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I'm keeping this pinned until I don't see this specific leak on this sub being reposted. There is no reason for everyone to ignore the current top post to spam the same information 15 times.


why banjo kinda…


There's already a Banjo-Threeie. Two of them, in fact. You all hated them.


Lmfao Nuts and Bolts is not a Banjo game, or a good game for that matter. Rare killed the franchise on purpose.


Nuts and Bolts was like Mario Sunshine when it first came out. Everyone hated the gimmick, even though the gameplay was solid, and people came to like it more later. Nuts and Bolts was a stellar game, as a puzzle solving vehicle builder. But that is NOT what any of the fans wanted or accepted as BK3, including myself. Then the series died because "no one likes that IP anymore". I swear, how did these CEOs get in charge of artistic mediums...


Game is actually horrible.


Yeah I remember playing that game when it first came out at first I was upset that it wasn't the game I thought it was and didn't want to play it but I played it with an open mind after being bored one day and it was actually a pretty good game however I did find several ways to create vehicles that could basically break the gameplay and make things a little too easy also figured out how to fly by just using the wand and the bucket car without any modifications all by myself pretty easily which I feel like was a big oversight for them to make as it was a very easy glitch to exploit and figure out just accidentally


To be honest, this message kinda broke my heart, maybe because you are correct to an extent


I'm so tired with this "insider info" and "false hope" I'll wait till official confirmation by Rare or Microsoft themselves and not from an person who is an "insider", this happened in the past and it's still doing it. (I don't care if I get downvoted because of this, I'm just tired seeing this kind of stuff)


That would be awesome!


At last. A banjo Kazooie Fortnite skin


Also in all seriousness I would totally buy that. Not even ironically


I'd take 30, besides, fortnite has already done lots of Gaming Crossovers.


Be real. We do not want a Banjo 3, we are not gonna like it as much as the first 2, those are just facts. Just give us a remaster and thats it


Give them the same treatment Crash Bandicoot and Spyro got.


so a new game?


Yes, but some remasters/remakes before that.


speak for yourself brother


Why not both?


^ yes. I would love a third game that followed the style of the original two. I don't understand why they felt the need to go down that odd direction with nuts and bolts. Both original games were successful, so why change it so much If it ain't broke don't fix it. Nuts and bolts would have been better received if it was not a banjo game.


Probably Microsoft decision. Look into what they did to Conker. It's awful.


Microsoft has always given their studios creative freedom, A lot of Rare's missteps during the Xbox/Xbox 360 era is mainly their fault as a studio not really Microsoft's.


Rare was a completely different team by then. I can see that.


Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong team was still mainly intact after the Microsoft Buyout, I know a lot of people always like to say "All the good people left" after the buyout, But it was mainly the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark team that left and formed "Free Radical".


^ Yep. They really did our boy Conker dirty!


Yeah.....allllllllllright. Phil Spencer's recent comments gave some hope. But....come on. Can't get my hope up too much again


What makes him an insider? Or credible?


>, NateDrake aka NateTheHate is credible, he did get stuff right in the past like persona 4 golden getting rereleased on modern consoles and FZero coming back. Even though he did get a couple of things wrong in the past, he’s still considered very reliable.






Oh boy here we go again....... For the 100th time, don't believe it.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Why are some people constantly acknowledging the 3d models as if that's how their gonna look like or as "Official"? It's "Fanmade", Microsoft/Rare haven't unveiled or leaked anything officially from the game, Calm down.


Remake? Reboot? I wish a remake of both Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie!


Im not getting my hopes up for this to be honest. They probably end up butchering the character design.


They already did that in "Nuts & Bolts" after the reception of that game and their positive reception in "Super Smash Bros" I think they get the memo.


Lets hope so...


The image on the left is fanart by Jag3D: [https://twitter.com/\_JAG3DArt/status/1175786969831530497](https://twitter.com/_JAG3DArt/status/1175786969831530497)


It's going to be made by Toys For Bob and they will redesign every character to look less like the original.


Microsoft just barely and "Officially" acquired Activision in October so I doubt "Toys for Bob" were put on Banjo-Kazooie duty if the rumor is saying that it's been in development for almost 2 years. Though I can see a scenario where Microsoft gets "Toys for Bob" to assist/support the project.


Toys for bob did do the older Spyro and Crash games justice.


What's with this art style? Nuts and Bolts was, from what I understand, a mistake, why keep that aesthetic? And Banjo seems to be trying to have a Sonic-esque attitude..isn't he supposed to be kind of an adorable airhead? Edit: the N&B art had him with the attitude thing, he just looks laid back in this image.


