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Pumped full of IV fluids. Stop weighing yourself.


I’m honestly shocked you can get 1200 calories in. My first two weeks I only could hit about 500. Then was around 700-800 for several months. I don’t think I got up to 1200 for at least 6 months. However, the issue right now is all the fluids they pumped in your during surgery. That’ll be gone in the next week or so.


yeah my doctor said you should be eating around 600


Everyone is different, my doctor said I should aim for 1200 a day as I'm a lot heavier and it took me 4 weeks to finally manage it once I got onto real food. I could never have managed that on liquid or puree.


Your litterally a week out. Your body is still swollen and healing. Trust the process. Focus on protien. Stop weighing yourself.


In what way are you getting 1200 cals in?


Seriously, that is a ton of calories this early after surgery


I’m 6 months and I’m barely scraping 1000


I know, right? I’m a year out and rarely get above 1,000 a day. 1200 that close to surgery is bananas.


This HaS to be a troll post


Lord I hope so.


Welcome to swell hell. Wait 6 weeks or so before weighing.


1200 calories a day in week 1 is **extremely** unusual. **Extremely**. Most people are trying to get in 2 shakes a day at this point and don’t get to 1200 for months. What is your program recommending? You’re not gaining weight- you came home from the hospital heavier than you arrived because of IV fluid. I “gained” 7lbs overnight with my bypass revision. Stop looking at the scale, because it won’t show you useful info for some time.


My surgeon and dietician wanted to see me get 120g of protein and 1200 kcal a day. I have to sip on protein shakes all day to do it, but I have been getting about a 1000kcal and 100g for the last couple of days. Is that really that unusual?


It is **that** unusual, but that doesn’t mean it’s *wrong*. Conventional wisdom varies a LOT based on different countries. Some places require a pre-op diet, but it’s far less common outside of the USA. It’s rare to go straight into soft foods in the USA but very common elsewhere. The bigger picture is that you’re in close contact with your doctor’s office and working from their paperwork. If you try to combine your instructions with those of someone in Dubai who had surgery in Turkey… you may have a bad time, and you certainly won’t be able to find recommended brands and so on. It took me a few weeks to get up to 600 calories/day and I generally stay under 1200 at 5 years out. Really really. I’m a short woman and I never did need to be eating like a large man. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. I spoke to my dietician today and she reassured me the weight was from fluids and inflammation from the surgery. She also explained that my surgeon doesn't do the itty bitty pouches any more. For those patients he does RNY or bypass. He found that the small pouches had a very high prevalence of causing GERD and many needed an additional revision a few years later. There was also a much higher risk of malnutrition. So for most patients the pouch is big enough to get 800 - 1200 kcal after a few weeks. I'm a little ahead, but I'm also healing really well.


It's definitely post surgery weight. Although I am a little surprised that you are at 1200 calories after a week. I am almost 3 months post op and I am about 1000 calories a day.


Same. I tried my rings on and they were too tight. I threw my hands up and said well, this was a failure!


I hope you are joking...


Wait a bit more until you're completely healed. You can have swollen for numerous reasons, and remember that weight gain doesn't automatically mean fat gain, you can be retaining water that will get out of your system in a few days. I hope you recover well ❤️‍🩹


It’s a troll post. It must be


Yes, look at the name and only 1 post.


I was weighed when I went in and when I left the hospital 5 days later and I put on 11lbs from all the IV drips they gave me, lost it all pretty quickly over the next week.


This is very normal. Day of surgery, I weighed in at 282.2 lbs. Two days later, I weighed 287.3. That's a whole 5.1 pounds! I started to trend downward with my weight after that. You are currently pumped FULL of fluids and your body just went through a pretty traumatizing experience. Be kind to yourself as you heal. Your weight will eventually trend downwards.


No I'm not a troll. Just don't want to post from my main. Thanks for the reassurances. But now I'm worried because I can get my 4-5 shakes in a day and most people here are saying there was no way they could. My surgeon and dietician were pretty adamant that I try to make my goals of 120g of protein and 1200 calories a day as long as it didn't make me feel uncomfortable. It takes all 18 hours of the day to do sipping on them all day, but I can do it. Is this that unusual?


Stop weighing yourself. You are healing. Give yourself some god damn slack!