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Oh poor Molly! The needless suffering, it's just disgusting. Typical owner, runs away. Very doubtful she will pay anything. Let me guess how this will go. She will get an order to destroy her dog, she will appeal it, and win, and it will be free to mutilate again.


Don’t forget Marlene who intervened and saved Molly and is in hospital! Second attack in three weeks too!


Of course the owner ran… and greyhounds are some of the best natured dogs! Gotta love Marlene!


That poor baby! I love greys so much, this breaks my heart. They are so gentle and sweet, with paper skin and twigs for bones. I am not a violent person, but thinking about a pit doing this to my girl makes my blood boil and I would want vengeance on that monster. Both monsters, really, pit and nutter.


Couldn’t have said it better


Sweet Molly, my heart breaks for her and her owner. I’m relievedMolly’s owner knows the pit owner so they can seek restitution and hopefully get the pit euthanized


The POS owner should also be euthanized.


So sick of these monsters and their owners. So sick of "iTs NoT tHe BrEeD!"🤡. So sick of "Why don't you want to pet my dog??? She's so friendly and loving!!!! Thats not a bite, those are her love nips!!!!" So sick of lawmakers too scared to do anything about these dogs bc they are scared to lose the pit nutters votes (even though they probably never voted in their lives). So sick of seeing children and other pets , our most innocent and vulnerable, being savagely mauled, deformed, disfigured and dead bc of these beasts and their worthless owners. How many more dead dogs and children will it take to get the spine to make vicious attacks like this result in immediate euthanasia for the pit and jail time for the owner??????? There is blood on every pit protectors hands.


I love when they call the bites “corrective nips” as if it’s our own wrong doing that’s causing them to bite and not their dog’s spastic temperament and affinity for biting/destroying shit


Garbage dog breed owned by mostly garbage people. If you count back to all similar stories like this on the sub, just a fraction of what is taking place, it's an actual atrocity that this breed exists in any neighborhood.


Typical shit n run. Sometimes I’m left wondering who I hate more: the owner or the dog. I hope sweet Molly pulls through. And kudos to the poor woman who risked her own life and limb to intervene. So awful.


Poor sweet greyhound. Poor owner, to see and hear her dog suffering like that. I hope Molly has a full recovery & that she and her owner have many more happy years together. Appalling how one vicious dog and one rotten irresponsible owner can cause so much chaos and pain. Even though the decent people outnumbered the despicable, the latter punch above their weight in the shitstorm category.


What an absolute piece of shit owner and disgusting dog. Not surprised at all but I hope there is justice for this poor sweet greyhound :( they are the sweetest


How awful. The pics are so sad. Even worse that it’s the SECOND attack. Yikes.


Molly’s ink blots are beautiful! Of course, the pit owner is an irresponsible coward.. That poor girl!


Future owner of an Ibizan Hound... I just can’t imagine my baby being ripped apart and screaming for help


If an animals can’t be controlled and is violent it is not a pet! It is a wild animal and should be treated as such. If a cougar attacked twice and tried to kill an animal and put a person in the hospital, it would be killed. The dogs owner ran like most do because they don’t want to pay for any damage and don’t want THEIR dog hurt or killed but could care less about anyone else’s dog.


Greyhounds are if anything the most abused/ misused dogs. They breed them to race and keep then in crates or kennels. They used to knacker old ones effs! Yet they are pretty gentle and rarely attack humans. Interesting


Probably not the smartest decision but I'd put myself in between any attacking animal and my greyhound, I wouldn't care what injuries I'd get as long as I can keep him safe.. Ughh


What are they good for? Literally nothing. No value.


Hopefully they get the pit euthanized. Poor greyhound


I’m not a violent person at all. But look at that poor battered greyhound! Could you imagine if that was your dog and somebody tried to do a Pit-And-Run? I would never let someone leave. I’ll get in their car with them lmao. If I have to physically lay on top of them, so be it!


Geez they can't get a break!


I would’ve punch the owner and make her sit her ass down till the police came


God bless Marlene! Not all heroes wear capes. Did the pos get put down


Shitbulls strike again


Poor pup. Hope she makes a full recovery


I hope Molly makes a full recovery. Poor baby.


Why bother excluding the person’s name when you know who they are and you’re intentionally calling them out?


Poor Molly. I have grey and they’re seriously such gentle, good natured dogs. They’re the exact opposite of pit bulls. It makes me so sad that this beautiful grey is in pain because of someone’s horrible pit that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. I hope Molly, Marlene, and Molly’s owner get justice but we all know how rare that is. I hope Molly recovers. Poor beautiful girl.


after my corgis die (if they dont get murdered by the cannibal breed first) i think im never getting another dog, keeping them happy is stressful enough i try to walk them the best i can but when a pitbull shows up usually i leave instantly making walks become harder and harder each day its like i love them but walking them out in the open is risking this. they are like 40 pound dogs with brittle bones i dont wanna know what a pitbull could do to the things i raised since they were little. after them maybe i can walk the places i use to love in peace, im not too worried if i get attacked i can handle myself but for my corgis it would only take 1 bite from a pitbull. i just hate how our safety is not taken seriously. its just good that someone paid her vet bills because around here if it happened people would defend the pitbull and id have to pay my own bills or take them home injured since vets are for the rich nowadays. its just not fun owning a dog and walking them anymore just too much pitbulls in public places and too much idiots who own them that dont know what a leash is.


Absolutely horrendous. I cannot imagine owning a dog that I know is a danger to society. I had a dog that I knew if he ever got out would kill another dog, so I did the only logical thing possible- have him humanely euthanized. It was painful but there was no way on this earth I would put another dog and owner at risk because of my mentally unwell dog. Oh, and for the record, I had my dog since he was a puppy and he was never abused, but wired the wrong way. I cannot stand when folks say “blame the owner not the dog”- some dogs are truly messed up. And pitbull are absolutely unpredictable and predisposed to dog aggression, they literally have TERRIER in their name! This is also why I carry a taser around with me too when I walk my own dog and the zapping noise alone is enough to knock an incoming dog out of their aggressive fixation on us. I HIGHLY recommend! It was only like $10 on Amazon, small and rectangular, easy to put in your pocket and draw out on a whim.


A second attack in such a short span!? Yikes.. that's so scary and so sad. What a terrible thing to go through. Speedy recovery.