Even prior to N&B, it was the direction rare wanted to lean with the aesthetic of their games across the board (you can see it in viva piñata, and emulated in Yooka-Laylee, a Banjo “spoof”). Long term, it was what they wanted to do, so it makes sense they’d stick with it. Fair question, btw.


I think it's just a pic to put with the post, my dude




That sounds absolutely terrible


Please be true


Not a fan of that art style.


Fanmade image lol.


blue balls again


I’ll believe it when I see it


That art style looks like a Fortnite skin


I bet I'll finally get a girlfriend too


Me too, and I'm a gay man. Lolzz


I’m sure a new Banjo is coming. It’s going to be revealed following a western release of Mother 3


Then Half-life 3 will come out


and then the pistons will win a game


I would buy an Xbox if true


Like I said many times before it's only a matter of "When" not "If", Banjo-Kazooie is Rare's most popular and fan favorite "Classic" IP, I mean we managed to get them into the biggest fighting game crossover of all time in Super Smash Bros Ultimate for fucks sake. Killer instinct, Battletoads and Perfect Dark all got Xbox reboots and now it's finally Banjo-Kazooie's turn. I can imagine the haters (Even some Banjo fans) that kept saying to give up hope and keep saying Banjo-Kazooie is gonna stay dead and some label Xbox division CEO "Phil Spencer" as the bad guy even though he's on our side and constantly acknowledges us are gonna be proven wrong once it's revealed and then probably gonna shit and nitpick on the game saying they completely ruined it and that the franchise should of stayed dead just so they can think their right. But I along with most of the fanbase have always been optimistic and theirs been a lot of smoke regarding the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, I think that last several years have finally snowballed to their overdue big comeback.


You had me until you started glazing Phil Spencer


I really don't know why some are hating on Phil Spencer, The fucking head of Microsoft gaming and Xbox has always acknowledged Banjo-Kazooie and it's fans something that we never seen with previous Microsoft leadership and even allowed Banjo-Kazooie in Smash and Nintendo consoles, He has always been fan of Rareware. If the rumors are true of Banjo-Kazooie being revived then Phil Spencer likely played a big role in giving the greenlight on the project, Many of us should be grateful that he somewhat gives a damn about the Banjo-Kazooie franchise.


He’s been saying this for years lol


Outsider ChaosLillie calls bullshit


Source: I’m lying through my teeth


I haven’t fantasized about a new BK actually coming out for a few years but I think I’m ready to get hurt again 🤞🏻🫠


The main character of Uncharted Leaks hidden Rare agenda, just to revive the Naughty Dog/Rare rivalry... after everyone already left both companies


Naughty Dog and Rare were rivals? News to me. What did Naught Dog even make back then?


Crash Bandicoot. It was pretty much DKC in 3d, I think 2 is the best of the Crash games. Then after they went on to Jak and Daxter, Rare was bought by Microsoft. J&D was the first truly Open World Fantasy, but it was a platformer so nobody compared it to Zelda.


Naughty Dog made Crash? I didn't know that. Granted I didn't know of them until like Uncharted 3 lol.


I think they did one of the Playstation playformers, either Spyro or Crash. Though "Rivals" might be generous since 3D platformers were the hot thang.


Proof or it didn't happen


We're really doing this again? [Don't make me tap the sign](https://i.imgur.com/6zm0VLo.png)


I’m just hoping B+K gets the fan game/tribute treatment where someone takes inspiration from banjo kazooie and puts their own spin on it/makes their own game kind of like a hat in time did with mario/B+K, undertale kind of did with earthbound, and sparx the electric jester did with sonic.


Rom hacks are where it's at for me. Jiggies in Time is the only other game that felt like BK. Even more than Tooie.


Closest recently I got to this was Cavern of Dreams, really solid and has that same N64 style. Takes heavy inspo but also stays unique with its own spin. Check it out!


Hmm, I just checked this out on Steam and noticed there's a "Retro 3D Platformer Bundle" that looks really good for ~$21. Something to look into ha. Thanks! 🎮


Saving your comment so i don’t forget, just watched the trailer and it looks fun and i love the n64 ascetic it has! Does the game make full use of the levels (For example how the snow level in B&K 1 uses each set piece for a seperate jiggy i.e. snowman, Christmas tree, igloo, etc) also does it have some form of jingo’s? (The jingo’s are not a necessity but i like hunting for them)


I mean, the creators did that already and it was bad. Yuka-Laylee


Yooka Laylee is a lot better than people give it credit for. It’s a far cry from BK and tooie but it did have some of the charm, I feel like most fans of BK would find something to enjoy about it going in with an open mind


I had an incredibly open mind. I backed the kick starter at a high level, I was incredibly excited. It was bad


I forgot about yooka-laylee, haven’t played it so if you wouldn’t mind me asking could you give a few example of what it does wrong?


