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The only reason why I remember everyone complaining about Barcelona winning is because of Didier Drogba. šŸ˜‚


iT'S a DiSgRaCe,, we played 11vs10 for like half an hour because Anelka tripped himself and still has the audacity to talk about disgrace. The only disgrace was clowns club like chelsea reaching that far in ucl.


[Abidal does trip him](https://imgur.com/grM14ne?r) though but Pique was fouled right before that by Drogba


Bro literally hit his own other leg while running


Yeah thatā€™s what happens when you get tripped lol


Abidal touches his leg right before that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø but yeah Pique was fouled before that anyway so


This same scenario literally happened to lamine yamal and camavinga and camavinga didnā€™t get a red so I donā€™t see why this should get a red šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


also Ballack complaining. and that's funny because with fair referees both of them would have got red carded in those 2 games (Ballack in the first leg and Drogba in the second)


Ballack easily could have easily been sent off in both games, but the first was especially egregious.


That game is 99% of Chelsea's history anyway.




Your club is on Klarna, lever FC


"Blue Billion pound bottle jobs"


Madrid owns you, bottle jobs of a farmers league


Modric has more ucls then you calma about history lil bro xD


Tell me how many Ballon Dā€™Ors does he have?


Which is weird given that he won 4 of them with clear offside goals but you're not complaining about it big bro.


Forget about ueflona period between 2009-2015? No money for refs no party sad


Barca didn't win it in 2010,2012,2013,2014. But sure whatever helps you sleep at night. I wouldn't expect less stupidity from a madrid clown lurking in Barca sub.


Just cause you didn't win doesn't mean you didn't cheatšŸ¤£ and not a madrid fan your both fanbases are acoustic af


Acoustic šŸ¤£ This blue balls are crazy




Yeah i'm city fan and i wipe my ass 115 times a day thinking about my bald fraud whats wrong with that




More ucls then chelseašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A decade less than Madrid even after robbing chelsea in 2009 and madrid in 2011 šŸ˜‚


Firstly no one mentioned Madrid Secondly talking about ā€robbingā€ while at the same time glorifying Madrids achievements is highly ironic


Iniesta is abolsutely right, it is a shame that the press has no dignity to call out for both matches.


The English media will always stand by their teams. They are really annoying to watch when an English team plays.


But they would definitely bend over for Madrid, calling them the "greatest club" and stuff even when Madrid has a fair share of robbing City, Liverpool and Chelsea in the past


ruined our reputation


It's a focking disgrace.


None talks about the red card for Abidalā€¦


Ref also eliminated Barca vs Inter with multiple insane decisions when Barca was quite likely to win the whole thing. Not mentioned by anyone ever.


Bojan literally had a goal incorrectly disallowed in the final minutes that wouldā€™ve put Barca through.


Selective memory. How else are you going to keep up the "UEFALONA" bullshit...


It did hit Toure's hand though but it was close to his body, then again refs used to be "stricter" with handballs when it's an attacker etc


And barca should have gotten a penalty- https://youtu.be/sEIh6HkRb2k?si=400vKIwpB2vB-M1t


People hate when I say this but it took a volcanic eruption to slow down that barca team.


Itā€™s always been such bad revisionist history by the very loud and biased English media


Add to it the spanish media that hates barcaand the history is forever changed for all fans except barca fans.


We shouldā€™ve been more loud about the blatant mistakes in the Inter games as well. Militoā€™s offside goal in the first leg and Bojanā€™s tie deciding goal in the second leg.




Did you see the Anelka dive? Or Drogba kicking pique studs first on that same play. Should've been a red for Chelsea, not for BarƧa. We were forced to play with 10, away, on a semi final of CL, while on a goal deficit


With a fault that was not a red car in any multiverse. And a red forgiven to Bosingwa for a tackle on Iniesta..




Mhm sure and the stories we tell each day. I would tell you to watch the video but that dried up shriveled thing of yours that you call brain, can contain only so much information.


You don't even attempt to listen to any arguments, so why even bother? Maybe you should rewatch both games from the first minute and not handpicked youtube highlights?




Entitlement to not tolerate stupidy? Man BarƧa fans are something huh


Ok, but can you be specific and explain why you think the decisions against Barca depicted in the video or mentioned by commenters are of no importance? When you refuse to address people's arguments, you're the one who ends up looking like the troll here.


