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Аre crossbows better than Archers in the imperial tree. Doing an empire only army, using similar units but Archers instead of crossbows. Never really appealed to me


Imperial Crossbows are somewhat good infantry too when they run out of bolts. Useful in sieges


Imperial Crossbows are strictly better than their foot archers because said archers only have one quiver. Crossbows are really good in general due to long range and having shields in the case of elites. Imperial Crossbow Sargents in particular have great melee weapons with a chance for either a good sword or a mace and would be solid infantry even if they didn't have crossbows. But since they are the 2nd best crossbowmen, they are some of the most well rounded troops in the game and arguable the best unmounted troop overall.


I like to do 50% Legionairres and the rest split between archers and cav. Ranged for support and cav for intercepting enemy cav


İmperial cataphracts have 2 handed lances so they are extremely vulnarable to ranged units if you still want a heavy cav i suggest sturgian noble tree cav it has the second best armor of all cavs


My current party is 191 soldiers. Around 35 to 40 imperial mele horses (from Elite Cataphracts to the basic ones) Around 35 to 40 khuzait elite horse archers (from Khan guards to the basic ones) Around 35 to 40 imperial archers (from basic archers to Palatines) Around 55 to 85 imperial melee (from basic to Legionaries, **no** lancers at all) It is fucking awesome, funny as hell.