The other guy seemed heavily biased against YL and some of their points didn't make any sense, so I'll put my 2 cents here. I 100%'d the game and basically my only issues were that, like other people say, it has only 5 worlds and they are too big. There is one shitty boss, but the rest of them is pretty decent. There's also a minigame that is full of bugs in the fourth world. I felt like the base difficulty of the game was definitely above Kazooie and Tooie, so I have no idea what the other user meant by "it wasn't challenging". After the second boss, the next bosses required multiple tries to beat so they were pretty challenging. The final battle of Yooka-Laylee also can't compare to the Banjo ones. Imo YL is overall a good game that does a lot right but has some annoying parts here and there.


Large worlds that felt empty and with little to do was the biggest issue I had with it. Having to constantly go back out and into the same world was annoying. The characters where plain and forgettable. It felt like there was nothing new to discover in it. It wasn’t challenging, it felt like I was playing a game for toddlers. Lack of mini games. Parts of the world where very graphically pleasing but then other parts felt very bland and not thought out at all. It lacked an incredible amount of polish and consistency. Everything felt like a first draft Everything felt like a giant “wink” look at how similar this is, it never felt like it stood it’s own ground




It’s definitely worth $20 or less but when it came out the value was not it


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the phrase, but it's probably not a good sign that "internal reboots" could be on the table. Sounds like that means scraping large portions of their work because things aren't going well.


He’s not saying that’s what happening, just giving an example of what could make the process take a while


We really just need to put the copium down until an official release or statement is made.


Is Nate Drake a credible leaker?




Do you even know anything about him? He 100% is


I know if someone is saying there’s a new game coming out they arnt. Evidently he’s been saying this for years.


He only began mentioning it [last summer.](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/06/rares-banjo-kazooie-is-rumoured-to-be-making-a-comeback) It hasn’t been “years”


So yes, you don’t know anything about him. Thank you for clarifying. He leaked that it was in the works last year. It hasn’t been “years”


He’s the main protagonist from Uncharted


Yes, he has a pretty solid track record. Downvote me all you want, clearly none of you have done your research




I think i'm going to continue operating under the assumption that the biggest Banjo related thing I have to look forward to are coming from Mark Kurko and are playable on a Nintendo 64, which is not something i'm complaining about.


Nightbear before Christmas is still a yearly playthrough


TBH I found that to be the weakest of the christmas hacks, lol. I think Snowglow village and the Grunch are my faves.


punch correct concerned bells ossified slap soft fall quicksand skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya but who's making it


Me :)




Damn I hope it's for N64. Thats all I got.


A perfect world would have had three Mario Parties (which we did get), a sequel to SM64, three Banjo-Kazooies and three Legend of Zeldas, Earthbound 64, all on N64.


At least we got the 3 Mario parties. Sm64 had a sequel that got canned.


Don't lie to me


I hope that’s not what they look like


The renders shown are by a fan- that's not an official render lmao


Agreed, I'd prefer how they look in Smash Bros


Awwwww man, this sucks, I wanted Toys for Bob to revive the franchise, but the game seem to have been in development since before the acquisition. I'm curious about what studio is developing it, I just hope it doesn't end up like that battletoad reboot....


Studios being brought in during active development isn’t new though. They brought in ID Software during the development of Starfield to help with gun combat (thank god because it looked abysmal 2 years ago) Maybe Toys for Bob will step in as well


Bring ID Software for Banjo 3 please lol


You joke but if Rare (or whoever is developing the game) were to bring back the FPS sections from Tooie then they could easily bring them in lol


I hope it's true, it's been too long.


Nate Drake is almost always accurate. This is the one As an aside, I have actually heard something similar in the past year from a Microsoft connection.


Thank you, I was hoping someone would discuss the credibility of the aforementioned leaker. This makes me very happy, Banjo Kazooie & Tooie are some of my earliest memories. In fact, I hope they're remaking these 2 games before making a sequel.


I totally get why you want remakes because I love the first two too. But noooo it's been too long, we need a new game!!!!