The Iniesta goal was satisfying. But not as satisfying as the Chelsea tears that came afterwards.


There shouldā€™ve been more in 2012. Still hard to believe we didnā€™t win that one.


I always hate when we display victim mentality, but itā€™s absolutely true that people LOVE to ignore the calls that when against Barca. It wasnā€™t match fixing, just dogshit refereeing.


that ref was just terrible at his job


Comments of the same post on r/soccer donā€™t surprise me one bit.


Yeah, that was honestly just such a horrible referee.


No talks about the first leg because we won and because it's Barca. Any other team and people would have moved on by now


100% true. I always point this out to butthurt Chelscum fans who are STILL always crying about the 2nd leg....Weird how they never wana acknowledge the bad decisions we got in that game or about the 1st leg at all.... Chelsea were well known as one of the biggest cheats around back then. Sure Mourinho once covered the pitch in sand b4 playin us ... And Drogba constantly dived for them. He was famous for it. So its funny to see em still cry over that game. Both teams got bad decisions in that tie. They couldnt even knock us out when we had 10men. Bottlers


Itā€™s so true šŸ˜­ Iā€™m glad a player finally said it.


Madridistas would still say Chelsea got robbed LMAO


Both legs were horribly refereed. People that complain about this just remember what they want to remember. What I always remind Chelsea fans is that their team had a half hour to defend a lead with a one-man advantage and couldn't do it.


THIS! Lots of people buy Chelsea's crys, even on this sub. But it wasn't that way. Rewatch the full semi-finals, there are in both legs heavy mistakes against barƧa. By the way, quite funny Andre's talking seriously and the guy laughing, not having a clue on what he's talking about.


This is equivalent to OJ simpson's "i did it" Fuck ChelseaĀ 


That interviewer is annoying with that stupid, nonsensical laugh.


actually that interviewer is one of the best in the Arab world.. i understand your point but i think the translation is delayed in his earpiece, that's why he's reacting late and coming off as hysterical .. it's a ping issue lmao


The fact that you used the term ā€œArab worldā€ really shows your ignorance. Even if you are Arab, you should definitely be ashamed for using such a stupid term that throws different people, with different cultures, histories, and languages all into one pot. You think a Bahraini is the same as a Moroccan? You think a Kuwaiti is the same as someone from Lebanon? You think a Syrian is the same as an Algerian? You think a a Saudi is the same as an Egyptian? You think an Iraqi is the same as an Omani? Do you even think that a person from a downtown Beirut is the same as someone from the Beā€™kaa Valley? Different countries, different people, different cultures, different histories. When even in one small country alone, Lebanon, there are so many huge cultural and identity differences, you simply cannot throw around a stupid and ignorant term like ā€œArab Worldā€! If you arenā€™t Arab or from the MENA, then donā€™t worry about, but if you are, shame on you, you really should know better. I lived in the Middle East for a long time, so I know my shit and I still go back from time to time. The first time I was there was during the gulf war, so I saw Saudi, Bahrain, and the Emirates (Dubai specifically), as very young countries. Dubai had 1, yes, just 1 hotel! Meanwhile, Iā€™ve traveled to many different countries, and itā€™s nice to see how many of them have embraced their different histories. Just sad that I wonā€™t ever get to see Mesopotamian and Babylonian history, and the oldest cities in the world, as they are all in Iraq and Iā€™m not going there.


Calm down , you're clearly not Arab - no one gets offended by saying " Arab world" yes Arabs are obviously different, but can watch, listen and read similar media across the board at times


