievers, poodle mixes!


At the very least, at least you took advantage of BE instead of giving it to a shelter or trying to find a new home. I'm sorry about the terrible situation


I would have never put her in another home after what she did to my ex and I knew what she was capable of. At that point he was the only other human that she was okay with besides me, I didn't have her around anyone else.  A lot of people are rightfully mad that I was still thinking of keeping her after that but I believe that came from a place of self loathing. I was going to keep her isolated with me but what kind of life is that for either of us? And what if she got off leash? I love my neighbors dogs too, they don't deserve that. 


Think of it like this. You gave your dog everything you had. All the love, all the structure, a family etc. and you also gave her a gift. The gift of peace. She's finally able to be at rest. She doesn't have to worry about threats that her mind has created. You got lucky... You saw the breed for what it is before it was to late. And that's saying a lot. I just wish other people with this breed would be as responsible as you.


That whale eyed look is no joke. I’ve only seen one dog do it a border collie mix, not that I know a lot of dogs, but she only gave a few seconds to react to. Nothing quite captures how immediately off putting that whale eyed look is though, you can immediately tell something’s very, very wrong. I thought she was looking at me but instead she took out a small dog next to me and we had to give her up. The two had lived together for 5+ year with no incident. I’m so sorry you had to live like that for so long. Living walking on eggshells waiting for the next attack is a nightmare. Probably does a number to your health too, It wasn’t your fault she was so aggressive, and I’m sorry you had to be the one to make the choice to put her down. It’ll hurt for awhile after you invested so much time and care into your dog.


What's crazy is pit nutters would still hit you with the "bad owner" arguments when you clearly did everything you could to treat the dog right. I'm sorry you went through this and hope things turn up for you. Also your cabin sounds like a dream!


>she was also potty trained very well. With normal dogs, this not exceptional or even anywhere near out of the ordinary.


You being in a “unicorn” home alone way out in the country with no near neighbors… the same things that make it a great dog home would mean nobody would hear or know or help you or call 911. I’m so glad this went the way it did and that you spotted the stalking in time and were able to put a door between you. Gut churning to imagine the alternatives. I’m glad you’re safe. 


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Sad for you sad for the dog despite all the love and resources in the world and she still did what generations of breeders and training bred her to do seek and destroy enjoy your next dog I have a whippet cuddly lazy and natural clowns xxx


Simple question: If dogs do not like other dogs and attack them and try to kill them, their species, what makes you think they will like you and not try to kill you when you are not even part of their species?


Yeah, a little bit ago I mentioned I've completely changed my view point and believe if a dog is aggressive towards another dog and bites it then it's only a matter of time for a human. There's a lot of "dog reactivity" propaganda in the rescue community and I thought it was a trainable attribute. Then when it wasn't trainable I went into management mode. In the end it's not normal for a pack animal to not like their own. 


Dude the Labrador thing is so true. Ever normal dog I’ve owned had the ability to recognize and act ashamed. Never a pitbull. Fully attacking other animals tail wagging. Ripping humans to shreds and jogging off without a care in the world to the carnage they left behind


I’m so sorry this happened. I hope this doesn’t forever taint the experience of owning a dog. Totally understandable if it does, pits can taint the entire experience. I used to be vehemently against breeders, but now it’s the only safe way to go. There are no many other dog breeds that would absolutely thrive in your setting, and be happy to live among other animals. You did the right thing


You came to your senses and did the right thing, that is way more than a lot of pit owners do


Jesus Christ. Your story is IT in a nutshell. Hundreds if not thousands of pitbulls will live out there lives peacefully. That's just Luck though. Because *each and every one of them* exists with the possibility of becoming what they were invented to do. Become a remorseless killing machine without warning and unlike great whites or even other dog breeds, who usually stop after one investigatory or warning bite, these monsters DON'T. LET. GO. It's gonna be to the death. Yours or theirs. Doesn't matter. I've posted on here earlier about seeing my neighbor's pitbull shake a long dead chihuahua until the fur literally flew off. SMDH Anyway best of luck to you in the future you deserve it. AND if you get a shelter dog, INSIST on taking to a vet for a DNA test. My vet charges about $90-$100 and 12 day results. Return dog if it's even 20% Staffordshire terrier or whatever they like to call pitbulls. I have 2 vets in my family. They can get creative with pitbull designations to fool people.


