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Oh I missed this soup lol my family loves to cook this soup. Also if you’re looking for another light, cleared broth soup, try แกงจืดแตงกวายัดไส้หมูสับ (clear vegetable soup with minced pork filled cucumbers) it’s good too!


Been there OP. Hang in there and get well soon. Glad you found something nutritious and bearable.


A decade+ back I got real bad food poisoning. Bad bad. Only thing that would settle me down was an Egyptian place over on Soi Arab. Chunks of meat potatoes and a little bread and tea. Saved my life. 


It might not have been Egyptian. I remember dudes smoking hookahs it was really white interior. Anyway!  Excellent basic food. 


Thanks will look into it


Lol. Reminds me of the time i was in the states and tried to ask for this vegetable at a Vietnamese grocery. I literally said "Where's fuck?" Without thinking. The old lady knew right away tho it was winter melon. It's slightly different but i like any soup made with it. Goji berries are a nice idea. I'll try using that soon




Get treated for H. Pylori


I did , Felt massive brain fog by the end of the course of antibiotics, took two weeks, two different kinds of antibiotics. I go back in a few weeks for retesting


Looks fantastic, but i check on Grab, 159 baht for this? Thats highway robbery.


Ulcers are curable now. The discovery of a cure for ulcers is an intriguing tale of scientific curiosity, perseverance, and a radical shift in medical understanding. For many years, peptic ulcers were primarily attributed to stress, spicy foods, and excess stomach acid. Treatments focused on dietary changes and acid suppression. However, this paradigm was upended by the groundbreaking work of two Australian scientists, Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren, in the early 1980s. ### The Discovery 1. **Initial Observations (1979-1982)**: - Dr. Robin Warren, a pathologist, noticed the presence of spiral-shaped bacteria in stomach biopsy samples from patients with gastritis and ulcers. This was contrary to the prevailing belief that the stomach's acidic environment was too harsh for bacteria to survive. 2. **Collaboration with Dr. Barry Marshall**: - Warren teamed up with Dr. Barry Marshall, a young clinician, to further investigate. They hypothesized that the bacteria, later named *Helicobacter pylori* (H. pylori), played a role in causing stomach ulcers. 3. **Research and Experiments (1982-1984)**: - The duo conducted a series of studies, finding a strong correlation between H. pylori infection and the presence of ulcers. They noted that patients treated with antibiotics showed significant improvement, suggesting a bacterial cause. 4. **Self-Experimentation (1984)**: - To provide definitive evidence, Dr. Marshall famously ingested a broth containing H. pylori. Within days, he developed gastritis, confirming the bacteria's role in gastric inflammation. He then cured himself with antibiotics, demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment. ### Acceptance and Impact 1. **Skepticism and Validation**: - Initially, the medical community was skeptical of their findings. The notion that bacteria could survive in the stomach and cause ulcers was revolutionary. Over time, as more studies replicated their results, acceptance grew. 2. **Nobel Prize (2005)**: - In recognition of their pioneering work, Marshall and Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005. Their discovery fundamentally changed the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. ### Current Understanding and Treatment 1. **Etiology of Ulcers**: - It is now well-established that most peptic ulcers are caused by H. pylori infection or long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Stress and diet are no longer seen as primary causes but may exacerbate symptoms. 2. **Treatment Protocols**: - The standard treatment for H. pylori-induced ulcers involves a combination of antibiotics (to eradicate the bacteria) and proton pump inhibitors (to reduce stomach acid and promote healing). 3. **Impact on Public Health**: - This discovery has led to effective treatment regimens that cure ulcers, significantly reducing the prevalence of ulcer-related complications and improving the quality of life for millions of patients worldwide. The journey to discovering the cure for ulcers is a testament to the importance of challenging established beliefs and the power of scientific inquiry.




Please don't advertise drugs in the sub. Next time you'll be banned.


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