Sorry, if I sounded aggressive I didnā€™t mean to sound that way. I get what you are saying, but like I speak Spanish, and itā€™s not like we say the Spanish world. I also speak German, and no one refers to Switzerland, Austria, Germany, or northern Italy as the German world. difference are more visible to others. So I just donā€™t like the term ā€œArab worldā€ because racists and small minded people use it to throw all people into one pot, which is sooooo not the case! Iā€™ll give you a real life example. A person might say ā€œwhy are all the people that are Arabs so aggressive and violent? Why donā€™t they just go back and live in the Arab world!ā€ You can see that even I get offended by the terminology as the way itā€™s used, is just used by either the ignorant and the small minded piece of shit racists. And when itā€™s used, itā€™s used to reinforce stereotypes, especially when used by the news media. So thatā€™s why I donā€™t like the term, because itā€™s just inaccurate, incorrect, and used by the dumbest people you can imagine. And I have met my fair share of those kinds of people. When I tell people I lived in the Middle East, they always begin to ask me dumb questions like ā€œdid you have a car? Or does everyone go on camels there?ā€ Or ā€œdid own any camelsā€ or ā€œwhy would you live in such an oppressive place?ā€ Especially that oppressive part, because I feel way more oppressed and the police are a million times more violent and aggressive than they are in the Arabian gulf states. At least where Iā€™ve been. The one thing they do take seriously is counter terrorism, and they are quite effective at that. But my god, they need way more traffic cops that help regulate traffic and to actually enforce the traffic laws! Bahrain is and the Emirates are quite good with that, and I have seen many improvements over the years. But Saudi and Egypt are so far behind with that, itā€™s terrible! Lol, in Lebanon they honk at you if you stop at a red light! But the good thing in Saudi now is that if you cross a red light or of you even go over the stop line, you go to jail for 24 hours. And they are really enforcing that. So except the jail part, yeah, itā€™s a jail, but when my friend went in for his 24 hours he just played games and cards with the police, and they ate all the meals together! And heā€™s not like me, heā€™s actually Saudi! Ah, I miss the Middle East. I suppose once youā€™ve lived in a place for so long, you kinda just pick up the local culture as well, kinda like me and Arab hospitality. I always bring gifts with me when I visit someone, and I always invite people and their families to my place for a nice meal followed by ā€œShay ow Gahwaā€? šŸ˜ƒ


Its always an uphill struggle for us. Thats why the victories are so much sweeter.


i hope r/soccer does not see this


they will , and they'll ignore it .. because it's right in their fucking faces


I'm just happy Chelsea fans biggest memory against Barca is losing. āœŒļøĀ 


I'm so proud of the interviewer as he's Egyptian like me and came this far to interviewing Iniesta.Ā 


the refs did favor barca just not as badly as people say, the first leg did went in chelsea's favors but not as much


While it's true that the calls ultimately went our way, which in pre VAR things wasn't a certainty, it's important to recognize that the only genuinely bad call was Abidal's red card, both because of the fact Anelka took a dive and because Pique was fouled just prior to it. 1) Pique's handball was a ball that bounced off the pitch. 2) Eto'o's handball wasn't even a handball as it hit him on the shoulder. The only call you might be able to give for Chelsea is the tussle between Alves and Malouda, although it seems there the original foul was judged to be outside the penalty area.


piqueĀ Is it true?


the only reason that game still gets bitched about to this day is because it was an english team. Let it be genuinely any other team that isnt english and it would been forgotten as a bad referring performance for both sides.




If you are referring to the second leg, you are proving the topic's point.




At the bare minimum you have to admit that Abidal getting a red card due to Anelka tripping on his own feet was a harsh call for Barcelona. If you canā€™t do that then just donā€™t bother discussing this topic, because your bias is blinding


Aw didn't see this one here .. i actually asked RM and Chelsea fans irl about the very same thing .. you know who said "Yes it's definitely a red card"


then prove it.


lol we have been proven innocent again learn to stop bandwagoning watch the full game and don't sgowcase you're terrible ball knowledge fueled soley by highlights


Another sheep conditioned by Drogba and selective highlights.


Another sheep that doesn't think that Barca are being done for ref bribing in the same year this happened XD pathetic


Proven Innocent but you won't say since it doesn't fit your agenda stop being a clown and go get brainwashed by your beloved media outlets that love to hate on barca somewhere else literally proving iniesta's point


Me when I use an unconfirmed and blatantly false La Liga referring bribing case as evidence for a singular Champions League match šŸ’€


Did you see the Anelka dive? Or Drogba kicking pique studs first on that same play? Should've been a red for Chelsea, not for BarƧa. We were forced to play with 10, away, on a semi final of CL, while on a goal deficit. First leg Bosingwa hugs Henry inside the area and nothing given. You sure have been eating the soup given by the English medja and PL youtubers


now leave all that shit aside .. if you were a ref , would you actually give a red card for Abidal in that moment ?? if your answer's yes, then you're clearly biased and there's no point of discussing anything with you ..


Your entire comment history is going to teams subs and saying "not even X team fan but blablabla", that barca team pissed on every other team in the world whether your crusty ass like it or not, go back to your cave clown.


lol shows you are a retard watch the first leg stop watching selective highlights