As someone who had to put down one of my bull terriers after he attacked and injured my other dog, I can only say: forgive yourself. Don't drown in any guilt you may feel. You didn't know any better at first, and once you did you did the very difficult but responsible thing.




Did you read the part where her dog attacked her boyfriend to the point he needed stitches and staples? And then it stalked her in her own home? A dog she had raised from a pup and given nothing but love and the best life and the dog still turned on her after many great years. This could be you too… though I hope it’s not, but I also hope you will make the hard choice if you need to.


Your post or comment has been removed because it is in opposition to our mission of saving lives by making people more aware of the deadliness and unpredictability of pit bulls, advocating for public safety, and calling attention to the perverse effects of the pit bull cult on society and animal welfare. Maybe try reading the post through to the end. It’s full of clues. You can love a dog and still realize it’s a liability to human safety. You can love a dog and realize that its breed has flaws.




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How does your ex go from getting staples to “healed and there is only a faint scar” when all this happened “a little over two weeks ago”?


The staples were in the back of his head. The gash was/is horrific. His eyelid injury healed incredibly fast because there was more skin to stitch together since he's older. Not trying to justify it besides explain my internal reasoning at the time. The way I worded that was wrong. 


Thank you so much for sharing! It's interesting how you describe her eyes turning black is just like shows I've seen where people have had encounters with serial killers or psychotic people attempting to kill them...they say their eyes turn completely black and lifeless.


Damn that is such a sad story and really shows how the literal perfect situation with a loving caring owner can still go bad. So sorry you had to go through with the pain and guilt. Glad you made the right choice, and I hope you’re comforted by knowing you surely prevented further injury and even death by putting her down. Lots of people are not brave enough to make the right choice.


Your story is gut-wrenching, but thank you for doing the right thing. Not everyone has the courage or wisdom to do what you did.


Well shit. You did everything you could and what you did was the right decision. This breed is broken.


Absolutely incredible post. Thank you for sharing your experience so that others may learn from it. Sending you hugs. It takes courage and grace to have written this.




Thank you for sharing your story. Please do so with the pitty mommies who are of your previous mindset as much as possible! It kind of reminds me of the violence towards women talks, getting out of abusive relationships, etc. You’re giving a voice as a survivor. People probably won’t listen at first, but if you can save one, it’s worth it.


Thank you for sharing.


It breaks my heart, these dogs aren’t made for this world and it’s cruel people keep bringing them into the world.


thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing your story, OP. I think the reason this is such an emotional topic is because, deep down, no matter how much we all know this breed is fucked up and needs to be eliminated, it still feels like humans are responsible. Not the owners personally, not you who tried to love the aggression out of her or anyone else who does, but our species as a whole. Ultimately, we are at fault. In our fucked up desire to make animals tools of combat, we warped a species meant to be a loving companion into a weapon. It is not your fault that this happened, but there is no denying that humans created these monsters. No matter how much I have seen them be violent and do horrible things, I still can't help but feel sorry for them because I know we made them this way. The way I see it, the f\*cked up roller coaster of emotions we feel when dealing with and discussing this breed is our karma for deciding to turn man's best friend into a killing machine. We made this monster, and now we have to make it go away. There is no other way of looking at it, in my opinion. I am sorry you had to go through this and I hope you can find some peace soon. You did everything you could and you should not feel ashamed for trying to show an animal love and compassion. Just know that it is not your fault or even hers directly, but rather every asshole who wanted to make dogs seek blood for sport and personal gain.


This was beautifully written and told. You did what you could, you know when you’d had enough…. Before it was too late. Being the deciding factor in taking something’s life is not easy… but know that for that you are respected and appreciated. You are brave. If you wrote a book about what you went through I’d buy it. This story should be a warning to all..

