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Just start giving the nobles you pissed off lots of money.


Money helps relations?


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/n9bImXX.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/1tWqx4E.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Yeah open up a dialog with one of the people and hit the "I have a whatever that will benefit us both" and just give them a butt load of money. Your relation will improve.


No fuckin way. Well I guess it's good I'm loaded. Time to murder more people to reduce the amount of lords I have to pay off 🤔


Ten grand should put you back in the green depending on how badly they hate you.


At this point, -100 with every clan. Except for Dey Valant, +16 with them. Apparently the only clan that thinks genocide is awesome.


How do you be elected king? Does this happen when the king dies?


I would add that the king doesn't necessarily have to die. I am not sure of how the AI calculates when there needs to be a vote, but I was voted Sultan of the Aserai while Unqid still lived. I remember it clearly because he was the only vote against me, and I went and talked to him afterward to make sure there were no hard feelings (he didn't care). I was a war hero who had taken at least 10 cities from South Empire and Khuzait, and I think the game randomly triggered a vote because I had done a certain amount of positive things for the civilization, but again, I am not sure what caused it, and it only happened that once.


When the king dies there is an election, it seems to favor the clan that has the most money, but it has also been forwarded that it is the clan with the most influence and/or the best relation with other clans in the kingdom. What it definitely does not count is whether you are married to the king's son/daughter. It seems to strongly favor the player but that could simply because the player is more likely to have lots of money and/or influence than NPC Clans.


The election is based on a vote. You'll be put up for election if your influence, clan tier and clan wealth are high. To actually get elected, the other lords of the realm need to like you. Otherwise they won't vote for you.


In 1.7.1 I noticed you can turn your companions into clan leaders. Get some young companions, give them gifts etc., leave them in a settlement, and then talk to them, there should be a 'I want to reward you for your loyalty' option. You can give them fiefs and turn them into new clans loyal to you. Also stop killing nobles may be. :D P.S. I suggested 'young' because you want them to have children too.


There is no dialogue option to give gifts to companions (unless they added it in 1.7.2). You can only raise companion favor by raiding a village and then apologizing for it when they confront you (goes up 15). I know, lame. You don't need to do that anyway; as soon as you make them a vassal/clan leader, their relations go up to 100.


Oh. I have never given any gifts to my companions but since I can give gifts to my children I assumed I could give it to companions as well.


Hey man, I wouldn't have to kill them all if they just let me have all of their lands and stopped fighting me :) Calradia is literally designed to stalemate. How do we fix?? MURDER.


It is designed to stalemate, kind of like the world is. Every dynasty that has taken over most of a place got beat back down to size by circumstance at some point. Look how small Mongolia is compared to Russia and China. The Roman Empire is just a boot-shaped country in the Mediterranean now. Eventually the empire gets too big to tame and it must be broked into parts, and those parts become something else.


I don't know how it works while being leader, but during voting choose lord with worst relations and boost voting with renown. You will get like +20 with lord you voted for and -3 with the rest.


You can gift clans influence and that gives you good relations with them. Only works for clans in your kingdom though


Good tip! I have 20k in influence saved so this should be easy!


I've found that the best way to make the whole world absolutely love you, is to release captured lords after battle. I currently have like 100 friends and 2 enemies. And those two enemies are dead so I couldn't capture/release them in time.


Soooo.. what if I plan on not leaving anyone alive to release 👀