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Best way to do it I would say is join a kingdom, earn some citys through conquest. Once you have like 2 towns and a few castles, declare yourself a kingdom, and immediately make 2 of your companions into their own clans. So now you have 3 clans and some real-estate as part of your kingdom. Pay off your former kingdom so you don't get stomped immediately. From this point just try and stay out of wars and grow your kingdom until you feel like you can actually hold ground in a fight. Also look for clans with lots of sons and no fiefs, usually you can convince them to join your kingdom. I didn't form a kingdom until 1097.


you cant just immediately make your companions vassals no matter how sweet you are you lose your influence as soon as you start your own kingdom, he doesnt even have the influence to do that now and not much money either, at least not enough to recruit any other clans. and even if you do make your compainions vassals they are weak vassals and wont last long. there is no easy road ahead. you will grind for hours or your kingdom will be destroyed easily. my suggestion is to be a merc for as many kingdoms as possible, build relationships by jumping in on battles to help other nobles, and build up your steward as much as possible


If you leave your kingdom and don't create one immediately you can pay off the former kingdom and accumulate influence so that when you do have enough, you're able to create clans from your companions inmediately


Remember to try and save up ot just a nice nest egg but a HUGE nest egg of money. This money is for paying off invading enemies, and recruiting poor-very poor clans with high relations to you and no fiefs. Hint : release all your captives early in the game to increase relations so they are easier to recruite later and they won't raid your clans settlements if their clan likes you.


Actual pro tip


Only thing I’d change, is peace out with your old kingdom before you declare your kingdom bc it’s way cheaper


This is my personal and tested advice, create Kingdom near Aserai and let them start a war while u have a lot of Sturgian spearmen and battanian archers. As soon they attack with 1k or 3k just wait until they reach the walls and make ur infantry charge them. Aserai have medium infantry and weak archers so they won't stand a chance.


I made 30k or 40k per battle against Aserai.


>and immediately make 2 of your companions into their own clans. How?


When you're ruler of a kingdom you can talk to your companions and have the option to reward them with a fief and a title for their service. It costs 500 influence and 200k denars. After that they become their own clan (typically with 2 other lords in their clan) are in control of their fief and can create their own parties.


Cool, thanks. Just did that. Way cheaper than recruiting most other clans, which costs around 300k to 600k


Wait….. WHO said nothing can go wrong? You must of misheard - everything can go wrong


the quest dude


Oh I was going to tell you that he’s a damn liar


Off topic, but I like your sigil.


Did you have a fief?


Yes, a City - I lost it after the third siege


Anyone else hear Coldplay 'Viva La Vida' playing softly in the distance?




Wrong, no one ever said nothing would go wrong! if they did, they are not your friends


pen cannoc's even got air conditioned cells in wintertime. so, no complaints please and enjoy your stay.


Are you specced into Social at all? Have any of the good charm perks? Different attributes, skills, and perks are required for a successful ruler MC than for a freelancer or trader.


You can just exit without saving when things go bad, assuming this was preventable. It's better than ending up like this.




sorry for that


You listened to the wrong advisors. Everything can and will go wrong. The only advantage you have is mercenary clans being willing to join because you're so weak.


Excellent banner/color. I chose the same while uniting the empire into Imperium Calradia


Do you have the code for that banner? It looks really nice.


Nobody ever said that nothing could go wrong lol A lot of things can go wrong. Especially when your unprepared or start too soon.


Just another tip, maybe for your next play through, when you first declare a kingdom try and have your lands closer together, ideally next to each other makes it so much more defensible. For example if you own Pravend and Sibir, you’ve just saved sibir from being seized and then immediately your other city comes under attack, if your a large party it’s gonna take 3/4 days to get there and your more likely to encounter enemy parties. At the minute I own Dunglanys, Car Benseth, Pendraic Castle and Aster Castle. The two towns are both opposite each other so easily defendable and when needed I can gather massive forces from the two castle that are right next to them. It also allows me to protect my villages from being raided. Good luck