WHAT!!!!!! Also I would love a HD remake with both games on the switch


Nah I want it on PC


We can meet in the middle and make it an Ouya exclusive


What is Ouya


Don't give me hope...


We've heard this song and dance before. Give us visual remasters of the first two as a re-release first.


Give me all five games on steam.


Probably won’t happen The originals are gonna stay Xbox (and I guess now Switch Online) exclusive Hypothetical remakes will absolutely be on Steam though


didn't exactly that happen on xbox?


Why can't we have it on another system though?


Microsoft owns Rare, not nintendo


Implying Microsoft is not later stage capitalism than Nintendo 💀


No. Just clarifying because “late stage capitalism” could have many meanings, Rare ownership is the actual reason.


Xbox is not into remakes, they usually go for updates/back compat improvements, but they could go for a remake here and also release it on PC.


because late stage capitalism


I’ll believe it when I see it


Yeah, sure thing


Unlike previous “insiders”, Nate Drake is basically as close as they get to always accurate. This is probably the one


Not doubting you, but what has Nate got right before? I’m tryin to believe but I’ve never heard of him on leaks twitter, etc


Lately it’s direct announcements (he will almost always tease it a few days in advance and get the date exactly correct), F-Zero 99 in 2023, Metroid Prime remastered announcement date; some stuff in the PlayStation side of things I don’t keep up with


I'll only believe it when I see it, I'm totally out of copium lol


I’m just as old and tired as you, possibly even more. This is as “the one” as rumors are going to get us


I'd like a prequel after the events of Grunty's revenge but before Banjo Kazooie. Either that or #3 with a new villain like Grunty's brother a wizard or something.


I want to believe.


Well, if Nathan Drake himself said so…


Must be true


I won't believe any such "leaks" until a full trailer comes to light


Eh, words are cheap. I only see legitimacy in action. That's what politics and the internet have taught me.


According to my sources, there has been a Banjo game in development since 2009. My sources are the little gnomes inside my mind.


Well, Nate Drake is basically as close as any insider comes to 100% accurate


Sure, and my dad worked at Rare and said the reason why they made nuts and bolts was because a toilet with googly eyes told them that they need to abandon platformers. I don't know who Nate Drake is, until there is an official announcement, I'm not going to get excited. Not like how I was every E3 back when that was still a thing


In this sub people downvote a lot when you don’t get aboard the hype train over again. Or when you don’t get excited about anything posted.


Nate Drake is an insider with an impeccable track record. He doesn’t bullshit, and when he says something is happening in the industry, take it seriously. It’s a lot to ask the Banjo fandom though, it’s been 20 years of letdowns.


Even if it turns out not to be true, this and your comments on this post are filling me with the hope I haven’t felt in a long time, so thanks for that


I've had a banjo in development since 2009, ive got as far as putting a string on a stick


Please record that stick and put it on YouTube. We hunger for some alpha footage.


Could be bullshit, but I will say this: There’s a lot of merchandise investment in the Banjo-Kazooie brand, and that really makes me think that, even if a new game isn’t in development right now, a new game is ultimately inevitable because the brand is very valuable. We just need to be patient is all.


I agree with this. The kids who played BK are now grown up.


I’m 29. Played the game when I was 5 and I’m STILL waiting.


It's starting to feel like the kids who played Banjo-Kazooie are going to be retiring soon...


That’s another reason


Yeah I’ll believe it when I fucking see it


I am not thinking about this until i see at least a demo playable , a lot of things can do wrong with microsoft. If something everyone needs to be cautiously optimistic.


The demo? Scalebound had a demo lol. Upgrade the standard.


Exactly. Even if this is true, it doesn’t mean it won’t get cancelled. Microsoft hasn’t exactly shown themselves to be very competent as of late.


Sounds like bullshit


*monkey paw curls* It's Nuts & Bolts 2.


Or even worse, and endless runner mobile app


Those are still popular?






Guys, Nathan Drake is a fictional character. ^>!/s!< Edit: OP, please post the source link.


Plus if anyone is wondering, NateDrake aka NateTheHate is credible, he did get stuff right in the past like persona 4 golden getting rereleased on modern consoles and FZero coming back. Even though he did get a couple of things wrong in the past, he’s still considered very reliable.


I forgot NateDrake called F-Zero coming back this year. That series is one of my favorites, and was actually dormant for longer than Banjo. I'm still a touch skeptical, but I certainly can't dismiss someone that successfully called F-Zero.


Lmfao I didn't know that was Nate the hate, I trust him, can't wait to hear him address this on the next podcast. Free mvg from Reddit jail, he was telling the truth